K12 Online Conference 2010 Echo: Seeds to Success with Skype

Post-Show description: 
On Monday November 22nd; Susan van Gelder, Peggy George and Jose Rodriguez presents our first Webcast Echo for the K12 Online Conferece 2010 edition.  We had Paula Naugle and Jan Wells with thier presentation "Seeds for Success with Skype".  Be sure to join us Monday December 13th, as we have Tim Tyson The Classroom Teacher As a 21st Century Instructional Leader   9pm Eastern at http://edtechtalk.com/studio
The K12 Online Conference 2010 edition presents our first Webcast Echo. On this edition we had Paula Naugle and Jan Wells with their presentation Seeds to Success with Skype

They shared this experience and gave us more tips on how to use skype in our classrooms.  We learned about taking risks and understanding that using Skype and other tech tools is all about learning along the way.  Make sure to visit their presentation site: https://sites.google.com/site/seedstosuccesswithskype/home and follow them on twitter @plnaugle and @janwells

A big shoutout to the K12online live events committee for their wonderful work during the conference and their continued support in the Echoes at EdTechTalk.  Susan van Gelder, Kim Cofino, Peggy George. You can find more info about the K12 Online Conference by joining our Ning.

Be sure to join us Monday December 13th, as we have Tim Tyson The Classroom Teacher As a 21st Century Instructional Leader   9pm Eastern at http://edtechtalk.com/studio

Link to the text chat

20:43:59  Paula Naugle : Hi Jan. Here we are.

 20:45:30  JoseRodriguez : Hi.. all

 20:46:22  Paula Naugle : Hi Audrey.

 20:48:07  Susan van Gelder : Hi all

 20:48:49  Jan Wells : Hi to you too

 20:48:57  Susan van Gelder : We'll be starting at 9:00 EST in about 10 minutes

 20:49:05  Susan van Gelder : Nice to have you here

 20:49:56  aeasley : Hey Paula

 20:52:33  Paula Naugle : It is nice to have you here Audrey. We are finsihing our final setup checks and will be starting shortly.

 20:55:04  JoseRodriguez : Hey.. I am back

 20:55:14  JoseRodriguez : We are live.. welcome everyone

 20:55:28  Paula Naugle : Hi Jose.

 20:55:38  Jan Wells : Hi from Kansas!

 20:55:41  JoseRodriguez : if you click on small play arrow you should hear music

 20:56:03  Paula Naugle : Hi Peggy.

 20:56:10  Peggy George : Hi everyone! Stream is coming through great!

 20:56:24  Jan Wells : Hi Peggy.

 20:56:30  Susan van Gelder : Welcome Peggy

 20:56:35  Peggy George : Hi Paula and Jan!! So excited to participate with you tonight! I loved your presentation!

 20:56:58  Paula Naugle : Thanks Peggy. You are such a great supporter.

 20:57:01  Jan Wells : Thank you.

 20:57:24  Peggy George : You are both doing such wonderful things with your students!

 20:58:06  Peggy George : I got tears and goosebumps when they sang the Proud to be American song! :-)

 20:58:14  Jan Wells : We love it and the students are amazing!

 20:58:31  Peggy George : is this a CC mixter song Jose?

 20:58:53  Jan Wells : Hi Jennifer

 20:59:02  Paula Naugle : My students just filmed a video singing that song to send to a friend of my student teacher serving overseas.

 20:59:07  Susan van Gelder : Welcome Jennifer and Ellen

 20:59:10  ellenmiller : Hi Paula!

 20:59:13  Jennifer W : Should I be hearing an ad???

 20:59:20  Susan van Gelder : You are hearing music

 20:59:25  Paula Naugle : Hi Ellen.

 20:59:28  Peggy George : I also loved that you had the students do the videotaping with the flip cam!! Fantastic!

 20:59:29  Paula Naugle : Hi Jen.

