2010-04-01 Seedlings #84 with Wes Fryer

Post-Show description: 

 We're joined by Wes Fryer- Live in Maine the Magical Show! Anne Fraser counted the word magical used 4, 586 times throughout the show. See if you come up with the same number! We had a great conversation in the EdTechTalk studio with Wes Fryer. The conversations were about Race to the Top, Apple's new product release, Maria Knee, and the upcoming workshop at Wells Junior High School.

We're joined by Wes Fryer- Live in Maine the Magical Show! Anne Fraser counted the word magical used 4, 586 times throughout the show. See if you come up with the same number! We had a great conversation in the EdTechTalk studio with Wes Fryer. The conversations were about Race to the Top, Apple's new product release, Maria Knee, and the upcoming workshop at Wells Junior High School.


The chat room rocked and many links were shared along with favorite apps!

 The Chat: It was rocking!!!

 19:24:05  wfryer  welcome!

 19:24:21  wfryer  hello Peggy!

 19:24:29  PeggyG  Hi Wes! great to see you!!

 19:24:32  PeggyG  Hi Bob

 19:25:17  wfryer  I am actually at Bob's house for this webcast! He ran to get a sandwich

 19:25:29  PeggyG  how exciting!! You're in Maine?

 19:25:39  wfryer  Yes, just over the border from New Hampshire!

 19:25:53  wfryer  Sarah and I presented in Deerfield Wednesday and Meredith today (NH)

 19:25:59  PeggyG  I used to live in MA for a long time so I know the area well :-)

 19:26:14  PeggyG  Fantastic!!! I'll bet it was great!

 19:26:18  PeggyG  did you record it?

 19:26:36  wfryer  I got to visit Maria's classroom!

 19:26:42  bobsprankle  hi Peggy!

 19:26:44  wfryer  Maria did Ustream the Wed session I think

 19:26:46  PeggyG  woohoo!!! what a treat!

 19:26:48  wfryer  I'll get the link from her...

 19:26:54  PeggyG  I would LOVE to see it!

 19:27:21  PeggyG  you're streaming on ETT-A today right?

 19:28:00  PeggyG  I hosted a K12 Online LAN party last week and we had a great time!!

 19:28:26  wfryer  That is GREAT. Was it at your school?

 19:28:29  PeggyG  We watched Chris Betcher's presentation and discussed it. Created a Wiffiti to share learnings :-)

 19:28:42  PeggyG  it was for AzTEA and we held it in someone's home

 19:29:18  wfryer  That is great

 19:29:42  PeggyG  hi everyone!

 19:29:44  AllanahK  Chris was at the Sitech IWB conference last week that I had the privilege of attending- he knows heaps of really useful stuff

 19:29:46  cheryloakes~seedlings  Hello Sue Hi Peggy

 19:29:48  wfryer  Maria and I were able to visit a bit about k12online

 19:29:50  sroseman  hi Peggy

 19:29:57  sroseman  Hi Cheryl

 19:30:12  wfryer  I am purple tonight in memory of the "fear the beard" KSU BB season...

 19:30:15  PeggyG  Hi sroseman and Cheryl! Excited about you special guest today :-)

 19:30:27  PeggyG  purple is good :-)

 19:30:52  sroseman  Are we streaming yet?

 19:30:55  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Peggy could you please check the sound?

 19:31:01  PeggyG  hearing you now :-)

 19:31:06  PeggyG  great sound

 19:31:07  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Thank you!

 19:31:13  cheryloakes~seedlings  ok sound is good

 19:31:19  PeggyG  even had to turn down the volume :-)

 19:31:31  cheryloakes~seedlings  are all of us equal in sound? Peggy

 19:31:39  AllanahK  I am just in the chat room- is there a link to the live stream somewhere?

 19:31:42  PeggyG  all are good for me

 19:31:55  PeggyG  yes AllanahK--click on ETT-A icon

 19:32:05  PeggyG  it will open in itunes

 19:32:23  PeggyG  Hi Tony!!! Fancy meeting you here :-)

 19:32:41  PeggyG  AZ is well represented today!

 19:32:45  Tony Vincent  Hey Peggy!

 19:33:05  PeggyG  Not quite dinner time in AZ yet :-)

 19:33:14  AllanahK  OK that's more like it.

