K12 Online Conference Reunion & EdTechYearly

Worldbridges 2007 New Year Webcastathon Hour#46

Jennifer Wagner hosts a reunion and recap of the K12 Online Conference ,
followed by a brief discussion of the most important EdTech developments of the year

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Chat Log Below

17:46:20 Cathye -> Lee, I am very excited about your new project
17:46:24 davidk -> hello
17:46:32 JenniferW -> Hi David K
17:47:45 lee -> great Cathy
17:48:03 lee -> I am too and its good to know there is a team of intersted people to help push me along!
17:48:32 lee -> i am really excited about it and working with bill and webcasting and/or podcasting the
whole thing. :)
17:48:46 JenniferW -> we are sooo proud of lee
17:54:45 lee -> :D
17:56:41 Cathye -> Jen- what is his will then be yours
17:57:06 Chambo -> what if they are gay?
17:57:11 Chambo -> can the get married?
17:57:15 cheryloakes wow2 -> Back in Wells!
17:57:19 Chambo -> could be a good example
17:57:26 Chambo -> to set
17:57:29 cheryloakes wow2 -> Hello Jen, Jeff, Doug and all
17:57:40 lee -> hi
18:01:36 cheryloakes wow2 -> Hi Lee, happy new year
18:02:05 Ben Ritter -> Happy new year to all, im out, have a good one!
18:02:13 Chambo -> Happy New Year to everyone in Europe as it's midnight there now
18:02:29 cheryloakes wow2 -> Yeah Chambo, happy new year!
18:02:39 exeron -> except england - 1 hour yet
18:02:44 Chambo -> true
18:02:55 Chambo -> they will get wishes then
18:03:33 DougS -> http://k12onlineconference.org/
18:03:41 Chambo -> Jeff can go forever!!!
18:03:42 Chambo -> lol
18:03:53 JenniferW -> lee - you were a big part of K12 OC -- come join us in skype please
18:05:01 Durff -> what time does the show go back on>
18:05:11 JenniferW -> we are live right now
18:05:29 Durff -> i  hear music
18:06:00 Durff -> there we go
18:08:05 charbeck1 -> hello everyone
18:08:40 DougS -> Hi Chris
18:09:14 JenniferW -> come join us
18:09:21 charbeck1 -> hi jen
18:09:47 CathyN (SC) -> It was an AWESOME experience
18:09:59 charbeck1 -> with family just wanted to wish everyone happy new year
18:10:19 JenniferW -> Happy New Year
18:10:20 CathyN (SC) -> Fireside Chat
18:10:29 charbeck1 -> Remind everyone of when night free falls on the 6th
18:11:02 DougS -> http://tappedin.org/tappedin/
18:11:18 charbeck1 -> http://k12online.wikispaces.com/Freefalling+in+January
18:11:54 cheryloakes wow2 -> happy new year
18:11:59 charbeck1 -> this one is on podcasts and on Graham Wegners presentation
18:12:15 Durff -> Is there a date for K12 Online Conference 2007 yet?
18:12:16 cheryloakes wow2 -> Hi Chris.
18:12:20 charbeck1 -> Go to the wiki and enjoy what is available there
18:12:53 charbeck1 -> http://k12online.wikispaces.com/Free+Fall+Planning+Page+for+January.
18:13:11 sharonp -> How about Will Richardson?
18:13:14 Brad Hicks -> Greetings from 2007
18:13:15 sharonp -> he is involved too
18:13:23 charbeck1 -> There is the synopsis of January's free falling
18:13:33 cheryloakes wow2 -> Hello Brad and Happy New Year!
18:13:36 sharonp -> Happy New Year to those Aussies
18:14:00 charbeck1 -> got to go.  See you soon after the newyears family obligations.  Enjoy your hour.
18:14:12 charbeck1 -> bye
18:14:20 cheryloakes wow2 -> bye Chris
18:14:28 DougS -> take care Chris, ttys
18:14:34 JenniferW -> Happy Day Chris!!!
18:14:40 sharonp -> Happy new year, Chris!
18:15:08 JenniferW -> brad --- can you join  us in skype???
18:15:42 sharonp -> the time period was SOOOOOOOOOO short
18:15:43 Brad Hicks -> Can't hang around unfortunately - my daughter is asking for a shower!
