K12 Online Conference Prep Brainstorm

Post-Show description: 

Preparations for K12 Online Conference 2009

Participants include  Jose Rodriquez, Wesley Fryer, Elizabeth Helfant, Jeff Lebow, Matt Montagne, Lisa Parisi, Cheryl Oakes, & Maria Knee 

K12 Online Conference Prep Brainstorm
July 30, 2009

Preparations for K12 Online Conference 2009

Participants include  Jose Rodriquez, Wesley Fryer, Elizabeth Helfant, Jeff Lebow, Matt Montagne, Lisa Parisi, Cheryl Oakes, & Maria Knee

Chat Log Below
20:48:51  matt montagne ->  chat is totally borked on Firefox on my mac
20:49:03  matt montagne ->  no biggie
20:49:09  matt montagne ->  got Safari fired up
20:49:21  matt montagne ->  :-) That isn't a bad thing!
20:50:01  lisa parisi ->  Hello Jeff
20:50:16  cheritoledo ->  Hello Jeff
20:50:18  cheritoledo ->  thanks
20:51:22  lisa parisi ->  It was great meeting you in person!!!
20:51:33  lisa parisi ->  The highlight of my day!!
20:52:57  lisa parisi ->  You can call me in.
20:53:20  cheritoledo ->  I haven't been able to use FF on my Mac for the past year
20:53:29  cheritoledo ->  i use Opera
20:53:44  matt montagne ->  any edublogger con photos??
20:53:48  cheritoledo ->  hahahaha
20:53:52  matt montagne ->  @cheri...I LOVE Opera
20:54:07  cheritoledo ->  it's very cool and much better with Java than FF in mac
20:54:17  matt montagne ->  I'm not sure why I don't use it more often (Might be due to it not working with gmail)
20:54:37  JL ->  http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=ebce09&w=all
20:55:09  JoseRodriguez ->  Hi there..
20:55:10  cheritoledo ->  yes - that was very interesting
20:55:32  matt montagne ->  Great photos!
20:57:47  melindamiller ->  hello will be in and out the kids are "listening":):)
20:58:45  melindamiller ->  can you put the link for asking for volunteers in the chat room, please
20:59:19  ehelfant ->  I am in a hotel in rural KY and will never keep the connection.. I'm going to listen as best I can and maybe chat
20:59:56  matt montagne ->  hey Sheila!
21:00:21  matt montagne ->  Hey ms - sicence!
21:00:40  sheila ->  Hi all!
21:01:38  kcaise ->  hi everyone!
21:01:52  lisa parisi ->  Hi Kim
21:02:08  wfryer ->  howday!
21:02:10  msreneescience ->  hi everyone
21:02:15  wfryer ->  or how about howdy!
21:05:08  kcaise ->  someone's doggie is thirsty
21:05:17  lisa parisi ->  I was just thinking that, Kim
21:06:09  matt montagne ->  I like the winery idea :-)
21:06:23  matt montagne ->  Hello Darrenmurphy...welcome to the Edtech Brainstorm
21:06:31  darrenmurphy2 ->  hi
21:06:32  matt montagne ->  Hello amckiel...welcome
21:06:58  amckiel ->  hi there :-)
21:07:17  matt montagne ->  Getting an update on the K12Online Conference from Jose Rodriguez, Elizabeth Helfant, and Wes Fryer
21:07:36  matt montagne ->  I do like the idea of pushing it back to first 2 weeks of December
21:07:37  wfryer ->  yes, I wish we had a winery venue that would work for us!
21:08:04  cheritoledo ->  I like that idea
21:08:06  matt montagne ->  Hello Deebee...welcome to the Edtech Brainstorm on K12Online
21:08:15  deebee ->  Hi...
21:08:38  matt montagne ->  Virtual Poster Sessions would be cool
21:08:42  cheritoledo ->  the December date, that is :-)
21:08:43  matt montagne ->  live virtual poster sessions
21:08:52  matt montagne ->  15 mins or something like that
21:08:56  wfryer ->  we have a "Will Rogers Theater" that I've wondered if we could use for a LAN party. We'd need to get sponsors to rent it out I think.
21:08:58  lisa parisi ->  Me, too. Dec is much more doable than Sept.
21:09:17  melindamiller ->  whats a LAN party
