ETT Spring 2008 Community Assembly

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EdTechTalk Spring 2008 Community Assembly
April 22, 2008

Chat Log Below

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19:03:15 JasonR -> Almost done with an ETT logo concept
19:03:24 JasonR -> Worldbridges is a little tougher to nail down
19:03:30 Karen James -> that was great fun, thanks everyone!
19:03:58 JohnS -> Seriously, Jason? You made my day.
19:04:30 JasonR -> Will be posting audio to if anyone wants to listen. Should be up later tonight (fingers crossed)
19:04:50 JasonR -> If DS or someone can get me the first five minutes, obliged.
19:05:12 AlexL -> anyway, this is my first time listening to this podcast, can anyone enlighten me more about it?
19:05:21 drew buddie -> Hey there
19:05:32 Durff -> hey drew
19:05:35 drew buddie -> Sorry I was busy for the latter part of the evening
19:05:36 JohnS -> Alex, they're 23 hours into a continuous discussion centered around Earth Day.
19:05:44 derrallg -> hi Drew
19:05:56 JohnS -> We have people here from all over the world.
19:06:13 Durff -> we do
19:07:21 drew buddie -> Such cameraderie - given the fact I have never met any of you before
19:07:26 AlexL -> Cool, so is this just an annual podcast?
19:07:32 drew buddie -> very very special
19:07:36 Durff -> hi jeff
19:07:48 drew buddie -> Is there any prospect that this could be more regular with a different theme?
19:07:55 Durff -> hi janice
19:08:01 Durff -> oops
19:08:07 PeggyG -> This is the first of it's kind--hope it will become an annual event :-)
19:08:30 JohnS -> @drew what other kind of theme?
19:08:38 doug -> anyone else like to join the voice call
19:08:41 doug -> Drew
19:08:57 doug -> just tried to find you skype,but am obviously trying wrong name
19:08:59 Durff -> any one in the chatroom dieing to talk?
19:09:10 AlexL -> awesome
19:09:22 AlexL -> I would like to talk, except that I'm still at work
19:09:30 drew buddie -> I don't know - ANY sort of theme - Olympics?
19:10:00 PeggyG -> I liked both the live events and the pre-recorded events! The students have provided an amazing voice in this conversation.
19:10:35 sheila -> My students actually monitored the chat room and let me know when there were questions for Robin.
19:10:44 JohnS -> This is a very compelling format for something that's truly global, like Earth Day. It was the perfect topic for this kind of thing.
19:10:53 doug -> sheila, ready to skype?
19:10:58 dc -> kind of exposes the weaknesses in the digital native metaphone eh?
19:11:00 dc -> metaphore
19:11:02 sheila -> ok
19:11:23 sheila -> i can wait
19:11:31 sheila -> don't get too many
19:11:39 doug -> oh yes
19:11:42 Durff -> he has pro
19:11:45 JohnS -> @dc the digital native is a moving target -- sometimes they have a great deal of familiarity with some techs, but not everything, and it's always changing.
19:11:47 Durff -> he is rich
19:11:51 pam shoemaker -> I can leave
19:12:42 pam shoemaker -> I'm out - bring sheila in
19:13:58 AlexL -> I can't really read much (at work), so I'm leaving the chat. Great podcast again!
19:14:06 doug -> sheila can't seem to add you
19:14:16 doug -> no Pam
19:14:28 doug -> like to see how many we can get before it "tips over"
19:14:43 sheila -> living dangerously
19:14:48 pam shoemaker -> oh - call me back then
19:15:36 cristina -> joao is a teacher from Portugal
19:15:47 Durff -> excellent
19:15:52 PeggyG -> The facilitation of the entire event has been terrific. Filling in gaps, troubleshooting, transitions between sessions--I'm in awe!
19:15:53 doug -> Sheila you need to add me as a contact before I can add you
19:15:56 matt montagne -> hello walnut creek!
19:15:57 doug -> or call me
19:15:59 doug -> dougsymington
19:16:05 sheila -> @doug - ok
19:16:07 JasonR -> I am connected from Florida
19:18:46 PeggyG -> I was so impressed with the various teachers who brought in their students and to listen in on the relationships they had. Such a positive experience for all of us.
19:19:09 pam shoemaker -> Durff - agreeed!
19:19:19 doug -> who would like to be contestant #10 in "Can we Crash Skype?" the new WB reality show
19:20:17 PeggyG -> I love that quote--ordinary people doing extraordinary things!
19:20:42 Durff -> funny pam
19:21:03 Durff -> hey kidd!
19:21:08 tkidd132 -> Hey
19:21:17 sheila -> although we did talk about chatroom etiquette afterwards . . .
19:22:05 PeggyG -> I think the chatroom was a new experience for some of the students and they weren't used to having adults in the chat conversation.
19:22:58 Durff -> i need to equip my students with the skills to interact well in chatrooms
19:23:29 tkidd132 -> Durff, are any of your students here?
