EdTechWeekly #92

Post-Show description: 
Hail, hail, the gang's all here! Join Jeff, John, Dave, and Jen as they scrape off the rust and get back into the swing of discussing current happenings in education and technology.
EdTechWeekly #92

August 31, 2008

18:34:10 JohnS ->  Hello, SusN
18:35:48 Sus N ->  Hello, haven't been here for ages
18:36:07 JL ->  Is that Sus Nyrop???  Long time, no telecommunicate!
18:36:16 Sus N ->  too bad this is late night here
18:36:30 Sus N ->  That is me indeed :-)
18:36:51 JL ->  I seem to recall that you are a bit of a night owl :)
18:37:09 Sus N ->  Jeff - that's really true and I'm getting worse
18:37:36 Sus N ->  you're announcing a session in about 20 minutes?
18:37:45 Sus N ->  what's the topic?
18:37:58 Sus N ->  saw a tweet
18:38:02 JL ->  EdTechWeekly is a weekly news roundup
18:38:40 Sus N ->  ah yes of course
18:43:11 Gary ->  Maybe god is displeased?
18:44:06 Gary ->  There were prayer for bad weather duirng the Obama speech.
18:44:12 Gary ->  prayers
18:45:33 Gary ->  Changes within seconds after each olympic races
18:46:02 Gary ->  You guys are now competing with TWI
18:46:19 Gary ->  TWIT live - they are streaming at the same time
18:46:58 JohnS ->  no competition. We were here first.
18:47:25 Gary ->  Need to have an equivalent of the TWIT Army
18:48:43 Gary ->  We call it Labour Day instead of Labor Day
18:51:04 Gary ->  I listened to your last show on my iPod - seemed to be more organized.
18:51:53 JohnS ->  Yeah, amazing that they recruited two guest hosts in the 5 minutes before showtime
18:52:32 Gary ->  http://lifehacker.com/398013/send-snail-mail-from-your-computer
18:52:50 Gary ->  Had mono
18:53:42 JL ->  http://www.gatorcountry.com/swampgas/showthread.php?t=70640
18:54:16 JohnS ->  http://mediatakeout.s3.amazonaws.com/photo/1220106076palinscandal.jpg
18:56:12 gsiemens ->  hey
18:56:32 gsiemens ->  just for dave
18:56:44 gsiemens ->  he has different views on research than I do
18:56:50 gsiemens ->  he needs some skoolin
18:57:09 sheila ->  Let's check it out on Google Earth!
18:57:38 sharonp ->  is there a stream already??
18:57:47 JL ->  ustream
18:57:54 sharonp ->  ahh
18:58:12 JL >  http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=24+Branch+Londonderry+T...
18:58:32 Gary ->  Not every week - have been on holiday during the summer
18:59:33 gsiemens ->  ouch
18:59:45 gsiemens ->  sextechweekly
18:59:49 PeggyG ->  1 non-canadian here-AZ :-)
18:59:57 sharonp ->  LOL
19:00:09 sharonp ->  this show just got interesting...
19:00:11 Gary ->  The original Palin annoucement:  http://www.adn.com/front/story/336402.html
19:00:55 Sus N ->  Say, when do you start streaming audio?
19:01:16 Sus N ->  got it now :-)
19:01:18 sharonp ->  Sus, they are streaming on ustream..... they are ON
19:01:19 JL ->  http://edtechtalk.com/live Sus
19:01:22 JL ->  ustream
19:01:25 Gary ->  It's5:01 here
19:01:29 Sus N ->  Yes, I found out
19:01:31 ds ->  hey kidz
19:01:41 Gary ->  Yes
19:01:43 ds ->  you're late now :)
19:01:50 Sus N ->  I will tweet now
19:01:50 JenM ->  hey, doug!
