EdTechWeekly #139

Post-Show description: 

Without John, the boys and Jen do their best with this week's edtech news and resources.

October 18, 2009

This Week's Delicious Links

Chat Log Below

18:59:34 JL -> skype 'worldbridges' to join in
19:00:09 JenW -> I am very content with XP Pro -- very.   But then I also liked Win Me   :)
19:00:11 Gary -> Dave just said it.
19:00:26 Scott Shelhart -> I tried chrome.  It looks better on my motorcycle than on my PC.  Went back to FF
19:00:26 Gary -> What some of us were thinking.
19:00:36 ds -> can't join right away, wrangling bigtime again today--tech gods seem angry....
19:02:03 sharonp -> yup Sharon will attempt to stream tonight
19:02:10 Scott Shelhart -> Hi Durff
19:02:27 mrsdurff -> hi
19:02:29 JenW -> @Scott -- the only reason I open Chrome is to try WAVE -- it crashes with everything else.  But when I close Wave, I close Chrome
19:02:58 Scott Shelhart -> I should have my wave invite in a few days.  I'll give chrome another try.
19:04:11 PeggyG -> I was hoping to get some invites to share when I joined (thanks to Kim!) but didn't get any invites to share
19:04:39 Gary -> Sounds like fun
19:04:54 ColetteC -> @Peggy I know ... my non-GCT friends are begging for invites too
19:04:58 PeggyG -> hilarious!! what is the show number :-)
19:05:05 matt montagne -> hey y'all
19:05:13 PeggyG -> hi everyone
19:05:24 mrsdurff -> at least she got the day right
19:05:40 mrsdurff -> hi peggy
19:06:04 JenW -> wait is it LEbow or Lebow -- I heard a youtube that said le-bow and thought WOW, that guy really knows you, doesn't he   :)
19:06:06 PeggyG -> so happy to see the stream is working tonight--it was a bit of a challenge this morning on Conversations :-)
19:06:10 dave -> http://davecormier.com/edblog/2009/10/17/pei-site-tech-conference-overco...
19:06:12 mrsdurff -> hi kim
19:06:22 kcaise -> hi everyone!
19:06:38 sheila -> @PeggyG we were playing hide and seek!
19:06:48 jamie -> Hi all!
19:06:49 PeggyG -> :-)
19:06:52 mrsdurff -> hi jamie
19:07:02 ColetteC -> Just starting to play around with Alice.  Great resources at Alice.org
19:07:25 mrsdurff -> both matts are here?
19:07:34 mrsdurff -> hi steve
19:07:41 matt montagne2 -> hey durff
19:07:41 mrsdurff -> hi cathy
19:07:43 PeggyG -> I can't wait to listen to "overcoming obstacles" I'm sure it will be great!
19:07:50 matt montagne2 -> is ustream working for everyone??
19:07:52 Scott Shelhart -> http://www.learner.org/index.html  Found this cool link today
19:07:55 JenW -> wow, seems the old gang is all here tonight -- how fun is that
19:07:57 mrsdurff -> yes matt
19:07:59 PeggyG -> ustream is working for me
19:08:04 matt montagne2 -> hmm
19:08:09 Scott Shelhart -> Ustream good
19:08:13 mrsdurff -> hey JenW
19:08:20 matt montagne2 -> reboot...see u in a few
19:08:23 mrsdurff -> hi minhaaj and dawn
19:08:23 minhaaj -> Hey all
19:08:28 JenM -> Tee62: http://georgetown.edublogs.org/
19:08:31 minhaaj -> hey mrsdurff
19:08:31 JenW -> Hey Lisa
19:08:33 ds -> ok here too ustream, that is
19:08:35 minhaaj -> how are you ? :)
19:08:36 sheila -> Hi Minhaaj! You never sleep!
19:08:49 PeggyG -> love seeing principal blogs!!
19:08:54 minhaaj -> nocturnal yea. but man... i am loving edtechtalk. been a longtime
19:09:01 dawn -> hi mrsdurff
19:09:48 minhaaj -> Good to hear you again Jeff.
19:09:51 mrsdurff -> hey colette
19:09:55 sheila -> Costs money now?
19:09:58 JL -> http://www.safeshare.tv/
19:10:32 kcaise -> cool!
19:10:32 JL -> http://codepad.org/
19:10:33 mrsdurff -> hi sr and jackie
19:10:34 ColetteC -> hi durff - got kicked out when I tried opening a link ... umph!