19:23:36 sheila -> I've already been thinkin g about that.
19:23:46 derrallg -> @durff i need to do the same as well
19:23:52 Durff -> i don't know kidd
19:24:00 tkidd132 -> oh...ok
19:24:15 Durff -> may be listeninng - they are shy
19:24:24 derrallg -> hi Alice
19:24:25 cmtvarok -> are any of you using chat rooms with your students during school hours?
19:24:40 alicemercer -> nope
19:25:04 jeffmason -> was listening to jemma at lunch at school. Awsome interview
19:25:09 cmtvarok -> thanks, i was wondering how security/safety would work.
19:25:29 tkidd132 -> Im writting a blog on Posotive Stereotypes
19:25:37 alicemercer -> Chat is hard, cause stuff gets through.
19:25:52 Durff -> yes cmtvarol
19:25:59 Durff -> i use chatrooms
19:26:04 sheila -> @cmtvarok - I made them use 4 letter codes so I knew who they were.
19:26:05 doug -> @cmtvarok--bouncing and banning is an option for admin here
19:26:25 doug -> in terms of security, and chat itself
19:26:34 doug -> IP addresses are also logged
19:26:39 tkidd132 -> is this a teacher talking or student?
19:26:57 Durff -> who?
19:27:01 cmtvarok -> thanks. my district is so scared of liability and safety, that they've banned everything.
19:27:04 tkidd132 -> the person talking now
19:27:07 Durff -> lost as usual
19:27:16 doug -> all teachers at this point @tkidd132
19:27:16 pam shoemaker -> teacher
19:27:27 tkidd132 -> oh..ok
19:27:31 tkidd132 -> Thank you
19:27:46 doug -> pleasure
19:27:53 tkidd132 -> Here alot of actsents
19:28:02 tkidd132 -> *hear
19:28:05 matt montagne -> Hi Kelly
19:28:17 Durff -> you are the resident student kidd
19:28:25 doug -> yes, we've had lots of different languages, it has been great
19:28:40 tkidd132 -> oh....
19:32:23 Durff -> hi jeannine
19:32:33 Durff -> sound to your right
19:33:23 Durff -> hi valaina
19:33:23 sheila -> @shoemap - my students did like listening to him.
19:33:33 Valaina -> hi
19:33:43 Valaina -> I am having trouble with sound
19:33:49 doug -> @elderbob can't find you in skype
19:33:55 Durff -> val sound to your right
19:34:00 doug -> would like to add you to call
19:34:05 Durff -> click on the blue icon
19:34:14 Durff -> puter will open real player
19:34:22 Durff -> and play the stream
19:34:29 alicemercer -> I'll have to check that one out. A comprehensible engineer that's new
19:34:30 Durff -> hi suz
19:34:44 suz -> Hi Durff!
19:34:55 sheila -> :D and she helped me with the mac . . . thanks!
19:35:48 Durff -> all have sound?
19:35:59 Valaina -> got it thanks
19:36:58 alicemercer -> Did we have any French from the Quebec contingent?
19:37:02 tkidd132 -> Im leaving the chat but i am listening though
19:37:27 alicemercer -> Durff can stream!
19:37:48 alicemercer -> OH I HATE THAT!
19:37:48 sheila -> @cristina - thanks for the mac help sessions!
19:38:37 alicemercer -> You guys try me?
19:38:58 matt montagne -> alice
19:39:02 matt montagne -> yes, we'll get you
19:39:07 matt montagne -> definitely
19:39:11 alicemercer -> No I meant last night
19:39:18 alicemercer -> You don't need to call me now
19:40:03 sheila -> @alice - my mother is doing a walkable project and listened to you and your husband. Her first webcast!
19:40:14 alicemercer -> I'm so happy!
19:40:27 sheila -> I may contact you all later . . .
19:40:49 jeannine -> I'd like to hear Durff's quote again - "If you're not breaking it you're not trying hard enough" was that it???
19:41:03 alicemercer -> PLEASE! Where are you sheila?
19:41:14 alicemercer -> Jose is awesome!
19:41:21 sheila -> I'm in NH and my mom is in REading, MA.
19:41:37 alicemercer -> I'd love it, and so would he.
19:41:38 cristina -> he is.Jose is just great
19:42:00 alicemercer -> You have my skype, twitter, etc.? I'm Miz Mercer on Skype and alicemercer on Twitter
19:42:08 alicemercer -> I heard from him
19:42:10 sheila -> yes!
19:42:12 alicemercer -> He has a staff meeting
19:42:22 alicemercer -> And didn't think he could make it
19:42:30 alicemercer -> THAT man is nutz
19:42:40 sheila -> oh really?
19:43:08 Durff -> i agree alice
19:43:28 derrallg -> even with coffee i don't think i could stay awake
19:43:55 Durff -> hi james
19:44:10 alicemercer -> I'm muted until you talk to me
19:44:11 James.Sigler -> Hi everybody!
