Women of Web 2.0.9

Women of Web 2.0.9
January 1, 2007
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 dthaggard  Jen can you give me suggestions on places to check out to learn how to do a podcast with my class?
 JenniferW  Donna -- where are you again
 JL  Will standby in case any backup is needed
 JenniferW  ahhh -- my newsletter just talked about that -- did you get it today??
 JenniferW  let me grab the link
 dthaggard  savannah
 JenniferW  AHHHH -- that is right
 JenniferW  my new home soon!!! Hope Hope
 JenniferW  I have an extra microphone -- however, I am not close enough to drop it off
 JenniferW  JL -- you might want to skypechat CO
 JenniferW  something about a server
 dthaggard  I have looked at several, but want to purchas a couple to use at school
 JenniferW  http://www.technospud.com/newsletter/Jan07_newsletter.pdf
 JenniferW  newsletter link -- part 1 of podcasting
 JenniferW  Hello SUE
 sroseman  Hi Jennifer
 JenniferW  Happy New Year
 sroseman  How was the parade
 JenniferW  kinda boring
 JenniferW  they took away my favorite commentator
 sroseman  Happy New Year to you too
 JenniferW  and I think I was having a pity party
 sroseman  Who ?
 sroseman  is your fav
 JenniferW  Stephanie Edwards
 JenniferW  KTLA channel 5
 JenniferW  they replaced her with a newbie
 JenniferW  well, a semi newbie -- a news caster I don't really like
 JenniferW  Happy New Year, Chris
 sroseman  newbies seem to win out these days
 cheryloakes wow2  happy new year to you all
 cheryloakes wow2  hi chris
 sroseman  ditto
 charbeck1  I was playing with flickr and left the stream open and all of a sudden there were voices
 JenniferW  Yes, the older gentleman broadcaster of 30 years made a comment that I know will come back and bite him
 cheryloakes wow2  i hear voices
 dthaggard  jen would you please resend me the link i got booted and lost the link
 JenniferW  http://www.technospud.com/newsletter/Jan07_newsletter.pdf
 sroseman  great newsletters from you guys
 cheryloakes wow2  thanks, glad youliked it
 JenniferW  we need to correct Lee Baber name wrong
 JenniferW  we need proofers to proof the proofers
 cheryloakes wow2  no proofing on Newyears eve
 charbeck1  Jen It was my mic. I needed a usb mic for the mini
 charbeck1  So I am set up on the pc to do any skypecasting
 sharonp  hey, wow , chris is here with the bunch!
 sharonp  am online and ready to go
 charbeck1  I will go to the other machine in a second
 cheryloakes wow2  okay chris
 sroseman  how do I get into the Skypecast again. I don't see it listed
 charbeck1  could someone call me
 cheryloakes wow2  I'll bring y ou in Chris, Susan what is yo ur skype name
 sroseman  tedandsue
 sroseman  not listed here
 sroseman  https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/ongoing?offset=21
 cheryloakes wow2  I'll look for you tedandsue
 cheryloakes wow2  just o pen your skype and I"ll look for you.
 cheryloakes wow2  no skypecast
 sroseman  or is it sueandted
 cheryloakes wow2  stiill don't see you sue
 dave  happy 07 all
 cheryloakes wow2  alice do you want to come in?
 alicebarr  sure
 sharonp  welcome Vicki
 cheryloakes wow2  happy 2007 Dave, How has your weekend been?
 coolcatteacher  Hello everyone.
 dave  very nice thanks.
 CathyE  cevanoff
 cheryloakes wow2  okay, cathy
 alicebarr  cheryl Skypcast?
 cheryloakes wow2  no skypecast, just skype
 alicebarr  Ok I'm on
 sroseman  Can you see me online
 sharonp  dave, as in dave cormier...??
 dave  yes.
 dave  that's me
 sharonp  wow
 sharonp  you live
 cheryloakes wow2  not yet susan
 dave  i've come back to the land of the living
 dthaggard  i have a very unhappy principal she was at the bowl game cheering for ga tech
 coolcatteacher  Yes, it looked like we were going to win there for a little while.
 coolcatteacher  Very high scoring game.
 cheryloakes wow2  i had to add you as a contact susan, hang in
 dthaggard  yes, but new qb did well
 coolcatteacher  Yes, he did very well.
