It's Elementary #38 - Summer PD and Stuff

Post-Show description: 

Listen as the It's Elementary Team dicusses our summer activities such as NECC 2009, Building Communities, Edbublogger Con and local conferences. We also had a special song by Kevin Honeycutt "Love Them and Let Them Go".  Hope you enjoy the show and remember we broadcast the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Our next show will be Monday September 14th where we will dicuss; "Bringing it Home", how we take what we learn in our online spaces with to our day job.  See you then.

Listen as the It's Elementary Team dicusses our summer activities such as NECC 2009, Building Communities, Edbublogger Con and local conferences. We also had a special song by Kevin Honeycutt "Love Them and Let Them Go".  Hope you enjoy the show and remember we broadcast the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Our next show will be Monday September 14th where we will dicuss; "Bringing it Home", how we take what we learn in our online spaces with to our day job.  See you then.

 20:55:49  Durff : hi jose

 20:56:48  JoseRodriguez : Hi..

 20:58:29  Durff : hi sr

 20:58:45  Durff : show starts in a few

 21:00:32  Durff : we are working on technical difficulties

 21:00:52  AliceMercer : Hi SR do we know you?

 21:01:09  sr : sroseman

 21:01:17  Durff : hi

 21:01:22  sr :

 21:01:24  Durff : hi marragern

 21:01:33  Durff : on ustream

 21:01:41  marragem : Hi Durff

 21:01:55  sr : I believe we may have met at the blogger's cafe at NECC

 21:02:03  sr : hi durf

 21:03:27  JoseRodriguez : Hi sroseman

 21:03:54  Durff : hi dorie

 21:04:06  doriedance : Hi everyone

 21:04:16  Durff : sound on ustream

 21:05:58  Durff : hi marragem

 21:06:21  marragem : Hi - I'm back - lost you all for a bit

 21:06:30  JoseRodriguez : well welcome back

 21:06:37  Durff : indeed

 21:06:42  marragem : yep!

 21:06:58  marragem : I'm coming again next year...for longer!

 21:07:22  Durff : where did you travel from?

 21:07:36  marragem : Australia

 21:07:56  Durff : wow!!

 21:08:36  JoseRodriguez :

 21:08:37  Durff : hi ca

 21:09:04  JoseRodriguez : Here is a post by Jeff Utech  talking about necc.. and the back channeling going on

 21:09:32  Durff : more balanced because less people?

 21:09:50  marragem : Agree Jose - that was the reason I made the trip over. To be part of the conversations...& f2f was even better!

 21:10:35  JoseRodriguez : It also depends on your experience..

 21:10:45  marragem : loved being part of the audience

 21:10:52  Durff : why do you prefer the lounge?

 21:11:01  marragem : yes, you have the best seats, Maria

 21:11:12  Durff : stage right?

 21:11:49  marragem : we were on our laptops & iphones!

 21:11:54  sr : Jeff was very conversational!!

 21:11:56  Durff : :)

 21:12:10  Durff : ah!

 21:12:17  sr : met the Internet Rock Stars

 21:12:28  Durff : who are they?

 21:12:35  Durff : do they sing?

 21:13:04  sr : Jeff Vicki Davis Sharon Peters Kevin Honeycutt yada yada

 21:13:31  Durff : yada?

 21:13:48  JoseRodriguez : I do..have a kevin honeycutt song I would love to play for y'all later on

 21:13:48  Durff : and what makes any one of them better than you or I?

 21:14:01  Durff : great

 21:14:04  Durff : !

 21:14:42  JoseRodriguez : Hi Liz..

 21:14:43  Durff : hi liz

 21:14:47  lizbdavis : Hi everyone

 21:15:04  lizbdavis : Love edubloggercon

 21:15:20  MariaK : hi liz b davis

 21:15:31  lizbdavis : It helps in the BYO if there is wifi

 21:15:56  Durff : and wifi that works well

 21:15:57  MariaK :

 21:16:19  AliceMercer : my blogging:

 21:16:58  MariaK : I agree about the conversations.

 21:17:19  lizbdavis : Hi Maria

 21:18:01  AliceMercer : My Links:

 21:18:10  JoseRodriguez : Oh yeah also people you work with..

 21:18:30  AliceMercer : The "I must be a Gladwell Hater" post

 21:19:02  lizbdavis : Yay

 21:19:04  AliceMercer : Yeah LIZ

 21:19:06  sr : This was my first NECC

 21:19:16  AliceMercer : Liz' session at EBC was FANTASTIC!

