EdTechWeekly #106 - Twit, Crackle, and Tops

Post-Show description: 

Twitter tools, Awards, Skydrives, and many more links

December 7, 2008

This Week's Delicious Links

Chat Log Below

19:02:08 cyndidannerkuhn -> You guys really have to check this link out, it is amazing
19:02:14 cyndidannerkuhn -> http://www.nibipedia.com/
19:02:17 John Rundag -> I was in Cleveland last Sunday.
19:02:27 matt montagne -> @sheila...I shared that piece with our juniors who are making podcasts in their english honors class...
19:02:44 matt montagne -> @sheila...his email??
19:03:06 matt montagne -> I have it somewhere...I'll get it for u
19:03:13 John Rundag -> Where is snap and pop?
19:03:15 sheila -> @Matt assumed snail mail - Forgot you were in a diff. school this yeasr.
19:03:17 matt montagne -> not bad tho jeff...the crackle isn't too bad
19:03:30 matt montagne -> @sheila...I don't have his snail mail...
19:03:33 cyndidannerkuhn -> crackle is not too bad, we can live with it
19:03:41 JimBurke -> audio is good.
19:03:45 matt montagne -> when r u going to try google audio chat jl??
19:03:47 sharonp -> how do you get skype to play nice with ustream
19:03:48 sheila -> @Matt - does he have email?
19:04:34 acsTech -> Hi Sheila and Sonja! I'm trying to focus long enough to listen to a whole podcast
19:04:51 matt montagne -> @sharon...alec couros post is good for that purpose...and a second computer (use one computer for the stream to ustream, the other to talk...the echo is a little tough)
19:05:06 dave -> http://www.chrislott.org/2008/12/05/forcing-or-guiding/
19:05:18 sheila -> Hi acsTech!
19:05:31 sharonp -> @matt thanks! might skip ustream and stick to skype!
19:05:36 sonjag -> Hi acsTech and all :)
19:05:52 acsTech -> It's Pam :-)
19:05:55 matt montagne -> @sharonP...we use skype to ustream for our student radio show...works pretty well...
19:06:14 sheila -> Ohhh Pam!
19:06:44 sonjag -> Hi Pam pseudonym girl!
19:07:10 JenM -> Can we get an update, please? http://edublogawards.com/2008/
19:07:30 sharonp -> @matt - but two computers??
19:07:33 sharonp -> Dec 20
19:07:52 sharonp -> in Jokaydia Island
19:07:56 sharonp -> in SL
19:08:42 sharonp -> I just don't get the lifetime achievement award
19:09:07 cyndidannerkuhn -> A ton there, seems like everybody is nominated
19:09:14 matt montagne -> @sharon...I use 1 computer, but I'm thinking that a 2nd computer would help with the echoing...but yeah, it is a bit over the top...
19:09:23 acsTech -> and achievement is spelling incorrectly!
19:09:34 acsTech -> ack!  spelled incorrectly!
19:09:39 cyndidannerkuhn -> No video today?
19:09:55 Jeff -> http://www.twitip.com/
19:10:10 Jeff -> http://www.twitip.com/top-ten-must-follows-writers-gtdproductivity-and-m...
19:10:11 matt montagne -> say that 20 times real fast
19:11:01 JohnS -> President-elect Barack Obama lays out key parts of Economic Recovery Plan: http://change.gov/newsroom/entry/the_key_parts_of_the_jobs_plan/
19:11:14 sharonp -> and why did Twitter flourish when Pownce chokes and dies??
19:11:45 matt montagne -> does anyone know where twitter is from?? They seem to be super secret
19:12:01 cyndidannerkuhn -> The desktop clients like Tweetdeck save Twitter
19:12:05 Gary -> @Sharon - because it was before Pownce?
19:12:37 sharonp -> @Gary I think it is one of those interesting questions - why one app flourishes while another dies?
19:12:40 matt montagne -> @sharonP...good quest...why is twitter still alive?? It has so many issues there for a while...
19:12:45 cyndidannerkuhn -> I hope Obama can accomplish it!
19:12:45 dave -> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28035543/
19:13:22 sharonp -> Pownce had more functionality - could thread comments, no limit to words, etc - seemingly a better wya to build community
19:13:23 sroseman -> cbc twitters now http://twitter.com/cbcnews
19:13:28 Gary -> It worked!