 coolcatteacher  I wish Calvin Johnson would say but I doubt it.
 coolcatteacher  He was amazing!
 dthaggard  are you in ga
 coolcatteacher  Yes, Camilla, GA and I graduated from Georgia Tech.
 coolcatteacher  But I am 3 1/2 hours from Atlanta.
 sroseman  I am on I think
 dthaggard  I was in Camilla once.
 sroseman  Can anyone bring me in
 cheryloakes wow2  Susan, I saw you as a contact, but not in my list yet
 cheryloakes wow2  now you are, ready?
 cheryloakes wow2  susan you did not last
 mrichme  we still have ice in southwest Maine
 dthaggard  We wish we had snow
 CathyE  We are in shorts here in NC
 dave  you guys are so cute when you talk about snow...
 dave  groups are gripeable
 cheryloakes wow2  post the link in the chat pleas
 dave  http://budtheteacher.typepad.com/
 cheryloakes wow2  thanks, dave
 dave  skype for mac crashes on me too often
 sharonp  isn't it all just semantics?
 cheryloakes wow2  don't jinx me dude!
 dave  oh no.
 dave  it is much more important than a simple semantical debate
 sharonp  do tell
 dave  groups also require a single, unified goal
 sharonp  who is defining these terms?
 dave  where networks allow for people with separate goals to work together when it happens to be convenient or useful
 dave  that, at least, is the distinction that Stephen makes
 dave  and one that I often find very useful
 dave  how do groups make you accountable?
 dave  i would like to hear more about that
 dave  definetely room for both groups and networks
 sharonp  still want to know who is making these distinctions?
 cheryloakes wow2  Hi Michael from Maine
 mrichme  howdy
 dave  the terms 'can
 dave  be interchangeable
 dave  but not in the sense that stephen means
 sharonp  exclusionary? No - we want to make this inclusive...
 cheryloakes wow2  this is inclusive
 CathyE  Bud seems to have a lack of things to blog about
 cheryloakes wow2  or maybe stirring the pot
 dave  Bud and I have talked about this at length... it is very important to him
 dave  it is certainly not from a lack of time
 sharonp  Dave - you want to join us in the skype
 dave  http://budtheteacher.typepad.com/bud_the_teacher/2006/12/how_would_you_s...
 cheryloakes wow2  no jinxing me dave
 sharonp  we think you need to have the floor a bit
 dave  call me in if you like :)
 dave  i don't know who's hosting
 sharonp  Cheryl is hosting
 dave  i'm not on my mac
 dave  this is my PC!
 cheryloakes wow2  Dave am I your friend?
 coolcatteacher  No cliques here!
 dave  you were...
 cheryloakes wow2  my skype would not accept you, Dave
 dave  i've been having problems with losing those lately
 coolcatteacher  Yes, when we listed women of web 2 in the skypecast we kept getting people looking for dates - for those who weren't here for the fun.
 cheryloakes wow2  I'll try again Dave
 cheryloakes wow2  sue we lost you?
 sroseman  What is happening?
 cheryloakes wow2  Susan I am skype chatting
 mrichme  here is the link to the steven downes picture of groups and networks: http://www.flickr.com/photos/stephen_downes/252157734/
 Terry_Freedman  there is far too much frivolity here
 cheryloakes wow2  Happy New Year Terry!!!
 coolcatteacher  Sorry, Terry. We are on a 30 second delay and this isn't our regular thing.
 JenniferW  here is the link to the pictures of Montreal that Sue was praising Sharon on -- http://www.technospudprojects.com/Projects/christmas/webalbumchr06.htm
 coolcatteacher  But Dave is really giving some good stuff now!
 Terry_Freedman  Happy New Year
 sharonp  Terry! Nice to see you here!
 sroseman  very nice, Jen
 Terry_Freedman  thx
 sroseman  a good collection of photos from everywhere
 charbeck1  nice rock pictures terry
 Terry_Freedman  thx. LOL
 cheryloakes wow2  hm, it is a women's perspective about the web 2.0 tools
 dave  http://opensource.christophercraft.com/wp-content/downes_network.jpg
 CathyE  You ladies are doing a WONDERFUL job! Don't change a thing
 cheryloakes wow2  thanks cathyeeeeee!