18:16:10 sharonp -> it is very hard - harder I think - to put together an online presentation
18:16:21 Brad Hicks -> Looks like I have to go perform parenting duties
18:16:28 JenniferW -> okay brad
18:16:32 sharonp -> have a great day, Brad!
18:16:33 JenniferW -> I think that that is MUCH more important
18:16:41 JenniferW -> good daddy!!!!
18:16:51 Brad Hicks -> thanks guys, sorry had hopped to join, but duty call
18:16:58 DougS -> bye Brad
18:16:58 Brad Hicks -> calls
18:17:00 DougS -> cya soon
18:17:47 Cathye -> I have listened to them all
18:17:56 cheryloakes wow2 -> wow that is great
18:18:04 cheryloakes wow2 -> are you getting credit for the class?
18:18:09 Cathye -> no
18:19:00 cheryloakes wow2 -> you should, but then again, it is just so great to be able to study
what you would  like, when you like
18:19:22 Cathye -> I have a new video iPod
18:19:35 cheryloakes wow2 -> oh, great holiday gift
18:19:48 cheryloakes wow2 -> I got a new usb mic
18:19:56 Cathye -> so I have downloaded and listened to tons of stuff
18:20:07 CathyN (SC) -> k12online was by far the BEST prof. dev. I had all year! NECC SD is 2nd to it.
18:20:13 cheryloakes wow2 -> that is the best way to travel, walk, ski, exercise....
18:20:40 Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach -> Hi Everyone
18:20:54 DougS -> Hi Sheryl
18:21:01 JenniferW -> any thoughts on what month you would like K12OC??
18:21:18 CathyN (SC) -> Evenings, Eastern US time!
18:21:24 Cathye -> Fall is hectic for those of us teaching
18:21:28 CathyN (SC) -> June
18:21:39 Durff -> Summer!
18:21:39 Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach -> Hi Doug!
18:21:41 CathyN (SC) -> early June
18:22:04 Cathye -> by October things have settled some
18:22:43 Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach -> [email protected]
18:23:51 JenniferW -> volunteers are needed in MANY areas
18:24:00 JenniferW -> write Sheryl Today!!!!
18:24:29 JenniferW -> if you would like to present or have an idea of a presenter -- write Sheryl today!
18:25:48 cheryloakes wow2 -> I enjoyed being an anonymous screener.
18:26:02 lee -> Hello Sheryl
18:26:07 Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach -> Hi Lee
18:29:06 sharonp -> unfortunately, I have family obligations tonight too.... so I will bow out now...
Have fun everyone!
18:29:18 sharonp -> cheers, and Happy New Year!
18:29:29 DougS -> bye Sharon -- Happy New Year
18:29:34 cheryloakes wow2 -> bye happy new year
18:30:42 lee -> hi
18:32:03 JenniferW -> San Antonio TX -- talk to Sheryl if you will be there on March 30th
18:32:18 JenniferW -> and attended the k12 online conference
18:32:38 cheryloakes wow2 -> Jen you are doing an awesome job facilitating this
18:33:00 DougS -> http://www.aace.org/conf/site/sessions/index.cfm/
18:33:03 lee -> I would love to attend the panel virtually
18:33:14 lee -> i am available during that time
18:33:33 JenniferW -> thanks Cheryl
18:33:38 JenniferW -> I feel I am winging it
18:33:51 cheryloakes wow2 -> it sounds awesome, relax
18:33:54 lee -> Good Job Jennifer
18:33:55 DougS -> yes, great job JDub
18:35:33 JenniferW -> :)
18:36:17 Durff -> wow! that's a lot of attendees!
18:36:51 cheryloakes wow2 -> that is incredible.
18:37:18 Durff -> shows how hungry we all are for information!
18:37:23 cheryloakes wow2 -> It is something that people in education can not understand yet,
that people will listen to presentations more than once.
18:37:47 Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach -> http://k12onlineconference.org/
18:38:02 Durff -> we have been doing that since college - but on tape
18:38:03 Cathye -> Cause it was soooo great
18:40:29 JenniferW -> any questions for Sheryl???
18:40:33 JenniferW -> please post them here??
18:40:39 cheryloakes wow2 -> collaboration is the critical element!
18:40:58 JenniferW -> or just questions in general as well
18:41:21 cheryloakes wow2 -> It is amazing it was all word of blog
18:45:56 lee -> i agree
18:46:08 lee -> i think it made all the presenters really think...