19:14:10 sroseman -> must be reaching the mainstream
19:14:11 John Rundag -> 2 tv networks in central Ohio use Twitter.
19:14:12 acsTech -> This was a problem when I telecommuted!
19:14:26 sharonp -> are we just discovering neuroplasticity simultaneous to internet going viral?
19:14:45 Gary -> Does the brain change for old guys like me Dave?
19:14:51 dave -> no Gary...
19:14:55 dave -> your finished
19:14:58 dave -> you're
19:15:06 Gary -> Thought so.
19:15:11 JenM -> More on Twitter ... Groups: http://twittgroups.com/group/teachers ... and ... drupal aggregation application: http://drupal.org/project/tapatio
19:15:30 Gary -> But need confirmation from a youg'in.
19:15:34 sharonp -> Cool... am covering twitter for class project (Dave's course)
19:15:45 John Rundag -> Coolcatteacher has a great blog.
19:17:01 Gary -> An old guy would never read the code.
19:17:07 mrsdurff -> hey Posie!
19:17:07 Jeff -> http://www.socialmention.com/
19:17:13 matt montagne -> looks a bit like wordpress
19:17:24 dave -> @matt yup
19:17:43 Jeff -> http://voices.washingtonpost.com/securityfix/2008/12/court_rules_against...
19:17:43 dave -> I like how the Recent links are 'google ads'
19:18:23 mrsdurff -> hey moixland
19:18:35 moixland -> hey mrsdurff
19:18:38 JohnS -> Should textbooks or technology be Texas' spending priority? : http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/around-the-web/index.cfm?i=56230 
19:18:41 sheila -> Heard about that today. NPR. Possible appeal though.
19:19:12 randyn -> or Facebook for that matter
19:19:17 moixland -> hello kindle!
19:19:21 Gary -> It is an innovative idea.
19:19:29 mrsdurff -> so computers don't convey any information
19:19:30 JohnS -> textbook funds must be used for "conveying information." That excludes computer hardware. So they're spending $110 per kid for books this year, and $30 per kid for computers. And the book budget is supposed to double next year.
19:19:33 Gary -> Let the teachers write what they need.
19:19:34 mrsdurff -> who knew?
19:19:44 cyndidannerkuhn -> can you believe the stupidity in Texas, of course George Bush is from there!!
19:20:14 matt montagne -> I believe the policy in many california districts is similar
19:20:17 moixland -> the physics hasn't changed, but what about the pedagogy?
19:20:18 troyapeterson -> Nothing has happened in physics in the last 15 minutes.
19:20:23 mrsdurff -> @cyndidannerkuhn thinking this is probably county wide
19:20:28 troyapeterson -> Nothing new anyway
19:20:35 cyndidannerkuhn -> yup
19:20:45 mrsdurff -> hey dianne
19:20:58 dianne -> hi
19:21:02 cyndidannerkuhn -> Mrs Durff check this out http://www.nibipedia.com/
19:21:09 dianne -> Hi
19:21:24 dave -> http://oedb.org/library/features/top_50_iphones_for_educators
19:21:52 Alvin Trusty -> teachers around here can't afford iPhones
19:21:57 acsTech -> I wish the iPhone worked in my area :-(
19:22:03 mrsdurff -> i will then cyndi after the show - thanks
19:22:11 JohnS -> and we don't want to use AT&T
19:22:20 matt montagne -> my recommendation on iPhone apps:  Don't buy any apps...only go for the freebies
19:22:31 cyndidannerkuhn -> just got an iPhone, love it!!
19:22:35 moixland -> so much of the functionality of the iphone is in the iPod Touch..  with no monthly fee
19:22:37 dave -> http://code.google.com/p/iphoneebooks/wiki/InstallingEBooks
19:22:51 mrsdurff -> AT & T bought Dobson Cellular - hence I am now sadly AT&T
19:23:06 Alvin Trusty -> I have had a Touch for a year.  It is incredible.  Even runs Apache web server.
19:23:10 Gary -> Do many of the apps work on the iPod Touch?
19:23:10 sharonp -> still holding out for Gphone
19:23:18 mrsdurff -> 299
19:23:20 acsTech -> @sharonp - me, too!