 19:33:27  PeggyG  we're 3 hours earlier than you folks on the East coast

 19:33:29  sroseman  works now

 19:33:33  PeggyG  good for you AllanahK!!!

 19:34:09  PeggyG  I would so LOVE to spend time in Maria's classroom!

 19:34:20  AllanahK  Set go

 19:34:42  PeggyG  when you're retired you don't have to worry about April Fool's Day :-)

 19:34:42  cheryloakes~seedlings  Hello Alanah, awolinsky,Tony!

 19:35:14  PeggyG  What an awesome crew!!

 19:35:28  sroseman  Is this LIVE?

 19:35:29  cheryloakes~seedlings  Glad you are here tonight,

 19:35:34  cheryloakes~seedlings  This is really live!

 19:35:35  PeggyG  yes this is LIVE!

 19:35:58  PeggyG  I wish we could see the studio :-)

 19:36:22  cheryloakes~seedlings  Bob will post photos later on the blog/podcast

 19:36:34  PeggyG  great!! and I'm sure Wes will blog about it :-)

 19:37:18  AllanahK  Yeah- I talk with the animals!!

 19:37:53  PeggyG  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I24bSteJpw

 19:37:56  AllanahK  With an American accent!

 19:38:02  PeggyG  link for Google Translate for animals :-)

 19:38:15  cheryloakes~seedlings  Thanks Peggy, Oh, Allanah, very funny

 19:38:43  sroseman   ha ha

 19:38:49  PeggyG  always something new to learn!

 19:38:54  cheryloakes~seedlings  Wes is local to New England this weekend

 19:39:07  bobsprankle  yeah maria!

 19:39:10  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Hoo I fell for it! :)

 19:39:57  PeggyG  that's a great description of Maria! already doing all of the right things before technology came along!

 19:40:12  cheryloakes~seedlings  Right Peggy, the pedagogy is key.

 19:40:58  PeggyG  it sounds like nano pets

 19:41:43  PeggyG  this is making me miss my days in Massachusetts!! very fond memories of making maple syrup

 19:43:09  PeggyG  http://www.lescn.org/Home/educating-the-21st-century-learner-conference

 19:43:24  PeggyG  Yes Adora Svitak!!

 19:43:39  Sheila  Hi all!

 19:43:47  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Thank you Peggy!

 19:43:50  cheryloakes~seedlings  Thanks PeggyG for helping our with links!

 19:43:50  PeggyG  She presented on Classroom 2.0 LIVE a couple of weeks ago! She's an amazing young teacher--12 years old

 19:44:02  cheryloakes~seedlings  Hi Shelia, welcome

 19:44:21  PeggyG  I think Sarah may be the youngest teacher now :-)

 19:44:27  cheryloakes~seedlings  I agree!

 19:44:28  PeggyG  thank you--blush

 19:44:28  Sheila  Peggy is wonderful and now I know why she has so many tabs open!!!

 19:44:45  cheryloakes~seedlings  Hello Colleenk, welcome

 19:44:46  colleenk  Hi Everyone

 19:44:47  alicebarr (Seedlings)  HI Colleen! 

 19:44:48  wfryer  http://www.flickr.com/photos/wfryer/sets/72157623743698706/ Photos of Maria Knee's classroom

 19:44:49  PeggyG  yes I have the many tabs addiction!!

 19:45:01  Sheila  :)

 19:45:02  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Oh me too Peggy!

 19:45:09  cheryloakes~seedlings  The photos of Maria's class are just a story in themselves.

 19:45:20  PeggyG  wow!!! take pictures of you getting your new ipad!!

 19:45:32  alicebarr (Seedlings)  I hear a blog post coming!

 19:45:53  cheryloakes~seedlings  Yes, more information!on ipads and the trip to the Apple Store

 19:46:05  cheryloakes~seedlings  Welcome AnneFraser

 19:46:11  AnneFraser  Thanks

 19:47:13  PeggyG  http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2010/04/ipad-qa-with-twitter-...  very intersting iPad article today

 19:47:46  cheryloakes~seedlings  Just as in the matrix   There is no spoon. ..  Is there a mouse?  from the ipad!