 20:59:31  Jennifer W : nope -- hearing a 4g mobile ad   :)

 20:59:43  Peggy George : thanks Jose

 20:59:49  Jennifer W : hmmm

 20:59:59  Susan van Gelder : That's different @Jennifer W

 21:00:04  Peggy George : nothing you can do but wait Jennifer :-(

 21:00:10  Susan van Gelder : no advertising on edtechtalk

 21:00:33  Peggy George : advertising on my channel when I first joined in tonight

 21:01:11  Jennifer W : I hear Jose

 21:01:27  Peggy George : Hi everyone! So glad you can join us tonight for the K12 Online Echo with Paula Naugle and Jan Wells!

 21:01:36  Jennifer W : clapping -- this will be fun

 21:01:46  Paula Naugle : Hi Lisa.

 21:01:50  Peggy George : Hi Jen and mrsdurff :-)

 21:02:01  Jan Wells : Thank you so much!

 21:02:12  JoseRodriguez : Hi from Los Angeles.. 3rd Grade. teacher

 21:02:13  mrsdurff : Durff here

 21:02:15  Jan Wells : yes

 21:02:45  JoseRodriguez : Hi durff

 21:02:50  mrsdurff : eve ryone multi task now and twitter this

 21:02:53  mrsdurff : hi

 21:03:07  Susan van Gelder : Hi Durff

 21:03:26  Peggy George : I"m so excited that you have a lot of tech access Paula!

 21:03:34  JoseRodriguez : awesome..

 21:03:54  ellenmiller : Great job Paula!

 21:03:58  Peggy George : is your classroom a 1:1 laptop classroom Paula?

 21:04:14  mrsdurff : Hi Susan

 21:04:23  Paula Naugle : I have 15 netbooks so it is a 2:1 ratio.

 21:04:31  Peggy George : great!

 21:05:04  Peggy George : your skype stories are so inspirational and encouraging!

 21:05:23  Paula Naugle : Thanks Jose.

 21:05:27  mrsdurff : oh so Jose can stream them but not us?

 21:05:33  Jan Wells : Hi mrsdurff

 21:05:36  mrsdurff : louder

 21:05:41  mrsdurff : hi Jan

 21:06:36  JoseRodriguez : I enjoyed this session a hightlight from this year

 21:07:01  Susan van Gelder : Great for beginners - terrific ideas

 21:07:05  Jennifer W : :)  the ning moved to   http://grou.ps/projectsbyjen

 21:07:11  Jan Wells : Thank you.  That means a lot.

 21:07:13  Susan van Gelder : Thanks Jen

 21:07:22  Paula Naugle : Thanks Jen.

 21:07:36  Jennifer W : very proud of Paula and Jan --

 21:07:40  mcentires : Hello from Pennsylvania.

 21:07:51  mrsdurff : Hello PA to PA

 21:07:55  Jan Wells : Hi mcentires  glad you could make it

 21:07:55  Susan van Gelder : Great that you put the technology in the hands of the students

 21:08:03  Paula Naugle : What part of PA @mcentires?

 21:08:15  Peggy George : http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=704  This is the link on the Ning to their video

 21:08:16  mcentires : I have a 1:1 and loking for soem ideas.

 21:08:20  mcentires : Easton, PA

 21:08:42  Paula Naugle : Where is Easton. I went to HS and college in York.

 21:09:05  mrsdurff : Southcentral PA

 21:09:21  mrsdurff : grew up in New Hope

 21:09:23  mcentires : Eastern PA...near Allentown adn borders NJ

 21:09:53  Peggy George : I loved the variety of your projects!

 21:10:06  mrsdurff : no hoof sounds? that would be my part

 21:10:44  Paula Naugle : Too funny, Lisa. We'll have to remember that for next time.

 21:10:57  mrsdurff : :)

 21:11:08  Susan van Gelder : You can invite Lisa in by Skype to add her sounds

 21:11:09  Paula Naugle : Hi Sheri.

 21:11:10  Peggy George : This is the goosebump song for me :-)

 21:11:27  mrsdurff : La..La...La.. FaLaFaLa

 21:11:32  Paula Naugle : We are dedicating it to you Peggy.

 21:11:32  Sheri Edwards : Hellow Paula, Peggy, Durff, Susan... :)

 21:11:40  mrsdurff : hey sheri

 21:11:43  Susan van Gelder : Welcome Sheri

 21:11:49  Peggy George : thank you :-) very proud!!

