EdTechWeekly #74

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EdTechWeekly #74
April 27, 2008


18:54:25 JL -> How's audio, dear listeners?
18:54:44 alicemercer -> okay
18:54:52 JL -> just okay?
18:54:57 JL -> we aim for fantastic
18:55:10 alicemercer -> GREAT!
18:55:11 Alvin Trusty -> fantastic
18:55:27 alicemercer -> Ah, anyone know about embeding google forms?
18:55:34 Alvin Trusty -> guitar hero
18:55:42 alicemercer -> Listening to Last FM
18:55:55 Alvin Trusty -> my kids are hip
18:55:56 alicemercer -> Listening to BloggingHeads
18:55:59 alicemercer -> Cause I'm a nerd
18:56:08 alicemercer -> Going to gym, or on a walk
18:56:32 shaun fletcher -> hello
18:57:03 alicemercer -> In five years, they will run screaming from room
18:57:05 matt montagne -> hey everyone
18:57:09 alicemercer -> Hey
18:57:30 Jason -> are we starting at 7eastern?
18:57:45 alicemercer -> I hate filing cabinets
18:57:45 JL -> moments awa
18:57:52 alicemercer -> I like having a flash drive instead
18:57:57 Jason -> excellent :)
18:58:00 alicemercer -> Oh, that is all paper
18:58:13 alicemercer -> links on diigo or delicious?
18:59:15 alicemercer -> Nope
18:59:25 alicemercer -> Opposite
18:59:47 alicemercer -> You can send it to delicious WHEN you send it to diigo
18:59:57 alicemercer -> BUT I never got the "for:
19:00:02 alicemercer -> tag to work well
19:00:25 alicemercer -> Cross posting doesn't work well
19:00:35 alicemercer -> I'm happy to discuss this later in show.
19:01:01 alicemercer -> JMad: Can we test something i haven't done since diigo went to v3?
19:01:38 Jason -> st. louis missouri
19:02:20 alicemercer -> Sorry JM: work called
19:02:47 dave -> http://www.dipity.com/timeline/pt*4d96086456fa31f5
19:04:07 shaun fletcher -> @alicemercer Can you have a diigo bookmark instantly added to your delicious?
19:04:34 alicemercer -> JM: I just used diigo to save a bookmark from TeacherTube, can you see if it came through on DELICIOUS account (I tagged it for:edtechtalk)
19:04:43 JenM -> Way to sue your customers ... http://www.campustechnology.com/articles/61139
19:04:47 alicemercer -> Shaun F: Yep
19:05:51 alicemercer -> Hey, that'll make them irrelevant!
19:06:14 shaun fletcher -> @alice Just by tagging?
19:06:26 JL -> http://web2expo.blip.tv/ Web 2.0 Expo 2008 Blip.tv Video
19:06:59 JL -> http://en.oreilly.com/webexsf2008/public/schedule/proceedings
19:07:05 alicemercer -> YEP! Shaun: Look at tools, and set it up to send to delicious
19:07:15 JohnS -> Low-Cost Laptop Program Sees a Key Leadership Defection: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/WireStory?id=4704044&page=1
19:07:17 shaun fletcher -> @alice thanks
19:07:21 alicemercer -> JM: You get my link?
19:08:04 alicemercer -> WTF: Would you want to run windows?
19:08:30 alicemercer -> PARC Palo Alto Research Center
19:08:41 alicemercer -> Ethernet, mouse, GUI,
19:08:43 Gary -> It gets more and more complicated all the time.
19:08:49 alicemercer -> And, they had beanbag chairs
19:09:01 dave -> http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/publications/lxpfinalreport.aspx
19:09:08 alicemercer -> Revenge of the Nerds Part 1
19:09:12 alicemercer -> The Mac years
19:09:23 alicemercer -> JM: Get that link?
19:09:32 notdurff -> switching venues
19:09:36 JohnS -> Triumph of the Nerds, Alice.
19:09:39 alicemercer -> I nag, I nag
19:09:47 alicemercer -> Yeah, Sorry, taht was freudian
19:09:51 JenM -> Facts and Such: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html ... and ...http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/index.html
19:10:23 alicemercer -> JenM: I'm surprised my governement knows that much about other countries
19:10:35 JL -> http://www.webware.com/html/ww/100/2008/winners.html Welcome to Webware 100 Awards 2008
19:10:53 JL -> http://www.fixmymovie.com/
19:11:11 JenM -> @alicem: I'll test your link after ewt ... working on low wifi bandwidth ... k?