19:02:17 Gary ->  :)
19:02:36 PeggyG ->  That's so funny-must be a Sunday thing-forgetting to start record :-)
19:02:42 sharonp ->  once again, this show impresses me with its level of professionalism
19:02:58 sharonp ->  you sound great
19:03:00 sheila ->  wonderful
19:03:01 ds ->  take 2
19:03:06 Gary ->  Good
19:03:15 PeggyG ->  your voices sound fine :-)
19:03:30 ds ->  good n goofy
19:03:52 Sus N ->  I'm delighted to witness your messy procedures :-)
19:04:06 Sus N ->  Such a neat presentation !
19:04:33 dave ->  http://vimeo.com/1561578
19:05:18 Sus N ->  New super firefox mashup popup
19:05:43 PeggyG ->  Think it works on Flock too?
19:06:50 JenM ->  Skypecast: http://share.skype.com/sites/en/2008/08/goodnight_skypecasts.html ... and ... http://thinklab.typepad.com/think_lab/2008/08/before-i-go.html
19:07:20 Sus Nyrop is back ->  uh oh, lost connectiono when I tried to enlarge that ustream window - forgot all wbout how to do such stuff lately
19:07:37 JenM ->  steve
19:07:50 JenM ->  http://gawker.com/5042795/bloomberg-runs-steve-jobs-obituary
19:08:12 robert ->  I lost it doing the same,..
19:08:27 Gary ->  He is over pancreatic cancer
19:08:39 sharonp ->  Hey, I only found out Randy Pausch died about an hour ago (remember I was in Africa when he passed!)
19:09:07 dave ->  http://flickr.com/photos/davecormier/2542585269/
19:09:07 Gary ->  No
19:09:11 sheila ->  no problem
19:09:13 JenWagner ->  3rd paragraph
19:09:17 JenWagner ->  poor Steve
19:09:19 Sus Nyrop ->  I' am listening to stream again but with tiny window only
19:09:19 sharonp ->  Can hear you al n probs
19:09:24 ds ->  the man, the legend JS
19:09:29 ds ->  stream a is fine
19:09:30 sharonp ->  can hear all of you...
19:09:37 Sue Waters ->  Yes in Ustream so I changed to itunes
19:09:40 JL ->  [email protected]  [email protected]   http://edtechtalk.com/taxonomy/term/128
19:09:58 DaveC ->  I can hear you fine, no drop out, and no dropped pants over here.
19:10:03 PeggyG ->  My fingers are crossed--very slow typing/pausing for me--seems to be bandwidth
19:10:10 JenWagner ->  I clickedon the play buton -- have no idea how I am listening
19:10:50 PeggyG ->  Hooray!! We're excited about it!
19:10:52 JohnS ->  Women of Web 2.0 Show 86 with Sharon Peters and Teachers without Borders: http://www.edtechtalk.com/node/3275
19:10:58 robert ->  Good quality sound, but when I go the the studio, it drops the connection: http://edtechtalk.com/studio
19:10:59 Sus Nyrop ->  email [email protected]
19:11:08 JenWagner ->  we have a newsletter???
19:11:23 sharonp ->  Wow, I am stunned....
19:11:30 gsiemens ->  Go Sharon!
19:11:33 sharonp ->  that you would mention it....
19:11:55 PeggyG ->  Yes the newslettter will be starting again on Sept. 6 if all goes as planned
19:11:57 JL ->  studio ustream embed needs to be changed - working on it now
19:12:05 dave ->  http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2008/08/27/tech-quebec.html
19:12:07 sharonp ->  thanks....am still processing all of it.. and am still getting almost daily emails from teachers there.... thanks!
19:12:08 JenWagner ->  Ohhhh -- clapping for the newsletter
19:12:12 JenWagner ->  and clapping for Sharon
19:12:19 JenWagner ->  we have WIKI and a CHIP IT IN
19:12:41 JenWagner ->  Alec Courous kinda took OFF and created it all
19:12:44 sharonp ->  LOL, I had NO idea that was happening here in Canada
19:13:11 Gary ->  All over CBC the last few days
19:13:39 sharonp ->  Wouldn't it be great is Quebec's case for OSS would go somewhere?
19:13:40 JenM ->  OER Handbook Stuff: http://wikieducator.org/OER_Handbook/educator_version_one ... and ... http://www.lulu.com/content/3597933 ... and ... http://cosl.usu.edu/stuff/miscellaneous/OER_Handbook_%20Version_1_0.zip/...