19:23:24 Gary -> Cheaper for teachers
19:23:27 Alvin Trusty -> Touch Gen 1 is $200 at bestbuy
19:23:29 dave -> @Gary most of them
19:23:48 Alvin Trusty -> 16 GB Gen 1 is $229
19:23:50 moixland -> 2nd gen touch will do just about everything the iphone will, gary
19:23:53 sroseman -> we have an ipodtouch ... most of the apps work
19:24:06 mrsdurff -> hi kevin
19:24:09 Gary -> You can get an iPod touch using AirMiles
19:24:35 John Rundag -> http://appshopper.com/bestsellers/free
19:24:40 sharonp -> I so agree DAve
19:24:58 sharonp -> it would take one finger to push over any one of my gr. 7 students who is wearing her backpack
19:25:12 mrsdurff -> indeed
19:25:28 mrsdurff -> i've thought of trying that
19:25:28 John Rundag -> Saw 2 kids with iPhones at Kohls today.
19:25:38 John Rundag -> 4GB iPhone
19:25:53 Cathy E -> Can you highlight on the iphone?
19:25:53 moixland -> g1 battery wouldn't make it all day at school
19:25:59 sharonp -> half my students have iphones - or will get them as gifts for holidays
19:26:00 JenM -> Skydrive: http://lifehacker.com/5101347/skydrive-upgrade-goes-live-with-25gb-of-space ...
19:26:05 mrsdurff -> i thought kindle's were $499
19:26:22 randyn -> when would this supposed $99 iPhones come out?
19:26:27 DaveC -> http://www.electronichouse.com/article/99_iphone_at_walmart/C157
19:26:48 Alvin Trusty -> Mesh is stall at 5 GB, but I bet MS upgrades that soon too
19:26:50 moixland -> are there max filesizes with skydrive?
19:27:10 John Rundag -> I hope so, Alvin.
19:27:11 Jeff -> http://cid-f7ea30968c220262.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/EdTechWe...
19:27:33 matt montagne -> there is no comparison b/t the kindle digital ink and the back-lit screens of iPhones and laptops...the kindle is WAY easier on the eyes
19:27:40 JenM -> http://designedtoinspire.com/drupal/node/641
19:27:45 Gary -> But it is WalMart :( 
19:27:54 Jeff -> http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/12/03/why-twitter-turned-down-facebook/    http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE4B37LV20081204
19:28:01 dave -> @matt don't really find the iphone hard on the eyes...
19:28:07 JenM -> http://cid-04e009fc76564a48.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Public
19:28:11 JenM -> http://cid-04e009fc76564a48.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public
19:28:54 troyapeterson -> I would love to pay to be on Twitter.
19:29:23 John Rundag -> I will sell you a Twitter account, Troy. ;)
19:29:24 mrsdurff -> hi ujdmc
19:29:27 cyndidannerkuhn -> MrTweet is amazing
19:29:35 ujdmc -> ola
19:29:47 sharonp -> I can't believe how mnay new followers have had recently.... thanks mr. tweet??
19:30:11 sharonp -> I still can't believe *anyone* wants to see my twitters
19:30:13 troyapeterson -> Will it work?  Can I search my friends?  Can I friend all the people I want?  Sold.
19:30:18 John Rundag -> Me too, Sharon. Of course, I have been tweeting more.
19:30:21 JohnS -> Planet 10: http://www.scienceyear.com/randomise/index.html?page=/planet10  and Learning Science: http://www.learningscience.org/index.htm  and Bugscope: http://bugscope.beckman.uiuc.edu/
19:30:53 troyapeterson -> SharonP  Your Tweets are made of you microblogs capture a certain essence.
19:31:08 Cathy E -> Did Jeff have a link about that virus?
19:31:38 sharonp -> but who wants to hear the essence of Sharonp's thoughts about procrastinating housework or marking??
19:31:59 Cathy E -> I see it - sorry
19:31:59 mrsdurff -> i don't think so cathy
19:32:03 sharonp -> @troy although I have enjoyed some great exchanges about IT intergration and laptop programs
19:32:19 dave -> http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-11-30-students-dishonesty_N.htm
19:32:21 Jeff -> Virus link: http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE4B37LV20081204
19:32:46 mrsdurff -> students? naw, not them
19:32:54 sharonp -> wowsa
19:33:03 sharonp -> where did they do the research?