 21:19:18  AliceMercer : About PD

 21:19:22  Durff : will you return sue?

 21:19:24  lizbdavis : Thanks Alice

 21:19:29  AliceMercer : very interactive, and we did small group stuff.

 21:19:30  sr : Yes I would love to

 21:19:42  marragem : my first too, Sue

 21:19:48  AliceMercer : My review:

 21:19:53  MariaK :

 21:19:58  Durff : hi lazy

 21:20:09  Durff : hi jen

 21:20:44  sr : I chose names I was familiar with ..Alan November, Kathy Schrock, Tammy Worcester, Gail Lovely, Joyce Valanza Steve Hargadon

 21:20:54  sr : their sessions

 21:21:00  Durff : wb marragem

 21:21:09  Durff : hi gf

 21:21:24  lizbdavis : Alice - I would love to have your input on my post today on Commercial Influence at Edubloggercon East:

 21:21:29  Durff : Maria took many cabs

 21:22:55  lizbdavis : I go to conferences for the face to face interactions. That is the best part.

 21:23:17  AliceMercer : You know Liz, I don't mind the commercial folks, like Wikispaces, etc. being there...but they need to respect the space

 21:23:31  Durff : best reason to attend virtually is interactions

 21:23:37  AliceMercer : Hence the Pearson conundrum

 21:24:19  lizbdavis : I know - that is why I think you would find my post interesting.

 21:24:39  lizbdavis : One of the vendors at EBCEast wrote me an email and allowed me to post it.

 21:25:38  lizbdavis : Wow Alice very cool

 21:26:12  Durff : skywalker

 21:26:16  Durff : neat

 21:27:37  AliceMercer : I think it's FINE to have folks there from business

 21:27:50  AliceMercer : As long as it still feels like OUR conference Liz

 21:28:05  lizbdavis : Yes- Alice that is the key.

 21:28:36  AliceMercer : That guy who sent you an email seems very respectful. I've loved Adam Frey. I didn't meet the VT folks, but I've heard good things.

 21:28:39  JoseRodriguez : In the past summers... I've attended Teachers Teaching Teachers.. Summer institues. spent a whole week looking at tech integration  very cool. 

 21:29:19  AliceMercer : Not all the "vendors" at these evets are "cool" that way

 21:29:33  Durff : What is the most significant thing you each learned this summer?

 21:29:43  AliceMercer : Although I think Elaine from Pearson KNEW to say in her place at EBC at NECC

 21:30:19  marragem : we don't have the same conference opportunities in Australia. I'm so in the wrong timezone

 21:31:05  sr : ditto in Canada

 21:31:10  marragem : is it the same one he plurked?

 21:31:12  JoseRodriguez : Can you hear the song?

 21:31:16  marragem : no

 21:31:17  lizbdavis : Yes - but no music, just heavy sighing

 21:31:53  marragem : you did well, Maria lol

 21:32:20  Durff : oi veh

 21:32:27  Durff : i hear it

 21:32:28  MariaK : yes

 21:32:32  marragem : yay!

 21:33:05  AliceMercer : Now giggles

 21:33:13  AliceMercer : So Liz, good job

 21:34:44  JoseRodriguez : Love them and Let Them Go.. by Kevin Huneycutt

 21:34:51  MariaK : words run true for us primary teachers

 21:36:07  MariaK :

 21:36:43  AliceMercer :

 21:36:51  Durff : clap clap clap

 21:37:26  JoseRodriguez : true. Alice is famous

 21:37:38  marragem : one of my necc highlights was jammin' with Kevin in the Bloggers Cafe

 21:37:42  Durff : she is

 21:37:49  sr : I jammed with him too

 21:38:00  sr : I have a pic I must post

 21:38:00  marragem : awww

 21:38:13  JoseRodriguez : She is going to cry...

 21:38:38  AliceMercer :

 21:40:18  AliceMercer :

 21:40:38  AliceMercer :

 21:40:53  AliceMercer :

 21:42:38  lizbdavis : I wish I could get people at home to come to these conferences

 21:42:50  lizbdavis : Free ones like edubloggercon down the street from my school

 21:43:10  AliceMercer : I don't know if folks will go to conf. I really don't care, I want them to use the tools  and throw out the scripted text

 21:43:21  Durff : i wish the same liz

 21:43:44  AliceMercer : We have a local Ed Tech assistance group sponsored by state mtg tomorrow

 21:43:45  lizbdavis : I'm at an independent school, so scripted text is thankfully not our problem

 21:43:56  AliceMercer : Thank god for that

 21:44:08  JoseRodriguez :

 21:44:16  AliceMercer : thanks for Joe wodd link

 21:44:33  JoseRodriguez : Failing?  