19:10:54 sr -> hi everyone
19:11:12 dave -> https://peistudentartloft.pbworks.com/
19:11:13 sharonp -> Am missing John too....:-(
19:11:22 Gary -> They don't have Fortran!
19:11:31 matt montagne -> back
19:11:37 mrsdurff -> would the real matt montagne please stand up?
19:11:41 minhaaj -> wb matt
19:11:45 matt montagne -> :-)
19:11:49 minhaaj -> lol @ real
19:12:07 ds -> please stand up, please stand up :)
19:12:20 matt montagne -> we are trying to use google sites as student portfolios...just scratching the surface
19:12:36 minhaaj -> we have a new edtechtalk interface? sounds more sleek.
19:12:40 JenM -> Twitter Bud Murcha: http://murcha.wordpress.com/about/
19:12:53 dave -> @gary no fortran?
19:12:55 dave -> no!!!
19:13:09 minhaaj -> Murcha is a wonderful educator.
19:13:11 dawn -> I can't get pictures open on that art site...any one know why?
19:13:11 PeggyG -> Ane Mirtschin is an amazing educator!! Love her blog!
19:13:15 minhaaj -> i have worked quite alot with her.
19:13:36 PeggyG -> @dawn--maybe just slow loading on the art site-mine was but finally came up
19:13:43 mrsdurff -> hi gregory
19:13:48 gregorynoack -> Hello!
19:13:51 JenW -> no flu shot here
19:13:54 PeggyG -> I had my flu shot :-) I have the sticker to prove it
19:14:00 mrsdurff -> had mine
19:14:05 sharonp -> Next week for me
19:14:06 sr -> I had my flu shot
19:14:19 mrsdurff -> in one month get the other flu shot
19:14:19 dawn -> no peggy I've tried twice this week??
19:14:22 kcaise -> do you have to carry around the sticker peggy?
19:14:27 Gary -> Had first flu short - two rounds.
19:14:28 JL -> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/article-checkers-5-free-websites-to-catch-t...
19:14:42 PeggyG -> no I wore it until it dropped off :-)
19:14:52 mrsdurff -> it doesn't like you busting students
19:14:58 JL -> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/top-6-sites-to-find-and-print-free-sheet-mu...
19:15:17 dave -> http://koha.org/
19:15:57 dawn -> I KNew you'd bring up koha .... hee hee
19:16:21 gregorynoack -> Just ordered a pizza, I may miss part of this.  Ordered for pick-up
19:16:25 matt montagne -> Koha seems to be really developing
19:17:19 mrsdurff -> dave groupies
19:17:23 mrsdurff -> oi veh
19:17:31 mrsdurff -> hi paula
19:17:37 ds -> @mrsdurff aren't we al?
19:17:37 JenM -> Compaq: http://tech.yahoo.com/blogs/null/152839
19:17:41 dawn -> :D
19:17:55 kcaise -> stalking people on the island, eh dave?
19:18:04 mrsdurff -> that dave
19:18:50 mrsdurff -> but it's a compaq
19:18:52 JL -> http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/10/12/the-webs-inventor-regrets-one-s...
19:18:55 JenW -> what are discrete graphics??  it says has discrete graphics??
19:19:17 mrsdurff -> as opposed to indiscrete
19:19:38 jamie -> funny! // is biggest regret.  :)
19:20:03 sharonp -> I think it ranks as my biggest regret too
19:20:04 PeggyG -> @JenW-which site are you referring to? the art site? some of those artworks are protected and not displayed
19:20:18 JL -> http://ipodclassroom.wikispaces.com/
19:20:28 Cathy E -> My first computer lab at school had 15 Compaq desktops - that was many years ago
19:20:31 mrsdurff -> hi sharon
19:20:38 mrsdurff -> hi jonelle
19:20:43 dave -> http://www.lohud.com/article/2009910130328
19:20:52 kcaise -> i wish they had had ipods accessible when i was teaching in the classroom
19:21:04 JoNelle G -> Hi MRsDurff! came from Twitter- thanks
19:21:11 mrsdurff -> :)
19:21:28 sharonp -> oh dear... this page  is not working well on my laptop tonight
19:21:36 PeggyG -> I think that's a brilliant idea! lots of power in ipods!
19:22:01 ColetteC -> reading is reading folks!
19:22:07 JenW -> Reading or skimming???