19:44:18 alicemercer -> Wasn't expecting a phone call
19:44:29 Durff -> good girl
19:44:31 doug -> sorry bout that
19:44:33 Durff -> hi paul
19:44:41 doug -> shoulda given you a warning
19:44:48 paulallison -> hi
19:44:49 doug -> but you're a pro
19:44:50 alicemercer -> YOu are like that Doug!
19:44:52 Durff -> doug does that
19:44:53 doug -> hi Paul
19:45:03 alicemercer -> I have that fast mute action going
19:45:05 James.Sigler -> I've been listening in at times during the day, but I couldn't log in the chat from school
19:45:09 doug -> oh yes
19:45:42 alicemercer -> Will the circle be unbroken?
19:45:53 James.Sigler -> I even let my students live for a few minutes
19:46:32 alicemercer -> NOT
19:46:35 alicemercer -> Solo
19:46:41 alicemercer -> I'll join in
19:46:48 pam shoemaker -> @james.sigler - probably need a java update
19:46:50 Durff -> aw c'mon
19:46:51 alicemercer -> Is it Alice Barr who does banjo etc?
19:46:58 derrallg -> we need a bouncing ball to follow
19:47:01 alicemercer -> I save my singing for sound test
19:47:04 Durff -> no lee does
19:47:17 alicemercer -> Will the circle be unbroken, by and by lord, by and by
19:47:34 derrallg -> @alice Lee Baber
19:47:36 alicemercer -> BETTER!
19:47:46 alicemercer -> I knew I wasn't remembering it right
19:48:35 derrallg -> we need one of those camp songs about stars and friends
19:48:39 alicemercer -> I'm trying to cell call jose
19:48:45 doug -> cool
19:48:49 doug -> if you get hom
19:48:51 doug -> him
19:48:52 alicemercer -> JOSE IS LOGGING IN!
19:49:04 alicemercer -> CALL HIM!
19:49:13 doug -> on it
19:49:27 Lorna -> Sounds like Matt has lost his voice
19:49:30 James.Sigler -> @ Pam Why would I need a Java update if I can log in the chat from home?
19:49:39 alicemercer -> Do we need to wrap up? I can leave.
19:49:41 matt montagne -> I have lost my voice!
19:49:48 Durff -> hey carla
19:49:55 carlaarena -> hey, Durff!
19:50:16 pam shoemaker -> @james - yes, java update wouldn't help
19:50:25 James.Sigler -> Does that mean it was successful if you lose your voice?
19:50:47 alicemercer -> Should I leave to improve skype?
19:50:55 matt montagne -> no alice
19:50:58 carlaarena -> it is OK, Alice
19:50:58 matt montagne -> join in!
19:51:02 James.Sigler -> awwww, shucks
19:51:05 carlaarena -> I can listen to you fine
19:51:08 matt montagne -> Please do join in alcice!
19:51:09 doug -> Hey Carla
19:51:15 carlaarena -> hey, Doug!
19:51:34 James.Sigler -> Go Jose! Go Jose! Go!
19:51:58 carlaarena -> hey, Jose
19:52:21 Durff -> hi arowley
19:52:32 carlaarena -> poor jose!
19:53:05 arowley -> hi
19:53:12 matt montagne -> alice
19:53:17 Durff -> sound to your right
19:53:18 matt montagne -> doug will skye you
19:53:18 alicemercer -> Howdy
19:53:21 carlaarena -> hang in there, Guys!
19:53:26 alicemercer -> There is no time Matt
19:53:37 matt montagne -> Yes, we want you in
19:53:48 arowley -> should there be sound with this?
19:53:59 carlaarena -> yes.
19:54:04 Durff -> hello earthday
19:54:14 Durff -> sound to your right
19:54:20 carlaarena -> I'm listening to it in channel one, on your right
19:54:23 Durff -> click on black icon
19:54:44 arowley -> got it! Thanks.
19:55:33 arowley -> Its my b-day so I should celebrate it with the Mother Earth.
19:55:33 carlaarena -> I just loved Rye Jr. school students!
19:55:36 carlaarena -> they took over
19:55:38 matt montagne ->
19:55:48 matt montagne -> nice blog post summary by Graham Atwell
19:55:49 Durff -> arowley happy birthday
19:55:59 carlaarena -> I read the post
19:56:02 carlaarena -> nice summary
19:56:12 arowley -> thanks
19:56:23 Durff -> hi cindy
19:56:32 cindy p -> hi Durff!
19:56:32 carlaarena -> it's ok Alice
19:56:35 Durff -> $5
19:56:39 James.Sigler -> Family home, time for supper
19:56:42 Durff -> to arowley
19:56:44 James.Sigler -> ttyl
19:56:46 Durff -> hi cindy
19:56:51 sheila -> @carlaarena - you were fast with the audio!
19:57:08 carlaarena -> oh, Sheila. I wanted to share with my students
19:57:14 Durff -> bye james
19:57:15 carlaarena -> I broke it in parts...
