K12Online09 Pre-LAN Party September 2009

Post-Show description: 

Have a listen as we kick off our vitual LAN Party. Kudos to the live events committee in pulling off this event and Jeff Lebow for providing his streaming expertise.



On September 26, 2009, the K12Online Conference in partnership with EdTechTalk  hosted a worldwide, sychronous “LAN party” (free web meet-up) from 2:00PM EDT (6:00PM GMT) to 5:00PM EDT (9:00PM GMT).  This was our  K12Online Conference overview of the LAN Party. We were joined by the Live Events committee in kicking-off our virtual LAN party. This event provided an opportunity to try out the synchronous EdTechTalk environment and platform, which we will be using for the 2009 K-12 Online Conference in December

Link to Text Chat

 13:35:44 Peggy George ->  Hi everyone! This is an exciting day!! Kicking off the K12online conference!!
 13:35:50 kathycassidy ->  Hello!
 13:35:58 mrsdurff ->  hi christin3e
 13:36:43 mrsdurff ->  hi mathew
 13:36:47 Mahtew Needleman ->  Hi
 13:36:48 mrsdurff ->  hi mistele
 13:36:49 Peggy George ->  welcome everyone!!
 13:36:59 mrsdurff ->  does everyone have sound?
 13:37:18 katydel ->  nooooo
 13:37:21 Peggy George ->  we're excited to have Mathew, Kathy, Alec and Mark joining us today for the kickoff!!!
 13:37:21 susanvg ->  welcome all
 13:37:34 mrsdurff ->  katy - click arrow to your left
 13:37:38 Peggy George ->  click on play for the ustream and make sure it's not muted :-)
 13:37:39 susanvg ->  If you are listening on the ustream channel, make sure the speaker is not muted
 13:37:42 mrsdurff ->  hi ms porter
 13:37:51 mrsdurff ->  did that work katy?
 13:38:06 JL ->  http://k12onlineconference.org/
 13:38:41 kcaise ->  hello everyone!
 13:38:46 mrsdurff ->  here http://k12onlineconference.org/
 13:39:05 mrsdurff ->  hi Digin
 13:39:05 Peggy George ->  you can find the themes for the conference on the invitation for proposals page :-) looking for it now
 13:39:22 MsPorterAtFHS ->  Hi -- call me Kathleen
 13:39:35 Peggy George ->  http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=375
 13:39:51 Peggy George ->  that link gives you the strands for the conference
 13:40:13 mrsdurff ->  hi paula
 13:40:34 MsPorterAtFHS ->  just came from Classroom 2.0 -- is there audio?
 13:40:38 Paula Naugle ->  Hi Durff.
 13:41:08 JL ->  there should be on the Ustream Ms. Porter
 13:41:12 Vance in Abu Dhabi ->  audio, use http://edtechtalk.com/live
 13:41:17 susanvg ->  Reminder - if you are listening to the ustream make sure your "speaker" isn't muted
 13:41:26 Peggy George ->  dot sub is amazing--allows you to listen in different languages
 13:41:26 JL ->  those with low bandwidth can try ETT A channel
 13:41:43 MsPorterAtFHS ->  got audio, thanks!
 13:41:48 Peggy George ->  we are all getting so excited about the conference!!
 13:42:40 Peggy George ->  keynotes for this year :-) Kim Cofino is the pre-conference keynote!!
 13:43:11 Paula Naugle ->  Yeah for Kim's keynote.
 13:43:55 Peggy George ->  Kim is an amazing presenter! I loved the presentation she did at NECC last year of the tour of her library! What an incredible environment for learning!
 13:44:10 Paula Naugle ->  I know what you mean.
 13:44:35 Peggy George ->  Joyce Valenza will be on Classroom 2.0 LIVE next Saturday too :-)
 13:45:08 Peggy George ->  fantastic choices for keynotes!! great job co-conveners!!
 13:45:41 Paula Naugle ->  Can't wait to hear Joyce. Meet her at NECC this year.
 13:45:54 Peggy George ->  we held LAN parties in Phoenix for the past 2 years following the conference-great to be able to watch together and discuss!
 13:46:18 Peggy George ->  we even skyped in Kim Cofino and Jen Wagner to talk with our group after we watched their presentation together! Awesome!!
 13:47:10 mrsdurff ->  hi dave
 13:47:15 mrsdurff ->  hi doug
 13:47:26 sr ->  is therer audio here please
 13:47:29 sr ->  there
 13:47:30 Peggy George ->  yeah Susan!! :-) our spokesperson :-)
 13:47:35 mrsdurff ->  all is well kim is here
 13:47:36 kcaise ->  yes sr
 13:47:39 Vance in Abu Dhabi ->  audio is at http://edtechtalk.com/live