19:22:10 PeggyG -> sounds like the same people that say that students shouldn't read comic books
19:22:23 ds -> those having difficulties with chat may want to "float" the chat -- 3rd button from right
19:22:40 mrsdurff -> hi roadstere
19:22:41 kcaise -> i love my itouch
19:22:47 sharonp -> Doug you are brilliant - the problems disappeared
19:22:53 kcaise -> me either
19:23:00 JenW -> are you sure you bought an ipod??
19:23:07 sheila -> I got an iTouch last week.
19:23:16 Gary -> Also iPod touch in Calgary schools:  http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2009/10/09/calgary-school-librari...
19:23:16 PeggyG -> no stylus for my ipod!
19:23:20 minhaaj -> congrats on joining the club Sheila
19:23:25 sr -> I adore my ipod touch
19:23:27 JenW -> my friend has another kind of mp3 that has a stylus
19:23:34 JenM -> Basler: http://tech.yahoo.com/blogs/null/152839
19:23:38 JenW -> I use my ipod touch DAILY
19:23:42 sharonp -> I passed on my iTouch to my son when I got my iPhone (which I love love love)
19:23:44 kcaise -> me too jen
19:23:50 matt montagne -> I'm looking forward to android when my att contract comes up in Feb
19:23:58 dave -> sorry... every time i see his name i think of the pixies.
19:24:11 JenW -> I did not expect my ipod touch to become what it has become -- but it has
19:24:13 dave -> dalebasler
19:24:31 PeggyG -> that's the compaq link
19:24:31 JenM -> http://www.dalebasler.com/about/biography/
19:24:33 dave -> dalebasler
19:24:42 JL -> http://www.picapp.com/
19:24:51 dave -> no pixies fans... oh well.
19:25:15 JL -> http://www.createdebate.com/
19:25:30 matt montagne -> I blipped a pixies tune a while back
19:25:55 JenW -> Can you go back to picapp for just a bit??  i have a ??
19:26:31 kcaise -> i have a special trial code for createdebate.com
19:26:45 dave -> http://www.praxismh.ca/newsletters.html
19:26:59 mrsdurff -> hi dorie
19:27:19 Gary -> Never thought I should before but followed Dave's lead
19:27:27 dave -> http://www.conflicthistory.com/#/period/1939-1946
19:27:30 doriedance -> Hi :)
19:28:05 JenW -> I saw this -- but I want it to go into Google Maps
19:28:09 JenW -> sorry-- GOODLE EARTH
19:28:16 JenW -> LOL -- google earth   :)
19:28:19 ds -> that *is* a dangerous precedent, Gary
19:28:22 PeggyG -> it sounds like it would be a great review tool for students
19:28:39 jackiegerstein -> A debate I set up for my college students - Love CreateDebate http://www.createdebate.com/debate/show/Pros_and_Cons_of_Web_Based_Instr...
19:28:55 Gary -> @ds - over the years have began to trust him :)
19:29:10 PeggyG -> that's a great debate Jackie!! Can't wait to read more of it!!
19:29:11 mrsdurff -> oh dear
19:29:14 JenM -> http://ced.ncsu.edu/ci/faculty_pages/young.php
19:29:29 minhaaj -> gotta jet.
19:29:33 minhaaj -> c u all later.
19:29:34 jackiegerstein -> Thanks Peggy
19:30:15 JenM -> Carl Young: http://ced.ncsu.edu/ci/faculty_pages/young.php
19:30:29 JenW -> I am on it -- but everytime I add someone -- the next day they are GONE.   :(
19:30:32 kcaise -> i dont see the link?
19:30:40 matt montagne -> thumbs up or down on google wave folks??
19:30:50 kcaise -> not sure, matt you are on it right?
19:30:53 ColetteC -> Every major battle fought in world history on Google Maps http://www.conflicthistory.com/
19:30:53 sharonp -> I am finding the conversations fascinating
19:30:58 matt montagne -> I am Kim
19:30:59 JenW -> I am not saying Yes or No yet -- still in the "huh" stage
19:31:01 PeggyG -> everyone on Google  WAVE should join the Worldbridges Wave
19:31:15 sharonp -> right now it is a bit like a listserv
19:31:22 ds -> jury still out on wave - -think it will come into its own on task-based projects
19:31:24 matt montagne -> I'm going to give it an early thumbs down
19:31:36 JenM -> http://www.algebrahelp.com/
19:31:40 JL -> http://googlewaveeducators.wikispaces.com/
19:31:48 JenW -> @matt -- well if I had to say RIGHT NOW -- I would agree -- but trying to remain optimisitic
19:32:00 jackiegerstein -> Yes - so you need to talk for another hour
19:32:01 PeggyG -> yes!!! come and join us on Women of Web!!
