EdTechWeekly #29 - Microhoo, Digg Revolt, Silverlight, Open Education 2007, & Dr. Anne

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Microhoo, Digg Revolt, Silverlight,  Open Education 2007, & Dr. Anne 
This Week's Del.icio.us  Links

Chat Log Below


A big THANK YOU goes out to Dr. Anne Leftwich who joined us this week to share her latest and greatest links and resources. We set a new record for del.icio.us links this week - 60+ in all! Check out the list of contributed links below and remember to tag links for next week to "for:edtechtalk".

18:11:26  hoaxn ->  hello
18:29:22  JenMad ->  http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=112384964
18:30:05  AnneLeftwich ->  http://breeze.iu.edu/EdTechTalk
18:37:25  JenMad ->  I have a yugma going here http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=112384964
18:38:52  JenMad ->  Hi, guys! here is the yugma and Anne has a Breeze session started, too. Aren't we cool?
18:38:53  JenMad ->  http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=112384964
18:39:01  JenMad ->   http://breeze.iu.edu/EdTechTalk
18:39:08  AnneLeftwich ->  Log-in as guest
18:41:24  JohnSchinker ->  Are we doing skypecast, or just conference?
18:41:55  jeff ->  call worldbridges John
18:43:59  JenMad ->   http://breeze.iu.edu/EdTechTalk
18:49:52  randyn ->  is the stream on yet?
18:55:17  jeff ->  http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=112675312
19:00:31  Durff ->  Skypecast?
19:01:33  jeff ->  https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
19:01:43  JohnSchinker ->  And yes, the stream is on
19:02:02  jeff ->  +99001110002721586
19:02:19  JenniferW ->  Sorry, we could not find the Skypecast you are looking for. Back to Skypecasts home
19:02:23  JenniferW ->  hmmmm ??
19:02:37  CathyE ->  stream is good
19:02:48  JenniferW ->  I will enjoy the stream
19:03:06  JohnSchinker ->  Poor Anne -- she has to be Dave?
19:03:10  CathyE ->  Jen - you are sooo good
19:03:20  JenniferW ->  no yugma???
19:03:42  JenMad ->  http://valleywag.com/tech/microsoft/microsoft-in-talks-to-buy-yahoo-for-...
19:03:53  JohnSchinker ->  http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=112675312
19:04:00  JenMad ->  http://gigaom.com/2007/05/04/microhoo-much-ballyhooed-talks-are-off/
19:04:06  AnneLeftwich ->  I'm honored to be Dave :)
19:04:42  JohnSchinker ->  Your main job is to provide the abuse for Jeff and Jen
19:04:50  AnneLeftwich ->  I can do that :)
19:04:51  JenniferW ->  and we are GLAD that you are Dave -- :)
19:04:58  randyn ->  I cant get the stream!
19:05:14  jeff ->  http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/05/01/digg-surrenders-to-mob/
19:05:18  jeff ->  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9HaNbsIfp0
19:05:22  alicemercer ->  Google calendar is not great
19:05:44  alicemercer ->  I prefer Yahoo!
19:06:09  alicemercer ->  I like Slate comment on DIGG thing
19:06:28  JohnSchinker ->  Randyn: are you using media player, realplayer or winamp?
19:06:57  alicemercer ->  THis is a problem because too many young folks want to have free everything, and the content folks are being butt heads about it
19:07:04  AnneLeftwich ->  http://cosl.usu.edu
19:07:41  alicemercer ->  It is numbers and letters, but why post? to prove a point, or to continue to snatch up content without paying for it? hmm
19:07:51  alicemercer ->  are we on Yugma cast?
19:08:34  JenniferW ->  I can't get skype -- I can't get Yugma -- so I am CONTENTLY enjoying doing it the OLD way  :)
19:08:40  alicemercer ->  ANd john, you'd better NOT give me the screen!
19:08:44  JohnSchinker ->  Yugma: http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=112675312
19:09:13  JenniferW ->  thanks John -- but I think it is my computer -- not the link
19:09:35  Gary ->  Yugma is open but nothing is being shown,
19:09:42  JohnSchinker ->  Hmm... Anne -- can you post the breeze link again?
19:09:56  JohnSchinker ->  http://breeze.iu.edu/EdTechTalk
19:10:01  JohnSchinker ->  (I found it)
19:10:24  Durff ->  breeze videoconference?
19:10:31  CathyE ->  I'm not getting the Yugma either
19:10:33  JenniferW ->  Is Anne from Indiana???
19:10:41  Durff ->  wow you're moving up in the world!
19:10:41  CathyE ->  ok- there ya go
19:10:42  JohnSchinker ->  Oops
19:11:18  JenniferW ->  breeze???
19:11:22  JohnSchinker ->  No michigan accent that I can hear?
19:11:28  alicemercer ->  As long as you don't hand it over to me like you did last time!
19:11:30  JenniferW ->  I am reading her vita
19:11:33  JenniferW ->  :)
19:11:35  JohnSchinker ->  Breeze = macromedia's web sharing, yugma-like thingy
19:11:37  alicemercer ->  I've got yugma scrren now.
19:11:38  AnneLeftwich ->  Wow :)
19:11:39  JenniferW ->  very very impressive
19:11:40  Durff ->  I heard the accent
19:11:41  AnneLeftwich ->  That's fast
19:11:46  alicemercer ->  And I'm muted john
19:11:55  AnneLeftwich ->  Thanks Jennifer - where are you located at?