19:15:30 JenWagner ->  finding it a bit humorous that we pay for an open source document    :)
19:15:33 JenWagner ->  but that is just me
19:15:40 gsiemens ->  you can get the doc for free
19:15:45 JohnS ->  Mahara: http://www.mahara.org/
19:15:48 gsiemens ->  but you can pay for the paper version
19:15:59 dave ->  @JenWagner open source adn 'money' have nothing to do with each other
19:16:03 Sus Nyrop ->  Guilt trippers
19:16:07 JenWagner ->  Thanks -- gsiemens -- you are right   :)
19:16:08 JenM ->  @JW ... just have to pay if you want it printed in hard copy ... otherwise, can download for free ...
19:16:11 robert ->  The studio works like a dream
19:16:14 JenWagner ->  I shall mute    :)  my mind too
19:16:16 dave ->  open-source =/ no $
19:16:46 gsiemens ->  open-source is about more accurately tying $$ to value points that require $$ inputs
19:17:05 ehelfant ->  anyone played with the new version of elgg?
19:17:16 dave ->  http://blip.tv/file/1208348
19:17:35 PeggyG ->  Mahara looks really interesting. Thanks!
19:18:30 JenM ->  Open Research Platform ... http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-08/iu-iur082708.php ... and ... http://www.opensocial.org/ ... and ... http://laboratree.org/pages/about
19:18:44 sharonp ->  ooh, more "openness" on ETT weekly
19:18:56 gsiemens ->  openness is just a fad
19:19:02 ds ->  oh no
19:19:11 sroseman ->  I am taking a second look LOL
19:19:22 dave ->  yup. get those preachers back in the classroom... i hear the new connectivism course will be a great model for that :)
19:19:24 JL ->  http://radiantcms.org/
19:19:58 JL ->  http://21cif.imsa.edu/tutorials/micro/
19:20:03 JL ->  http://jackiegerstein.wikispaces.com/21st+Century+Learning+Intelligences
19:20:15 sharonp ->  @dave - trying to comprehend what your last statement could mean.....
19:20:40 dave ->  @sharonp taunting gsiemens
19:21:00 gsiemens ->  that's not your style dave - i.e. taunting.
19:21:18 sharonp ->  @dave and @george - I thought as much
19:21:38 sroseman ->  say that again
19:21:41 gsiemens ->  21st century skills are terribly ambiquous in meaning
19:21:46 dave ->  actually... in a sense i was taunting stephen
19:21:52 JohnS ->  I've Had Enough of "Live" at Conferences: http://www.centernetworks.com/live-streaming-broadcasting-conferences
19:21:55 gsiemens ->  repent, Dave
19:22:08 JoseRodriguez ->  @JL what's the lag on audio for ustream?
19:22:28 TamL17 ->  @gsiemens I totally agree..that term has been used so much for so many different ideas..
19:22:34 JL ->  are you getting lag Jose?  others, are you getting lag?
19:22:44 gsiemens ->  i don't think you can have a lecture-based course that is large/open. by default, participants will take over
19:22:45 sheila ->  no lag here in NH
19:22:50 PeggyG ->  yes, lag here
19:22:53 JenWagner ->  I agree with JS -- it can be too much sometimes 
19:22:55 TamL17 ->  No lag here..Wisconsin
19:22:58 JoseRodriguez ->  just wondering if it's still one /two seconds hard to tell
19:23:01 JenWagner ->  well with the post he linked to
19:23:05 gsiemens ->  our planning is at best an effort in futility and false-sense of control
19:23:06 dave ->  @gsiemens... we'll see.
19:23:07 JenWagner ->  not necessarily what JS thinks
19:23:07 JohnS ->  Get Free Airport Wi-Fi with a Simple URL Hack: http://lifehacker.com/5040118/get-free-airport-wi+fi-with-a-simple-url-hack
19:23:09 ds ->  listening on ETA, and no worse than usual I think....