19:32:02 sharonp -> I am kinda diggin' the wave
19:32:07 sharonp -> yes!
19:32:11 sharonp -> a drinking game??
19:32:19 ColetteC -> @matt Wave will be helpful with folks I email all the time - like my tech department
19:32:20 JenW -> OH -- that is what they should do --- EdTechTalk and then post show and then seque into WOW2
19:32:22 matt montagne -> @jen...I'm sure it will grow and develop as well...but right now I find it kinda bizzare and not replacing of tools we already have
19:32:28 kcaise -> i have 2 invites left to google wave if anyone is interested! going to highest bidders
19:32:34 doriedance -> me
19:32:35 sr -> me me
19:32:40 PeggyG -> Jose wants one Kim!!
19:32:43 mrsdurff -> quick everyone go invisible
19:32:43 JenW -> @matt -- but it combines a lot of things we do use -- into 1 place
19:32:48 JenW -> Oh Oh
19:32:51 JL -> skype 'worldbridges' to join in
19:33:10 matt montagne -> @collette...I could see that...I just don't see non-techie folks get on board
19:33:11 sharonp -> @matt @JenW I am with Jen - brings much into one platform
19:33:11 doriedance -> finally got sound via ustream
19:33:17 JenW -> I have a question about one site you listed tonight -- but I am going to be a devils advocate -- is that okay??
19:33:20 JL -> or call 1-603-574-4923
19:33:32 JenW -> since you are giving a gift --   :)
19:33:53 mrsdurff -> lol
19:33:53 JenW -> I'm trying to call
19:34:18 matt montagne -> @sharon...it certainly has promise, that is for certain
19:34:47 Gary -> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/13/health/13klas.html?_r=4&hpw
19:35:18 kcaise -> peggy, how do you join the worldbridges wave?
19:35:22 JenW -> calling
19:35:42 matt montagne -> early research is showing that multi-tasking has a negative impact on learning
19:35:56 PeggyG -> maybe someone needs to invite you?? Sharon added me
19:36:12 kcaise -> okay
19:36:19 kcaise -> i am kcaise on wave
19:36:27 dawn -> Here is a site about other admin who believe in 2.0  http://tweepml.org/?t=1602
19:36:29 Cathy E -> Still waiting for my Wave invite
19:36:42 matt montagne -> did NYTIMES just go to a login model??
19:37:01 JenW -> @cathye -- if you want to log in as me and play -- just drop me a note and you can
19:37:14 kcaise -> i think so matt but i thought it was free
19:37:27 Cathy E -> @JenW - I have missed you
19:37:41 matt montagne -> @kim, it is free...but looks like they went to a login model
19:37:42 PeggyG -> NYTimes has always asked you to register but it's free
19:39:03 PeggyG -> http://www.picapp.com/
19:39:06 matt montagne -> I don't think we could assure the validity of all information pre-Internet
19:39:06 ds -> and never could-- back to the notion of "objective' knowledge == no such thing
19:39:25 ColetteC -> Check out the About section or FAQ to determine source or validity
19:39:44 matt montagne -> people were groveling for wave invites...it was a bit sad
19:40:03 Scott Shelhart -> The best filter is between your ears.  Surf with caution.
19:40:16 ds -> nothing has changed: that snake-oil salesmen are just on the net now, instead of rolling from tow-to-town in wagons
19:40:19 PeggyG -> I see that picapp also has a plugin for WordPress
19:40:52 ds -> in terms of scams and phishing et al.
19:40:56 kcaise -> absolutely @ds
19:41:44 matt montagne -> true ds
19:41:50 ColetteC -> Does PicApp place some type of tag or cookie on your site if you use their photos?
19:41:59 ds -> like CNN and the balloon boy -- who need validate any info anymore?
19:42:09 matt montagne -> same thing hapened with Jeff Goldblum death hoax during michael jackson thing
19:42:25 JoNelle G -> :) :) 
19:42:33 matt montagne -> traditional media has fallen for things before as well...we're only human
19:42:42 ColetteC -> (4) When you use picapp images you drive additional traffic to your blog, with our SEO Booster, a mechanism embedded in each of our images that guarantees images are indexed by search engines.