 21:12:08  Susan van Gelder : I love the way they describe the rules

 21:12:08  Peggy George : Hi Sheri! Great to see youj!

 21:12:09  Sheri Edwards : Is this the chat area and the ustream is the program?

 21:12:10  AshleyHobbs : I missed the beginining. Could some one please fill me in on who the presenters and moderators are? Thanks!

 21:12:24  Jennifer W : I love that you skyped this

 21:12:25  Susan van Gelder : Presenters Paula Naugle and Jan Wells

 21:12:26  mrsdurff : go for it Peggy

 21:12:50  Peggy George : yes this is the chat area and after we watch the video together we will be able to chat with Paula and Jan about their experiences

 21:13:23  Paula Naugle : We love doing Jen Wagner's' Oreo project each year.

 21:13:23  Peggy George : Moderators tonight are Susan van Gelder and Jose Rodriguez is the streamer

 21:13:37  Jan Wells : Hi AshleyHobbs

 21:13:40  Susan van Gelder : What is your students' record?

 21:13:50  Jennifer W : we had a first grader hit 30 this year

 21:13:56  Susan van Gelder : Wow

 21:13:59  Peggy George : Jen--isn't this so thrilling to think that kids around the world are doing YOUR OREO project//!! :-)

 21:14:00  Jan Wells : Woooo that's good.

 21:14:05  Paula Naugle : The tallest stack in my class was 32 Oreos.

 21:14:09  Susan van Gelder : Steady hands

 21:14:17  Susan van Gelder : This was a neat idea

 21:14:33  Paula Naugle : You should have seen how crooked the stack was.

 21:14:35  mrsdurff : I'm not allowed to do it inside, so we were rained out this year

 21:14:35  Jan Wells : Our highest stack was 28.

 21:14:38  Jennifer W : I love this -- the flash card collaboration project

 21:14:42  aeasley : Paula-everything looks great!  So glad to have been in your room to see some of these activities live!!  Bissonet is so proud of you.:D

 21:14:44  Peggy George : totally motivating!!

 21:14:48  mcentires : Great way to collaborate with students in other states.  My students would love this!

 21:15:20  mcentires : How did you find other classes to skype with?

 21:15:39  Susan van Gelder : Nice also to see the fourth graders modelling for the younger ones

 21:15:56  Jennifer W : @mcentires--- it is an option to pair up with teachers here:   http://www.projectsbyjen.com/archives.htm

 21:16:16  mcentires : Great!  Thank you.

 21:16:23  Peggy George : ove the cross-age experiences--doesn't always have to be with kids their own ages

 21:16:31  Jennifer W : Paula and Jan take the projects to a WONDERFUL higher level

 21:16:39  mrsdurff : @mcentires or we beg

 21:16:43  Jennifer W : I want to hear the story about the cousins --

 21:16:54  Jan Wells : We have joined Skype groups, or with a particular project, added Skype as part of the project.

 21:17:03  Peggy George : I agree Jennifer! they provides some excellent examples of ways to use skype in every subject area :-)

 21:17:08  Susan van Gelder : Welcome Paul

 21:17:34  Susan van Gelder : There were some great ideas here

 21:17:57  Peggy George : outstanding list of ideas for ways to use skype!

 21:18:13  mcentires : I would love to switch teaching roles with another teacher by suing skype. It would be great for both the teachers and students.

 21:18:17  Len H : Hi Peggy & Paula

 21:18:26  Peggy George : Hi Len H :-)

 21:19:01  Peggy George : that was so exciting to see how students introduced skype to their parents at home :-)

 21:19:13  Jennifer W : loved the goals

 21:19:13  Jan Wells : The teacher and I knew each other, and were doing an introductory first Skype session, and doing so, after they introduced themselves and shared, my fourth grader, said, "Hey, that's my cousin!"  This happened two years in a row between classes.

 21:19:27  Jennifer W : But you are in different states??

 21:19:31  Sheri : I had to switch from Firefox to Safari

 21:19:34  Len H : I want to connect with another class when we get back from Thanksgiving.