21:09:28  Dianne M ->  it would be good to record any live event so that those not in USA can participate / learn.
21:09:29  matt montagne ->  I would suggest that you push back the due date for conference proposals
21:09:41  cheritoledo ->  Plus it gives teachers the opportunity to show what their doing with their students
21:09:47  cheritoledo ->  at the moment
21:10:01  ehelfant ->  I agree with you Matt... need to get call out to wider audience first
21:10:02  lisa parisi ->  Good point, Cheri.
21:10:03  cheritoledo ->  rather than what they did last year or what they want to do in the future
21:10:16  sheila ->  It falls during our state conference.Wou
21:10:38  wfryer ->   here is a link on LAN parties for k12online - http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=16
21:10:44  matt montagne ->  @ehelfant...and it will spread organically, which I think is great
21:10:53  ehelfant ->  I want to try to get the word out to the general masses more so we have more folks interested-
21:10:55  kcaise ->  that is a great idea!
21:11:11  melindamiller ->  Okay we did host "LAN" parties last year
21:11:19  melindamiller ->  I understand no
21:11:22  melindamiller ->  now
21:11:31  matt montagne ->  what about encouraging presenters to "remix" previous presentations...an update of presentations so to speak
21:11:47  JoseRodriguez ->  Hey Durff..
21:11:51  matt montagne ->  hey mrsdurff
21:11:55  mrsdurff ->  hey
21:12:00  JoseRodriguez ->  That's a great idea.. Matt
21:12:10  cheritoledo ->  @Matt - that's exactly what I was just thinking
21:12:55  matt montagne ->  and what about a 'long tail' approach...eg, accepting just about all presos that meet a certain minimum requirement
21:13:11  lisa parisi ->  hello Durff
21:13:15  amckiel ->  K12Online has modelled the use of so many cutting edge technologies and their benefits - I agree that LAN parties could help to grow the conversation :-)
21:13:19  mrsdurff ->  hey parisi
21:14:04  kcaise ->  will 20 minutes be the time limit this year as well?
21:14:07  mrsdurff ->  hi carol
21:14:14  amckiel ->  @wfryer - exactly... appeal to the newbies
21:14:17  wfryer ->  melinda what were your experiences last year with LAN parties. What made it successful?
21:14:20  JoseRodriguez ->  yes.. that's the idea.. kim
21:14:23  JoseRodriguez ->  20min.
21:14:28  kcaise ->  ok
21:14:50  wfryer ->  i was also thinking about thematically similar presentations
21:15:43  carolteach4 ->  hi mrsdurff - how be you?
21:16:10  mrsdurff ->  just not/only remix but build upon?
21:16:13  melindamiller ->  don't hold them on school campus...that is no fun...needs to be social experience
21:16:22  JoseRodriguez ->  http://k12onlineconference.org
21:16:34  matt montagne ->  I know I'm a little irritated about a rejection from a national conference that I received today...I worked hard on the proposals and they were both rejected...no real reason for the rejection either, with the exception of, "We've had an incredible number of submissions..."
21:16:41  mrsdurff ->  hey sheika
21:17:15  carolteach4 ->  That is too bad, Matt. You do such great stuff. They obviously haven't tuned in.
21:17:20  melindamiller ->  matt I find that sometimes who is "approving" isn't sure what they want you would be great presenter
21:17:58  matt montagne ->  @carol - I'm pretty much done with doing proposals for traditional conferences
21:18:02  mrsdurff ->  hi drew
21:18:19  Drew ->  Hey there Durrff, Matt et al :-)
21:18:25  Drew ->  oops
21:18:28  matt montagne ->  @carol and @melinda...thanks for kind words too
21:18:29  Drew ->  I meant Durff
21:18:33  matt montagne ->  hello Drew!
21:18:36  matt montagne ->  Hey Patrick!