19:11:28 alicemercer -> Hey, there is a programming language named after me!
19:11:32 alicemercer -> JM: Understood
19:11:33 JohnS -> Top 15 Ways to Extend Your Laptop’s Battery Life: http://www.friedbeef.com/2007/07/01/top-15-ways-to-extend-your-laptop-ba...
19:12:13 alicemercer -> Can someone else check later in show cause then we could tell people to save at Diigo to both delicious,e tc.
19:12:51 dave -> http://www.dailytech.com/Ballmer+Says+Customers+Dont+Want+XP+Will+Likely...
19:13:14 alicemercer -> Well, I don't want VISTA
19:13:15 dave -> http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/04/14/microsoft.xp.ap/index.html#cnnSTCText...
19:13:32 Lisa Parisi -> I hate VISTA
19:13:33 alicemercer -> Not like I want XP, but I sure don't want VISTA
19:13:54 alicemercer -> So he's right in a sense. They dont' WANT XP, they just don't want Vista
19:14:02 JohnS -> http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/145145/dell_to_offer_windo...
19:14:22 alicemercer -> Yeah DELL you go!
19:15:18 Jason -> you might, but you need to have a disc and a serial number, which is hard because of WGA
19:15:18 shaun fletcher -> @alice your bookmark worked http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk
19:15:27 alicemercer -> I love it, your paying for caddie, but getting a Saturn
19:15:58 alicemercer -> My POINT!
19:16:01 JenM -> Open Educational Resources: http://www.courserepository.org/index.html ... and ... http://www.learningdemo.com/noaa ... and ... http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/interactive/games
19:16:08 alicemercer -> My Saturn has +200,000
19:16:37 alicemercer -> Thanks guys for the test, SO post show, can I explain how to do diigobookmark sending it to delicious at same time, and sending it to you all?
19:16:44 JL -> http://www.tripleme.com/ New Search Engine TripleMe - the power of Google, Yahoo, MSN Live in One
19:17:00 alicemercer -> Sue me? I'm not Sue, that's my sister.
19:17:16 JL -> http://twittearth.com/
19:17:19 JohnS -> Andrea Mosaic: http://www.andreaplanet.com/andreamosaic/ AND An Example:
19:17:22 JenM -> @alice :)
19:18:06 alicemercer -> JenM, sorry I nagged you, but I think it'll be helpful. You are patient and kind
19:18:21 alicemercer -> Hi Shaun!
19:18:23 alicemercer -> again
19:18:33 shaun fletcher -> back again
19:18:36 dave -> http://obsoleteskills.com/Skills/Skills
19:18:52 alicemercer -> using VI?
19:19:11 alicemercer -> HEY! My sister still does that in a pot.
19:19:33 alicemercer -> Then it becomes a craft, like spinning, and knitting
19:19:45 alicemercer -> Micro popcorn is full of nasty chemicals
19:19:56 Gary -> The real question is how many of us still have these skills?
19:19:57 alicemercer -> Wine opening is still necessary
19:20:03 alicemercer -> Not enough screw tops
19:20:14 alicemercer -> Cobol programming?
19:20:37 shaun fletcher -> what 's in micropopcorn?
19:20:43 Gary -> May indicate something about your pa.
19:20:48 alicemercer -> UC Davis still has students do calculus without graphing calc
19:20:56 Gary -> past
19:21:02 shoemap -> Mickey picture is cool.
19:21:02 JenM -> Cell ban upheld in NYC court ...
19:21:54 JL -> http://www.liliputing.com/2008/04/over-past-six-months-or-so-asus-everex... Liliputing: Comprehensive list of low-cost ultraportables
19:22:06 alicemercer -> Hey, a multi-hour lockdown KILLED our district's ban
19:23:02 JL -> http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/ Bloom's+Digital+Taxonomy educational-origami » Bloom's Digital Taxonomy
19:23:04 shaun fletcher -> the float and dock option on this chat makes following the chat MUCH easier to read , to the left of the "?"
19:23:04 stillnotdurff -> like for Lilliputians?
19:23:11 JohnS -> That Book Costs How Much?: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/25/opinion/25fri4.html?_r=1&oref=slogin Flat World Knowledge:
http://www.flatworldknowledge.com/minisite/ Ink Textbooks: http://www.inktextbooks.com/Main.aspx Freeload Press: http://freeloadpress.com/index.aspx
19:23:13 alicemercer -> High School had two shooting incidents in a couple months, and most teachers let kids phone parents
19:23:52 alicemercer -> Colleges now are big in doing readers, and they make big money on them, and re-edit every year, so you can buy them
19:24:00 alicemercer -> used
19:24:42 dave -> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/04/23/kevin_martin_talks_comcast_again/
19:24:52 alicemercer -> OUR!