18:46:14 lee -> therefore create!
18:46:35 lee -> or be creative to find the way that best expressed their own visions
18:47:56 DougS -> I have a comment/question
18:48:46 JenniferW -> perhaps guidelines -- but not templates
18:48:54 JenniferW -> like -- 30 minute minimum
18:49:04 lee -> yes doug?
18:49:05 JenniferW -> and DON"T use acronyms without definitions!!  :)
18:49:21 JenniferW -> Doug is asking about what Sheryl learned
18:49:36 JenniferW -> she is talking about RSS -- and the many ways to use it
18:50:34 cheryloakes wow2 -> it is important to make things accessible for all, mac, pc, linux
18:50:42 lee -> yes
18:50:55 JenniferW -> it was a big learning curve
18:51:02 JenniferW -> but that was the important word -- LEARNING
18:51:06 cheryloakes wow2 -> that could be a whole strand how to deal with files.
18:51:10 JenniferW -> I learned so many NEW things
18:51:17 JenniferW -> about different softwares
18:51:35 JenniferW -> and file formats
18:54:04 lee -> i love dealing with things like that
18:54:21 cheryloakes wow2 -> secondlife  k12online keynotes
18:54:29 lee -> the problem and solving it with technology is my favorite
18:54:49 cheryloakes wow2 -> lee you are so good at that, especially when helping me with webcast questions.
18:55:03 JenniferW -> I think that they need K12 merchandise!!!  :)
18:55:16 cheryloakes wow2 -> yes, it would be great.
18:55:27 JenniferW -> k12 mug would be on my list
18:55:35 cheryloakes wow2 -> oh yeah!
18:56:03 cheryloakes wow2 -> I wo uld purchase a mug, like a badge of honor!
18:56:51 cheryloakes wow2 -> just lost the skypecast
18:57:28 Durff -> you can lead a horse to water, but...
18:58:27 lee -> tell sheryl that it is one person at a time.. and each of us shares and opens
 that k12online door with at least one person..
 I know I have opened that door for so many different types of people by sharing the link with people
I thought would be interested in any parts of it.. direct links to the presentation i thought they would like
18:58:41 cheryloakes wow2 -> thanks Sheryl for being here.
18:58:55 cheryloakes wow2 -> I am still telling people about this conference.
18:59:00 Graham -> Happy new year everyone, from Spain
18:59:16 lee -> HEY Graham..so good to see you!
18:59:18 cheryloakes wow2 -> Happy New Year again to all. Hi Graham
18:59:18 Cathye -> Sheryl- I still want you to come visit me in Nags Head
18:59:24 JL -> Hey Graham
18:59:29 JL -> How's life in 2007
18:59:30 Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach -> Hi Graham
18:59:42 davidk -> Happy New Year from Victoria, Canada -- we've got 8 hours left here.
19:00:01 cheryloakes wow2 -> Nice job JenW
19:00:20 lee -> Thanks Jenn.. I am not on skype live but i appreciate your mention.
19:00:31 lee -> for me.
19:00:36 Graham -> Hi everyone - it's very noisy here (party time) - just wanted to say happy new year
19:01:21 lee -> I am glad you did .. i am starting some euro sessions (time wise)
19:01:23 cheryloakes wow2 -> Yeah hour 46!! Here comes hour 47
19:01:26 lee -> clap clap
19:01:29 JenniferW -> wgew
19:01:31 JenniferW -> whew
19:01:35 Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach -> You guys are so awesome.
19:01:42 Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach -> you really do!
19:01:48 Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach -> 46 hours amazing
19:02:21 JenniferW -> well actually -- its been like 72 -- because we got lost in 2nd life for a while
19:02:42 JenniferW -> and I have decide every 1 hour in rl is 2 hours in 2nd life
19:02:57 Graham -> can't listen in I'm afraid, but text chat is fine
19:02:57 JenniferW -> rl - real life
19:03:00 cheryloakes wow2 -> that is a great saying jenw
19:03:06 JenniferW -> ahhh -- LOL
19:03:26 JenniferW -> cheryl -- thanks for being my friend -- :)
19:03:34 DougS -> Happy New Year Graham -- all the best in 2007!
19:03:56 cheryloakes wow2 -> I love that story from Seymour
19:04:08 JenniferW -> and he is back in Massachusetts
19:04:12 JenniferW -> getting better, I believe
19:04:18 cheryloakes wow2 -> thanks for the update.