19:57:22 carlaarena -> should upload it all
19:57:32 Durff -> hi again arowley
19:57:38 carlaarena -> I made it by topics for easy understanding.
19:57:42 alicemercer -> Can I add something? I don't know if these new connections will change the world, etc. BUT I think it's nice because it changes us, and ETT. It makes it new and different
19:57:55 sheila -> @carlaarena - Robin was pleased to hear it later.
19:58:12 arowley -> Are they archiving the info? We're on break but I would like to share it with my students
19:58:26 carlaarena -> I was going to contact Robin to tell her about it.
19:58:26 carlaarena -> Oh, you're sheila Adams, right?
19:58:56 Durff -> yes arowley
19:59:03 carlaarena -> yes, arowley
19:59:06 Durff -> all ardhived
19:59:13 Durff -> hi mom
19:59:26 Durff -> hi deb
19:59:45 Durff -> hi mom
19:59:46 sheila -> yes Sheila Adams
20:00:02 carlaarena -> sheila, I just loved your part of the webcast
20:00:12 rmom352 -> Hello, sorry I arrived so late
20:00:22 carlaarena -> I could see how your students were involved
20:00:28 matt montagne -> cristina was great...I agree Jose
20:00:32 sheila -> Robin doesa a great job sharing her experiences. Did you see her photos?
20:00:34 Durff -> almost over but not yet
20:00:34 carlaarena -> they had that empowering feeling
20:00:42 carlaarena -> yes. I loved them!
20:00:54 Durff -> hi harold
20:00:54 harold -> hi fm Maine
20:00:58 carlaarena -> Tell Robin that I just loved her participation
20:01:07 sheila -> I will!
20:01:15 Durff -> hi wren
20:01:17 wrem -> hi there
20:01:25 derrallg -> I could have had all my Mandarin students translating
20:01:34 JasonR -> Hey, had the UK for the Ocean Hour
20:01:35 Durff -> yes!
20:01:37 sheila -> I have some chimes . . . should we end with that after the promo?
20:01:42 wrem -> I love earth day!
20:01:47 Durff -> i concur
20:01:55 JasonR -> Would like to get some students in my session if I do this again though
20:01:59 JasonR -> Will work on that
20:01:59 wrem -> :D :D
20:02:25 paulallison -> Are we in the Community Meeting yet?
20:02:32 JL -> about to begin
20:02:46 paulallison -> ok
20:02:52 Durff -> about to end jeff
20:02:59 Durff -> hi mom
20:03:24 wrem -> have any of u done a podcast today?
20:03:47 wrem -> ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
20:04:00 carlaarena -> it was great!
20:04:13 Lorna -> Hurrah
20:04:21 pam shoemaker -> Hooray!
20:04:28 wrem -> hi harold
20:04:42 jeannine -> Thank you all for bringing many voices to say hello to Mother Earth.
20:06:58 doug -> thanks everybody--that was amazing--hope to see you all again soon
20:07:02 JohnS -> Please scroll down and double click on the Edtechtalk room.
20:07:13 harold -> hi wrem
20:07:36 JasonR -> Am I here?
20:07:43 wrem -> have u done any podcasts today 4 earth day?
20:07:46 Durff -> no this is a dream
20:07:46 harold -> just trying to get thr grdr 204, fm vaca this wk :( too many 1/2 done
20:07:51 JL ->
20:07:52 JohnS ->
20:07:55 JohnS -> Agenda
20:08:03 Durff -> quick break here
20:08:04 JohnS -> You're here JasonR
20:09:32 JM -> Hi, all!
20:09:55 wrem -> where r u from JM
20:10:41 dgoodman -> Hello all
20:10:48 JL -> Hi Deb
20:10:50 matt montagne -> hey ya'll
20:11:09 JL -> Agenda (or framing of issues) at:
20:11:32 doug -> are we started?
20:11:50 JL -> you all getting audio ok?
20:11:57 Lorna -> yes
20:11:58 matt montagne -> audio=good
20:12:17 dgoodman -> audio is good here
20:12:26 JM -> listening on A ... sounds great ... eating and listening ... both yummy
20:12:44 doug -> good on stream
20:13:11 wrem -> hey doug
20:13:17 wrem -> where r u from?
20:13:52 JM -> @jl ... la di da ... layin' down the french and all
20:14:03 wrem -> how old r u guys?
20:14:11 cindy p -> @cheryl- I'm jealous :)
20:14:17 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> Hey Durff, Doug, Jeff, Dave!
20:14:27 doug -> hey Cheryl
20:14:27 Durff -> hi cheryl
20:14:39 wrem -> hey cheryl
20:14:43 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> Cindy p, spring break is great, still skiing! 60 degrees.
20:14:49 JM -> hey ... all!
20:14:49 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> Congrats Paul!!!!
20:14:58 wrem -> hey .....................................
20:15:00 wrem -> all
20:15:01 JM -> congrats to TTT!!! 100 baby!!!
