Instructional-Design-Live#19 2010-05-21 Authentic Assessment

Post-Show description: 

what is authentic assessmentThis week, Mary Engstrom, senior instructional designer at the University of Montana, discusses a framework for implementing authentic tasks and assessments in online courses. The discussion turns to a number of practical suggestions for implementing tasks that provide learners with opportunities to develop skills applicable in real life as well as the ability to monitor their own learning. And ultimately, escape from the experience of high-stakes multiple choics exams→

Authentic assessment is within the reach of most online instructors. It's just a matter of starting small and considering some basic principles in designing effective learning experiences, notes Mary Engstrom, senior instructional designer at the University of Montana. Mary discusses a framework for developing authentic tasks and identifies a number of examples. A key take away is the notion that individuals receive personalized feedback throughout the process of completing authentic tasks and can develop the ability to self-monitor their development if the opportunities are provided.


GRASP acronym for designing an authentic task

PowerPoint Slides

Available on the Web


00:45 - Peggy George
I'm just listening--no headset on this morning

00:59 - Peggy George
I'm in Phoenix AZ

01:10 - Peggy George

01:14 - Brent Schlenker

01:28 - Mary

01:35 - Brent Schlenker
I'm near Camelback Mtn!

01:38 - Peggy George
I feel strong ties to Montana though-born and raised in Kalispell :-)

01:45 - Peggy George
how fun Brent!! :-)

01:50 - Marlene Zentz
Not far from Missoula!

02:06 - Peggy George
exactly!! was just in Missoula this past summer

03:12 - jennifer maddrell
yes ... I agree the "real world task" piece is key

03:12 - Peggy George
doing something real to demonstrate understanding :-)

04:09 - Robert
Welcome Lisse

04:42 - Peggy George
eager to hear what GRASP stands for :-)

05:30 - Robert
Hi Linda, brandy

07:49 - Linda U

07:53 - jennifer maddrell
the relationship between authentic task and motivation is interesting to consider ...

08:29 - Linda U
I missed the first few slides - will they be available?

08:58 - Robert
yes, I'll upload to and

09:07 - Peggy George
very interesting process :-)

09:26 - Peggy George
very engaging!!!

09:30 - jennifer maddrell
ooo ... can get an older edition of Wiggins book for $0.90 on amazon :)

10:08 - Peggy George
I used UBD and the entire DVD series from Wiggins & McTighe in my university teaching :-)

12:32 - Peggy George
can you share an example of an authentic assessment task you have created?

13:45 - Peggy George

13:53 - Peggy George
think that's it

14:15 - Peggy George
can you restate the question-I was multitasking :-)

14:50 - Linda U
I teach a technical writing class, and students have a lot of different exercises where they have to work on actual documents that would be used by the audience

14:55 - Peggy George
good distinction--being able to use and apply it and not just know it

15:47 - Peggy George
a "good" webquest does that Robert :-) not all are good

16:14 - Peggy George

16:43 - Peggy George
I agree Mary

17:12 - Marlene 3
Hola. Sorry to obe late

17:22 - Robert
Case Study examples: 
Simulation example: Our Courts: 21st Century Civics:
Geometry in the Real World:

17:39 - Robert
Hi Marlene 3 :-)

17:52 - jennifer maddrell
Getting to the specific "tasks" to incorporate, I think a good task analysis resource that focuses on "expert vs novice" differences is suggested here ... Militello, L. G., & Hutton, R. J. B. (1998). Applied cognitive task analysis (ACTA): a practitioner’s toolkit for understanding cognitive task demands. Ergonomics, 41(11), 1618-1641.

18:01 - Peggy George
thanks for posting the clickable links :-)

18:27 - Marlene 1
Yay! in now as Marlene 1, but I'm @cljennings (Cindy Jennings)! Hi Robert et. al.

19:20 - Marlene Zentz
Hi, cljennings. Glad you got through the difficulties at EdTechTalk!

19:34 - Peggy George
creative Cindy! :-)

20:21 - Peggy George
me too Robert

20:28 - Robert

24:41 - Peggy George
I sometimes wonder how much they are really understanding and how much comes from the scaffolding and guiding questions

25:44 - Mary
declarative vs procedural knowledge

27:43 - Peggy George
sometimes that is the "language" of the process

28:06 - jennifer maddrell
@peggy ... yes ... nice way to put it "language" of the process :)

28:21 - Peggy George
so excited about your travels!!!

29:12 - Peggy George
do you teach your students to create authentic assessments for their own future teaching?

29:33 - Mary
Yes, I did do that as a professor.

29:51 - Marlene 1
Thanks for the invite via Twitter...

30:04 - Mary
Thanks, Robert and all!

30:05 - Linda U
thank you!

30:05 - Peggy George
great conversation! Thanks Mary!!

30:06 - Marlene Zentz
Thanks, Mary and Robert!

30:08 - jennifer maddrell
happy "vacation" from webcasting :)

30:09 - Marlene 3
Thanks once again.  —Richard_P

30:17 - jennifer maddrell
thank you!

30:19 - Deirdre
Thanks... great discussion. I will listen to the posetd recording for the minutes I missed.

30:23 - Marlene Zentz
Glad you made it, Richard P!

30:34 - Robert
Great to have you with us again Richard