 19:48:51  AnneFraser  how many in the chat room are getting an ipad this Saturday

 19:49:08  cheryloakes~seedlings  good question Anne!

 19:49:08  PeggyG  Wired has created an iPad app http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwFbwHaP5tE

 19:49:32  PeggyG  I'm waiting on an iPad--very happy with my iPhone and MacBookPro for now

 19:49:43  cheryloakes~seedlings  I am waiting for Gen2 ipad.

 19:49:45  wfryer  http://www.flickr.com/photos/torres21 Marco Torres' flickr stream

 19:50:11  PeggyG  thanks for that link Wes :-)

 19:50:16  bobsprankle  me

 19:50:17  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Not me just yet

 19:50:31  PeggyG  not revolutionary yet...

 19:50:41  Tony Vincent  PhotoChop is great for cutting out people and replacing the background. http://tonyv.me/photochop

 19:50:47  wfryer  I really want a camera on an iPad

 19:50:53  Sheila  not me. (just got an iTouch)

 19:51:00  PeggyG  very astute observation Cheryl :-)

 19:51:00  alicebarr (Seedlings)  ME too Wes

 19:51:02  wfryer  Hi Tony!

 19:51:14  AllanahK  I am going to wait til generation two comes out- hopefully with a camera.

 19:51:15  cheryloakes~seedlings  I would like the camera too.

 19:51:25  sroseman  not available in Canada yet

 19:51:42  Tony Vincent  I'm picking up an iPad Satuday morning.  Then at noon Pacific I'm hosting an iPad Party on Ustream. :-)  http://learninginhand.com/ipad

 19:51:44  cheryloakes~seedlings  Susan, is the iphone in canada, yet? How long did you wait?

 19:51:48  AllanahK  We don't get them until sometime in May- maybe even later than that.

 19:52:00  PeggyG  oh boy Tony!! I want to come to your iPad party!!

 19:52:02  cheryloakes~seedlings  Thanks Allanah

 19:52:21  Sheila  Planned obsolescence - we just talked about that in class this week.

 19:52:29  cheryloakes~seedlings  yes, Shelia!

 19:52:39  alicebarr (Seedlings)  @Tony URL for ipad party?

 19:52:48  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Ooops got it!

 19:52:54  Tony Vincent  :-)

 19:53:16  PeggyG  might have to forego coloring easter eggs for this party :-)

 19:53:16  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Cool idea!

 19:53:27  alicebarr (Seedlings)  iPad party :)

 19:54:07  wfryer  very cool Tony! That's great.

 19:54:09  Tony Vincent  People can submit questions on that page for the iPad Party. I hope it is fun!  It will be fun for me anyhow. :-)

 19:54:19  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Are you getting 3G too?

 19:54:28  PeggyG  if you've purchased apps for an iphone can you have them on both your iphone and ipad?

 19:54:37  Tony Vincent  I already pay for a Verizon MiFi, so I'm not getting the 3G version.

 19:54:54  AllanahK  Wes- I remember- Hyoerlinked writing is the most powerful kind of writing there is.

 19:55:20  cheryloakes~seedlings  AllanahK R U in AU  ?  NZ?

 19:55:26  AllanahK  New Zealand

 19:55:33  sroseman  probably May for us

 19:55:33  cheryloakes~seedlings  OH, sorry, I will retract!

 19:55:41  cheryloakes~seedlings  Thanks Susan.

 19:55:53  PeggyG  the 30 second delay in the chat room is always interesting :-)

 19:56:03  cheryloakes~seedlings  Yes, it is interesting on this end too!

 19:56:50  AnneFraser  Seton Hall is giving its students ipads next September

 19:57:04  PeggyG  I agree with Bob :-) although I prefer reading it on my Kindle rather than my iPhone--bigger screen and font :-)

 19:57:40  cheryloakes~seedlings  Anne, I saw that , Seton Hall is smart to get that out there. I will be interested to see how it is used in their classes or social networking

 19:57:51  PeggyG  great thing to think about--how much of your time will be spent consuming or producing!!

 19:57:54  wfryer  http://www.slifelabs.com/ This is slife - track app use (not for iPad yet)

 19:57:58  cheryloakes~seedlings  Hello COnnie, welcome

 19:58:03  Tony Vincent  If you are into educational apps, I suggest looking up the #edapp hashtag on Twitter.  Cool stuff there.