20:15:04 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> Hi wrem! nice to see you here.
20:15:15 wrem -> u too
20:15:27 JasonR -> Jeff sounds a little clippy
20:15:29 Durff -> hi jose
20:15:31 dgoodman -> hey there durff
20:15:36 cindy p -> Wish we had seen enough snow to stay on the ground for a day
20:15:39 Durff -> hey deb
20:15:43 JoseRodriguez -> Hi People
20:15:48 dgoodman -> Hi Jose
20:15:54 Durff -> more live?
20:15:54 wrem -> @cheryloakes how old r u?
20:15:54 JohnS -> Jeff does?
20:16:13 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> Hi Jose, Lorna, dgoodman, Gary, harold, JM, matt, Pam,
20:16:20 wrem -> *)
20:16:32 Gary -> @ cindy p: We have enough snow to stay on the ground for a week.
20:16:35 Lorna -> Hi Cheryl
20:16:36 dgoodman -> hello Cheryl-wish I were on vacation and skiing
20:16:39 harold -> hi
20:16:40 dc ->
20:16:49 JM -> hi, @cheryloakes on vacation but here
20:16:50 JoseRodriguez -> Hey DS did you get any sleep?
20:16:52 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> I will ski one for you dgoodman
20:16:52 matt montagne -> hey Cheryl
20:17:00 dgoodman -> thanks
20:17:01 dc ->
20:17:07 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> HI JM.
20:17:10 wrem -> hi shelia
20:17:13 harold -> been almost 80 here in Maine :)
20:17:23 wrem -> :D
20:17:25 sheila -> HI wrem
20:17:31 dc ->
20:17:39 wrem -> do u know who this is?
20:17:41 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> Harold, that is what skiing was like on Sugarloaf 70 degrees and sunny.
20:17:50 JasonR -> I don't see a link
20:17:50 Gary -> access denied?
20:18:02 JohnS ->
20:18:17 JasonR -> Ah, wrong room
20:18:18 Gary -> ok thanks
20:18:23 JasonR -> link again
20:18:27 dc ->
20:18:28 harold -> I just drove past Mt. Wash. this a.m. coming back frm NH, shopping in Conway, some good deals!
20:18:36 Durff -> hi chris
20:18:39 Gary -> No - I understandd
20:18:39 JL ->
20:18:40 earthdaylover -> hi
20:18:40 JohnS -> Everyone go over to the EdTechtalk Chat room, please
20:18:43 harold -> access denied
20:18:44 doug -> works
20:18:45 chris/student -> hey
20:18:51 wrem -> hey
20:18:55 earthdaylover -> i am from lawson middle school
20:19:06 JL ->
20:19:06 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> hello earthdaylover
20:19:19 dc ->
20:19:23 earthdaylover -> hi mr.garrison
20:19:29 harold -> just tried to link up - access denied to the you are not authorized
20:19:34 chris/student -> I'm from NHES
20:19:44 derrallg -> hi earthdaylover
20:19:46 JL -> need to be logged in to the site
20:20:04 earthdaylover -> i AM SANCHIT YOUR ~*STUDENT*~
20:20:14 wrem -> i love earth day
20:20:28 earthdaylover -> same here it was fun today
20:20:35 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> i blogged earth day today at :-)
20:20:46 derrallg -> @earthdaylover you are welcome to listen but the earthday webcast is over
20:20:48 Durff -> btw earthcast is over
20:20:53 Durff -> it is done
20:21:06 earthdaylover -> oooooooooooooooooooooooo
20:21:13 earthdaylover -> i have nothing to do
20:21:18 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> Durff, everyday is earthday
20:21:22 earthdaylover -> GETING BORED
20:21:45 earthdaylover -> :) :(
20:21:59 dgoodman -> @cheryl I agree, everyday is earthday
20:22:07 JoseRodriguez -> @dave done with node :-)
20:22:17 JohnS -> How cool is this? We need earthWEEK next year.
20:22:21 earthdaylover -> I WAS WATCHING NICK
20:22:55 chris/student -> it's over
20:23:00 chris/student -> ?
20:23:03 JL ->
20:23:08 earthdaylover -> I FOUND OUT THEY HAVE EARTH DAY SPECIAL
20:23:19 earthdaylover -> ITS LIKE SAVE EARTH
20:23:31 JoseRodriguez -> EarthCast 08 is over.. interested in planning 09?
20:23:31 dgoodman -> I did geocaching with 8th graders today in the rain and we integrated earthday and how geocachers are all about taking care of the earth-sstudents cleaned up the campus while hunting for their hidden caches
20:23:39 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> JohnS earth week, good idea
20:23:50 chris/student -> maybe
20:24:34 wrem -> have a great rest of the earth day
20:24:36 wrem -> !
20:24:38 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> dgoodman, do you have a website about geocache? we are starting up with 7th graders in May
20:24:44 wrem -> bye everyone
20:24:45 doug -> thanks Durff
20:24:50 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> wrem, where are you off to?