19:12:05  JenniferW ->  We have a DOCTOR in the house tonight -- I am in SoCalif
19:12:06  Durff ->  breeze is cool
19:12:08  alicemercer ->  Hoboken, NJ
19:12:12  Durff ->  jen is a trooper
19:12:23  alicemercer ->  Other jenn, sorry
19:12:25  Durff ->  don't breathe !
19:12:39  JohnSchinker ->  All this, and he makes her take the next item, too
19:12:43  Durff ->  Jeff doesn't like us to breaythe
19:12:57  JenniferW ->  LOL - another HARD typist  :)
19:13:15  Durff ->  Dr. who is the house?
19:13:20  JenniferW ->  Dr. Anne
19:13:22  jeff ->  http://www.skypejournal.com/blog/2007/04/skype_silences_alphablogger.html
19:13:31  alicemercer ->  What's new John?
19:13:40  Durff ->  hello Dr. Anne
19:13:43  JenniferW ->  here is her INFO -- pretty nifty  -- http://www.indiana.edu/~ist/faculty/aleftwic.html
19:13:45  alicemercer ->  Hi Doc
19:14:01  JenniferW ->  smiles -- you know me -- I needed to know who she was  :)
19:14:05  JohnSchinker ->  Sorry I missed your message, Alice
19:14:12  jeff ->  http://www.chillingeffects.org/
19:14:12  alicemercer ->  s'alright
19:14:19  AnneLeftwich ->  http://cosl.usu.edu
19:14:39  Durff ->  Purdue! Very impressive
19:15:00  JenniferW ->  I got one once -- a C&D letter
19:15:04  Durff ->  it's that degree
19:15:29  JenniferW ->  I think Anne is our most EDUCATED person -- right???
19:15:32  AnneLeftwich ->  Thanks! That picture is so terrible though
19:15:37  JohnSchinker ->  http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6180419.html?tag=nl.e589
19:15:40  jeff ->  http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6180419.html?tag=nl.e589
19:15:53  JohnSchinker ->  I installed it this week, too.
19:15:56  AnneLeftwich ->  Educated doesn't exactly = experience though - I learn so much from others and this podcast on a weekly basis!
19:16:01  JohnSchinker ->  Haven't really done anything with it yet
19:16:04  Durff ->  we are in the prescence of greatest
19:16:05  AnneLeftwich ->  I'm a constant learner
19:16:18  JenniferW ->  grins -- I have my PhD -- I was told I was a Pretty Handy Dame to have around  :)
19:16:20  Durff ->  your basement smells bad?
19:16:24  Durff ->  ewwwww
19:16:37  JenniferW ->  but educationally -- I didn't go far
19:16:45  JenniferW ->  but constant learner -- yep
19:16:54  alicemercer ->  How many master's degrees out there?
19:16:58  jeff ->  http://www.mediathatmattersfest.org/about/
19:17:03  JohnSchinker ->  : raises a hand
19:17:07  Durff ->  M.Ed.
19:17:08  jeff ->  http://www.ymdi.org/media/browse_media_cc.php
19:17:18  AnneLeftwich ->  Here's the ozmozr link - http://ozmorz.com
19:17:27  alicemercer ->  Well, I'm the most ill-educated so far. Just a post-bacc
19:17:33  Gary ->  Stared M.Ed. but got bored
19:17:37  JenniferW ->  I would like a MA -- but I have rent to pay
19:17:44  JohnSchinker ->  does anyone else know about that : to refer to one's self? I'm not sure how esoteric that is
19:18:01  JohnSchinker ->  I was answering the question about master's degrees
19:18:23  JenniferW ->  we are talking about degrees in Education
19:18:30  JenniferW ->  that is what John was raising his hand to
19:18:34  alicemercer ->  I'm sorry, I messed it up. I'm the backchat queen.
19:18:41  Durff ->  as opposed to?
19:18:43  JohnSchinker ->  Jen's going to have some audio editing to do
19:19:09  JohnSchinker ->  http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1110AP_iPod_Cheating.html
19:19:20  JenniferW ->  OOOhhh I just blogged about banning ipods
19:19:22  AnneLeftwich ->  Whoops - should I keep the chit-chat out?
19:19:25  JenniferW ->  on Wes' blog
19:19:34  JenniferW ->  No Anne -- we backchat all the time
19:19:41  JenniferW ->  and listen to the podcast later  :)
19:19:44  JohnSchinker ->  stupid news item, really. Who would let their kids listen to ipods during a test?
19:19:49  AnneLeftwich ->  Lovely
19:19:50  Durff ->  more fun that way
19:20:00  CathyE ->  The ipods in my school are really helping our ESL kids
19:20:01  srosemsn ->  how was the TEEN GRID meeting, JenW
19:20:07  Durff ->  I did John
19:20:14  Gary ->  During tests - never - other times depends
19:20:21  alicemercer ->  Hey, I've played musicovery.com during a test (no rap, just jazz and classical)
19:20:30  Durff ->  JenW - I couldn't find the meeting
19:20:39  JenniferW ->  http://www.speedofcreativity.org/
19:20:43  alicemercer ->  A weekly, just to see what it did. but we all were listening.
19:20:47  JenniferW ->  my blog used that link JEN
19:20:59  JenniferW ->  Lisa -- what meeting???
19:21:02  JohnSchinker ->  Right -- but if the kids are taking a test, should they be able to listen to their own mp3 players at the same time?
