Post-Show description: 

Seedlings presented at the State of Maine Conference their Geek of the Week, You can hear the entire podcast at, here is some of the captured audio and video from

Geek of the Week Links, live from ACTEM

The Chat:

 11:57:04  PeggyG  Hi poochiesan-are you at the conference? I was just on your website :-)
 12:10:15  techyturner  Has Seedlings begun?
 12:12:21  poochiesan  just saw a twitter about this and thought I'd check it out
 12:12:47  PeggyG  yeah!! Hi Cheryl-are you having problems streaming from the conference?
 12:13:53  PeggyG  I'm guessing they must be having some technical problems. The stream isn't up yet on either or iTunes
 12:14:15  PeggyG  it's always a fun challenge trying to stream live from a conference :-)
 12:14:46  PeggyG  Hi Cheryl-having problems? new login :-)
 12:16:03  PeggyG  are Bob and Alice joining you?
 12:16:09  cheryloakes~Seedlings LIVE ACTEM  yet, do you have sound?
 12:16:25  PeggyG  no sound yet-are you using ustream?
 12:16:56  PeggyG  it says the server is down still
 12:18:19  PeggyG  are Bob and Alice in the room with you? You can skype me but I was here to listen to you :-)
 12:20:21  PeggyG  it's always a challenge streaming from a conference--you've done it many times!
 12:20:53  mrichme  HI Peggy
 12:21:10  PeggyG  Hi mrichme--another technology adventure for us :-)
 12:21:24  PeggyG  Hi Bob-great to see you!
 12:21:49  PeggyG  are you having connection issues at the conference?
 12:23:03  PeggyG  Hi Jackie-they're still working on getting the stream to work :-)
 12:23:09  Kern  Hi everyone!
 12:23:19  PeggyG  Hi Kern
 12:23:35  jackiegerstein  Thanks Peggy - I just started clicking on all of the channels:D
 12:24:08  jackiegerstein  Rushed home - happy I didn't miss anything though
 12:24:10  PeggyG  I thought people might be thinking it was their computer but Seedlings is having some connection issues at the conference.
 12:24:49  PeggyG  I'm waiting patiently :-) I know it will be great fun if they can get it working! They've been collecting a bunch of great websites for this!
 12:25:26  jackiegerstein  Have you been in contact with them for an update?
 12:25:37  mrichme  Peggy we're collecting the urls and they're going on the seedlings ning
 12:25:54  PeggyG  Cheryl sent a quick note here--connection is failing
 12:26:14  PeggyG  That's great to know that the URLs will be on the Seedlings Ning :-)
 12:26:26  mrichme  the ones we've done are hootsuite, textthemob, and spellingcity
 12:26:29  PeggyG
 12:26:51  cheryloakes~Seedlings LIVE ACTEM  please add your geek to
 12:26:52  PeggyG  so the links are being shared right now with the live audience?
 12:27:07  PeggyG  I already added mine :-)
 12:27:15  mrichme  Not yet
 12:27:19  PeggyG  do you want/need more?
 12:27:26  mrichme  but thank you for adding them
 12:27:48  mrichme from Kern Kelley
 12:28:15  jackiegerstein  Not looking good eh?
 12:28:27  mrichme
 12:28:36  mrichme  not that one
 12:28:41  PeggyG  I shared this fantastic new scheduling tool--like it even better than Doodle
 12:28:59  mrichme
 12:29:28  PeggyG  that is such an incredible resource @mrichme!! tons of videos!!
 12:29:53  mrichme  Peggy your resource looks great!
 12:30:18  PeggyG  Sharon Peters introduced the scheduling tool to me and it's fantastic!
 12:30:46  mmiller7571  Lunch doodie awaits! Love your NING site! Didn't even know about out of the loop
 12:30:57  PeggyG  for those just joining they are having some connection/streaming issues-no audio yet
 12:31:28  PeggyG  ah--lunch dutie!! have fun!!
 12:31:42  cheryloakes~Seedlings LIVE ACTEM  trying ustream, can't get out to broadcast trying still
 12:31:56  PeggyG  thanks for the updates Cheryl
 12:32:09  mrichme  Wonder wheel in a google search is being shown right now
 12:32:44  PeggyG  oh how I wish we could be there!!
 12:33:34  mrichme  Tim Hart is showing off "get you tube"
 12:33:56  mrichme  download any youtube video as a mp4 file
 12:34:19  cheryloakes~Seedlings LIVE ACTEM  hi ben
 12:34:22  Ben  hi
 12:34:24  PeggyG  while we're waiting for the stream we can watch one of the videos on the site mrichme shared :-)
 12:34:40  cheryloakes~Seedlings LIVE ACTEM  you can go to theustream link
 12:35:09  Ben  just added to geek of week  spreadsheet
 12:35:11  PeggyG  nothing streaming there yet-says session error
 12:35:18  cheryloakes~Seedlings LIVE ACTEM  hey peggy can you try this ustream?
 12:35:20  Ben  where will this be listed later?
 12:36:00  mrichme  Kern Kelly is showing off kickyoutube
 12:36:02  PeggyG  sorry-no stream there yet
 12:36:26  PeggyG  kickyoutube is a fantastic, easy way to download youtube videos!