 19:58:12  cheryloakes~seedlings  Hello kyteacher, Angela, sorry I missed you.

 19:58:12  AllanahK  I think the iPad is more a viewer than a creater

 19:58:24  PeggyG  there's a photoshop app for iphone now

 19:58:34  cheryloakes~seedlings  Thanks Tony for that tip/

 19:58:42  Sheila  I really wish the iTouch had a camera.

 19:58:44  Connie Sitterley  Hello everyone-glad I made it home in time to be here for part of this conversation

 19:58:46  AllanahK  I like to multi-task too- not so sure of the idea of only one app being available at a time

 19:58:56  kyteacher (Angela)  No problem...in listening mode tonight. :) 

 19:59:03  cheryloakes~seedlings  OK, Angela

 19:59:25  cheryloakes~seedlings  Hello M Badio, welcome to the conversation. Sorry I missed you too.

 20:00:12  sroseman  April 24th for Canada according to the latest info

 20:00:25  kyteacher (Angela)  We've got one more day before Spring Break and I'm just plain tired...but enjoying the conversation.

 20:00:25  Tony Vincent  They do PODs (Personally Owned Devices) at a high school in Vail, AZ and it is working out incredibly well for them.

 20:00:28  cheryloakes~seedlings  Thanks Susan, 4/24/10 for ipad in Canada.

 20:01:02  wfryer  Hi Allanah! :-)

 20:01:10  PeggyG  sorry I had to stop typing and order the SonicPics app Tony recommended that is FREE today :-)

 20:01:12  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Hello derrallg

 20:01:17  cheryloakes~seedlings  welcome derrallg how is the family?

 20:01:18  derrallg  hi alice

 20:01:19  PeggyG  Hi derrallg!

 20:01:28  derrallg  hi cheryl doing well

 20:01:32  derrallg  hi peggyg

 20:01:44  Tony Vincent  SonicPics is my favorite app!  It's like Photostory for iPod touch/iPhone.

 20:01:59  derrallg  hi tony

 20:02:08  Connie Sitterley  What we also need is to get areas like mine to have affordable access to broadband-still an issue in much of rural NW PA-cloud computing not realistic without it

 20:03:09  Tony Vincent  Teachers and students authoring their own eBooks--Yes!

 20:03:22  cheryloakes~seedlings  It makes so much sense, Tony!!

 20:03:47  cheryloakes~seedlings  Connie, we still have that problem in ME.

 20:03:48  wfryer  Do you think "ebook" is what we'll call these authored works, when they also include embedded media?

 20:04:49  PeggyG  I think they need a better name than ebook

 20:05:00  cheryloakes~seedlings  Please share apps that you like in honor of the magical ipad.

 20:05:15  derrallg  take up remixed media using creative commons license

 20:05:28  cheryloakes~seedlings  yes, Peggy and Wes, it doesn't do justice to all the interactive media

 20:06:02  PeggyG  I just discovered Moodle4iPhones Project and it is really cool to see the Moodle environment on my iphone

 20:06:05  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Interesting conversation between librarian and tech person today about ebooks. How will kids check out of library? I think kids will have their own and check out a title

 20:06:15  derrallg  their backs are breaking 

 20:06:29  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Ridiculous amount of books

 20:06:30  derrallg  i can't even get them to lift them between desks

 20:06:40  derrallg  they roll them over each other

 20:06:49  PeggyG  iBook would be nice for interactive ebook :-)

 20:07:08  alicebarr (Seedlings)  We don't let the kids put their laptops in their backpacks becasue they have too many books and they squeeze the computers

 20:07:22  cheryloakes~seedlings  does anyone have the bing app yet?

 20:07:29  kyteacher (Angela)  I'm fairly certain that I am going to break something one day by tripping over a bookbag.

 20:07:37  PeggyG  other recent apps I am enjoying are This AM Life and the ISTE networks

 20:07:37  derrallg  @peggyg everything else seems like it's getting the "i" designation :)

 20:07:47  PeggyG  it does derrallg!

 20:07:51  cheryloakes~seedlings  I love This American Life!

 20:08:00  AnneFraser  me too

 20:08:02  PeggyG  me too Cheryl!