19:21:04  Gary ->  I can get my students to stop playing their ipods by suggesting that they listen to what is on mine.
19:21:06  JenniferW ->  ahhh -- gotcha
19:21:14  Durff ->  oh, I thought you knew
19:21:17  JenniferW ->  it was HARD to follow -- too many people chatting  :):):)
19:21:19  CathyE ->  The average person doesn't realize iPods don't have to be used to listen to music
19:21:25  Durff ->  Vicki found it
19:21:28  JenniferW ->  I went -- but I didn't need to
19:21:34  JenniferW ->  Vicki found what??
19:21:41  alicemercer ->  How about, I'll force you to listen to mine, lol. I let them listen if they are doing "choice" time.
19:21:51  Durff ->  ich spreche Deutsch
19:21:56  alicemercer ->  They are re-doing cell policy at my school.
19:22:00  Durff ->  Koennen Sie?
19:22:09  alicemercer ->  I could see that.
19:22:09  JenniferW ->  alice -- let me know what you think about my blog Ipod letter -- http://www.speedofcreativity.org/
19:22:11  JenniferW ->  if you would
19:22:12  Gary ->  Choice time ok but not all the time
19:22:22  Matt_Cronin ->  banning iPhones next?
19:22:29  Gary ->  Much depends on what is going on in class.
19:22:31  JohnSchinker ->  Postshow stuff -- move on. :-)
19:22:49  alicemercer ->  Jenn is that the speedofcreativity link?
19:22:51  Durff ->  he must be the moderator
19:23:01  JenniferW ->  Yes, I was a guest Blogger on Wes' site this weekend
19:23:10  Gary ->  Ipods can also be used for many other positive things in class.
19:23:13  jeff ->  http://scobleizer.com/2007/05/01/microsoft-rebooted-the-web-yesterday/
19:23:26  jeff ->  http://errantmind.wordpress.com/2007/05/05/silverlight-not-worth-the-money/
19:23:41  alicemercer ->  lol, I wondered why everyone who posted this was panning it, lol
19:23:44  Durff ->  is your mind errant, Jeff>
19:23:57  JenniferW ->  Anne -- that is what I said EXACTLY -- leave the iPod Green/Red light to the teacher  :)
19:24:09  AnneLeftwich ->  exactly!
19:24:10  JenniferW ->  :)
19:24:14  JenniferW ->  yup
19:24:30  Durff ->  my school doesn't allow them
19:24:30  Gary ->  Agreed
19:24:31  AnneLeftwich ->  I  think that's important - leaving all these choices to the teachers
19:24:36  JohnSchinker ->  Consensus!
19:24:40  Durff ->  so I break the rules
19:24:50  Durff ->  rules aremeant to be broken
19:25:15  JenniferW ->  CONGRATS JEN
19:25:24  jeff ->  http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070504-fcc-warns-carriers-to-stop...
19:25:33  JenniferW ->  silver skype???
19:25:37  JenniferW ->  what was the link???
19:25:39  Gary ->  Rules are often made by those who are not in the classroom
19:25:42  AnneLeftwich ->  There are some times that schools need to have whole school rules, but most times, teachers know best on their classrooms
19:25:43  jeff ->  http://whoissick.org/sickness/
19:25:55  AnneLeftwich ->  Gary, this is so true
19:26:02  AnneLeftwich ->  This is actually what my research was on
19:26:06  AnneLeftwich ->  Wow!
19:26:12  AnneLeftwich ->  What about Mad Cow Disease
19:26:17  randyn ->  what is the link for Silver Skype?
19:26:23  alicemercer ->  Jennifer, nice letter
19:26:27  JenniferW ->  thanks Alice
19:26:32  JohnSchinker ->  You researched \where pople are sick?
19:26:35  JenniferW ->  what was JEN's LINK  for the Google Thing??
19:26:47  jeff ->  http://www.silverstripe.com/home/
19:26:51  JenniferW ->  thanks
19:26:52  alicemercer ->  Hey, any "fun" links this week.
19:26:58  jeff ->  http://code.google.com/soc/silverstripe/about.html
19:27:05  alicemercer ->  Microsoft silverstriped doesn't count, btw.
19:27:13  AnneLeftwich ->  Has edtechtalk already talked about Wikimapia?
19:27:16  alicemercer ->  funny is not necessarily fun
19:27:18  JenniferW ->  LOL -- we need FUN    :)
19:27:26  Durff ->  hey anyone seen Joost?
19:27:51  JenniferW ->  I got invited to joost but didn't do it--  I have way too much on my plate right now
19:28:02  JenniferW ->  I was told to learn Microsoft Expression Web by Wednesday
19:28:07  Durff ->  it is so way cool!
19:28:19  Durff ->  what is that?
19:28:25  JenniferW ->  their new web editor
19:28:28  alicemercer ->  Okay. I'll quit nagging.
19:28:41  AnneLeftwich ->  Cool - I'd like an invite too
19:28:43  Durff ->  I don't have incites
19:28:57  Durff ->  I got nine from Nick
19:29:07  JenniferW ->  alice -- have you seen http://www.msdewey.com/
19:29:15  JenniferW ->  Lisa mentioned Joost  -- Not me
19:29:17  alicemercer ->  I posted that last week!
19:29:24  JenniferW ->  ok
19:29:25  JenniferW ->  sorry
19:29:29  Durff ->  oh who cares Jen
19:29:32  JenniferW ->  LOL
19:29:40  alicemercer ->  THat is funny, but it doesn't work on screen cast because you need the audio
19:29:41  Durff ->  stop that!