 TerryFreedman  I think the name is (a) misleading and (b) exclusive in the worst possible sense!
 cheryloakes wow2  any ideas? Terry? our missing statement is so inclusive
 coolcatteacher  Have you seen our mission statement.
 cheryloakes wow2  I mean mission statement
 sroseman  Keep your mandate ...maybe define your mission
 TerryFreedman  no I haven't, but I think names are important, not mission statements
 TerryFreedman  I don't like to feel that I'm an honorary woman
 TerryFreedman  LOL
 coolcatteacher  To provide a professional feminine voice in educational Web 2.0 discusssions to reflect the female dominated classroom. The women of web 2.0 are female but all discussions will move across gender, race, and country lines and display the beautiful diversity of the internet kaleidoscope. We are advocates for professional ethics, emerging technologies, collaborative projects, quality best practices research, and teaching students critical thinking skills. We are non-partisan and pro-student.
 TerryFreedman  thx
 dave  the cut across there was a perfect example
 dave  the speaker, male, cut off three female speakers in a row
 mrichme  I know that I was intimidated by the name but I checked it out because of the topic and lurked around but I was pleasantly surprised by the gender-neutral tone! Thanks for having the great conversations around technology and education.
 TerryFreedman  well, fair enuf: I am behind in my reading
 coolcatteacher  Sorry, Terry. Hope to get up with you soon about flat classroom.
 coolcatteacher  We're a little off topic tonight.
 TerryFreedman  it isn't even women of web2, but North American womena of web 2, given the timing of most webcasts
 TerryFreedman  no prob Vicky
 sharonp  yes, Terry, we have talked about that
 TerryFreedman  I did a load of work on it this morning
 TerryFreedman  sorry Sharon
 TerryFreedman  I will shut up
 lee  Hi Terry
 sharonp  no, your voice is appreciated
 TerryFreedman  except to say: I support everything u r doing
 lee  hello all
 TerryFreedman  Note that the 2nd ed of Coming of Age has 50% women contributors now
 sharonp  CoA rocks! I know, Terry, that having more female voice was important to you
 TerryFreedman  yes. I walk the walk. I have written about getting more girls to move into IT careers
 TerryFreedman  + publicly critcised a patronising attempt to do so
 cheryloakes wow2  terry I have an opening in skype are you in?
 CathyE  This 4 ladies have empowered people to use the new tools that are available to educate the students we encounter.
 sharonp  exactly
 TerryFreedman  + appointed women Heads of department and advisors cos they were the best for the job
 sharonp  we need to keep the discourse going
 TerryFreedman  Cheryl, how would I know?
 cheryloakes wow2  I'll bring you in to the conference
 sharonp  Cheryl will drag you in
 sharonp  (kicking and screaming??0
 TerryFreedman  i love being dragged
 TerryFreedman  lol
 cheryloakes wow2  sure Terry
 charbeck  I do not think that he disagrees with what is happening here
 coolcatteacher  Better than "drug" like they say here.
 TerryFreedman  i can here two lots now
 charbeck  I love world bridges
 cheryloakes wow2  turn off your stream, then use yo ur headphones and mic
 cheryloakes wow2  you are right chris
 charbeck  sometimes the website can be too rich. You need to spend time instead of just reading the header\
 coolcatteacher  World Bridges is great!
 coolcatteacher  I think I hear Terry or someone typing.
 TerryFreedman  me, sorry
 dave  like vance stevens' webheads
 dave  for the 2002 evo conference
 coolcatteacher  I'd like to hear from Terry.
 TerryFreedman  I got nothing useful to say
 cheryloakes wow2  sure, Terry is in .
 cheryloakes wow2  Terry, Just say brillant, I love when you say that when we were skyping last week!
 TerryFreedman  lol
 coolcatteacher  We must keep the long tail in perspective, I think that Dave really hit the nail on the head.
 coolcatteacher  That makes a lot of sense.
 dave  we've discussed it already!
 coolcatteacher  Hee Hee
 dave  :)
 lee  Is there a skypecast?
 cheryloakes wow2  sorry, no skypecast tonight
 lee  k
 CathyE  So you should be so PROUD
 dave  dave of web2
 CathyE  and don't change your goals
 sharonp  no one would join dave of web2
 sharonp  a community of one
 dave  i would.
 dave  i might join it twice.
 dave  with two different email addresses
 lee  three..
 lee  as they say "me, myself and I"
 cheryloakes wow2  yes lee, or multiple personalities
 dave  that's a cool point terry. about who's fault it is.
 sharonp  bonnie *might* join it, just to be nice
 dave  no. she wouldn't. :)
 TerryFreedman  thanks, Dave
 sharonp  most of the men who have shown interest have been pleasantly surprised by how welcome they have been
 TerryFreedman  I have never felt unwelcome
 coolcatteacher  Thank you, Terry for contributing.