19:33:05 moixland -> I polled my students anonymously, and only about 10% claimed theft.
19:33:12 Alvin Trusty -> It's a good thing downloading music is not stealing.
19:33:22 sharonp -> silence
19:33:36 mrsdurff -> dave is never that quiet
19:33:40 ujdmc -> it is if its an unauthorized download
19:33:45 mrsdurff -> it is alarming
19:33:50 troyapeterson -> Sharon Yeah, that stuff's good. Cross ideation too.
19:34:01 John Rundag -> So true, Alvin. Computers should come with Limwire preinstalled.
19:34:11 mrsdurff -> welcome back matt
19:34:23 ujdmc -> I have noticed a generational thing with expecting free stuff
19:34:31 John Rundag -> make that Limewire.
19:34:34 matt montagne -> times r getting tough...I see adverstiising right in ustream video window now
19:34:37 JenM -> Bonk Webcast About Online Assessment: http://www.wiley.com/college/wfn/seminars/semland280.html?Education
19:34:46 matt montagne -> thanks durff!!!
19:34:48 sharonp -> I agree Dave
19:34:51 ujdmc -> and they do not think twice about pirating music... but then neither do most adults
19:35:20 sharonp -> had a GREAT chat with one of my gr 8 students on train ride home yesterday - very articulate and passionate about digital ethics, online identity, FAcebook and so on
19:35:32 moixland -> Do you think redbox DVD kiosks promote DVD piracy?
19:35:42 matt montagne -> I wonder how many of these web2 companies with no/limited biz models will make it thru this economy...
19:36:07 troyapeterson -> Sharon listen to those kids, they know what's up.
19:36:31 Jeff -> http://reganmian.net/blog/2008/12/05/worlds-largest-university-opens-alm...       
19:36:31 sharonp -> @troy she validated all the research that has come out recently, thsat is for sure!
19:36:42 matt montagne -> hey cindy!
19:36:46 mrsdurff -> hey czautcke
19:36:58 mrsdurff -> oops missed him
19:37:01 Alvin Trusty -> Ohio State
19:37:06 mrsdurff -> and he's back
19:37:09 matt montagne -> Wisconsin
19:37:10 troyapeterson -> Matt many will make it through and those that do....
19:37:11 Jeff -> http://www.autismclassroom.com/
19:37:17 sharonp -> University of PEI
19:37:18 Jeff -> http://textflow.com/
19:37:20 czautcke -> Hi Matt!
19:37:26 matt montagne -> hey cindy
19:37:32 Jeff -> http://www.alleyinsider.com/2008/12/hate-vista-dell-now-charging-150-ext...
19:37:43 sharonp -> LOL
19:37:44 mrsdurff -> extra
19:37:50 mrsdurff -> figures
19:37:51 sharonp -> talk about capitalist approach!
19:37:53 sharonp -> wow
19:37:57 Gary -> It might be worth it?
19:37:59 John Rundag -> Not charging for schools....yet.
19:38:03 sharonp -> one more reason to dislike Dell
19:38:06 matt montagne -> I wonder how they will charge for windows 7 this year...
19:38:08 mrsdurff -> who will buy it for me?
19:38:10 Jeff -> http://lifehacker.com/5101972/most-underhyped-apps-of-2008
19:38:11 cyndidannerkuhn -> ok, no pass
19:38:30 mrsdurff -> we don't care jl
19:38:30 sharonp -> I filter out the crackling and listen to Jeff's fine voice
19:38:38 ujdmc -> I love Dell... I have bought over 1500 computers from them in the past 4 years and they have been amazing to us
19:38:53 Alvin Trusty -> I don't think you can share Evernote
19:38:56 John Rundag -> I love Evernote!
19:39:11 matt montagne -> @sharon...they are starting to use ubuntu now, which is cool...their mini 9 may be ordered with ubuntu (but this config is not available thru their K12 store tho)
19:39:16 sharonp -> @ujdm glad to hear that they honour their contracts!
