Teachers Teaching Teachers #168 - Mapping Main Street in Flushing, Salt Lake City, and Brevig Mission - 9.16.09

Post-Show description: 

Listen to this podcast, recorded on September 16 to learn more about how we are working “Mapping Main Street into our curriculum. You will also to learn more about a wonderful youth development program, Radio Rookies and their Short Wave workshop, where producers train students the basics of reporting, interviewing, and script writing, and in 1.5 months they produce a final story for the Radio Rookies web site.” One of our guests for this podcast was Sanda Htyte.

Sanda Htyte is Radio Rookies Associate Producer. She has been with Radio Rookies since interning at the Elmhurst workshop in summer of 2005. She is also a freelance video producer, director, editor and a CUNY Professor. While interning at Radio Rookies, Sanda was completing her MFA in documentary producing. Having studied both video and radio production at her Alma Mata, Brooklyn College, CUNY, she was asked to teach introduction to radio production as Adjunct Professor in Fall of 2006 as well as Spring 2007.

Another guest on this podcast was a colleague of Woody’s from Alaska, Diane (Ginger) Crockett. Chris Sloan joined us as well from Salt Lake City Utah. (Check out his students’ work on the Mapping Main Street site.)


Teachers whose students post at Youth Voices are pretty excited about the “Mapping Main Street” collaborative project.

“Mapping Main Street is a collaborative documentary media project that creates a new map of the country through stories, photos and videos recorded on actual Main Streets. We invite you to capture the stories and images of the country today. Use our Main Street map to find streets named Main close to your home or along the paths of your own travels. Go out, look around, talk to people, and contribute to this re-mapping of the United States.” 

Mapping Main Street » About

Listen to this podcast, recorded on September 16, to learn more about how we are working “Mapping Main Street" into our curriculum. You will also to learn more about a wonderful youth development program, Radio Rookies and their Short Wave workshop, where producers train students the basics of reporting, interviewing, and script writing, and in 1.5 months they produce a final story for the Radio Rookies web site.” One of our guests for this podcast was Sanda Htyte.

Sanda Htyte is Radio Rookies Associate Producer. She has been with Radio Rookies since interning at the Elmhurst workshop in summer of 2005. She is also a freelance video producer, director, editor and a CUNY Professor. While interning at Radio Rookies, Sanda was completing her MFA in documentary producing. Having studied both video and radio production at her Alma Mata, Brooklyn College, CUNY, she was asked to teach introduction to radio production as Adjunct Professor in Fall of 2006 as well as Spring 2007.

A couple of years ago Woody Woodgate, up in Alaska, helped shape our curriculum toward place-based projects. His work with the students at the Marshall School was an inspiration. He helped amplify the voices of the young people in his classes so that all of us on the Youth Voices network could hear and respond!

Another guest on this podcast was a colleague of Woody’s from Alaska, Diane (Ginger) Crockett. Chris Sloan joined us as well from Salt Lake City Utah. (Check out his students’ work on the Mapping Main Street site.)

We would love to make similar connections with your students this year. Specifically, in the next couple of months, we are looking at braiding some or our “place-based” photography, stories, VoiceThreads, videos, podcasts… with the NPR-connected project, “Mapping Main Street.” It just seems to us like this could be an excellent opportunity for students to show off their home towns, their cultures, their stories — and to see what is similar and different from other youths’ Main Streets.

Interested? Please plan to join us at Youth Voices.

Click Read more to see a transcript of a chat that was happening during the webcast.

 20:47:23 paulallison: Hi Ginger
20:47:26 paulallison: and Susan
20:47:54 paulallison: Susan I sent you an email with skypenames.
20:49:39 gingacrockett: Hi folks!
20:50:09 Paul Allison: Hi.
20:50:16 Paul Allison: Waiting for Susan.
20:50:21 gingacrockett: k
20:56:20 Paul Allison: Hi Sanda
20:56:26 sanda: hi !
20:56:28 Paul Allison: Meet Ginger
20:56:44 sanda: Hi Ginger from the seward peninsula is that it?
20:56:57 Paul Allison: Ginger teaches in Brevig Mission...pop?
20:57:13 sanda: What do you teach?
21:04:46 Paul Allison: http://www.wnyc.org/radiorookies/shortwave/
21:06:27 Paul Allison: http://www.mappingmainstreet.org/
21:08:21 Paul Allison: Hi Alex
21:10:07 alexr: Hi Paul
21:10:15 alexr: Good to be out here.  
21:13:59 alexr: Flickr help: http://www.flickr.com/help/with/groups/
21:15:05 alexr: We did a faculty digital vacation group in Flickr this summer: http://www.flickr.com/groups/966562@N21/
21:15:23 SusanEttenheim: hi alexr welcome!
21:16:27 alexr: Hi Susan.
21:17:15 SusanEttenheim: high cheritoledo and alexr!
21:19:28 SusanEttenheim: alex do you have photography classes at your school?
21:20:45 SusanEttenheim: cheritoledo where and what do you teach?
21:21:56 SusanEttenheim: interesting - image as a step to audio documentary
21:23:14 gingacrockett: what a great way to think about it...... image as a step to audio
21:28:07 chris sloan: sorry I've got to go.  Nice talking with you all
21:28:36 SusanEttenheim: night chris!
21:39:30 cheritoledo: @Susan - I was listening, but not paying attention to the chat
21:39:43 SusanEttenheim: well hi and welcome!
21:39:49 cheritoledo: I'm at Illinois State - I teach undergraduate preservice teachers, grad ed tech and research
21:40:31 SusanEttenheim: ahh yes ..  that' s familiar- where and what do you teach?
21:42:13 cheritoledo: @Susan - we met at NECC, I'm one of the co-hosts of Women of Web 3.0 with Sharon Peters
21:42:29 SusanEttenheim: ahh but I wasn't at necc...
21:42:44 cheritoledo: ok, then, you're not who I thought your were LOL
21:42:51 cheritoledo: Another Susan was there
21:43:05 cheritoledo: @Susan, nice to meet you
21:43:16 SusanEttenheim: nice to meet you too!
21:44:31 SusanEttenheim: hi davidwelcome!
21:44:41 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:44:49 davidweightman: thanks
21:44:57 davidweightman: I teach in Caledon Ontario
21:45:07 SusanEttenheim: what ages?
21:45:22 davidweightman: high school science
21:46:05 SusanEttenheim: ahh well, welcome!
21:48:29 davidweightman: when does the discussion begin?
21:49:01 SusanEttenheim: 9pm eatrern time
21:58:07 cheritoledo: Thanks all, gotta call my mom :-)
21:58:13 cheritoledo: have a good evening