19:29:45  JenniferW ->  Just like to give credit where credit is due
19:29:53  sroseman ->  http://www.pandora.com/
19:30:07  AnneLeftwich ->  http://wikimapia.org
19:30:13  sroseman ->  I am still getting my radio stations I created here in Canada
19:30:29  JenniferW ->  http://www.bloggerschoiceawards.com/
19:30:41  alicemercer ->  So anne, what do I do there?
19:30:42  JenniferW ->  OOOOhhh Second Life
19:30:43  jeff ->  http://digg.com/world_news/My_Sister_Nicole_Vienneau_Has_Gone_Missing_in...
19:30:49  JenniferW ->  here is a link for Second Life too
19:30:51  Durff ->  oh yuck
19:31:00  JenniferW ->  http://slurl.com/build.php
19:31:02  alicemercer ->  Oh, man am I sorry!
19:31:05  JenniferW ->  to build URL's
19:31:26  jeff ->  http://vienneau.livejournal.com/39588.html
19:31:26  Durff ->  that is good how?
19:31:31  Durff ->  was she found?
19:31:38  Anne Leftwich ->  http://www.4teachers.org/
19:31:41  jeff ->  http://teachr.tv/
19:31:42  alicemercer ->  Like syrians would be in a position to help
19:31:58  Durff ->  or would want to
19:31:59  alicemercer ->  I just added that to my rss reader. Bloggy
19:32:07  alicemercer ->  But interesting!
19:32:39  alicemercer ->  Okay, I'm getting annoyed. can't get teacher tube to embed on edublogs
19:32:40  Anne Leftwich ->  http://www.pics4learning.com/
19:32:50  alicemercer ->  Anne, what do you do in wikimpia?
19:32:53  JenniferW ->  Anne -- great links
19:33:22  JenniferW ->  Anne -- are you a professor that teaches new teachers TECH??
19:33:29  Anne Leftwich ->  You can actually go to edit various places and add your "two cents" about a certain area
19:33:36  alicemercer ->  ahhh
19:33:37  Anne Leftwich ->  Yes, that's my expertise :)
19:33:45  JenniferW ->  grins -- we need to talk   :)
19:33:51  Anne Leftwich ->  I would love to!
19:34:02  alicemercer ->  that would be great for my kids.
19:34:03  Anne Leftwich ->  I'm always looking for more people to chat with.
19:34:11  JenniferW ->  I host online projects for K6 -- and wannabe teachers are always welcome to join up
19:34:20  alicemercer ->  We're doing a project ot have them plan a trip across the country
19:34:42  Durff ->  get a life!
19:35:13  JenniferW ->  Ed Tech has a PhD??
19:35:21  JohnSchinker ->  THAT's where that stuff went -- lots of cool tools there
19:35:24  jeff ->  http://www.avivadirectory.com/blogger-law/
19:35:59  JenniferW ->  wb anne
19:36:03  Anne Leftwich ->  http://www.curriwiki.com/
19:36:19  alicemercer ->  Oh, I've seen that I think?
19:36:26  sroseman ->  If I can jump in you may find www.tappedin.org useful, Anne Leftwich! JenW is going to be my guest on Tuesday..
19:36:29  JohnSchinker ->  Wasn't that referenced in the Time article in December?
19:36:44  jeff ->  http://www.1-click.jp/
19:36:50  alicemercer ->  oh, not that one, I love it!
19:36:52  Anne Leftwich ->  I will definitely look into that
19:36:53  alicemercer ->  this is funny
19:37:46  alicemercer ->  I have a link to an oldie but goody
19:37:49  JenniferW ->  Totally LAUGH OUT LOUD
19:37:58  alicemercer ->  I can go to post show though
19:38:06  jeff ->  http://webheadsinaction.org/
19:38:30  Anne Leftwich ->  http://www.brainpopjr.com/
19:38:32  Durff ->  is that the URL?
19:38:40  alicemercer ->  My SON IS ADDICTED TO THA
19:38:42  alicemercer ->  that
19:38:44  Durff ->  webheads
19:38:51  alicemercer ->  Now, the free period is over
19:38:59  JohnSchinker ->  Good job, Anne
19:39:07  Anne Leftwich ->  Thanks John!
19:39:08  alicemercer ->  http://www.willatworklearning.com/2006/05/people_remember.html
19:39:09  Anne Leftwich ->  :)
19:39:10  Durff ->  Dr. Anne! You were great!!
19:39:19  JenniferW ->  ooo we can be guinea pigs for you??  cool
19:39:23  Durff ->  ok, let's talk about her
19:39:25  JohnSchinker ->  brb....
19:39:26  Anne Leftwich ->  Thanks you so much!
19:40:17  alicemercer ->  http://kwhobbes.edublogs.org/2007/05/01/tlt-it-summit2007/#comment-1975
19:40:21  JenniferW ->  Anne   are you Anne Todd Ottenbrict-Leftwich??  -- to email??
19:40:31  JenniferW ->  or something like that???  :)
19:40:48  Durff ->  guinea pygs? we can do the hamster dance, thanks to Miguel
19:41:44  JenniferW ->  way to go ALICE
19:42:18  Anne Leftwich ->  I think this is more along those lines that teachers observe things like this to be true as opposed to research
19:42:41  Anne Leftwich ->  Hi Jennifer!
19:42:54  JenniferW ->  anne -- do you have an email address??