19:25:04 alicemercer -> Dave, he doesn't like Cable much
19:25:27 stillnotdurff -> that's a new one
19:25:36 stillnotdurff -> how much $$?
19:25:55 alicemercer -> Yeah Intertoobs
19:26:19 JL -> http://alipr.com/captcha/ IMAGINATION -- image-based authentication: Step 1
19:26:23 JenM -> I'm back ... had to re-up my wifi purchase ...
19:26:36 alicemercer -> Yeah JMad!
19:26:52 JL -> http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9926539-7.html Craigslist grouses about eBay lawsuit | Tech news blog - CNET News.com
19:27:14 stillnotdurff -> i AM a spambot
19:27:42 JL ->
Microsoft’s Mesh Revealed—Sync All Apps And All Files To All Devices (As Long As They’re Windows)
19:27:58 stillnotdurff -> they bought them and sued them?
19:28:15 Alvin Trusty -> surface computing
19:28:21 JL -> http://crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9920796-1.html The Top 8 worst Microsoft promo videos | Crave : The gadget blog
19:28:30 Gary -> Sounds like they are trying to copy Apple
19:28:31 stillnotdurff -> read buy microsoft
19:28:43 JohnS -> I disagree. 3.1 didn't have socket support
19:29:02 JohnS -> 21 Inspiring Mashups for Social Change: http://blog.techsoup.org/node/351?rss=1
19:29:48 alicemercer -> Hey, I've free-cycled
19:29:56 alicemercer -> And craig'slisted
19:30:16 dave -> http://www.yugatech.com/blog/cpu-temperature-pc-wizard-2008/
19:30:20 JohnS -> I have, too. Frecycle rocks.
19:32:02 JenM -> John D. MacArthur Biography ... http://worldcat.org/oclc/162126913
19:32:35 alicemercer -> Was he cheap
19:32:49 chellouise -> good evening all!
19:32:52 JL -> http://www.google.com/webmasters/ Google Webmaster Central
19:33:19 JenM -> @alice ... yes he was ... big time!
19:33:29 chellouise -> sounds like an interesting book.
19:33:30 JL -> http://earthbridges.net/
19:33:31 alicemercer -> JM: Sent it to dh
19:33:59 JohnS -> Alice: http://www.alice.org/index.php
19:34:16 notdurff -> happy birthday
19:34:50 alicemercer -> Cause of all the layoffs, cause you can get a tech job without studying langauge
19:35:14 JL -> http://download.srv.cs.cmu.edu/~pausch/
19:35:20 shaun fletcher -> there is nothing on the earthbridges site yet, is it the correct URL?
19:35:37 alicemercer -> Dang, I can't get that domain name now!
19:35:39 JohnS -> shaun: they just set it up today
19:35:49 dave -> http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/top-news/?i=53586;_hbguid=e69c2535-50c3-...
19:36:00 alicemercer -> Oh, I wow'ed my district with the Johnny Lee video (he's from mellon too)
19:36:22 shaun fletcher -> sorry should have listened a little more carefully*)
19:36:27 JL -> That is correct Shaun - wiki will be used to plan the site - aiming to launch actual site summer-ish
19:36:32 dave -> http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9928174-7.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2...
19:36:52 alicemercer -> They don't know more than me (yet..., lol)
19:37:01 alicemercer -> OHOHOHOHOH!
19:37:12 alicemercer -> delicious "for:edtechtalk"
19:37:33 JohnS -> Alice is celebrating Ohio?
19:37:40 alicemercer -> diigo UNDER TOOLS, choose save to delicious
19:37:44 chellouise -> I must be lagging a little!
19:37:57 chellouise -> Either that or Alice Mercer has ESP! LOL
19:38:08 JenM -> All of our links, plus some others at ... http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk/20080427
19:38:18 chellouise -> Thanks Jen
19:38:40 alicemercer -> Can I asked a VAC question? If I "register" copy of VAC, does it work better?
19:39:00 alicemercer -> hey can I share a dorky link?
19:39:09 JohnS -> http://www.edtechtalk.com/node/3130 and http://www.edtechtalk.com/node/add/ett-part
19:39:10 chellouise -> go for it!