 12:37:12  mrichme  Cathy Wolinsky is showing off
 12:37:14  PeggyG
 12:37:40  PeggyG
 12:38:21  mrichme  Mike Aresenault is showing
 12:38:34  PeggyG  thanks for the updates @mrichme! they are like teasers :-)
 12:39:59  mrichme  Marco Torres is now showing the iphone app that solves rubix cubes
 12:40:09  PeggyG  very cool site--fastflip! just searched for Twitter and found ones of current articles/posts :-)
 12:40:11  Ben  lol
 12:40:34  cheryloakes~seedlings  lets try this
 12:40:38  PeggyG  I don't need the iphone app for rubix cubes--my 6year old grandson taught me how last weekend!! he was amazing!
 12:40:43  cheryloakes~seedlings  you will see the peeps
 12:40:47  cheryloakes~seedlings  can you hear?
 12:40:54  cheryloakes~seedlings
 12:41:04  jackiegerstein  Can see the ustream
 12:41:15  PeggyG  YES!!!!!!!  that is working
 12:41:16  cheryloakes~seedlings  finally, I am sweating!!!
 12:41:23  PeggyG  Hooray!!!!!!!!!!
 12:41:49  PeggyG  your smile is awesome Cheryl!!! I remember the same smile when we got the stream going at NECC for Women of the Web!
 12:42:15  PeggyG  you are all dressed up :-)
 12:43:19  mrichme  for users of smartboards and everyday math checkout
 12:43:23  PeggyG is up now
 12:43:43  mrichme  thanks Peggy, I'm still catching up
 12:43:56  PeggyG  I'm still catching up too :-)
 12:44:17  PeggyG  can create quizzes, flash cards and lots of things on classtools
 12:44:43  PeggyG  kids can generate their own information/quizzes, etc! awesome!
 12:46:02  mrichme  Firefox add on zotero is being discussed now
 12:46:19  cheryloakes~seedlings  peggy our best cheerleader
 12:46:39  PeggyG  you do such awesome things it's easy to be a cheerleader for you!!
 12:47:09  PeggyG  I wish we could see what's already on the list so we would know if the linnks we're submitting are already there
 12:47:32  Ben  I agree, wish we could see the list
 12:47:52  cheryloakes~seedlings
 12:47:53  Ben  I do know theat I am starting to have information overload
 12:47:55  PeggyG  me too
 12:48:18  PeggyG  I guess we'll have to wait until they get a chance to post it later on the website :-)
 12:48:28  PeggyG  some great resources though!!
 12:49:03  Ben  indeed, the headache is worth it
 12:49:25  mrichme has the raw data
 12:49:43  mrichme is being shown right now
 12:49:52  PeggyG  fantastic!!! that's a big help :-) thanks!!
 12:50:27  Ben  thanks!
 12:50:35  marcos -> -Puentes al Mundo: hola
 12:50:37  jon -> -Puentes al Mundo: holka
 12:50:47  PeggyG  new links are coming in as we watch :-) what fun!!
 12:50:49  mrichme
 12:52:08  PeggyG  now that I see the list I remember I submitted something different than the scheduling tool. I submitted --allows you to upload audio with PPT and sync them together in new presentation
 12:52:28  mrichme  Nice Peggy
 12:52:45  mrichme
 12:52:56  mrichme
 12:52:59  mrichme  sorry about that
 12:53:27  PeggyG  wow-a virtual field trip tool! love it!
 12:54:30  cheryloakes~seedlings
 12:54:38  PeggyG  very exciting!! could generate some great creative writing along with this :-)
 12:54:46  mrichme  great idea Peggy
 12:54:55  cheryloakes~seedlings  please go 2 ustrem for sound and video
 12:55:19  PeggyG  who is taking right now?
 12:55:21  marcos -> -Puentes al Mundo: *)
 12:55:23  PeggyG  talking?
 12:55:26  mrichme  I don't know
 12:55:57  mrichme  Melissa Nowack is showing
 12:55:59  Ben  we need more sites added
 12:56:06  Ben  there are a lot more than 35 people here!
 12:56:10  Ben  :)
 12:56:14  PeggyG  Cheryl, when they're done sharing can you pan the room so we can see what it's like?
 12:56:42  mrichme  ask and you shall receive
 12:56:57  PeggyG  love it!!!! personalized streaming :-)
 12:57:07  Ben  :)
 12:57:08  lamoum  Certainly interesting
 12:57:23  PeggyG  WOWOWOWOW--fantastic!! now I really feel like I'm there!
 12:57:53  lamoum  Ummmm...aren't you here?
 12:58:05  mrichme  upload your screentoast video to youtube!
 12:58:10  PeggyG  nope-I'm in Phoenix AZ
 12:58:18  lamoum  Screentoast is cool
 12:58:46  PeggyG
 12:58:48  lamoum  This is the best presentation every Actem
 12:58:58  Ben  from maine to arizona.. love it
 12:59:08  lamoum  Thanks Seedlings
 12:59:11  PeggyG
 12:59:17  Ben  bye thanks
 12:59:27  mrichme  Thank you Peggy to help us out with your involvement
 12:59:34  PeggyG  thank you Seedlings!!! I loved it!!
 12:59:35  cheryloakes~seedlings  Audios
 12:59:38  cheryloakes~seedlings  by
 12:59:44  cheryloakes~seedlings  thanks for coming.
 12:59:50  PeggyG  Perseverance paid off!!! What fun!!!
 13:00:17  mrichme  Bye Peggy
 13:00:25  cheryloakes~seedlings  yes it did,
 13:00:36  PeggyG  bye everyone

The Link to the Ustream