 21:19:49  Susan van Gelder : great coincidence re cousins

 21:19:55  Jan Wells : Len H give either one of us a call.....

 21:20:01  Peggy George : wonderful story Jan!!

 21:20:20  mrsdurff : @mcentires also look at http://skypeanauthor.wetpaint.com/

 21:20:27  aeasley : Great job Jan and Paula!!

 21:20:34  mrsdurff : Bravo ladies!!

 21:20:48  Jennifer W : clapping

 21:20:52  Sheri : clapping

 21:20:53  Paula Naugle : Thank you Audrey.

 21:20:54  Jan Wells : Smiles.....thank you!

 21:20:59  Paula Naugle : Hi Len.

 21:20:59  ellenmiller : Wonderful presentation !

 21:21:00  Sheri : wonderful presentation !

 21:21:05  Len H : Thank you Jan & Paula

 21:21:06  Peggy George : clap clap clap!!! fantastic presentation

 21:21:12  mcentires : Thanks for sharing those ideas.

 21:21:15  AshleyHobbs : This is a great topic. I have never thought about Skype being used in the classroom.

 21:21:33  Jan Wells : mcentires  give either of us a call

 21:21:35  mrsdurff : really?

 21:22:05  Jan Wells : absolutely

 21:22:46  Peggy George : I'm so glad you chose to do this presentation!! Really encourages teachers to try skype who have never thought of it!

 21:23:44  Len H : Now we can't

 21:23:47  mrsdurff : she started out well

 21:23:47  Jennifer W : uhoh  I lost sound

 21:23:54  Len H : hehe

 21:23:54  mrsdurff : we could hum

 21:23:55  Jennifer W : say's off air

 21:23:58  ellenmiller : Can't hear

 21:23:59  Sheri : oops; no sound or video

 21:24:02  mcentires : what happened?

 21:24:08  mrsdurff : someone wake up Jose

 21:24:12  Jennifer W : I bet she is being profound right now

 21:24:17  mrsdurff : it's the streamer or Skype

 21:24:21  Susan van Gelder : Jose is checking into it

 21:24:22  Jan Wells : Just a second.

 21:24:23  mrsdurff : they will be back

 21:24:24  ellenmiller : Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't

 21:24:28  mrsdurff : momentarily

 21:24:35  mrsdurff : until then, twitter

 21:24:35  Susan van Gelder : let us know if you hear

 21:24:42  mrsdurff : not yet

 21:24:44  Jennifer W : off air still

 21:24:57  Susan van Gelder : Jose is restarting the stream

 21:24:58  Peggy George : http://www.teachingdegree.org/2009/06/30/50-awesome-ways-to-use-skype-in-the-classroom/ if you haven't seen this page it is great for skype resources: "50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom"

 21:25:16  mrsdurff : hum la de la di fa la....

 21:25:27  Susan van Gelder : Jose is rebooting Firefox

 21:25:33  mrsdurff : oi veh

 21:25:43  Paula Naugle : One of the things my students learn from Skype is geography.

 21:25:53  mrsdurff : don't give him any raises

 21:25:54  Susan van Gelder : What projects are you doing this year so far?

 21:26:07  Jennifer W : do we need to restart FF or our browsers as well

 21:26:07  Peggy George : technology has a way of keeping us humble--she was just telling us how her students have come to understand that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt :-)

 21:26:10  Paula Naugle : We just finished doing a graphing project.

 21:26:16  mrsdurff : no

 21:26:24  AshleyHobbs : Remember things go wrong in technology. :)

 21:26:26  Peggy George : no Jennifer

 21:26:31  mrsdurff : just refresh the ustream window when they say

 21:26:35  Paula Naugle : We surveyed each others class and then made graphs to share over Skype.

 21:26:36  ellenmiller : Be sure to use "Skypeanauthor.net" There are a few Louisiana Authors.

 21:26:39  mrsdurff : see the arrows

 21:26:41  Jan Wells : We just completed for math a graphing project where each class came up with survey questions for each other.

 21:26:55  Peggy George : when you see "on air" again just refresh the stream (not the whole page)

 21:27:02  Susan van Gelder : Are others in your schools using Skype or other ways of collaborating?