19:39:34 JenM -> OHOHOH ..one more funny link ... http://www.doonesbury.com/strip/dailydose/index.html?up_year_month=200804
19:40:24 shaun fletcher -> @alice then Save Elsewhere
19:40:29 JenM -> oh, wait ... didn't work ... I'll try to find it again ...
19:40:52 alicemercer -> Shaun YES
19:41:00 alicemercer -> Chellouise; http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/horsey/viewbydate.asp?id=1754
19:41:00 JL -> http://www.startyourtube.com/ StartYourTube.com | Upload Videos and Start a Video Sharing Site
19:41:09 alicemercer -> Sorry, that was for JM
19:41:18 JL -> http://www.doonesbury.com/strip/dailydose/index.html?up_year_month=200804 Doonesbury@Slate - Daily Dose
19:41:26 chellouise -> that's ok
19:41:43 alicemercer -> Mines not as funny
19:41:47 Lisa Parisi -> Bye
19:41:52 alicemercer -> night lp
19:41:55 chellouise -> no, but it's good!
19:41:55 Lisa Parisi -> Thanks for all the great links
19:42:03 alicemercer -> Is anyone going to Edubloggercon at NECC?
19:42:05 notdurff -> gentlemen, start your tube......not just the same ring to it
19:42:14 Lisa Parisi -> No alice..will miss it
19:42:28 JL -> skype jschinker
19:42:28 Lisa Parisi -> Can you plug my show this week?
19:42:32 Lisa Parisi -> Thursday
19:42:42 sarahH -> are you doing another smartboard show?
19:42:54 notdurff -> Parisi!
19:42:59 notdurff -> call em
19:43:43 Gary -> You can get Doonesbury sent to you each day from Slate. I do that because my local paper won't carry it (readers don't understand it). Tells you something about the readers.
19:43:58 notdurff -> Alice saves the day!
19:44:09 chellouise -> Go Alice
19:44:11 JenM -> here is today's doonesbury that cracked me up ... http://www.doonesbury.com/strip/dailydose/
19:45:08 notdurff -> is that vice versa?
19:45:18 chellouise -> Jen, that is HILARIOUS!
19:45:25 shaun fletcher -> it's a real time saver thanks alice for the tip
19:45:35 notdurff -> if save in delicious will it post to diigo?
19:45:40 chellouise -> I stil have to check out Diigo
19:45:40 JenM -> hope it was worth the wait :)
19:46:00 chellouise -> @Jen But oh how true...
19:46:06 JenM -> @notdurff ... don't think so ...
19:46:16 notdurff -> well pooh
19:46:32 Lisa Parisi -> I added john to skype but he is showing offline
19:46:48 notdurff -> he is invisible
19:46:56 JL -> http://images.ucomics.com/comics/db/2008/db080427.gif
19:46:57 notdurff -> he's a lurkertype
19:47:06 Lisa Parisi -> can you call me?
19:47:10 notdurff -> hi cathy
19:47:52 Cathy E -> Not sure about the audio from the last show
19:47:53 notdurff -> maria is out of the grand canyon
19:48:03 JL -> lucky her
19:48:11 chellouise -> Isn't it something?
19:48:19 notdurff -> how do i know? she twittered
19:48:19 Cathy E -> I am working on another show an interview with a principal on vertical planning
19:48:38 Lisa Parisi -> I'm looking for a librarian for June show. Any ideas?
19:48:52 notdurff -> joyce valenza
19:49:02 Lisa Parisi -> ahh. Joyce...good idea.
19:49:06 notdurff -> hey alvin!
19:49:11 alicemercer -> http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/horsey/viewbydate.asp?id=1754
19:49:12 Lisa Parisi -> 8 usually kicks me out
19:49:12 chellouise -> Joyce would be great
19:49:18 alicemercer -> Not as funny as JMads
19:49:43 Cathy E -> my connection stinks- keep kicking me out :(
19:49:57 notdurff -> we love you cathy
19:49:59 chellouise -> Alvin, I loved your presentation!
19:50:11 alicemercer -> Cathy question about Making Connections, did you get that?
19:50:26 Cathy E -> I'm working on one for May 13th
19:50:38 alicemercer -> Cool, I'll sahre
19:50:40 alicemercer -> share
19:51:13 notdurff -> john did you kill the show?
19:51:15 chellouise -> @JenM I've been talking with Dr. Morrison at Old Dom. Care if I email you with some questions?
19:51:23 chellouise -> Lisa!!
19:51:33 jenverschoor -> Hello from Argentina this is another Jennifer
19:51:36 JenM -> @chellouise ... please do ...