19:23:11 PeggyG ->  probably too many tabs open :-)
19:23:14 ds ->  re lag
19:23:23 dave ->  @gsiemens people follow the ecology they find
19:23:25 JenWagner ->  hmmm LOL, I even blogged the same thoughts -- but JS didn't drop my link   :)
19:23:33 sharonp ->  ACK! John you share that NOW after I get back from abroad??
19:23:33 Sus Nyrop ->  Could someone help me discretely figuring out how to open the uStream in a full window
19:23:36 dave ->  if you construct it hard enough... they'll just listen
19:23:42 JenWagner ->  tab check -- how many tabs do YOU have open now??  
19:23:45 dave ->  and not take over at all
19:23:47 gsiemens ->  @dave - not exclusively - certainly not those who have much experience online
19:24:08 dave ->  @gsiemens true. waddaya think by %
19:24:33 dave ->  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIv9rz2NTUk
19:24:38 gsiemens ->  well, many of the registrants are familiar - we have a whole group in SL (100) we have no control there
19:24:44 PeggyG ->  over 23 tabs for me
19:24:58 JenWagner ->  @PeggyG -- truly???   wow, I have 2
19:24:59 Gary ->  The students may need those ethics - considering downloading
19:25:10 sharonp ->  @george and @dave - and I have discovered that there is a cultural element to the equation as well (has the connectivism course started?? via this conversation?)
19:25:26 gsiemens ->  course starts sept 9
19:25:30 Sus Nyrop ->  complexification
19:25:35 PeggyG ->  should have started with a clean slate :-( in anticipation of all of the new ones I always get on the show!
19:25:53 sharonp ->  two windows X multiple tabs (with two monitors)
19:25:56 Sus Nyrop ->  a new role might be the complexator
19:25:57 JenWagner ->  @PeggyG -- I don't think I have ever had more than 8 tabs open at one time
19:26:00 dave ->  http://clive-shepherd.blogspot.com/2008/08/learning-styles-don-exist.html
19:26:02 JenWagner ->  I cannot multi-tab
19:26:43 JenM ->  "Attempt" at ranking educational research journals: http://www.esf.org/research-areas/humanities/research-infrastructures-in... ... see the PDF for Pedagogical and Educational research
19:26:45 gsiemens ->  dave, dave, dave
19:26:48 JenWagner ->  who had the broo ha ha??
19:26:52 sharonp ->  I agree about the learning styles position....
19:27:02 sharonp ->  brouhaha about learning styles
19:27:08 JenWagner ->  or brouhaha??
19:27:28 dave ->  @gsiemens yes?
19:27:44 gsiemens ->  frameworks at times provide structure for sensemaking
19:27:46 PeggyG ->  I also have multiple windows open with more tabs--busy day!
19:27:47 robert ->  I think identifying differing learning styles can be useful for addressing issues such as teacher-fronted classrooms
19:28:05 JenWagner ->  @peggyg -- still have just 2
19:28:07 gsiemens ->  can the expression of ideas ever achieve the clarity of thought?
19:28:10 JL ->  http://www.download.com/8301-2007_4-10028992-12.html
19:28:16 gsiemens ->  learning styles are a concept to think with
19:28:32 ds ->  be better to talk about universal design for learning, as opposed to learning styles
19:28:33 gsiemens ->  (I say that to taunt, i admit - I have huge issues with learning styles)
19:28:39 nancykeane ->  boo comcast!!
19:28:51 ds ->  we can't "teach" the "styles" we have now
19:28:52 dave ->  @robert i'm not sure it's worth the disempowerement of students who are convinced that they can't do things
19:29:10 JenWagner ->  is there a ustream stream too?  I think I am a delayed conversation
19:29:19 DaveC ->  I read something about learning styles but didn't get it.  Can someone draw a picture of it for me so I understand it better?
19:29:28 gsiemens ->  but maybe the value of LS is not in the concept itself, but in raising our awareness to different types of needs learners have?
