
ETT21 #148: 1:1 iPads with Peter Smith

ETT21 #148: 1:1 iPads at St. Andrews School in Savannah Georgia
February 2, 2011

"Together we're going to find ways and share what we're learning"

Peter Smith, Middle School Head at St. Andrews School in Savannah, Georgia joined us to discuss his schools 1:1 iPad program. 

Chat Transcript

ETT21 #148: 1:1 iPads at St. Andrews School in Savannah Georgia
February 2, 2011

Peter Smith, Middle School Head at St. Andrews School in Savannah, Georgia joined us to discuss his schools 1:1 iPad program. 

Chat Transcript

ETT21 #142: Bill Stites: 800 Laptops and Evernote

ETT21 #142: Bill Stites: 800 Laptops and Evernote           
October 27 2010

Bill Stites, Director of Technology for The Montclair Kimberley Academy and Blogger in Chief at edSocialMedia.com  joined us to discuss MKA's first year laptop program and their use of Evernote.  

ETT21 #142: Bill Stites: 800 Laptops and Evernote           Bill Stites
October 27 2010

Bill Stites, Director of Technology for The Montclair Kimberley Academy and Blogger in Chief at edSocialMedia.com  joined us to discuss MKA's first year laptop program and their use of Evernote.  

<Chat Trans>

21st Century Learning #69: Stewart Crais on the Laptop Institute

21st Century Learning #69
Stewart Crais, Lausanne Collegiate School
on The Laptop Institute
April 2, 2008

Stewart Crais, Director of Technology at the Lausanne Collegiate School joined us to discuss the Laptop Institute.

21st Century Learning #45:Jeff Mao, Maine Coordinator of Educational Technology

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EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #46
Jeff Mao, Coordinator of Educational Technology, Maine
June 12, 2007

This week, we discussing Maine's 1:1 program with Jeff Mao.  This is a must listen with many wonderful insights into using technology appropriately in the classroom.

Our apologies for taking so long to post this audio.  The end of the year got to us!

To contact us, please submit a comment on this post or send us e-mail at 21 [at] edtechtalk.com.

Click here for the show notes

21st Century Learning #43: One Year Anniversary and Jeff Lebow from Worldbridges

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EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #43
One Year Anniversary and Jeff Lebow from Worldbridges
May 15, 2007

This week we celebrated our one year anniversary, woot! We have managed to get to our 43rd episode, only taking a few weeks off for vacation last summer. We reflect on what it has been like, and bring in our mentor Jeff Lebow, founder of Worldbridges to discuss 21st Century Learning and EdTechTalk.com

We also discussed the recent NY Times article about schools getting rid of their laptop programs. We gave some of our own critiques and discussed how schools could be more successful with 1:1 initiatives. 

Next week, we'll be discussing faculty professional development with Jeff Ritter, from St. John's School in Houston Texas. See you all then.

To contact us, please submit a comment on this post or send us e-mail at 21 [at] edtechtalk.com.


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