19:43:05  Anne Leftwich ->  Yes, my email is [email protected]
19:43:07  JohnSchinker ->  You shouldn't have told anyone about that doctorate
19:43:12  JenniferW ->  LOL
19:43:36  JenniferW ->  NO WAY -- what if you like to write
19:43:41  Durff ->  she will never leve it down
19:43:44  alicemercer ->  Yeah, Anne, I think that it makes intuitive sense, but someone at some point added numbers and different numbers
19:43:49  Durff ->  oh no
19:43:56  JohnSchinker ->  You have to have tenure to publish a book? What a stupid rule
19:44:09  Durff ->  Skype just dropped me
19:44:12  JenniferW ->  boy LULU would go out of business if people had to have tenure
19:44:37  JohnSchinker ->  *grin*  I was just going to post that link
19:44:42  alicemercer ->  Well, that's a university or university publishing rule, no?
19:45:34  Durff ->  ok on stream anyone else booted out of Skype?
19:45:35  sroseman ->  wow...teachers ..all in the family
19:45:52  jeff ->  try calling back lisa
19:45:55  alicemercer ->  Okay, I think to that the person who posted the diagram is really concerned about effective instruction and in particular, LD students
19:45:57  JenniferW ->  so she is 27???
19:46:07  alicemercer ->  Anne, I'm a behaviorist.
19:46:14  jeff ->  +99001110002721586
19:46:18  Durff ->  I did. It won't go there
19:46:41  Anne Leftwich ->  http://www.coatt.org
19:47:07  alicemercer ->  I used to teach kids kicked out of regular school for behavior problems
19:47:37  Durff ->  nope, invalid number
19:47:48  Durff ->  it has an attitude
19:47:51  jeff ->  indeed
19:47:56  jeff ->  have you tried https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
19:48:02  Durff ->  i did
19:48:08  alicemercer ->  and I have an autistic (mild) son, so I use behavior mod. I find that there are few "pure" behaviorist teachers. Most do build intrinsic motivation whether than do it consciously or not.
19:48:29  alicemercer ->  OH PULEEZE
19:48:55  Durff ->  asperger's or autism?
19:48:59  JenniferW ->  Sorry, we could not find the Skypecast you are looking for. Back to Skypecasts home
19:49:08  JenniferW ->  that is what skype is telling me
19:49:54  jeff ->  skype is less and less reliable these days
19:50:02  sroseman ->  teachers value technology if it works for them and their students ..especially newish teachers
19:50:10  Anne Leftwich ->  Exactly!
19:50:13  JenniferW ->  but I am still okay being 30 seconds behind the REAL conversation
19:50:24  Gary ->  I had the same problem but it seems to be working now (Skype)
19:50:35  JenniferW ->  Anne Leftwich -- we need to have you on a Women of Web 2.0 -- chat -- I will send you info later!!
19:50:36  Anne Leftwich ->  I think that eclectic is the best way to go
19:50:38  jeff ->  hmmm, perhaps keep  trying
19:50:50  JenniferW ->  I shall try again
19:51:22  JenniferW ->  hmmm
19:51:32  JenniferW ->  real life sound -- so cool
19:53:34  Durff ->  there are buzz words and there is what workss
19:53:52  Durff ->  behavior mod works
19:53:56  sroseman ->  And Anne Leftwich, I want you as a guest on www.tappedin.org ..I offer K to 3+ Great Resources twice monthly sessions  ... at some point
19:55:16  JenniferW ->  where did we find Anne L???  so cool -- thanks EdTechTalk!!
19:55:17  sroseman ->  As a primary teacher for many years I couldn't survive without behaviour mod
19:56:05  JenniferW ->  Hey Sharon
19:56:31  sharonp ->  ack.... am I too late? Did I miss everything?
19:56:35  JenniferW ->  yep
19:56:35  alicemercer ->  Wow, that is ambitious...
19:56:42  JenniferW ->  we started an hour ago
19:56:50  alicemercer ->  Give her the curosor link, lol
19:56:53  JenniferW ->  pretty much POST chat now
19:57:08  JenniferW ->  https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
19:57:09  sharonp ->  was out to anniversary dinner with hubby
19:58:01  JenniferW ->  I am muted again  :)
19:58:06  JenniferW ->  Sharon -- no worries --
19:58:11  JenniferW ->  you can listen to the podcast
19:58:14  alicemercer ->  http://groups.diigo.com/groups/connections
19:58:24  alicemercer ->  For Cathy's show on Tuesday night....
19:58:27  JenniferW ->  sort of a depressing list of links -- but GOOD conversation
19:58:46  JenM ->  I'm baaaaaaack!!
19:58:59  Durff ->  hey!
19:59:00  sroseman ->  Here is the calendar of events for Tappedin http://tappedin.org/tappedin/do/CalendarAction?
19:59:10  JohnSchinker ->  Jen -- way to go!
19:59:12  Anne Leftwich ->  sroseman - I would love to come to Tappedin
19:59:21  JenM ->  had to completely reboot!!
19:59:28  Durff ->  so verbose
19:59:33  alicemercer ->  Dang, I want credit!
19:59:36  JohnSchinker ->  I need to check out tapped in too -- I heard the wow episode today
19:59:44  JohnSchinker ->  I can get credit? Which show?