 21:27:12  Paula Naugle : We Skyped with HS students last year.

 21:27:17  Peggy George : there is an excellent Skype directory for teachers on the link I provided earlier

 21:27:20  mrsdurff : once upon a time it was the whole page

 21:27:21  Jan Wells : There is one other school who is using Skype.

 21:27:28  mrsdurff : but now we have ustream

 21:27:31  Susan van Gelder : What kind of questions were you looing at from your surveys

 21:27:42  Paula Naugle : We asked about favorite foods, teams, colors.etc.

 21:28:01  Jan Wells : On the surveys, my students asked questions about Thanksgiving.  Favorite pies, where they will go for Thanksgiving, favorite game to play,etc

 21:28:17  Susan van Gelder : What did you do with the data?

 21:28:20  ellenmiller : Paula -I will try to get Dianne DeLasCasas to SKYPE a pre visit conference for the 4th grade. She will be coming in Dec.

 21:28:30  Susan van Gelder : We'll be back shortly

 21:28:38  Paula Naugle : Jan's class performed a song for us and we recited a Thanksgiving poem for them.

 21:28:47  Peggy George : http://skypeinschools.pbworks.com/w/page/11008318/FrontPage

 21:28:48  Paula Naugle : Ellen that would be great.

 21:28:51  Jan Wells : Then both classes took the data and made various graphs.  Made comparisons then shared results

 21:29:06  Susan van Gelder : Do your students express how they feel about these exchanges?

 21:29:20  Paula Naugle : The students constructed bar graphs and pie graphs to present the data to each other.

 21:29:25  Jan Wells : We have a kindergarten teacher Skyping with another Kindergarten class from Kansas.

 21:29:51  Peggy George : http://skypeinschools.pbworks.com/w/page/11008311/Directory

 21:30:00  Susan van Gelder : Jose may have to reboot his computer

 21:30:20  Jennifer W : that is fine -- i can hear you -- by reading you   ;)

 21:30:21  Paula Naugle : I know how excited my students get when Jan's name pops up on on IWB.

 21:30:25  Susan van Gelder : Life is fun with technology *)

 21:30:40  Jan Wells : I had another idea for Paula and I to try (suprise to Paula) --- I'd like us to do a KWL chart using Skype over a Social Studies region we're both studying.

 21:30:50  Paula Naugle : This is what makes tech fun and challenging.

 21:30:53  Peggy George : I would love to know what kind of parent reactions you get to the skype experiences

 21:30:54  Sheri : Just discovered Women of the Web series on the tag cloud; seems Jan and Paula fit the bill for that too :)

 21:31:10  Susan van Gelder : You mentioned in the video that the students chose their own topics for Skyping - what kind of topics did they choose?

 21:31:17  Jan Wells : Whooohooo

 21:31:25  Jennifer W : @sheri -- really -- that is cool

 21:31:30  Peggy George : love that idea Jan--the students could lead the discussion for the KWL chart :-)

 21:32:00  Paula Naugle : They decide what to ask another class about. Since I teach social studies it is usually about the area where they live.

 21:32:05  Sheri : Our Native American Dance Clup (1-6th grades) presented to a class in Memphis, showing them our dances, and getting them to do a round dance with us through skype !  Great experience!

 21:32:10  Jan Wells : One was to just ask questions to get to know them as a 9-10 year old.

 21:32:28  Susan van Gelder : Sounds great Sheri

 21:32:44  Peggy George : I did a skype interview with a 5th grade class in North Carolina when they were studying AZ as part of their States study. It was so much fun!

 21:32:50  Susan van Gelder : How did you make the connection for the math flash cards?

 21:33:00  Paula Naugle : We became experts last year because they were interviewed four times by different schools about their hurricane experiences.

 21:33:06  mrsdurff : Dis Jose lose connectivity?

 21:33:11  Jan Wells : Some of there questions came after we'd Skyped and they noticed something about the students.

 21:33:16  Peggy George : every child can be an "expert" on skype :-)

 21:33:27  Paula Naugle : We have compared our state capitol building to the one in North Carolina with a class from there.