 20:08:04  cheryloakes~seedlings  app for American Life

 20:08:21  AnneFraser  npr podcast

 20:08:27  PeggyG  and I love iPadio on my iphone!!! amazingly easy to create podcasts with it!

 20:08:51  cheryloakes~seedlings  Peggy, great apps, had no idea of the Moodle4iphone!

 20:09:09  Sheila  I'm running into a problem, my laptop doesn't have the same amount of memory as my iTouch! Not syncing as much now. Time for a new laptop?

 20:09:09  PeggyG  do any of you use Stanza? for reading books on iphone

 20:09:38  cheryloakes~seedlings  I have used it a few times Peggy.

 20:09:40  alicebarr (Seedlings)  I have used it Peggy

 20:09:52  PeggyG  you can annotate Stanza and create bookmarks in a book

 20:10:05  PeggyG  and just tap to flip the pages :-)

 20:10:18  alicebarr (Seedlings)  MAine has NO charters

 20:10:42  cheryloakes~seedlings  Well, maybe if you consider Maine Math and Science School, right?

 20:10:56  AllanahK  Sunshine is calling- thanks for the Twitter invite

 20:10:59  alicebarr (Seedlings)  I suppose...

 20:11:06  PeggyG  all of the Project Gutenberg books are free in Stanza

 20:11:11  cheryloakes~seedlings  by Allanah, I will right y our location. :-)

 20:11:30  AllanahK  :-)

 20:11:35  PeggyG  how about ustream broadcaster?? I love how easy it is to broadcast a stream with it!

 20:11:59  Sheila  Free downloadable copy of Water from Nat'l Geo - http://www.nationalgeographic.com/zinio/freshwater/?of=500204105&bd=1

 20:12:10  cheryloakes~seedlings  Yes, I've tried that and watched Wes' son's concert.

 20:13:22  PeggyG  I got a really nice letter back from one of my legislators in response to my plea for funding for EETT. It was great to hear him confirm his support!!

 20:14:08  PeggyG  that was an interesting silent pause followed by laughter :-)

 20:14:20  Connie Sitterley  PA will be doing 3 solid weeks of standardized testing beginning after Easter break

 20:15:09  derrallg  wow

 20:15:18  PeggyG  Hi Colleen!! I just noticed you in the room! Great to see you!

 20:15:19  Connie Sitterley  Cool title...

 20:15:24  cheryloakes~seedlings  Connie, we have 2 weeks coming of testing in May.  Only 1 hour a day for students two different days, for one test, then two grades 1 hour per day for 2 days.

 20:15:28  Sheila  WoodenMask (John from Deerfield)

 20:15:34  derrallg  happy belated birthday colleen

 20:15:57  bobsprankle  happy birthday colleen!

 20:16:10  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Happy Birthday Colleeen!

 20:16:16  cheryloakes~seedlings  Sheila, is woodenmask, related to Water from Nat. Geo?

 20:17:09  colleenk  Oops, you caught me multitasking. Thanks for the birthday wishes! It was a great day.

 20:17:11  Sheila  No. Water is the special issue. John is the teacher working with Ginger but he usually is known as woodenmask on twitter, etc.

 20:17:25  cheryloakes~seedlings  Oh, thanks for the connections Shelia!!!

 20:17:57  colleenk  Hi Peggy! Keeping busy? Just started learning iPhone development. Any year now......

 20:18:13  PeggyG  yes very busy :-)

 20:18:16  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Cool Colleen!!! 

 20:18:30  PeggyG  it would be fabulous to see your math tools on an iphone Colleen!

 20:18:40  cheryloakes~seedlings  Oh, Peggy, right on!!

 20:19:04  colleenk  I think so, too. Will give it my best effort.

 20:19:25  PeggyG  I'm hopeful that those large states will no longer drive textbook adoptions for all of us now that we have more options!!!

 20:19:26  derrallg  @coleenk don't you usually use an Adobe programming language close to flash?

 20:20:20  PeggyG  traditional textbook publishers will never be able to accommodate the open input from students who want to help design their learning tools

 20:20:33  wfryer  I sure don't know if I'm reading this Race to the Top stuff right or not. It's hard to sort out.