 21:44:39  AliceMercer : Liz, is it the thinking or going to conf that you want change

 21:44:51  JoseRodriguez : nah.. we are in an adjusting phase..

 21:44:51  Durff : NCLB AYP

 21:45:32  sr : I used my itouch (no laptop) at NECC

 21:45:38  sr : with success

 21:45:53  Durff : cool

 21:45:57  lizbdavis : I would love to get some of my teachers to participate in the kind of conversations we have at edubloggercon. I think they would be energized and learn a lot.

 21:46:06  AliceMercer : This post sorta explores the idea that you can really expand your thinking by meetin others

 21:46:15  AliceMercer : I hear ya liz. SO NICE HAVING YOU HERE!

 21:46:36  lizbdavis : SR - since the wifi was so bad at NECC my iPhone was the only thing I could get to work.

 21:46:37  JoseRodriguez : I've been on the list.. no biggie.. 7th year in a row.. :-(

 21:47:15  lizbdavis : Thanks Alice - nice to be here. I'm not usually free on Sunday nights.

 21:47:16  JoseRodriguez : and durff.... tell us about the baby

 21:48:17  AliceMercer : isn't it monday

 21:48:40  JoseRodriguez : last time I checked.. It's Monday...

 21:48:49  Durff : today?

 21:48:55  JoseRodriguez : yep.

 21:49:01  lizbdavis : Oh yeah. Monday nights either.

 21:49:05  Durff : wow time flies

 21:49:33  AliceMercer : Hee hee, love that. It MUST be summer for you Liz

 21:50:11  AliceMercer : Didn't someone call me liz at some point? Oh miguel guhlin

 21:50:33  Durff : poor miguel

 21:50:42  AliceMercer : HAH! I think he did it on purpose

 21:50:57  Durff : :D

 21:51:12  lizbdavis : I get mixed up with Vicky Davis and with Liz Kolb. Both are fine with me.

 21:51:31  JoseRodriguez : good company to be with..

 21:51:37  AliceMercer : Liz Kolb I get but Vicki

 21:51:38  lizbdavis : exactly

 21:51:42  lizbdavis : Davis

 21:52:04  lizbdavis : Oh yeah it is Monday

 21:52:13  marragem : or Tuesday if you're in OZ lol

 21:52:33  Durff : how is the view from tomorrow?

 21:52:47  marragem : beautiful winter's day here

 21:53:21  Durff : 92 degrees here - fahrenheit

 21:53:24  lizbdavis : I'm going to be here: on Friday. Looks like a totally different crowd than we are used to.

 21:53:27  sr : Where are you in Australia, marragem

 21:53:43  JoseRodriguez : I am hear to prepare citizens, not Chris Lehman... the man.

 21:53:46  marragem : Brisbane

 21:53:57  lizbdavis : Sorry

 21:54:41  AliceMercer : August 27th

 21:54:50  lizbdavis : Thanks you guys! It was a lot of fun.

 21:54:58  AliceMercer : August 24th

 21:55:01  AliceMercer : sorry 24th

 21:55:18  marragem : Thanks all. Enjoyed the show

 21:55:42  sr : good show

 21:55:53  marragem : I'll miss the next one

 21:55:53  Durff : audience tell us

 21:56:05  marragem : I'll be at school

 21:56:13  marragem : I'm home sick today

 21:56:16  lizbdavis : I don't know.

 21:56:32  lizbdavis : That is my first day back at school

 21:56:53  AliceMercer : No Show on August 24th

 21:56:57  Durff : this typical post show banter

 21:57:11  lizbdavis : Sounds like a plan.

 21:57:34  marragem : I'll be in the last week of my term...counting down to holidays

 21:57:40  JoseRodriguez : Thanks.. all.. for tolerating our blabering

 21:57:44  Durff : indeed

 21:57:53  lizbdavis : This is the fun part.

 21:57:59  marragem : love your blabbering:)

 21:58:08  marragem : Bye!

 21:58:08  Durff : night

 21:58:13  Durff : thankyou !!

 21:58:18  lizbdavis : Thank you. Good night.

 21:58:32  sr : thanks

 21:58:54  marragem : he had some links in plurk too

 21:59:22  JoseRodriguez : thanks all

 21:59:37  Durff : thank you for coming and good night!