19:39:17 JohnS -> 10 mistakes new Linux administrators make: http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/10things/?p=455
19:39:27 Jeff -> thanks for forgiving my crackle
19:39:44 ujdmc -> in KY we can buy the Mini with Windows XP Pro
19:39:57 mrsdurff -> he is an audio connoisseur
19:40:21 JimBurke -> <--perplexed . .  not hearing any crackle. ;)
19:40:22 sharonp -> if Dell would give away computers with ubuntu, I would be happy!
19:40:37 ujdmc -> why would they do that?
19:40:39 troyapeterson -> ujdmc I've honestly always been happy with their machines and support.  I'm a Mac guy now.
19:40:49 dave -> http://italc.sourceforge.net/
19:40:50 ujdmc -> macs cost me too much
19:40:52 mrsdurff -> like i said jim he is picky
19:40:58 matt montagne -> @ujdmc...I don't know why they don't offer their mini 9 with ubuntu to K12 sector...makes no sense
19:41:01 ujdmc -> but I like my wife's mac
19:41:02 moixland -> iTalc is a staple in my classroom!!
19:41:18 ujdmc -> they do in KY... u can get it with Ubuntu or XP Pro
19:41:43 moixland -> I use iTalc to "broadcast" my SmartBoard screen to all lab screens
19:41:45 acsTech -> I just ordered the Mini9 with Ubuntu at my school ...
19:41:56 ujdmc -> I avoid Linux because I have trouble finding desktop techs who can work on them
19:42:02 dave -> http://www.edutopia.org/images/graphics/fea_collabage_walls_newskillssta...
19:42:11 acsTech -> for about 24 hours, my rep told me it wasn't available ... but then it suddently was ...
19:42:25 sharonp -> will italc work for macs, or jsut PC/linux
19:42:29 dave -> http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/ksd/it/smartboard.html
19:42:33 matt montagne -> @ujdmc really?? our rep said they don't sell mini 9s with ubuntu to K12...our rep is HORRIBLE tho...
19:42:44 John Rundag -> No on Macs, Sharon.
19:42:47 mrsdurff -> so moixland when are you creating the screencast that teaches us all how to do that?
19:43:08 JenM -> mini Link dump: http://www.smartteaching.org/blog/2008/08/100-awesome-free-web-tools-for... ...
19:43:38 ujdmc -> http://premier.dell.com/portal/standardconfig.aspx?c=US&l=en&s=k12&cs=RC... first computer listed
19:43:40 acsTech -> anyone who wants a copy of my Dell quote - Mini 9 w/ Ubuntu - email me at [email protected] .  Only 10 days ago.
19:43:42 JenM -> http://sendithome.net/
19:43:53 moixland -> I can work on that durff
19:44:11 JenM -> http://skypeinschools.pbwiki.com/
19:44:13 mrsdurff -> i await impatiently
19:44:17 ujdmc -> $450 gets you a mini 9 off KY state contract at http://premier.dell.com/portal/standardconfig.aspx?c=US&l=en&s=k12&cs=RC...
19:44:17 sharonp -> what fantastic links tonight!!
19:44:20 Cathy E -> They are highschool students
19:44:32 randyn -> *myself and and a friend
19:44:36 sharonp -> how super cool!
19:44:47 Jeff -> http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-12-01-test-ads_N.htm?se=yaho...
19:44:52 Alvin Trusty -> All the Dell mini's have very small flash drives... like 4 or 8 GB.  Too small for me.
19:45:08 sheila -> Wow, RandyN!
19:45:18 Cathy E -> RandyN is one of the developers - he is in the chat
19:45:19 Jeff -> http://nettuts.com/articles/news/how-to-setup-a-dedicated-web-server-for...
19:45:20 Cathy E -> :)
19:45:23 randyn -> I came in late :)
19:45:25 Alvin Trusty -> Will the students' scores go up???
19:45:31 ujdmc -> not all... you can get a 16 GB... all we need with network storage
19:45:38 Jeff -> http://techdirt.com/articles/20081203/1826493010.shtml
19:45:48 randyn -> hey Dodge
19:45:50 Jeff -> http://gizmodo.com/5101522/barack-obama-uses-a-zune
19:45:53 Alvin Trusty -> 16 GB isn't much if you plan to work offline.