20:24:53 earthdaylover(SANCHIT FROM LAWSON) -> hi
20:25:04 wrem -> I'm watchin american idol
20:25:12 wrem -> i gotta go
20:25:13 earthdaylover(SANCHIT FROM LAWSON) -> LUCKY YOU
20:25:17 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> have fun, it is nearly down to the wire
20:25:24 Durff -> this is an adult meeting
20:25:24 wrem -> i know
20:25:30 wrem -> have a great earth day
20:25:32 Durff -> for the community
20:25:37 wrem -> o
20:25:39 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> speak for yourself durff
20:25:42 Durff -> earthday is finished
20:25:45 derrallg -> @sanchit this is for a focused discussion
20:25:49 chris/student -> yep
20:25:57 dgoodman -> @cherl I don't have one I've created but use to introduce geocaching and what it is all about
20:25:58 earthdaylover(SANCHIT FROM LAWSON) -> ok saaya
20:26:08 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> thanks dgoodman
20:26:10 wrem -> sorry 2 interupt your meeting
20:26:22 wrem -> Durff
20:26:22 JoseRodriguez -> np
20:26:27 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> wrem come back another time
20:26:33 doug -> are we getting Canadian charitable status on Edbridges
20:26:38 doug -> too
20:26:43 wrem -> sorry
20:27:00 wrem -> i didn't mean too
20:27:02 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> no need to apoligize on my account
20:27:11 wrem -> thanx
20:27:11 JoseRodriguez -> same here
20:27:23 dc ->
20:27:31 wrem -> bye shelia
20:27:36 wrem -> bye everyone
20:27:42 chris/student -> can i plan the earth cast of 09?
20:27:43 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> bye wrem
20:27:44 doug -> propose that we do go for that, Canadian charitable status, that is
20:27:55 wrem -> lol
20:28:28 derrallg -> @chris/student there will be discussions i'm sure later
20:28:55 chris/student -> ok e-mail me when @ [email protected]
20:28:59 chris/student -> ok?
20:29:08 JoseRodriguez -> Gotta run folks.... Let me know how I can step in and help...
20:29:25 JoseRodriguez -> I'll keep an eye out..
20:29:28 doug -> cya Jose, thanks again
20:29:36 JohnS -> Thanks, Jose. Get some sleep
20:29:38 JasonR -> You need an office in Florida :P
20:29:57 JL -> can we have an underwater office Jason?
20:30:00 Durff -> good pt doug
20:30:06 JasonR -> Yes (in Second Life)
20:30:24 doug -> I'll get us $ with Cdn status
20:30:29 dgoodman -> @cheryl another site I used was
20:30:32 doug -> no nickel and dime
20:31:07 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> great, will keep these on the moodle site.
20:31:08 dgoodman -> @cheryl we also mapped our loctions on google earth afterwards - the students thought that was the neatest thing
20:31:24 dc -> fillme!
20:32:30 dgoodman -> I'd love to advertise Edtechtalk - it has been the best prof dev for me personally
20:32:51 JM -> I LOVE the earthcast logo ... Jason ... whip up a similar one for ETT, please!!
20:33:01 JasonR -> You want cartoony or formal?
20:33:23 JM -> designer's choice :)
20:33:25 JasonR -> Earthcast was a little cartoony. I'd prefer more formal.
20:33:36 matt montagne -> @dgoodman...I is valuable professional dev
20:33:37 chris/student -> Got to go e-mail me so i can find out about earth cast of 09 ok
20:33:41 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> I like the earthcast logo too.
20:33:45 chris/student -> @
20:33:57 Durff -> and he said it, not me
20:34:00 chris/student -> [email protected]
20:34:03 JasonR -> You have talent DC. You are coarse and salty.
20:34:09 Lorna -> management question
20:34:09 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> thanks dgoodman for the idea!
20:34:22 dc -> @Lorna fire away
20:34:32 dgoodman -> @cheryl you're welcome
20:34:39 Lorna -> no I mean cartoon or formal
20:34:42 JasonR -> But the world+headset seems apt for a worldbridges adaptation
20:34:51 dc -> FILLME FILLME
20:35:03 JasonR -> I filled you
20:35:11 Durff -> hi kathy
20:35:16 sendkathy -> hi!
20:35:19 Durff -> hi matt
20:35:22 dc -> two new people
20:35:23 sendkathy -> Hi welcoming person
20:35:24 dc ->
20:35:29 dgoodman -> @cheryl I have some geocache websites that I'll add to Diigo ...I'll create a group for them
20:35:37 Durff -> you are funny kathy
20:35:41 chris/student -> welcome!!!:)
20:35:44 JM -> I'd like to see home grown cartoony, too, I think ...
20:35:45 sendkathy -> no you are
20:36:00 Durff -> hey jen!
20:36:05 dgoodman -> hi jen
20:36:06 Matt_Cronin -> Hello
20:36:07 JenWagner -> Hey Lisa
20:36:11 JenWagner -> hello ROOM!!!