19:06:12 Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach -> Is he going to be ok Jen?
19:06:20 JenniferW -> He looks to be
19:06:27 JenniferW -> recognizing family
19:06:33 JenniferW -> at least that is the last report
19:06:40 cheryloakes wow2 -> you are right doug!
19:06:53 Graham -> Buen año Doug - here's to a great 2007!
19:07:17 Cathye -> One of my biggest highlights was connecting my 5th grade with Doug
19:07:30 cheryloakes wow2 -> that is a great story too Cathye
19:07:37 Cathye -> and My 1st grade with Brad Hicks in Australia (thanks to Doug)
19:07:57 cheryloakes wow2 -> connections and conversations
19:08:20 Cathye -> yea C squared
19:08:24 JenniferW -> I think my favorite part of 2007 was the friendships I made
19:15:25 Durff -> we could all leave and re-enter
19:15:41 Durff -> would that fix the problem?
19:16:06 DougS -> insert joke here
19:19:01 Durff -> Happy New Year, Japan!
19:19:37 Cathye -> I have a link from Tammy Worcester
19:19:52 Cathye -> It is wikiHow
19:20:16 Cathye -> http://www.wikihow.com/Main-Page
19:20:47 Cathye -> this site is a How-To Manual - some good things
19:20:48 exeron -> has the skype thing finished now?
19:21:31 exeron -> guess not
19:22:02 Durff -> try right click to ignore them
19:22:26 Durff -> if everyone right clicks it may work
19:22:47 Durff -> don't say password outr louf
19:22:51 Durff -> loud
19:23:16 Durff -> one of them is gone
19:23:18 JenniferW -> Sooo sorry
19:23:36 JenniferW -> not that one is gone
19:23:44 JenniferW -> but that you alll had to be a part of that
19:23:49 Durff -> two are still here
19:23:58 Durff -> right clock on their names
19:24:39 Durff -> classroom management skills!
19:24:47 exeron -> lol
19:24:56 Durff -> one still here
19:25:07 Durff -> and one more gone
19:25:57 Durff -> thank you
19:25:59 exeron -> sum monkey off a film
19:26:05 DougS -> r-click then ignore
19:26:07 Durff -> oh dear
19:26:17 Durff -> hussein?
19:26:37 Durff -> coffe, please
19:27:14 exeron -> use a shared SQL database
19:27:31 JenniferW -> everyone -- please keep an eye on new enteres
19:27:35 exeron -> i could show you if you use PHP and SQL
19:27:45 Durff -> DougS. with period should be blocked
19:27:59 lee -> are we good?
19:28:02 Gary -> That was tricky
19:28:06 Demlok -> :/
19:28:09 JenniferW  -> We're good
19:28:11 lee -> nice blocking job
19:28:14 JenniferW  -> I like the male penis
19:28:15 Demlok -> *)
19:28:33 Demlok -> omg
19:28:39 Demlok -> you guys need a new chat room system
19:28:40 exeron -> how cool and clever people ;)
19:28:47 JenniferW  -> Pretty much
19:28:49 Durff -> too many JenniferWs
19:29:15 Durff -> we need to be smarter than them!
19:29:16 JenniferW  -> lol
19:29:39 cheryloakes wow2 ->  you are so ready for webcasting!!!!
19:29:43 Demlok -> Durff are you a host?
19:30:13 Durff -> if students would use too!
19:30:15 cheryloakes wow2 -> you are so good at facilitating
19:30:41 JenniferW -> well thank you
19:30:44 JenniferW -> but I am not there you
19:30:45 Durff -> no name - blick
19:31:18 Durff -> right click
19:31:46 cheryloakes wow2 -> the keyboard click is just a part of the stream
19:31:57 Gary -> Two names the same - ignore both - the culprit will leave
19:32:08 Durff -> we hope
19:32:14 Gary -> So far
19:32:16 cheryloakes wow2 -> Whoa, this has been great.
19:32:18 Cathye -> It has been fun
19:32:24 cheryloakes wow2 -> Off to have a New Years meal.
19:32:47 cheryloakes wow2 -> Your wife is a saint, angel etc.
19:32:54 Cathye -> I want someone to take me for a ride in a Toyota- I did not drive well
19:33:19 Durff -> eat Hoppin' John for good luck
19:33:22 cheryloakes wow2 -> I left skypecast, but going to dinner.
