Ben and Ben

Ben N Ben Season 2 Show 1


Taxonomy upgrade extras:

Ben M is live from the sound booth of his high school while Ben M mans the chat room. They talk about their K12 Online Session and upcoming plans for some new shows. 


K12 Online Session: Student Strand


SEEDLINGS Teaser for the 2010-11 Season

Seedlings stumbled together Saturday morning for a teaser! We will see you Thursday evening, September 16, 2010,  7:30 pm EST, 19:30 GMT for our season premiere with Audora Svitak, Ben and Ben, Alice, Bob and Cheryl and our most important part of our show, all of you!

Seedlings stumbled together Saturday morning for a teaser! We will see you Thursday evening, 7:30 pm EST, 19:30 GMT for our season premiere  with Audora Svitak, Ben and Ben, Alice, Bob and Cheryl and our most important part of our show, all of you!

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