20:36:13 sendkathy -> the soon to be birthday girl has just enteredt the room
20:36:19 doug -> hey JDub
20:36:22 derrallg -> hi Jen
20:36:23 JL ->
20:36:23 sendkathy -> her initials are...JW
20:36:25 Durff -> when kathy?
20:36:28 JenWagner -> @Kathy -- we need to CHAT :)
20:36:30 sendkathy -> Thursday
20:36:43 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> Hi Jen, almost the bday woman, hi sendkathy!
20:36:45 Durff -> happy birthday to her
20:36:46 sendkathy -> @Jen, okkie dockie
20:36:47 JenWagner -> Alas, yes.......I am getting closer to 50 than 45 :)
20:36:54 Durff -> happy birthday to her
20:36:55 JenWagner -> Hi Cheryl
20:36:57 Lorna -> drupal is not fun to use
20:37:06 JenWagner -> I liked drupal
20:37:08 chris/student -> what adout diingo?
20:37:08 dgoodman -> Im with you Jen
20:37:16 Durff -> happy birthday dear Jen happy birthday to you
20:37:19 dc -> LOOK... FILL ME FILL ME... LOOK
20:37:27 JenWagner -> :) Put another candle on the birthday cake -- right??
20:37:32 Durff -> ok then dave
20:37:33 cindy phthisic -> @Jen - Happy almost birthday
20:37:35 Matt_Cronin -> Drupal is wide open which can make it daunting
20:37:42 chris/student -> yep
20:37:56 doug -> had a bunch o' VLC converts during earthcast08
20:38:03 JenWagner -> hey Cindy -- I gave you a lot of free publicity on my site
20:38:12 JasonR -> Yeah, the experimenty part gets a little annoying. Constant learning curve. Why won't this tech stand still?
20:38:16 cindy phthisic -> I saw that and thanks!
20:38:30 doug -> done
20:38:38 Durff -> because we can't go there
20:38:42 sendkathy -> @dave, webcastacademy is so cutting edge because it's so flexible
20:38:45 chris/student -> does any body use
20:38:45 JenWagner -> LOL -- fill what out??
20:38:45 JasonR -> you have to log in
20:38:51 JM -> hey, JW ... sounds like birthday greetings are in order ... HBTY!
20:38:51 cindy phthisic -> I had great response for the Around the World in 80 Tweets. Was hoping for 1/2 that and got 95 from all over
20:38:54 Durff -> i have tried
20:38:54 dc ->
20:38:54 chris/student -> haha
20:38:57 Durff -> sorry
20:39:05 JenWagner -> @JM and ALL -- thank you -- I enjoy my BIRTHDAY WEEK!!
20:39:06 JasonR -> what is that cindy?
20:39:39 chris/student -> duff you have tryed diingo?
20:39:42 JM -> @JW ... ditto that sister! as longs as you need to have a birthday, best to go for it :)
20:39:52 pam shoemaker -> most people need to jump through the hoops to know how to webcast!
20:40:00 chris/student -> yes
20:40:05 chris/student -> sure do
20:40:08 JenWagner -> @chris -- I used Diigo for a month and then withdrew my membership :)
20:40:12 JasonR -> yeah, contribute. The intercast is valuable. The learning.
20:40:12 Durff -> i have to jump?
20:40:18 sendkathy -> I think the baptism by fire is a team building experience
20:40:19 chris/student -> cool
20:40:20 doug -> you need some sort of aculturalization for this to keep working, I think
20:40:21 JasonR -> The painful learning.
20:40:22 Durff -> no wonder i can't get it
20:40:24 dc -> @Durff you need to log in
20:40:24 JasonR -> And the hazing.
20:40:34 doug -> re becoming a part of community
20:40:34 cindy phthisic -> @JasonR- trying to show power of twitter network to teachers
20:40:39 sendkathy -> even though I never quite made it through I feel connected
20:40:40 matt montagne -> I like the webcast academy sequence
20:40:43 Durff -> ah
20:41:01 dgoodman -> I want to do webcast academy again-got bogged down the last session
20:41:08 dgoodman -> I will jump with you Durff
20:41:11 Durff -> dave - i am logged in
20:41:11 chris/student -> me too
20:41:12 cindy phthisic ->
20:41:13 JenWagner -> I agree with the kinda membership thing......