 21:33:28  Jennifer W : Paula -- were you a part of the Dear friend Project (for Katrina)

 21:33:33  Peggy George : refresh

 21:33:40  Susan van Gelder : @Paula - that is one kind of expert I don't want to be - but it was good that they could get something positive out of such a negative situation

 21:33:41  Jan Wells : Another idea to try is 'role playing'  

 21:33:41  Peggy George : it's back!

 21:33:50  Paula Naugle : No Jen. I do not know about that project.

 21:33:51  Susan van Gelder : Jose is rebooting his computer

 21:33:57  Jennifer W : ahhh -- okay

 21:34:00  Susan van Gelder : Then the stream should be up again

 21:34:02  Peggy George : hooray!

 21:34:06  Susan van Gelder : ahh technology

 21:34:13  Sheri : Tell us about the role-playing.

 21:34:14  Paula Naugle : This year we are getting requests to talk about the BP oil spill.

 21:34:20  mrsdurff : maybe we should pitch in for a new computer for Jose

 21:34:20  Susan van Gelder : Waiting to hear from Jose

 21:34:21  Peggy George : seeing the stream so you can continue with the interview now :-)

 21:34:23  Jan Wells : A Day in the Life of......

 21:34:35  Jennifer W : hmmm -- tell me when we should be hearing

 21:34:56  Peggy George : audio now

 21:34:57  Len H : There we go

 21:34:58  Jennifer W : ahhhh

 21:34:58  mrsdurff : should be or are?

 21:35:02  mrsdurff : refresh

 21:35:04  mrsdurff : yes

 21:35:07  Peggy George : hearing great!

 21:35:07  mrsdurff : audio

 21:35:17  aeasley : yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

 21:35:19  mrsdurff : everyone refresh the ustream

 21:35:58  Sheri : sounds good

 21:36:26  Peggy George : wonderful story!!

 21:37:17  Peggy George : good idea to blog about it to encourage people to respond to your challenge :-) Tweet and plurk reminders too :-)

 21:39:35  Peggy George : love it!!!

 21:40:23  ellenmiller : Offer a free skype camera to the next teacher who will agree to join the project.

 21:40:39  Jan Wells : Empowering students!!!

 21:40:42  Len H : My 6th grade team member's 3 yr old Skyped me this morning without mom being there!

 21:41:00  Len H : He called me all on his own.

 21:41:00  Peggy George : you can always start using skype as audio only if the kids are shy about the camera and it won't take long for them to want to see each other :-)

 21:41:04  Sheri : Too funny Len H :)

 21:41:05  Jan Wells : :)  That's great

 21:41:20  Peggy George : love that story Len H!!

 21:41:28  Len H : LOL, he was in his undies!

 21:41:42  Peggy George : hilarious!

 21:42:08  Peggy George : you do need to be careful sometimes when you skype from home (know what is in the background behind you) :-)

 21:42:51  Peggy George : there are soooo many skills that can be integrated through the use of skype (all free)!!

 21:43:30  Paula Naugle : Ellen that is a great idea.

 21:43:36  aeasley : Paula- a good idea would be to have a fifth grade teacher skype with a sixth grade teacher at our feeder school.  The kids could ask questions about what to expect when they go to middle school.

 21:43:57  ellenmiller : I still have a camera - Just let me know.

 21:44:12  Peggy George : @ellenmiller I was thinking along the same lines--offer an incentive for teachers to accept the skype challenge :-) maybe you could offer an opportunity for their class to skype with yours as the incentive??

 21:44:30  Paula Naugle : Audrey, I would love to see that happen and would gladly help them set it up.

 21:45:03  ellenmiller : We could add that to the sip plan for transitions.

 21:45:13  Peggy George : great process to involved the kids in the problem solving!

 21:45:29  Paula Naugle : Ellen, yes we should include that in our SIP plan.

 21:45:54  aeasley : Great idea Ellen- we can talk to Alicia about it.

 21:47:16  ellenmiller : Skype cameras are about 30.00. I have one available now. Will srt her up when we return.