19:29:40 JL ->  http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=547777&highlight=assembly
19:29:56 sharonp ->  if we *must* talk about learning styles with educators (as my colleagues in Africa did), I just think it needs to be presented as an approach, not a given (as in proven to exist through rigourous research)
19:30:01 ds ->  @gsiemens anything that brings focus back to learning a good thing re value I agree
19:30:08 dave ->  @robert http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_styles
19:30:35 JohnS ->  100+ Ways to Score Freebies For Your Classroom: http://www.smartteaching.org/blog/2008/08/100-ways-to-score-freebies-for...
19:30:40 Gary ->  Terminated!
19:31:08 dave ->  sorry @robert that last one should have been @davec
19:31:28 JohnS ->  http://cooltoolsforschools.wikispaces.com/
19:31:36 JenWagner ->  that cooltools site is a keeper
19:31:53 JenWagner ->  but the first page is empty -- look to the left to see the navigation bar
19:31:53 PeggyG ->  I like cooltoolsforschools--because of the categories
19:31:59 dave ->  http://gustav08.ning.com/
19:32:02 DaveC ->  @dave, sorry, I was j/k. 
19:32:25 JenWagner ->  Jen -- did we have any apologies and arguments last week??  Hmmm, I don't think so   :)
19:32:42 JohnS ->  @JW boring show, then, eh?
19:32:46 JenWagner ->  very
19:32:51 sharonp ->  LOL
19:33:00 Gary ->  Take out the Repulican convention?
19:33:08 JenWagner ->  we were very kind and considerate
19:33:23 gsiemens ->  that's an interesting point, Dave
19:33:38 gsiemens ->  where we gather around information sources is rather revealing
19:33:46 gsiemens ->  i just don't know what it's revealing...
19:33:48 sheila ->  Just noticed tag galaxy image on Cooltoolsforschools
19:33:57 sharonp ->  I have been riveted by the news about Gustav all day - online and on tv
19:33:58 JenM ->  Digital Texts: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-books26-2008aug26,0,7901003.story ... and ... http://www.teleread.org/blog/2008/08/23/iphone-e-book-review/
19:34:13 JenWagner ->  @sharonp -- I have it on in the background right now.
19:34:41 JenWagner ->  Several teachers I know have let me know they have been evacuated
19:35:07 Sus Nyrop ->  Amazing how this extreme weather can have an impact on the campaign popularity index
19:35:50 Sus Nyrop ->  Republican convent party being cancelled and all that
19:36:10 sharonp ->  As someone who is NOT American, I have been fascinated by this particular campaign - how social media and other events have been shaped by the stakeholders
19:36:21 JenWagner ->  I just can't read books online.........I like to hold the book  
19:36:26 Gary ->  And maybe more expensive
19:36:31 JL ->  http://lifehacker.com/5041404/best-places-to-find-deals-on-textbooks       
19:36:42 JL ->    http://blog.modernmechanix.com/2008/03/24/what-will-life-be-like-in-the-...
19:37:08 JoseRodriguez ->  Yeah I saw that also on twitter
19:37:32 sharonp ->  so what is wrong with the prediction?
19:37:38 JenWagner ->  is online grocery shopping really catching on???
19:37:44 Gary ->  Forgot about fossil fuel predictions also.
19:38:51 ds ->  not to mention licensing issues re Jetsons, right @JS?
19:38:54 JohnS ->  WhatTheFont?!: http://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/
19:39:01 PeggyG ->  LOL
19:39:30 JohnS ->  NECC 2009 Proposals: http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2009/program/categories.php
19:39:52 JenWagner ->  really -- only 10 months in advance ---    :)
19:40:04 dave ->  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?xml=/earth/2008/08/31/eaarct...
19:40:16 dave ->  http://whatstheharm.net/index.html
19:40:24 JenWagner ->  maybe I will write a proposal with software I hope will be around by then   :)
19:41:03 Gary ->  I like to be postive Dave!
19:41:14 Gary ->  Some are quite sad.
19:41:37 JenM ->  Fun with word clouds: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/graphic/2008/08/01/GR200808... ... and ... http://www.darcynorman.net/2008/08/29/obamas-dnc-speech-as-a-word-cloud/
19:42:16 gsiemens ->  really, is there an election in the US? Is that this year? I hadn't heard
19:42:21 gsiemens ->  Who's Obama?