 13:47:42 Peggy George ->  yes @sr-click on play on the ustream
 13:47:51 kcaise ->  if you click on the ustream if should play the audio
 13:48:04 Peggy George ->  or you can click on the icon under EdTechTalk-A to listen
 13:48:46 JoseRodriguez ->  Hi everyone
 13:48:55 mrsdurff ->  hi shandA
 13:48:56 kcaise ->  hi marragem
 13:49:03 kcaise ->  hi shanda
 13:49:04 Paula Naugle ->  Hi Jose.
 13:49:10 mrsdurff ->  hi marragern
 13:49:11 marragem ->  hi everyone!
 13:49:23 susanvg ->  Hi Amanda
 13:49:23 sr ->  everything you know you learned in kindergarten
 13:49:26 Peggy George ->  welcome everyone!!! so glad to have you join us!!
 13:49:28 shanda ->  hello all
 13:49:33 sr ->  hi all
 13:49:48 susanvg ->  Learning is social - but we don't supply wine at a virtual party
 13:50:04 Peggy George ->  don't you have your wine out Susan? just teasing...
 13:50:08 JoseRodriguez ->  Yes she is
 13:50:12 kcaise ->  hi lorna
 13:50:17 Lorna ->  Hi
 13:50:22 Lorna ->  where is the audio?
 13:50:28 kcaise ->  you share mrsdurff?
 13:50:32 JL ->  Ustream or ETT A
 13:50:33 mrsdurff ->  ustream
 13:50:35 kcaise ->  hi mathew
 13:50:36 Robert ->  Press play on the ustream to the left for audio
 13:51:00 kcaise ->  hi mathew
 13:51:11 Paula Naugle ->  Hi Mathew.
 13:51:19 Mathew Needleman ->  Hello All
 13:51:35 mrsdurff ->  coffee (coffee) Skype icon if it works
 13:51:37 Robert ->  @lorna: audio is here: http://edtechtalk.com/live and press play on ;eft
 13:51:39 mrsdurff ->  nope
 13:51:41 mrsdurff ->  sorry
 13:51:50 shanda ->  hello mathew!
 13:52:17 Paula Naugle ->  Hi Peggy.
 13:52:20 mrsdurff ->  the eloquent peggy
 13:52:34 mrsdurff ->  does everyone here have souned?
 13:52:40 Andy McKiel ->  yep :-)
 13:52:49 tammie ->  confused about what is going on...some sort of live presentation? Where is it?
 13:52:57 mrsdurff ->  yes tammie
 13:53:00 Paula Naugle ->  :)
 13:53:03 Lorna ->  yes to sound but I was first accessing the academy player
 13:53:09 tammie ->  no sound here
 13:53:15 Paula Naugle ->  Hi Shamblesguru.
 13:53:29 JL ->  Is the Ustream playing Tammie?
 13:53:42 tammie ->  is there a URL for the actual presentation?
 13:53:47 Vance in Abu Dhabi ->  http://edtechtalk.com/live
 13:54:34 tammie ->  very odd....the ustream is just of this chat page
 13:55:04 JL ->  for now we have no other video to show - will be playing videos soon
 13:55:10 Paula Naugle ->  @Tammie That is what is being streamed right now-the chat window.
 13:55:13 Mathew Needleman ->  The presentation should play through the ustream.  The original is at http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=329
 13:55:19 Peggy George ->  yes we'll post the url so you can go to it directly when we are in the presentations
 13:56:06 tammie ->  OH, I have been trying to figure out K-12 online for a long time...getting even to this point is no easy task for a newbie...just sayin'
 13:56:50 Peggy George ->  I know what you mean tammie!! hopefully we'll be able to share some tips today to help newbies
 13:57:13 kcaise ->  october 20th at 6pm EDT to 8pm EDT
 13:57:18 Vance in Abu Dhabi ->  ask a question about what you can't figure out?
 13:57:27 tammie ->  thanks! I feel like I'm wandering in the desert sometimes :)
 13:57:36 almedrano ->  Peggu, I am confused, what can I get? so new...
 13:57:38 kcaise ->  please ask questions any time
 13:57:50 Vance in Abu Dhabi ->  we are nomads who offer hospitality
 13:57:51 kcaise ->  we are happy to help
 13:57:57 kcaise ->  hi vance
 13:57:58 Paula Naugle ->  We've all been in that desert at times Tammie.
 13:58:01 mrsdurff ->  does everyone have sound?
 13:58:11 Peggy George ->  @almedrano--can you hear the stream?
 13:58:18 Paula Naugle ->  :)
 13:58:21 almedrano ->  yes I got the stream!
 13:58:24 kcaise ->  hi edtechworkship
 13:58:34 tammie ->  well, the invite page I got went to a static page, and it took a little wandering around to find out what the LAN party was...or where it was
 13:58:54 kcaise ->  glad you made it tammie and persevered
 13:58:58 kcaise ->  hi bobsd46
 13:59:02 kcaise ->  hi msporteratfhs
 13:59:03 BobSD46 ->  Hey...