Dave Cormier

EdTechWeekly #144

Dave, John, Jeff, and Jen do their best with this week's edtech news and resources. Happy Birthday to Dave!

EdTechWeekly #144
November 22, 2009

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EdTechWeekly #142

Without Jeff ... again ... John, Dave, Alvin, and Jen do their best with this week's edtech news and resources. Everyone misses Jeff (boo hoo).

EdTechWeekly #142
November 8, 2009

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EdTechWeekly #141

Without Jeff, the boys and Jen do their best with this week's edtech news and resources.

EdTechWeekly #141
November 1, 2009

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EdTechWeekly #140

Dave and John dispense with the usual fast-paced roundup to answer listeners' questions.

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

EdTechWeekly #140
October 25, 2009

In the absense of Jeff and Jen, Dave and John break format this week to geek out on a number of different topics. Listeners could ask questions on just about any topic, and our fearless hosts took a stab at answering them. The conversation drifted through Drupal through Google Docs, the value of free software, Moodle, Google Wave, video problems, the role of textbooks, Sugar and OLPC, Android, and when to use Comic Sans.

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EdTechWeekly #139

Without John, the boys and Jen do their best with this week's edtech news and resources.

October 18, 2009

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