19:59:50  sroseman ->  login after the show..we will show you around..many a thesis has been completed around tappedin
20:00:05  alicemercer ->  I'm halfway to my masters already, wo who
20:00:10  Durff ->  ok children
20:00:49  JenniferW ->  LOL -- perhaps I can get credit for listening to myself
20:00:51  alicemercer ->  Anne I need to pick your brain. I'm thinking of a masters program and I'm trying to figure out how to evaluate programs.
20:00:58  sroseman ->  and many profs require their students to participate in 2 or 3 events at tappedin
20:01:14  JenniferW ->  I have MANY teachers who have to participate in a project
20:01:19  JenniferW ->  who join Technospud Projects
20:01:22  alicemercer ->  I'm supposed to help some pre-service teachers in Kansas this summer on Classroom2.0
20:01:27  JenniferW ->  meaning Wannabe Teachers
20:01:33  Durff ->  hi Sharon
20:01:39  Durff ->  happy 19th!
20:01:44  JenniferW ->  Sharon -- who are you in 2nd life???
20:01:57  Durff ->  warped profs
20:02:00  alicemercer ->  Yeah, well you get so few chances to actually practice before you ahve a class.
20:02:01  sharonp ->  I am Heloise Chevalier in SL
20:02:04  JenniferW ->  so this is an ONLINE class Jen is in???
20:02:11  JenniferW ->  were you at the SL meeting this AM??
20:02:50  sharonp ->  I tried to find it.... then I got interrupted by a prof down in Virginia who is writing a book on Global Projects and wanted to interview me
20:03:03  JenM ->  yes ... this is my program at Indiana University
20:03:06  alicemercer ->  Next, can we push Cathy's Making Connections?
20:03:08  JenniferW ->  OH -- he wanted to interview me too -- but he doesn't call when he says he is calling
20:03:37  JenniferW ->  but Jen -- you live in ?????  not Indiana??
20:03:40  sharonp ->  well, I actually did go through with it with him - Laurence Peters (great name, eh!?)
20:03:51  JohnSchinker ->  Jen lives everywhere
20:03:51  JenM ->  I take the class online
20:04:03  JenniferW ->  I would take the class for credit non credit if I could
20:04:21  sharonp ->  what is a credit non-credit??
20:04:29  JenniferW ->  LOL -- meaning I don't have to pay
20:04:55  JenniferW ->  there is another way to say it besides credit no credit
20:05:06  JohnSchinker ->  Have you used moodle? Is sakai better/worse than that?
20:05:12  JenM ->  http://www.indiana.edu/~istde/here is the program web site
20:05:13  JenniferW ->  AUDIT -- that is waht I wanted to say
20:05:30  JenniferW ->  Error 404 - Page not found
20:05:35  JenniferW ->  is there another link??
20:05:46  JenM ->  oops try this http://www.indiana.edu/~istde/
20:05:47  sharonp ->  sakai - what do people know about it??
20:06:10  JohnSchinker ->  Ohio is going to be using it at the state level for pd
20:06:13  sharonp ->  sakai may figger big in my future
20:06:15  alicemercer ->  Tenure track, not tenured, right?
20:06:24  JohnSchinker ->  I haven't used it though
20:06:35  Anne Leftwich ->  I am tenure track - but not tenured
20:06:48  JenniferW ->  OR she could be writing a book
20:06:52  alicemercer ->  yep
20:06:55  Anne Leftwich ->  :)
20:06:56  sharonp ->  but it could stand on its own??
20:07:14  sharonp ->  not touchy feely - hmmmmm
20:07:21  alicemercer ->  So anne, the publishing ban  is from IU?
20:07:24  JohnSchinker ->  *grin*
20:07:28  JenniferW ->  thanks Jen -- that link worked better
20:07:35  JohnSchinker ->  http://sakaiproject.org/
20:07:38  Anne Leftwich ->  No - you have to publish - but just in peer-reviewed articles
20:07:44  jeff ->  http://www.yugma.com/app/loading.php?user=&role=0&collsession=112675312
20:07:48  Anne Leftwich ->  Books take too long
20:07:56  Anne Leftwich ->  too much of your time
20:08:04  alicemercer ->  Hmm, so that's from IU?
20:08:23  jeff ->  http://www.lulu.com/content/324974
20:08:25  alicemercer ->  THere is a Fordham English Prof who wrote romance novels when she was untenured.
20:08:41  Anne Leftwich ->  It's not outlawed - but everyone has basically advised against it
20:08:53  Anne Leftwich ->  I am planning on writing a chapter in my colleague's book
20:09:04  Anne Leftwich ->  About how to use technology in certain educational levels
20:09:15  alicemercer ->  ahhhh
20:09:36  Anne Leftwich ->  I do have one manual with an ISBN, but it's not interesting
20:09:55  sharonp ->  info magnets
20:10:16  JenniferW ->  http://www.lulu.com/technospud
20:10:20  alicemercer ->  my class website could be more intuitive
20:10:45  Anne Leftwich ->  http://trailfire.com/
20:10:48  JohnSchinker ->  Have to have the beer at the beginning of the show
20:10:52  Durff ->  I saw a project where kids write a book on Lulu
20:11:01  sharonp ->  Hi Cheryl!
20:11:14  JenniferW ->  http://www.technospudprojects.com/index.htm -- this is what I did all day today
20:11:33  cheryloakes ->  hi
20:11:40  Durff ->  so it kept you out of taverns
20:11:46  JenniferW ->  yep
20:11:50  Durff ->  hi cheryl
20:11:51  JohnSchinker ->  Hi Cheryl
20:12:06  cheryloakes ->  hello all,just logged on
20:12:09  alicemercer ->  Can we talk about Making Connections...