19:46:06 matt montagne -> @ujdmc...how do you like the mini 9 overall??
19:46:07 Jeff -> http://mashable.com/2008/12/03/openwebawards2-final-voting-round/
19:46:16 ujdmc -> well, I suppose you are correct but with Cloud Computing who works offline any more?
19:46:23 Dodge S. -> Howdy, Randy. Glad to see we got mentioned! Or rather, hear.
19:46:36 Jeff -> http://tweetake.com/
19:46:42 JenM -> Also ... the Crunchies Awards ... http://crunchies2008.techcrunch.com/
19:46:44 ujdmc -> I personall do not like the mini 9 too much but I seem to be in the minority
19:46:59 JohnS -> 15 Awesome Tutorial Websites You Probably Don't Know About: http://www.dumblittleman.com/2008/07/15-awesome-tutorial-websites-you.html
19:47:21 matt montagne -> @ujdmc...are they pretty durable/sturdy tho??
19:47:23 JenM -> All the links from tonight ... THANK YOU!!! http://delicious.com/edtechtalk/20081207
19:47:45 ujdmc -> @mayy montagne... as sturdy as any other laptop we have purchased
19:47:52 ujdmc -> sorry matt
19:47:55 sharonp -> realy great stuff tonight - just love this show
19:48:02 matt montagne -> @us...thanx...no prob!
19:48:13 matt montagne -> I second that one sharon...good stuff
19:48:27 Jeff -> you all are too kind
19:48:30 troyapeterson -> the nibipedia.com developer is here
19:48:37 Cathy E -> Did anyone get dave's last link to load?
19:48:48 Jeff -> are you the developer Troy?
19:48:49 troyapeterson -> You tube wikipedia mashup
19:48:59 troyapeterson -> http://tinyurl.com/689jkp
19:49:04 ujdmc -> One thing I wold make sure you have in place before rolling out a bunch of mini's would be having network stroage available and very dense wireless access in all of your schools.
19:49:13 Dodge S. -> Randyn and I developed SendItHome together... I realize that's kinda late :)
19:49:15 troyapeterson -> It cross references Youtube/Wiki info
19:49:39 sheila -> Clap, clap for DodgeS and RandyN
19:49:59 matt montagne -> wow, lots of ustrea ads in the video windwo
19:49:59 mrsdurff -> so maybe call troy in post show to tell everyone about nibiwhatever it is
19:50:04 sharonp -> great show guys
19:50:14 JohnS -> jschinker
19:50:17 mrsdurff -> unheard of!
19:50:19 ujdmc -> i haven't been able to get video since I have been here
19:50:22 dianne -> Thanks,all
19:50:29 matt montagne -> no video ujdmc
19:50:29 Jeff -> skype 'jschinker'
19:50:35 ujdmc -> nope just audio
19:50:38 matt montagne -> but in the embedded ustream windwo to the right
19:50:51 ujdmc -> I miss the pretty faces
19:51:03 troyapeterson -> Love to talk who to Skype?
19:51:12 mrsdurff -> this could get interesting
19:51:21 mrsdurff -> interaction
19:51:37 sharonp -> have previous winners come out for a brief interview/conversation
19:51:40 randyn -> who do we skype to?
19:51:51 DaveC -> worldbridges
19:51:53 sheila -> Skype  jschinker
19:51:57 DaveC -> oh, oops.
19:52:04 cyndidannerkuhn -> devlopers need instructions of who to skype??
19:52:11 ujdmc -> Can you pre-notify the winners?
19:52:35 ujdmc -> that way they can be ready for interview when you want to stream
19:52:40 sheila -> When?
19:53:13 randyn -> who do the dev's skype? I see multiple names
19:53:15 randyn -> ok
19:53:16 randyn -> thanks
19:53:29 matt montagne -> hunt for red october
19:53:31 mrsdurff -> this is exciting
19:53:38 ujdmc -> YES... I always love the remixed version of Ed Tech Talk!
19:53:50 ujdmc -> can someone beat box too?
19:54:19 moixland -> It's like the old "See and Say" toy
19:55:15 mrsdurff -> cool!
19:55:28 sharonp -> headset
19:55:29 mrsdurff -> i like that idea troy
19:55:44 Dodge S. -> I've got one on
19:55:47 mrsdurff -> hey suz
19:55:55 mrsdurff -> suz nestico?