 20:20:48  colleenk  @derrallg Yes, I actually use Flash and Adobe is promising a Flash-to-iPhone app tool on the upcoming release. I think there are too many conflicts between Apple and Adobe so I'm not counting on it.

 20:20:55  derrallg  we lost out in California for race to the top

 20:21:16  Tony Vincent  I didn't learn to be a teacher just to follow a script. My former district really wants everyone on the same page on the same day at the same time.  Ugh.

 20:21:19  derrallg  @colleenk that's good was wondering if you were having to learn new language

 20:22:10  colleenk  @derrallg Unfortunately(?), I do have to learn Objective C. I think it's best to use Apple's tools. Less issues.

 20:22:11  cheryloakes~seedlings  Tony, we have guidelines and timelines for our math curriculum, it is a guide, but sometimes is too much pressure on the teacher

 20:22:43  PeggyG  seems like the race to the top is causing people to say it's not important if they didn't receive the funding--is that working???

 20:22:48  Sheila  18 votes here and our town is now leaving our SAU (school district). Crazy!

 20:22:58  cheryloakes~seedlings  Peggy, right about the textbook adoptions which drive the whole country.

 20:23:18  cheryloakes~seedlings  18 votes, wow Sheila!

 20:23:45  derrallg  @peggyg I think in CA that many people have given up on anything passing in the legislature

 20:23:53  Tony Vincent  Certainly a scope and sequence is needed. Seems easy for districts to go overboard in their prescriptions.

 20:24:14  derrallg  it does some unique languages

 20:24:17  PeggyG  I remember those kinds of votes in my MA days, Sheila--cafeteria full of community people filling in their ballots and dropping them in the box :-)

 20:24:28  cheryloakes~seedlings  Watch the movie UP, it is so good.

 20:24:42  PeggyG  funding situation in AZ is devastating too!!

 20:25:08  cheryloakes~seedlings  go to google.com   on 2010/04/01  look for the archive.

 20:26:33  Sheila  Funny!

 20:27:05  wfryer  http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/different-kind-of-company-name.html Here's the google blog post on the name change to Topeka

 20:27:05  derrallg  broke her google

 20:27:07  cheryloakes~seedlings  http://www.ipevo.com/Point-2-View-USB-Camera_p_70.html

 20:27:28  PeggyG  very clever!!

 20:27:54  Connie Sitterley  Just provided the ipevo cams to 20 elementary staff for doc cams-they are in love

 20:28:07  alicebarr (Seedlings)  http://screensplitr.com/demogod

 20:28:10  AnneFraser  out of stock

 20:28:19  PeggyG  one of my friends taught us how to create a document camera with recyled old digital cameras and duct tape :-)

 20:28:21  Sheila  Dare I say - I want one!

 20:28:31  alicebarr (Seedlings)  DARN

 20:28:33  Connie Sitterley  If you have Mac OS 10.6 get the 1.1 version update of the SW

 20:28:34  cheryloakes~seedlings  Yes, Shelia!!

 20:28:43  Tony Vincent  :-)

 20:28:55  Tony Vincent  Do you have jailbreak?

 20:29:08  Tony Vincent  If not jailbroken, that would be AWESOME!

 20:29:11  PeggyG  rats!!! not ready to jailbreak my iphone yet!

 20:29:36  derrallg  seems like there's two lists and people waiting for things to crossover or work 

 20:29:46  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Darn Darn Darn

 20:29:53  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Sorry about that folks

 20:30:15  cheryloakes~seedlings  https://www.fillanypdf.com/Default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fUsers%2fDefault.aspx

 20:30:16  bobsprankle  https://www.fillanypdf.com/Default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fUsers%2fDefault.aspx

 20:30:25  wfryer  http://www.speedofcreativity.org/2010/03/17/demonstrate-iphone-ipod-touc... Here is Sherman Nicodemus' guest blog post about using ScreenSplitr and Demogod

 20:30:32  PeggyG  http://schoolweb.dysart.org/EdTech/Content.aspx?conID=416  video of presentation by Laurie King about how to create a free document camera from old cameras :-)

 20:30:35  cheryloakes~seedlings  Great links this evening.

 20:31:23  PeggyG  wonderful geek of the week links!!! now I'm really in "tab" trouble!!