20:12:17  JenM ->  Jen, this site looks great!!
20:12:21  JohnSchinker ->  JW, you look younger than I imagined :-)
20:12:31  JenniferW ->  LOL --
20:12:37  JenM ->  JW is reaaaaalllllly young ....
20:12:44  alicemercer ->  http://groups.diigo.com/groups/connections
20:13:09  JenniferW ->  I was never that cute nor that skinny
20:13:32  JenniferW ->  but -- lol - she came with the template
20:13:37  JohnSchinker ->  It's because she's on west coast time -- it's earlier there
20:13:49  CathyE ->  Thanks Alice
20:13:56  JenniferW ->  yes, I am always 3 hours younger than most of you
20:13:59  Durff ->  she is
20:14:01  CathyE ->  Too much noise here
20:14:09  JenM ->  JW: tee hee
20:14:16  JohnSchinker ->  Haven't we talked about diigo in ETW?
20:14:17  JenM ->  Hi, CathyE!
20:14:18  Durff ->  enunciation
20:14:41  sharonp ->  http://schoolcomputing.wikia.com/wiki/Bassett_21
20:14:42  JenniferW ->  Will R's home in 2L is right next door to me -- as is Discovery Educators and Kathy Schrock
20:14:44  sharonp ->  great article
20:14:50  JenniferW ->  if you are in SL later tonight -- come see my home
20:14:58  sharonp ->  WHAT? Jen you have some kind of neighbours
20:15:04  JenM ->  was the 2nd life thing at 9:00 AM???? or is it PM???
20:15:07  JenniferW ->  I have an apartment
20:15:16  Durff ->  JenW - you're on EduIsland II?
20:15:21  alicemercer ->  There was that satisfactory Cathy E?
20:15:21  JenniferW ->  yes
20:15:30  Durff ->  I want to visit
20:15:31  CathyE ->  perfect
20:15:32  JenniferW ->  my book is paying for my apartment
20:15:33  CathyE ->   :)
20:15:39  sharonp ->  passed great article about the need for school 2.0 - somethng like
20:15:52  cheryloakes ->  Jen W., lillyofthesea Starr just said Kathy Schrock swapped houses with Pia. so Now Kathy is across from Lilly's apt. Hm.
20:15:54  nick ->  you are all welcome to go to my SL space too ... Boracay
20:15:55  sharonp ->  gotta check you out Jen - but I have a TON of makring to od
20:15:58  Durff ->  I'll have to look you up JenW
20:16:15  sroseman ->  diigo is similar to delicious http://www.diigo.com/user/sroseman
20:16:22  alicemercer ->  Am I the only teacher who puts their LCD projector on the old O/H?
20:16:23  Durff ->  hi nick
20:16:25  sroseman ->  I did play around with it
20:16:31  nick ->  hiya
20:16:32  cheryloakes ->  hello Susan and Lisa too
20:16:41  Durff ->  :)
20:16:45  alicemercer ->  The annotation makes it more robust SR
20:16:46  nick ->  http://boracay.wikispaces.com
20:16:48  Durff ->  what a plug!
20:16:53  JohnSchinker ->  AM: I had a sub write on one with permanent marker
20:16:53  JenniferW ->  you will have to see my bubbleshare -- http://www.bubbleshare.com/album/152512/overview
20:16:58  Durff ->  alice i meant
20:17:18  alicemercer ->  old o/h? On the glass?
20:17:20  alicemercer ->  OH NO!
20:17:31  JohnSchinker ->  No -- on the LCD on top
20:17:35  alicemercer ->  I've had them write on transparencies with sharpie, but NEVER on the cglass.
20:17:37  Durff ->  OH YES!!
20:17:41  JenniferW ->  I love BUBBLESHARE
20:17:46  alicemercer ->  I have a bubbleshare...
20:17:47  Durff ->  me too
20:18:00  JohnSchinker ->  Cheryl uses it, don't you?
20:18:04  Durff ->  we did cyberbullying posters
20:18:12  cheryloakes ->  Matt, I moved from classroom to tech coordinator.
20:18:21  JenniferW ->  I moved from classroom to IT
20:18:22  Durff ->  the 7th  graders loved it
20:18:31  cheryloakes ->  I love bubbleshare, but now I am onto voicethread because of the collaborati e nature.
20:18:41  Matt_Cronin ->  How did you like the transition Cheryl?
20:18:55  Durff ->  we have 15 more wake-ups
20:18:58  nick ->  have any of you used http://www.scribd.com ?
20:19:10  cheryloakes ->  The first 5 months were such a learning curve, I went from Mac classrooms to Active directory and a new network
20:19:28  cheryloakes ->  Now I am really seeing the changes I can effect for the next 3 years.
20:19:29  sroseman ->  Bubbleshare is so quick and easy to use...
20:19:31  Durff ->  no nick, what is that like?
20:19:41  JohnSchinker ->  Isn't that fun? You don't know what tech people even do, if they do it right :-)
20:19:45  alicemercer ->  All Jeffs points about bubble share are valid,
20:19:45  Durff ->  we did and jen missed it
20:19:50  nick ->  have a quick ... most common file formats
20:19:58  Matt_Cronin ->  It is great to be the agent of change
20:20:07  nick ->  a quick look that is
20:20:14  alicemercer ->  BUT.. I'm having trouble getting photostory wmv up on video sites like vodpod, etc.
20:20:24  cheryloakes ->  The change agent is the part I really like, getting more people on board.