19:56:10 Suz -> Hi Mrs Durff, thanks for the reminder link on twitter
19:56:21 Suz -> suz arnott
19:56:29 mrsdurff -> hey there!
19:56:38 randyn -> that would be me not using a headset ;)
19:56:52 mrsdurff -> :)
19:56:54 randyn -> not sure if i have one...
19:57:18 mrsdurff -> my vacuum ate one of mine this weekend
19:57:20 Dodge S. -> :)
19:57:23 Dodge S. -> Gotta love Moodle
19:57:28 JohnS -> @randyn np. Just unmute when you speak.
19:57:41 randyn -> ok
19:57:54 sharonp -> what is the relationshiop to OLPC??
19:58:31 Scott Shelhart -> Is the video on tonight?
19:58:35 mrsdurff -> so js get a bullet-proof vest
19:58:44 JohnS -> No video tonight, Scott
19:58:58 Scott Shelhart -> OK.  Audio working fine.
19:59:08 JenM -> btw ... we are talking to the developer of http://www.nibipedia.com/
19:59:26 Scott Shelhart -> Tnx, Jen
19:59:33 Dodge S. -> Randyn: have you got a mic?
19:59:37 sharonp -> they started it to promote OLPC.... what is the relationship of this to the XOs?
20:00:02 Cathy E -> So how is this different from United Streaming?
20:00:08 randyn -> i do, but its installed in my laptop
20:00:13 mrsdurff -> good at!
20:00:27 randyn -> @dodge i dont have an external mic
20:00:52 Dodge S. -> @randyn - mk, I was going to get you to do most of the talking :P
20:00:57 moixland -> randyn, if you listen on plain headphones it will make the echo go away
20:01:10 sharonp -> why do they mention the OLPC?
20:01:25 JenM -> http://streaming.discoveryeducation.com/
20:01:39 randyn -> ok, i'll get those earbuds i have laying around
20:01:46 Dodge S. -> Teachers can assign a student account, if I remember correctly
20:01:50 mrsdurff -> yes randy
20:02:00 sharonp -> Discovery ed
20:02:07 sharonp -> pay service
20:02:12 moixland -> and it's correlated to frameworks already
20:02:31 sharonp -> do they work on XOs?
20:02:39 moixland -> unitedstreaming is "free" to all schools in our state because of an arrangement made "higher up"
20:02:42 sharonp -> ie - can the movies be downloaded onto XOs?
20:02:55 matt montagne -> good stuff troy
20:03:01 sharonp -> (I have two more XOs to ship to Africa)
20:03:24 matt montagne -> keep up the good work...I like the spirit of your project
20:03:42 randyn -> NOT IT!
20:03:43 randyn -> lol
20:03:51 Dodge S. -> haha, I've got it
20:04:04 Cathy E -> Dodge tell them how old you are.
20:04:16 Dodge S. -> Just turned 15 on Nov. 25
20:04:25 ujdmc -> i wonder if an iPhone headset will work?
20:04:26 moixland -> are they listening to the 30 s delay'ed version?
20:04:31 matt montagne -> hilarous
20:04:44 cyndidannerkuhn -> Troy, add your email and contact info
20:04:57 troyapeterson -> troyapeterson@gmail
20:05:08 troyapeterson -> 612 747 2730
20:05:14 Dodge S. -> Seems like I'm listening to the ustream
20:05:28 JenM -> We are connecting with the developers of http://sendithome.net/
20:05:47 mrsdurff -> impromptu developer fest
20:05:52 troyapeterson -> Friends of Nibipedia on Facebook
20:05:58 Dodge S. -> Can't get any audio from Skype...
20:06:10 randyn -> rofl, i'll get you the quick answers when i can
20:06:17 Dodge S. -> Sorry, seems like I'm having some trouble, lol
20:06:41 moixland -> it's like remote controlling mars rover
20:06:46 mrsdurff -> did someone scare dodge away?
20:06:55 Dodge S. -> Skype did :)
20:06:58 JimBurke -> wow. . . that is some delay.
20:07:00 ujdmc -> i plugged my iPhone headset in and I get the audio... I wonder if my mcrophone works?
