I Have a Question#2: Motivating educators to overcome barriers to change

I Have a Question
Overcoming Teachers' Initial Barriers to Change
April 13, 2014

Featured Question
From Carla Arena: " I'm always interested in how we motivate educators to overcome their initial barriers to change. I've had some clues from this past decade working with very inspiring educators, but we can always learn from others and their own strategies."


Stay Tuned to our I Have a Question#3 Event Page for details and discussions about our next show.

Upcoming Questions

 From Benjamin L. Stewart
How can instruction and assessment (not accreditation) "live as one" within an online course. 

 From Clarissa Bezerra
Best ways to approach/handle teenage smart-phone use/addiction <nervous-thumbs syndrome> :) in the classroom? 


If you have thoughts on these or questions of your own, please share them on...
  Twitter:  @eduquestion    #eduquestion
  Google+EdTechTalk Google+ Community
  Facebook:  EduQuestion Facebook Group


I Have a Question #1 - Motivating Participation and Feedback in Online Learning

I Have a Question April 6, 2014 (Motivating Participation and Feedback in Online Learning)
April 6, 2014


Taxonomy upgrade extras:

I Have a Question 
April 6, 2014

How Can We Motivate Participation and Feedback in Online Learning?


Links Mentioned

Chat Logs Below


21st Century Learning - April 2, 2014

Alex, Vinnie, and arvind discuss students learning how to learn, and share three examples from their schools about long-term projects, with students in charge of their own learning.

EdTechSomething#0 - The EdTechWeekly Gang Rides Again @Eduquestion

While the EdTechWeekly Show has been 'on hiatus' for quite a while, our  group Skype chat has remained active. Yesterday Dave posted...

I just had an idea for resurrecting edtechtalk...
twitter hashtag #Edneeds (or something better)
use ifttt to automagically get it to post to a wordpress account
carry other tags as category
encourage people (through sharing service on the wordpress) to volunteer answers
do  a weekly review show going over some of the cooler problems/solutions
would take an hour to build
15 minutes of prep before show
done and done

Jen & Jeff were on board right away and John had his curmudgeonly doubts, but we were all quite pleased to gather together again on a Sunday Night/Monday Morning and discussion possibilities. 



@eduquestion possibilities for show reboot

March 30, 2014

While the EdTechWeekly Show has been 'on hiatus' for quite a while, our skype group chat has remained active. Yesterday Dave posted...

I just had an idea for resurrecting edtechtalk...
twitter hashtag #Edneeds (or something better)
use ifttt to automagically get it to post to a wordpress account
carry other tags as category
encourage people (through sharing service on the wordpress) to volunteer answers
do  a weekly review show going over some of the cooler problems/solutions
would take an hour to build
15 minutes of prep before show
done and done
Jen & Jeff were on board right away and (of course) John had his curmudgeonly doubts, but we were all quite pleased to Hangout together again on a Sunday Night/Monday Morning and discuss possibilities. 

Links Mentioned

TTT#386 Celebrating Open Education Week 2014 w/ Karen Fasimpaur, Verena Roberts, Greg McVerry, Ian O'Bryne, Nate Otto 3.12.14

On this episode of TTT we celebrate Open Education Week 2014 http://www.openeducationweek.org/ with:

We talk about open learning and open educational resources in K-12 education. We discuss the benefits and challenges of open resources, such as the new K-12 OER Community of Practice, http://www.k12opened.com/community/ and how online spaces like this and others might be used to support educators in opening up their practice.

K-12 Open Educational Resources Community of Practice from Karen Fasimpaur on Vimeo.


Click Read more to see the chat that was happening during this live webcast,
and to find links to several of the resources shared during this episode of TTT.


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