 20:31:42  cheryloakes~seedlings  Peggy, I will be checking things later!

 20:32:06  Tony Vincent  Whoa!  Brand new iCell is a free app for looking into cells in 3D!  Just downloaded it.  http://tonyv.me/icell

 20:32:23  cheryloakes~seedlings  Oh, thanks Tony!!!

 20:32:24  Sheila  tab-a-holic Peggy!

 20:32:36  PeggyG  absolutely!!

 20:32:56  PeggyG  I didn't think Alice needed to redeem herself!!

 20:33:08  cheryloakes~seedlings  http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2010/03/free-33-page-guide-google-for-t...

 20:33:09  AnneFraser  Richard is awesome

 20:33:26  PeggyG  how fantastic!! Thanks Alice!!

 20:33:36  Connie Sitterley  Great Google book-really helpful

 20:33:39  cheryloakes~seedlings  Okay who counted up the magical mentions

 20:33:53  AnneFraser  5,443

 20:34:13  PeggyG  I can't even get the chat to show up in my Chrome browser!! how did you do it?

 20:34:23  derrallg  time to switch to chrome

 20:34:41  AnneFraser  5,446

 20:34:52  cheryloakes~seedlings  I am liking chrome, although I couldn't go into Elluminate the other night

 20:34:59  PeggyG  fabulous show!!! so motivated!!!!

 20:35:16  cheryloakes~seedlings  Thanks Anne

 20:35:17  PeggyG  I can always get into Elluminate with Chrome but not the ETT chat--wonder why?

 20:35:18  AnneFraser  JOKE!!!

 20:35:36  Sheila  5,449

 20:35:48  derrallg  love listening to the timbre of voices together with this group

 20:35:49  Sheila  now more . . .

 20:36:01  PeggyG  hahahaha--lovely magical outro :-)

 20:36:06  bobsprankle  thanks to all!

 20:36:09  wfryer  we worked on our timbre before the show :-)

 20:36:27  PeggyG  hooray for the new server for ETT!

 20:36:30  colleenk  Fun show tonight. Thanks! 

 20:36:31  Tony Vincent  Gilderoy Lockhart!  Right..?

 20:36:32  derrallg  yeah

 20:36:40  Connie Sitterley  Nothing foolish about the show tonight-maybe some silliness, but that is normal isn't it?

 20:36:46  Sheila  This was a fun and interesting evening!!!

 20:36:54  cheryloakes~seedlings  Magical Seedlings Team, hm, has a ring to it.

 20:36:54  PeggyG  absolutely Connie!!

 20:36:58  sroseman  fun evening

 20:37:02  cheryloakes~seedlings  That is normal! Connie.

 20:37:04  Sheila  SEEDlings fest! will it be streamed?  :)

 20:37:15  PeggyG  thank you Seedlings and Wes!!

 20:37:21  derrallg  :)

 20:37:23  Tony Vincent  Thanks everyone!  This was fun!

 20:37:24  cheryloakes~seedlings  Shelia good question, we will stream tomorrow.

 20:37:36  PeggyG  link for the stream tomorrow?

 20:37:46  cheryloakes~seedlings  OH, we will twitter it out

 20:37:57  PeggyG  great!!!!

 20:38:00  cheryloakes~seedlings  We will put the link to ustream on twitter.

 20:38:12  cheryloakes~seedlings  good evening. thanks to the chat room for a blast.

 20:38:17  PeggyG  I'll be watching for your tweet

 20:38:20  alicebarr (Seedlings)  Thanks all!

 20:38:33  Sheila  Thanks so much all!

 20:38:42  Tony Vincent  Yay!!

 20:38:46  cheryloakes~seedlings  so much fun!!!

 20:38:47  PeggyG  thank you everyone and thanks to Tony for the ipad tips!! See you Sat.!

 20:38:51  Tony Vincent  Lots of great iPad apps out there already.

 20:39:06  PeggyG  bye everyone

 20:39:08  sroseman  Thanks

 20:39:12  derrallg  thank you seedlings

 20:39:13  sroseman  Shalom

 20:39:15  Connie Sitterley  Bye

 20:40:12  wfryer  http://technosavvy.org/2005/12/24/the-podcave-an-update/ Here's the podcave post from Tim Wilson