19:43:10 PeggyG -> thanks ColetteC! very helpful info
19:44:45 ColetteC -> and it also drives more traffic to them too
19:46:29 ds -> gotta run folks--great show! Hope to have tech wrangled in time to be back for WOW
19:47:06 ColetteC -> More info for PicApps http://photobusinessforum.blogspot.com/2009/08/silly-rabbit-picapps-got-...
19:48:08 matt montagne -> what a great name!
19:48:41 ColetteC -> Be careful -- a search engine isn't always really a SE - some are disguised as sites to embed ads or drive traffic to other sites
19:49:33 ColetteC -> It's OK to share links -- but this is also the forum to debate and discuss them
19:50:41 PeggyG -> excellent point JenW! we need to make decisions about appropriateness of sites even if they are good sites
19:51:55 ColetteC -> I use Twitter all the time to find out people's opinions about sites
19:52:30 mrsdurff -> speed reading
19:52:55 Gary -> http://www.nabt.org/blog/2009/10/13/screenshots-how-to-make-them-and-use...
19:53:52 dave -> gonna have to drop out folks... getting too cough-y
19:54:09 PeggyG -> take care dave!! get well!
19:54:36 dave -> cheerio folks
19:54:36 mrsdurff -> did someone say coffee?
19:54:56 PeggyG -> yes Sharon is streaming-starts at 8:30 EDT
19:54:56 kcaise -> starts in 30 minutes i thought
19:55:10 mrsdurff -> that lurker
19:55:18 mrsdurff -> i told you all to go invisible
19:55:33 matt montagne -> sharon, how about a teaser?? Who is on the WOW 3.0 Team??
19:55:56 PeggyG -> The teaser is to come and hear why it's WOW3 :-)
19:56:15 sharonp -> @matt I will be on the team.... :-)
19:56:15 PeggyG -> The WOW3 team is Sharon Peters, Cheri Toledo and Peggy George
19:56:25 matt montagne -> I'll be on standby and looking forward to it Peggy...
19:56:27 dawn -> none in pei
19:56:27 kcaise -> curt bonk
19:56:29 mrsdurff -> and not WOW 3D?
19:56:34 kcaise -> in his keynote for the clat classroom project students
19:56:46 PeggyG -> thanks Matt! it's going to be fun! we'll be doing some brainstorming tonight for topics and guests :-)
19:56:48 sharonp -> My husband is calling it Women of Web 2 +1
19:56:58 matt montagne -> Ahh, that is a great team! Sharon, glad you're participating again ;-)
19:57:09 PeggyG -> who's the +1 :-)
19:57:10 sharonp -> how - how can I come on??
19:57:46 PeggyG -> hooray Sharon!
19:57:55 mrsdurff -> every panic!
19:58:22 PeggyG -> not hearing the echo in the stream
19:58:36 matt montagne -> Ohio river
19:59:59 PeggyG -> WOW3 will be first and third Sundays at 8:30 EDT
20:00:00 Gary -> Thanks again - bye for now.
20:01:29 PeggyG -> yes back-to-back with ET Weekly and a half hour in between to allow for your post-show conversations :-)
20:02:38 matt montagne -> just checking the ETT calendar and the monday 8 am time slot is wide open ;-)
20:02:57 matt montagne -> so is the 9 am time slot
20:03:08 PeggyG -> the am slots are wide open all week!!
20:03:50 matt montagne -> @peggy so many possibilities for morning shows...
20:04:21 PeggyG -> yes except for 21st Century Learning (which is am for me but not for them) :-)
20:04:40 matt montagne -> what day is 21st c learning??
20:04:46 JenW -> thanks everyone -- gotta fly -- but will be back to listen to WOW3
20:04:50 dawn ->  PLN's are growing....good to know
20:05:00 PeggyG -> Tuesdays-11:00am PDT
20:05:09 matt montagne -> cool, thanks peggy
20:05:20 juhill117 -> When is WOW3?
20:05:29 PeggyG -> in 25 minutes
20:05:52 juhill117 -> Thanks Peggy....do I stay where I am?  I am a first-timer...
20:05:59 PeggyG -> everyone remember the K12online conference LAN party on Tues night 6:00-8:00pm EDT
20:06:26 PeggyG -> you can stay or log out and log back in-I think both will work
20:07:06 juhill117 -> 8:30 right, Peggy?
20:07:15 PeggyG -> yes
20:07:27 juhill117 -> okay....I will be back...thanks,
20:07:33 JenM -> I'll be listening in as I edit audio ... ttfn!