20:07:12 JohnS -> lost him in the call. Bringing him back now
20:07:30 troyapeterson -> I'm getting no audio at all feel like I'm in space.
20:08:11 Dodge S. -> Yep
20:08:18 Dodge S. -> That's the basic premise of it
20:08:30 Dodge S. -> They were MINE =]
20:08:49 Dodge S. -> Sorry I can't Skype in :(
20:09:46 Jeff -> we're waiting for you to speak Dodge
20:09:51 Jeff -> chime in any time
20:09:56 matt montagne -> ciao y'all
20:09:58 Dodge S. -> I'll keep in touch here
20:10:02 Jeff -> we'll stop talking as soon as we hear you
20:10:50 moixland -> Looks really cool!  Is there a file size limit?
20:11:14 Dodge S. -> Stole from Microsoft :P
20:11:29 mrsdurff -> there you go
20:11:56 Dodge S. -> I think we've got it set at 10 MB
20:12:23 Dodge S. -> We have him to thank for the logo
20:12:55 mrsdurff -> that was surely tongue in cheek
20:13:10 Dodge S. -> I'll get my Skype fixed soon :-)
20:13:17 mrsdurff -> :)
20:13:18 Dodge S. -> I do. :)
20:13:30 JenM -> Thank you Randy and Dadge!!!
20:13:34 JenM -> oops! Dodge!
20:13:37 Cathy E -> Isn't that sad - not near a compute in school
20:13:38 JenM -> :)
20:13:38 Dodge S. -> Thanks for  letting us talk!
20:14:14 Dodge S. -> John, let me talk to you on Skype at some point, since I can't seem to Skype in correctly...
20:15:38 mrsdurff -> he is actually very helpful - i just give him grief]
20:15:53 mrsdurff -> well i give everyone grief
20:16:02 mrsdurff -> i'm very democratic
20:16:07 randyn -> We'll keep in touch. :)  I believe the file size limit is 10MB
20:16:12 moixland -> make 'em sing and dance like the Tony awards
20:16:13 randyn -> for sendithome
20:16:31 mrsdurff -> tap danicing?
20:16:43 moixland -> interperetive dance
20:17:32 moixland -> talkshoe??
20:17:37 Dodge S. -> How about DimDim?
20:18:08 mrsdurff -> most people know elluminate
20:18:17 mrsdurff -> go with what people know
20:18:47 Dodge S. -> Next time if you don't mind, I'll have my Skype fixed and I can talk a little.
20:19:00 mrsdurff -> next week
20:19:07 mrsdurff -> bug 'em
20:19:15 moixland -> teaser
20:19:21 mrsdurff -> he said uh
20:19:25 mrsdurff -> twice
20:19:29 mrsdurff -> three times
20:19:43 mrsdurff -> hi babyboy
20:19:48 babyboi -> hi
20:20:08 babyboi -> mre durff
20:20:23 babyboi -> mrdurff
20:20:26 babyboi -> asl
20:20:43 mrsdurff -> he said uh
20:20:46 mrsdurff -> a lot
20:20:54 sroseman -> cool show
20:21:19 moixland -> "We'll fix it in post."
20:21:21 Cathy E -> ya'll crack me up
20:21:41 mrsdurff -> they do
20:23:30 mrsdurff -> night
20:23:36 Dodge S. -> Night all
20:23:37 Jeff -> Thanks all
20:23:42 JenM -> Thanks to all .. this was fun!!!
20:23:57 Suz -> thanks all... very interesting stuff :)
20:24:31 randyn -> Night


Last night was the most feed back we've had from educators all at once. It was GREAT to meet all of you! I'm really passionate about giving teachers as much power to do what they need to do.

I had a great teacher once that helped me take apart and fix a telescope. It didn't have anything to do with his subject, but to this day I tie my interest in science back to that event.

Nibipedia does that by finding your interests and suggesting videos that a student is interested in.

Thank you for having me on and for the feedback. Also, thanks for the heads up about United Streaming which I'm checking out today. Thanks again! Great time!


Also, the site was vandalized a bit last night.(embarrasing but funny.) The bigger the dictionary, the more bad words. We're working on filters. Any bad word recommendations?

[email protected]