20:41:23 chris/student -> yep
20:41:26 JenWagner -> you appreciate this site MUCH MORE if you have seen behind the scences
20:41:27 Durff -> it goes to this page
20:41:30 JenWagner -> scenes
20:41:37 Durff -> not to a survey
20:41:47 sendkathy -> yes, behind the scenes is very cool
20:42:01 derrallg -> I think webcast academy is more about community than learning tools
20:42:19 Durff -> copycat
20:42:22 Lorna -> they were nice to me
20:42:22 JenWagner -> I am a LIFE LONG ACADEMY LEARNER
20:42:23 doug -> intern for life
20:42:29 sendkathy -> Why not? Why not get him to mentor others so he can connect
20:42:35 cindy phthisic -> @Jen - also thanks for the help with Skype calls - had several replies
20:42:56 Durff -> what is they give old profs - emeritus - that's me
20:43:00 cindy phthisic -> ...and third, and 4th... :)
20:43:11 doug -> or get in their and share what you know with others, notwithstanding what one does/doesn't know about 'casting
20:43:11 Lorna -> academy - good place to start
20:43:21 doug -> re academy
20:43:27 matt montagne -> by all - time to go offline
20:43:28 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> I agree, going through again, it a good thing, teaching WCA is a great thing too
20:43:35 chris/student -> bye!!
20:43:39 matt montagne -> and time to go home
20:43:45 Durff -> PD for edtechtalk!
20:43:47 doug -> cya Matt, thanks again--get some rest
20:43:49 Lorna -> @ matt good sleep
20:43:53 matt montagne -> :)
20:44:43 derrallg -> night matt
20:45:01 JM -> nite matt ... happy dreams in Chedarland :)
20:45:08 sendkathy -> I like knowing how to webcast but I'm not sure I can make a weekly commitment so what other roles can a member play?
20:45:10 cindy phthisic -> and a hush falls across the crowd
20:45:16 sendkathy -> aside from having a show
20:45:35 doug -> need some sleep b4 I commit to WCA, but might....
20:45:35 JM -> @jason ... is the logo done, yet?
20:45:43 JM -> how 'bout now?
20:45:45 pam shoemaker -> It's the best PD for me
20:45:59 sendkathy -> So jeff, do you think we could have a certification in distance learning
20:46:04 cindy phthisic -> I'm in the same boat as sendkathy - spend most of my evenings chasing my kids
20:46:05 sendkathy -> from webcast academy
20:46:18 Lorna -> I agree Jedd for PD
20:46:20 sendkathy -> I think its a great idea and that is something I would like to work on
20:46:22 Lorna -> jeff
20:46:27 cindy phthisic -> it would work in my district
20:46:27 dgoodman -> @kathy I think being a guest on a show and bringing other guests in would be another part we play in the community
20:46:35 JenWagner -> Ohhhhh like Academy Part 2
20:46:37 JenWagner -> :)
20:46:41 oG ya -> i have a question
20:46:53 Lorna -> so ggod
20:46:54 sendkathy -> @dgoodman, true and I have been involved in that way from time to time
20:47:00 oG ya -> i wanna chat 2
20:47:04 oG ya -> lets flirt
20:47:04 dgoodman -> @kathy me as well
20:47:20 doug -> go Durff
20:47:21 JenWagner -> Now I need to learn how to do that :)
20:47:23 sendkathy -> yeah, OK so what is my title
20:47:24 Lorna -> me too
20:47:35 sendkathy -> Ms Possibilities
20:47:47 sendkathy -> hmmm
20:47:53 dc -> PD Possibilities group now added
20:48:42 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> How many of you have filled in the form, type YAH!
20:49:03 JenWagner -> @JL -- Sharon only has passwords for Stream A -- and we need to get the show ready -- ANY IDEAS??
20:49:07 JohnS -> 6, cheryl
20:49:07 sendkathy -> the form?
20:49:12 sendkathy -> LOL forgot about it
20:49:31 sendkathy -> link?
20:49:44 dgoodman -> the 3 c's connections, collaborations and communications
20:49:50 sendkathy -> How's vacation cheryl?
20:50:24 wowzer -> i have a question
20:50:24 JasonR -> Give me your $L :P
20:50:33 sendkathy -> sell t-shirts to pay the bills
20:50:41 wowzer -> if global warming iz helped what about deforestation
20:50:43 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> fill out this form and say YAH
20:50:59 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> on vacation, can't skype
20:51:06 JasonR -> Oh yeah, there is a B channel. Awesome.
20:51:08 JenWagner -> @Cheryloakes on Vacation
20:51:09 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> dial up
20:51:12 JenWagner -> can you talk to SHARON
20:51:18 Durff -> way to go cheryl
20:51:20 JenWagner -> :)
20:51:23 dc ->
20:51:25 doug -> heck, there's a bunch o channels
20:51:26 Durff -> hide!
20:52:00 wowzer -> hello
20:52:05 doug -> oh, that one
20:52:06 JasonR -> I am filling it out twice
20:52:11 doug -> should we fill it out
20:52:12 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> put the form in the skype chat if you haven't
20:52:12 Durff -> it was not 37 times
20:52:26 JM -> what participation thingy is he talking about?
20:52:28 doug -> will do Cheryl
20:52:40 Durff -> i nominate dave
20:52:43 wowzer -> why are u guys flirting
20:52:45 JenWagner -> Sharon is patiently waiting for STREAM A
20:52:52 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> i filled it out
20:52:57 cheryloakes on vacation but here! -> YAH