 21:48:19  Sheri : What blog was that?

 21:48:40  Susan van Gelder : https://sites.google.com/site/seedstosuccesswithskype/skype-jobs-chart

 21:48:54  Jennifer W : around the world in 80 schools

 21:48:58  Sheri : langwiches

 21:49:40  Jennifer W : http://aroundtheworldwith80schools.wikispaces.com/

 21:49:51  Sheri : How do  I get the full length link? the links are all ... shortened

 21:50:04  aeasley : Ellen & Paula-I will email the principals at the two feeder schools to get the names of teachers who may want to join us for this project.

 21:50:24  Susan van Gelder : Click on them - they will also be in the chat log which will be posted after the show

 21:50:32  Jennifer W : and   www.aroundtheworldwith80schools.net/  

 21:51:16  prombough : (Links should work if you have turned off your popup blocker)

 21:51:24  ellenmiller : Wow Look what we accomplished tonight!

 21:52:25  Sheri : Thanks; got the links

 21:52:39  Jennifer W : that was Katrina??

 21:52:40  Jan Wells : https://sites.google.com/site/seedstosuccesswithskype/home

 21:52:54  Paula Naugle : Yes, Jen.

 21:53:12  Jennifer W : I am sorry I did not know you then, Paula, we adopted many classrooms

 21:53:40  Jennifer W : http://www.projectsbyjen.com/Projects/DearFriend/df_participants.htm 

 21:54:21  Jennifer W : Have you seen the newest SKYPE???   has it affected your conversations at all

 21:54:21  Susan van Gelder : Skype in the Classroom

 21:54:34  Jennifer W : or is the only difference the way it looks

 21:54:40  Jan Wells : http://skypeintheclassroom.wordpress.com

 21:56:32  Jennifer W : when they accept their award at ISTE??   grins, we need to nominate them

 21:57:02  Jan Wells : clap, clap, clap, clap

 21:57:07  Jennifer W : you have blessed me very much -- you too

 21:57:40  Sheri : Jen and Paula keep me going... with tech in classroom; thanks :)

 21:57:44  Jennifer W : skype was primitive then

 21:58:16  Jan Wells : A very good question!

 21:58:24  Jennifer W : each one -- teach one

 21:58:52  Jennifer W : plus your kids become ambassadors as they move through grades

 21:58:52  aeasley : Paula- thanks for inviting me tonight!  What a great opportunity to hear from such wonderful educators! It is so neat to hear from all of you.  Keep up the great work.

 21:59:06  Jan Wells : If we look back, others have come along....

 21:59:36  Jennifer W : now that is cool -- your principal is here

 21:59:44  ellenmiller : Paula - You are so sweet - The student has surpassed the master!

 21:59:44  Sheri : Wowser

 21:59:47  Jan Wells : We keep inviting, and encouraging, and share.  We love it.

 22:00:08  Jennifer W : very proud of BOTH of you

 22:00:24  Sheri : clapping; thank you

 22:00:29  Paula Naugle : Thank you everyone for the support and for the encouragement.

 22:00:52  mrsdurff : gotta go before I turn into a pumpkin - adieu!

 22:01:00  Jan Wells : SMILES to ALL  Thank you soooo much.

 22:01:07  ellenmiller : Audrey we need to see Paula at LACUE

 22:01:24  Paula Naugle : Lots to plan and new projects to organize.

 22:01:31  aeasley : I agree.

 22:01:48  Paula Naugle : Good night everyone.

 22:01:58  Sheri : Thanks...see you on twitter..

 22:02:05  Paula Naugle : Bye Sheri.

 22:02:06  Jan Wells : @janwells

 22:02:20  Len H : Thank you Paula & Jan!

 22:02:22  Jan Wells : What's your twitter name.

 22:02:33  Sheri : @grammasheri

 22:02:43  Jan Wells : Thanks.

 22:02:46  Susan van Gelder : Thanks all

 22:02:54  Susan van Gelder : Paula and Jan - you were great

 22:02:56  Paula Naugle : Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday.

 22:03:06  Paula Naugle : Bye.

 22:03:14  Jan Wells : It was an honor, thank you again.