19:51:57 JL -> Hi Jen V
19:52:02 chellouise -> @JenM THANX
19:52:03 JohnS -> I didn't kill the show.
19:52:13 chellouise -> Hi jenverschoor
19:52:16 JenM -> the profs. in the program are just great ... loving it so much right now going into finals ...
19:52:19 JohnS -> (I don't think). It's just a coincidence that they didn't do any episodes after I was on.
19:53:04 JohnS -> If anyone wants an excuse for killing a show, just invite me on :-)
19:53:13 chellouise -> I have been VERY impressed with the fact that he's been so fast to reply and help me out. I'm planning on applyint this week I think
19:53:20 JenM -> @jenverschoor ... you can now be JenV ... we have a JenM and JenW, too :)
19:54:01 JenM -> ooo ... I scared JenV away :)
19:54:24 chellouise -> and at home they are probably more unsupervised than they would be at school
19:54:42 chellouise -> WTG Jen!
19:55:26 alicemercer -> http://www.myoats.com/create.aspx
19:55:28 JenM -> @chellouise ... Dr. Morrison is going out for surgery (next week, I believe), so he will be "offline" for the first couple of weeks in May ...
19:55:59 JenM -> ... better get your questions to him before then or wait 'till June ...
19:56:06 chellouise -> @JenM That's what he told me. He told me to talk to Dr. Watson in stead
19:56:08 JohnS -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractint
19:56:21 JenM -> yep ... she is great, too.
19:56:40 chellouise -> cool!
19:56:42 Cathy E -> http://www.flickr.com/photos/khs/2444772343/
19:57:07 Cathy E -> Told ya'll I live in the middle of nowhere
19:57:19 Cathy E -> yes
19:57:23 Cathy E -> view this morning
19:57:37 alicemercer -> http://inpractice.edublogs.org/2008/04/27/refusing-to-give-a-standardize...
19:57:38 chellouise -> @Cathy E ROTFL!!
19:58:10 Cathy E -> :)
19:58:29 JL -> welcome back Jen
19:58:31 notdurff -> @alice that program has no embed code?
19:58:36 jenverschoor -> I¨m back again terrible two daughter disconnected laptop!!
19:58:47 notdurff -> be kind
19:58:54 chellouise -> ooooh....going to nave to look at his stance
19:58:55 JL -> guess she's not in to edtech yet
19:59:20 chellouise -> @Jen V Welcome back
19:59:33 jenverschoor -> not yeat but she loves technology older daughter already has a blog
20:01:20 alicemercer -> District board meeting about pink slips etc.
20:02:08 alicemercer -> Cheryl hasn't graduating?
20:02:16 Lisa Parisi -> Cheryl Lykowski
20:02:21 alicemercer -> Ah...
20:02:46 chellouise -> PicLens is COOL
20:02:55 chellouise -> Have you used CoolIris?
20:03:13 alicemercer -> I'm doing a blog post in diigo as they speak
20:03:16 JenM -> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5579
20:03:19 Cathy E -> I can't get this chat in FF anymore
20:03:40 JenM -> @cathye ... really?
20:03:45 alicemercer -> What does that mean?
20:03:49 JenM -> on vista or XP ...
20:03:49 JohnS ->
20:03:51 chellouise -> Mine is working ok!
20:03:56 Cathy E -> xp
20:03:58 chellouise -> FF that is
20:04:04 Lisa Parisi -> This summer I will attempt to stream in Vista
20:04:13 Lisa Parisi -> Have people been successful?
20:05:46 JL -> http://worldbridges.info/temp/crash.gif
20:06:38 Lisa Parisi -> Gotta head out. Thanks for the chat. See you all Thursday...come join the conversation.
20:06:58 chellouise -> I still really like to read a real book!
20:07:00 notdurff -> because they can
20:07:10 notdurff -> bingo alice
20:07:25 chellouise -> very pretty crash
20:07:30 JL -> thanks
20:07:47 chellouise -> don't you LOVE docx? NOT
20:08:05 chellouise -> Most people don't KNOW it's different though
20:08:13 JL -> I need to head out - will keep stream going if folks want
20:08:27 chellouise -> Seriously, some people don't even pay attention to the extensions
20:08:30 notdurff -> i gtg too - nite
20:09:06 Cathy E -> nite all
20:09:26 jenverschoor -> great listening to you all
20:09:33 shaun fletcher -> ttfn
20:09:35 chellouise -> my kids are begging to go for a walk better go b4 it gets dark
20:09:44 chellouise -> it's been FUN!
20:10:16 chellouise -> @JenM I'll send you a message about OldDominion