19:42:41 gsiemens ->  i think it's the visualization
19:42:46 JenWagner ->  I saw a lady at my grocher store wearing one that she bought at Target
19:42:50 gsiemens ->  i.e., trends/patterns
19:42:52 JenWagner ->  grocery store
19:42:59 JL ->  http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewnews.html?id=1305   http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/50th/   http://www.spreeder.com/
19:43:05 Sus Nyrop ->   might suggest a conversation around the usage of læanguage and frequency of special terms
19:43:31 DaveC ->  I want to make word-cloud t's for my math kids with their vocab words.
19:43:35 JenM ->  @gsiemens ... I have a "visual" learning style ... (couldn't resist) :)
19:43:42 robert ->  Spreeder is a great tool. I will get student feedback this wekk.
19:44:00 JohnS ->  Sarah Palin on Wikipedia: Young Trigg's Edits: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sarah_Palin&diff=234778085&old...
19:44:02 Jason R ->  Greetings
19:44:14 gsiemens ->  I love politics
19:44:16 ds ->  hey Jeh
19:45:07 gsiemens ->  I think Harper will win the US election
19:45:13 sharonp ->  Siemens for Prime Minister!
19:45:38 gsiemens ->  heh - sorry, not Canadian-born, otherwise, I'd be all over that :)
19:45:51 sharonp ->  desolee
19:46:06 Jason R ->  Well, someone in the McCain campaign needs to know how to use a computer
19:46:09 sheila ->  FF crashed but just got the new update . . .
19:47:10 gsiemens ->  good point about pace, Jeff
19:47:30 JenWagner ->  Yes, and comments made -- many moons ago -- will come back to haunt you.  Pictures/blogs/twits/etc
19:47:47 gsiemens ->  talk about the canadian election
19:47:47 Jason R ->  But it is possible to be oblivious on the Internet
19:47:57 sharonp ->  Youtube didn't exist in the last election - I think watching this campaign on youtube would make a FASCINATING and educational media literacy learning opportunity for our students!
19:48:07 ds ->  loved the Google Cache article on Palin the @courosa tweeted 'bout yesterday
19:48:15 PeggyG ->  which start? :-) we had several
19:48:33 robert ->  Thank you
19:48:34 Sus Nyrop ->  I was very happy to get back in the loop and hear your sweet vioces!
19:48:43 PeggyG ->  :-)  just recording starts
19:48:50 Sus Nyrop ->  and find out about  all these cool links
19:48:50 sharonp ->  O Canada!
19:48:57 jennar ->  fantastic show, as always!  Love the chance to listen in :)
19:49:07 sheilat ->  thanks!!!
19:49:12 JL ->  skype jschinker to join in
19:49:12 Sus Nyrop ->  Bye from Denmark EU
19:49:20 Gary ->  Except we will have an election soon also - at least it will be over quickly.
19:49:22 ds ->  great show crew
19:49:28 Sus Nyrop ->  You sound so relaxed and competent
19:49:31 sharonp ->  great back-to-school type show - missed you guys last week!
19:49:37 ds ->  d'oh canada, you mean?
19:49:40 PeggyG ->  seriously--great show! lots of new links to explore :-)
19:49:43 robert ->  Enjoyed it a great deal
19:49:48 jennar ->  oh... it is absolutely genuine, thanks all... see ya next week
19:49:50 Jason R ->  When are you going to Korea?
19:49:55 Gary ->  Thanks again.
19:50:02 sroseman ->  super show as always
19:50:09 nancykeane ->  Thanks and bye from New Hampshire
19:50:12 sharonp ->  yes, the links didn't work for me in FF this week - can't wait to check out the chat later so I can explore
19:50:56 JenWagner ->  is Jen moving too??
19:51:10 JenWagner ->  LOL  I am calling in
19:51:10 JenM ->  @jw ... no ... just jeff
19:51:12 gsiemens ->  thx all
19:51:17 sharonp ->  LOL
19:51:19 gsiemens ->  have a good week...