 TerryFreedman  yw
 sharonp  sorry Terry, should have said that you were welcome to join us - thought you knew!
 dave  that is a nice point
 CathyE  I use Women of Web 2 to promote women in technology to my students cause as Thomas Friedman says- "Girls, finish your homework-people in China and India aree starving for your jobs."
 cheryloakes wow2  yes right
 sharonp  Actually, I think we need to have this discussion every once in a while
 dave  i admire your honesty Terry.
 sharonp  Business and IT is dominated by men
 TerryFreedman  ty, Dave
 cheryloakes wow2  this is a great conversation, makes me think too of the Zoe's room for girls and technology
 sharonp  I have felt awkward going into Tech meetings and being in a very small minority
 dave  keeping gender issues on the front burner is useful
 cheryloakes wow2  yes
 dave  the question is... I guess... is that something that you want to do
 charbeck  Aye vey what did I start. Sorry again
 sharonp  AND being condescended to.... on occasion, because I am blonde woman
 dave  :)
 dave  and me, as a father, from almost every woman i meet... these things exist all over our culture
 sharonp  However, I have often gone to meetings or workshops where I have been greatly welcomed for providing a female perspective
 dave  must go folks... sorry to leave such a cool conversation
 coolcatteacher  Thanks, Dave.
 dave  kutgw
 TerryFreedman  bye, Dave
 cheryloakes wow2  thanks for coming in dave
 dave  bye all.
 dave  my pleasure
 dave  great convo
 dave  cheers.
 charbeck  The bottom line is that this is a group that helps all and is inclusive to all. This is a terminal(bus or airport!!) where we can pick a destination for further learning. How is that for a metaphor?
 lee  bye dave
 sharonp  thanks Dave - as usual - thought-provoking stuff
 coolcatteacher  Great metaphor.
 coolcatteacher  Thanks Terry.
 coolcatteacher  Terry is great!
 sharonp  saw the techlearning blog
 sharonp  great stuff
 JenniferW  thanks Dave
 JenniferW  I didn't know it was you for a while
 lee  i have experienced a ton of pressure (prejudice..etc. ) about being a woman in my previous careers
 cheryloakes wow2  lee, keep plugging away!
 JenniferW  I think I was over sensitive at necc -- there were many women involved
 JenniferW  but where they put Kathy Schrock really stood out to me
 cheryloakes wow2  Jen, I felt the same thing when I listened to the men's panel
 lee  banjo players dont like to acknowledge women as being as good or better as the men :)
 lee  so nooottt true
 sharonp  you know, at my school, they are now promoting learning styles specifically for males, trying to make up for the stats that show that the boys are way behind now in academic progress.... brought up some interesting discussion about females in IT - who are in the minority, to be sure
 sharonp  Discourse
 sharonp  is importatn
 sharonp  about these matters
 coolcatteacher  It is important.
 coolcatteacher  It hit us like a baseball out of the closet.
 TerryFreedman  I've enjoyed talking to u all
 coolcatteacher  Thank you too, Terry. I'm going to look at the wiki now.
 sharonp  Terry, your perspective is always most welcome
 TerryFreedman  I've got about halfway thru Vicky, and will do more tomorrow
 TerryFreedman  it was
 coolcatteacher  OK, we just need to get to the top 5.
 CathyE  You go Girls!
 coolcatteacher  the last several are very strong!
 JL  Perhaps a 'Miss WoW' contest so we can get you ladies into Wikipedia :)
 JL  got the chat, no worries
 TerryFreedman  I am pleased I graced this arena with my presence
 TerryFreedman  LOL
 TerryFreedman  really? pass them on to me
 coolcatteacher  :D
 charbeck  Thanks everyone
 TerryFreedman  the web is full of eejits
 charbeck  Was there a topic?
 coolcatteacher  I just like WOW2
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