Steve Dembo

Women of Web Show # 24 April 24, 2007, with guest Steve Dembo

Join Cheryl and Sharon as we interview Steve Dembo!

Sharon's Questions:

  1. What does Discovery Educator Network offer teachers?
  2. How many members in that network?
  3. Can you describe the DEN relationship with United Streaming? Is there anything like it for free or lower cost for those in a public school setting without the resources for US?
  4. Recently (yesterday?) you blogged about your thoughts on Bud the Teacher's question about identity with big orgs for teacher networking for

Ed Tech Talk #61 - No interview with Steve Dembo

Ed Tech Talk round table

Download mp3 (26.0MB, 56:52)

We had a very interesting impromptu webcast. Bud Hunt, Eric Langhorst, Cathy Evans, Jen, Kathy Schrock, jeff lebow and a few other folks all showed up and shared some of their ideas about education, writing, DOPA, blackboard and a bunch of other interesting issues.

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