19:33:44 cheryloakes wow2 -> tonight is pasta, pesto and homemade sausage.
19:33:59 cheryloakes wow2 -> you are all invited, bring champange
19:34:17 Durff -> enjoy!
19:34:26 cheryloakes wow2 -> happy new year and bye bye!
19:34:45 Cathye -> I'll be there
19:35:01 Durff -> Happy New Year!
19:35:02 cheryloakes wow2 -> what time again?
19:35:20 cheryloakes wow2 -> best to you, but I may join 2ndlife
19:35:26 JenniferW -> at 11:30
19:35:32 Cathye -> 8:45 in SL
19:35:34 cheryloakes wow2 -> okay, got the time!!
19:35:40 cheryloakes wow2 -> another saint and angel
19:35:55 JenniferW -> and for now
19:36:03 JenniferW -> good night and a BLESSED NEW YEAR
19:36:07 Durff -> Thank you!
19:36:11 Cathye -> yep- my husband is already asleep :0
19:36:17 Gary -> Great group of people - I hope I can spend more time following
what you do next (this?) year.
19:36:19 JenniferW -> see you in 2nd lilfe -- at 8:30 PST if you can
19:36:26 JenniferW -> Thanks Gary
19:36:38 JenniferW -> see you in 2007
19:37:15 Cathye -> Jen- I'm going to feed the kids but I'll see ya in Sl-
19:37:38 JenniferW -> I am MacsMom Alcott
19:37:42 JenniferW -> see you there.
19:37:50 newbie skypecaster/webcaster -> Is this a members only chatroom?
19:38:45 newbie skypecaster/webcaster -> Is anyone still here?
19:39:58 lee -> Happy New Year to Cheryl..
19:40:08 lee -> if shes not gone yet!
19:42:38 Durff -> Happy New Year!!
19:44:36 cheryloakes wow2 -> Happy New Year, 5 min. to dinner.
20:36:53 sendkathy -> Hi, I'm just jumping into the coversation so I have no idea what's been covered.
When you are talking about podcasting are you focusing on audio only?
20:37:46 sendkathy -> What are the best podast aggregators?  If we are an audience find it's niche?
20:45:02 AlexR -> Elly (6 on the 2nd) just asked if she can participate...
Funny that kids know that they can participate.
20:46:27 AlexR -> That know that media is interactive.
20:50:03 sendkathy -> The average person is just catching onto buying a card reader
instead of just loading camera software on their computers.
20:51:53 AlexR -> We've been training the teachers to use the sd cards in their laptops since the newest
 generation came with SD readers...
20:52:17 sendkathy -> Where do you work?
20:52:27 AlexR -> At a K-12 Independent School in NYC.
20:53:18 AlexR -> I think that the iTunes store and TED Talks along with my video iPod has definitely
changed the way that I use technology.
20:53:23 AlexR -> And consume media.
20:53:38 sendkathy -> Ahh, our teachers are just getting the idea out of necessity since tech support
won't load any outside software.
20:53:52 AlexR -> Elly's taking a picture of me with her Fisher Price digital camera!
20:53:54 AlexR -> Funny.
20:54:06 AlexR -> The wonder of self reliance.
20:54:16 AlexR -> Kathy -- where are you?
20:54:42 sendkathy -> I have a video ipod and have made several video and audio podcasts
but other teachers avoid even learning about it because they don't want to have any extra work.
I'm in Alpharetta GA at a k5 elem.
20:55:04 sendkathy -> I teach kindergarten
20:56:38 AlexR -> I'm sure that your parents and students love the video and audio.
20:56:47 sendkathy -> they do
20:57:03 AlexR -> My daughter (elly) is in K and is downloading her photos now.
20:57:26 sendkathy -> great!
20:57:53 sendkathy -> Does she have a high tech teacher?
20:58:48 AlexR -> Here's a great podcast on higher ed podcasting:
20:58:55 AlexR -> No --- i'm her technology consultant!
20:59:17 sendkathy -> I wish I didn't have to go, but my entire extended family has discovered
that I am looked away in the computer room!!!
Happy New Year all!
20:59:32 AlexR -> Her teachers send us a weekly newsletter via e-mail and distribute
classroom photos via photo sharing sites.
20:59:37 AlexR -> Happy New Year! 
Audio icon K12OC_Reunion-2006-12-31.mp30 bytes