19:51:22 JenWagner ->  no  I am teasing
19:51:24 Sus Nyrop ->  Did you ever consider eating those weeds
19:51:29 sheila ->  gustav webcam - www.ustream.tv/channel/gustav_slidell
19:51:32 Sus Nyrop ->  or, get a house goat
19:51:33 gsiemens ->  just that Dave isn't nice
19:51:41 JenWagner ->  let me find my headset
19:51:53 Sus Nyrop ->  make tea not war
19:51:54 sharonp ->  George is poking back
19:51:56 sheilat ->  hi sheila from SheilaT
19:52:04 gsiemens ->  I had a nice chat with Dave last week...
19:52:05 sheila ->  Hi SheilaT!
19:52:08 sheilat ->  so, you're the other sheila
19:52:16 sheila ->  ah yes!
19:52:21 sheilat ->  someone thought i was you
19:52:24 gsiemens ->  talked about how to make the course less didactic
19:52:29 ds ->  thanks for a great show--great to have y'all "back in the house"
19:52:32 gsiemens ->  not sure how that will work yet...
19:52:45 JoseRodriguez ->  Hose A and Hose B
19:52:50 Gary ->  Sheilas - sounds very Australian
19:52:55 sheila ->  Maybe I should be Sheila A
19:53:03 sheilat ->  web 2.0 smackdown of the two sheilas
19:53:13 Sus Nyrop ->  Sue Sue and Sus could also have a fight - but I won't
19:53:20 sroseman ->  Are you Sheila_A
19:53:28 sroseman ->  Hi Sus
19:53:38 robert ->  Tune in next week. Thanks
19:53:42 sheila ->  so if we did a wordle of this chat, sheila would come out on top?
19:53:43 Sus Nyrop ->  Hi Sus Rose  - long tme no see :-)
19:53:44 JoseRodriguez ->  night all, bye
19:53:54 sroseman ->  ditto Sus
19:53:56 sheila ->  @sroseman - yes sheila_a
19:54:05 sheilat ->  Look forward to bumping into you again sheila_a
19:54:07 ds ->  I been complexified
19:54:09 sroseman ->  ah hello
19:54:17 JenM ->  http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/complexify
19:54:18 ds ->  take care all
19:55:22 Jason R ->  For the science debate: http://www.sciencedebate2008.com/www/index.php
19:55:32 PeggyG ->  seems like ESN gave a link last week for tracking positions on technology in the elections
19:57:06 PeggyG ->  http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/top-news/?i=54986;_hbguid=ac399a81-6a14-...  tech agendas for McCain & Obama
19:57:32 JenWagner ->  http://edelection.blogspot.com/
19:57:42 sharonp ->  thanks, guys, for such a great show - I look forward to it every week! You make my weekend!
19:57:56 JenM ->  must allow husband to turn on TV volume :)
19:58:05 JenM ->  so ... I'm muting my skype ...
19:58:11 JohnS ->  seeya jen
19:58:46 JL ->  http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2007/6/3/224720.shtml
20:00:03 Sus Nyrop ->  Night night folks  late bedtime here!
20:00:06 PeggyG ->  Great idea for WOW2 address at ETT!
20:00:52 Jason R ->  If you know what the answer is, please ask us a question
20:01:27 PeggyG ->  LOL
20:01:28 Jason R ->  Night all
20:02:22 PeggyG ->  Good night all!
20:02:25 JenM ->  nite all!
20:03:17 sroseman ->  thanks all


Just thought I would clarify regarding why I submitted the wordles posted in the Washington Post created from the posts on the presidential candidates blogs.

I got over wordle pretty fast as it seemed people were just doing self analysis on their own blogs or on stuff their students wrote to see which words filtered to the top.

What I found interesting about the Washington Post one is you couldn't tell whose wordle was whose without reading description. So what I would do with students is show them just the wordles and have guess whose was whose. After the big reveal, then ask why do they or what kind of postings made the certain words rise the top.

I guess I should have included a note on my Diigo entry.