20:20:30  alicemercer ->  And then most of the video sites are blocked at school.
20:20:49  alicemercer ->  http://nichoalsfifth.edublogs.org/eld
20:20:54  alicemercer ->  I did this last week.
20:20:59  Anne Leftwich ->  Agent of change talks is quite interesting
20:21:12  Anne Leftwich ->  Poor Jen!
20:21:14  Durff ->  yes, it's a step in the trip
20:21:26  Durff ->  podcasts are harder
20:21:38  Durff ->  to convince people of anyway
20:21:39  cheryloakes ->  The shows always sound great!
20:21:48  Durff ->  Flickr has bad press
20:22:33  alicemercer ->  okay, splashr is so easy there is NO excuse for not getting that!
20:22:39  JenniferW ->  you have seen this -- http://www.zamzar.com/
20:22:50  Durff ->  web1
20:22:53  Durff ->  1
20:22:59  Durff ->  0ohhh
20:23:10  Durff ->  i said....web1
20:23:16  Durff ->  oh dear!
20:23:23  Durff ->  i give up
20:24:12  alicemercer ->  You don't "jigsaw"?
20:24:20  nick ->  expectations of spaces?
20:24:23  Durff ->  jeff, can you get rid of those pics and messages on the right?
20:24:32  alicemercer ->  I had one class where we jigsawed at least once a class (once a week)
20:24:40  nick ->  are you folks still on audio
20:24:48  Durff ->  some messages are less than appropriate
20:25:04  Durff ->  yes they are nick
20:25:44  alicemercer ->  Looking for love in all the wrong places...
20:25:54  nick ->  they are talking about requiring skype right now?
20:25:54  Matt_Cronin ->  Ever try Moodle?
20:26:11  Durff ->  singing to yourself, alice?
20:26:18  nick ->  wondering how much he is lagging
20:26:24  JenniferW ->  I hope the Google Academy shows us Presently - the new PowerPoint of Google
20:26:26  alicemercer ->  no a comment on folks entering a leaving...
20:26:33  alicemercer ->  and leaving...
20:26:50  Matt_Cronin ->  I'm looking foward to Google's presentation app too!
20:26:51  nick ->  which channel A or B?
20:26:58  Durff ->  A
20:27:00  JenniferW ->  I am too
20:27:03  jeff ->  both
20:27:08  alicemercer ->  Do you do cohorts?
20:27:09  nick ->  thx
20:27:14  Durff ->  figures
20:27:16  Matt_Cronin ->  is that the name "Presently"?
20:27:26  Durff ->  cohorts?
20:27:27  JenniferW ->  well - that is the name I have seen on the web
20:27:44  Matt_Cronin ->  sort of like writely?
20:27:46  JenniferW ->  and when I mentioned it to Cristin -- she confirmed the name
20:27:57  JenniferW ->  BUT she was surprised I had heard of it-- I guess it is HUSHHUSH
20:28:36  alicemercer ->  no secrets in that industry.
20:28:44  alicemercer ->  Worried about the end of year reviews?
20:29:00  alicemercer ->  I wonder what would happen if my 11 yo's could review me...
20:29:26  JenniferW ->  Hey Sharon -- we are going to have Anne on our WOW2 show -- Okay??
20:29:27  alicemercer ->  I have two writing letters to the president talking about how great our school is.
20:29:43  JohnSchinker ->  When is Tom going to be on the show?
20:29:49  JenniferW ->  soon --
20:30:23  sharonp ->  sure thing Jen!
20:30:39  Durff ->  pollyanna was a person?
20:30:47  Anne Leftwich ->  Disney person
20:30:49  Durff ->  in the closet?
20:30:53  Anne Leftwich ->  Haley Mills
20:31:09  alicemercer ->  ON my first visit to this show, someone sent a SKype messages telling me something similar. I banned him
20:31:25  Durff ->  thank you jeff
20:31:35  JohnSchinker ->  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollyanna
20:31:36  alicemercer ->  Oh, if your on Skype, check out my photo with new hair cut.
20:31:37  Anne Leftwich ->  Thank you so much for having me!
20:31:48  alicemercer ->  Oh , thank you for being here.
20:31:53  alicemercer ->  Can't call in, state testing.
20:32:06  JenniferW ->  THANK YOU
20:32:08  JenM ->  Thank you so much for Anne!!!!
20:32:11  Durff ->  ok, that's weifd
20:32:14  alicemercer ->  Anyone interested in writing congress about NCLB reauthorization, send me a note.
20:32:16  Durff ->  weird
20:32:25  JenniferW ->  I don't see the TINGLY comment
20:32:43  cheryl ->  good stuff good night
20:32:49  alicemercer ->  yes very...
20:32:59  JohnSchinker ->  Busy tonight
20:33:00  Durff ->  you forgot to call me a geel
20:33:04  Durff ->  geek
20:33:09  alicemercer ->  GEEK!
20:33:10  JohnSchinker ->  You're a geek, lisa
20:33:10  alicemercer ->  I will
20:33:13  Durff ->  thaqnk you
20:33:18  Durff ->  i feel better
20:33:24  Durff ->  thank john
20:33:34  Durff ->  bye all
20:33:35  sroseman ->  lots of great dialog along with resources
20:33:41  JohnSchinker ->  Bye
20:33:42  jeff ->  thanks all
20:33:55  sroseman ->  thanks again
20:34:00  alicemercer ->  night john boy, night mary ellen,