21:18:49  pwoessner ->  hey matt...long time no see ;-)
21:18:55  mrsdurff ->  hello patrick
21:18:57  wfryer ->  @matt what would you like to see as a submission deadline for k12online09?
21:19:00  lisa parisi ->  Matt, are you really giving up on traditional conferences? Don't you think that's where the audience needs to hear you?
21:19:01  matt montagne ->  @pwoe ;-)
21:19:18  pwoessner ->  Hello Durff
21:19:20  matt montagne ->  @lisa, I don't think  it is the best use of my time...
21:19:30  matt montagne ->  hello Cheryl!
21:19:32  mrsdurff ->  cheryl oakes has entered the room - raise your skis
21:19:33  JoseRodriguez ->  Hey Cheryl..
21:19:34  Drew ->  Matt - just caught the tail end of that conversation point there - maybe you in future coudl contribute to a MirandaMod - which is Miranadnet's own form of UN conference
21:19:46  lisa parisi ->  But maybe it's where you voice can be heard the loudest..not just speaking to the choir.
21:19:46  matt montagne ->  @lisa, and I think the reach can be so much greater in something like K12online
21:19:50  melindamiller ->  you could probably just have two weeks of "live conversations" on different topics that would draw in new/more people because it is a live experience/ just throwing ideas out there
21:19:56  cheryloakes~ ->  Hello Matt, Durff, Jose, Lisa, Shelia and all.
21:20:05  cheryloakes~ ->  Hello Melindamiller
21:20:05  Drew ->  Hey Jose :-)
21:20:13  lisa parisi ->  Hi Cheryl
21:20:13  JoseRodriguez ->  Drew is in the House...
21:20:18  matt montagne ->  @Drew...that format sounds quite intriguing...
21:20:21  Drew ->  Lisa - hey there
21:20:24  matt montagne ->  hello minh!
21:20:25  melindamiller ->  hello my friend cheryloakes long time
21:20:26  mrsdurff ->  but less expensive
21:20:30  JoseRodriguez ->  And Ted.. is doing international calls now..
21:20:32  Drew ->  This is Drew Buddie aka digitalmaverick on Twitter
21:20:34  minh ->  G'day all
21:20:39  lisa parisi ->  Hi Drew!
21:20:51  melindamiller ->  yes i like the 20 min format
21:21:04  cheryloakes~ ->  I like the 20  min. format too!
21:21:09  Drew ->  What a great group of luminairies I am in the virtual company of tonight :-)
21:21:11  matt montagne ->  @minh and others just joining...we're getting an update on the K12Online conference, brainstorming new ideas, etc
21:21:34  Drew ->  Matt et al have you seen the TEDx franchise? Are you motivated to set up your own?
21:21:35  carolteach4 ->  Twitter links have made me aware of live streams that I've joined. Would never have known they were going on otherwise.
21:21:37  matt montagne ->  @Drew...I agree with your last statement, now that you are here of course!
21:21:51  matt montagne ->  @drew...I haven't seen Tedx...
21:21:52  Drew ->  Carol - absolutely - Twitter is PRICELESS for that
21:21:55  mrsdurff ->  hi elizabeth
21:22:10  lisa parisi ->  I would love to set up a TEDx
21:22:11  ehelfant ->  i keep losing connection and re-entering
21:22:14  mrsdurff ->  hi sheila
21:22:26  cheryloakes~ ->  Hey Carol, evening
21:22:41  matt montagne ->  are previous sessions licensed in Creative Commons???
21:22:43  Drew ->  Matt you REALLY (I mean *REALLY*) should incvestigate TEDx as an event its a way that ANYONE (any Tom Dick or Harry as we say in the UK) can set up their own licensed TED event!
21:23:15  cheritoledo ->  What about Tech & Learning announcement?
21:23:18  Drew ->  There's criteria to be met and a quite onerous online form to fill for TEDx
21:23:18  Sheila ->  Belated Hi MrsDurff.
21:23:27  matt montagne ->  @Drew...sounds quite intriguing...I will investigate...would be cool to do a San Francisco Bay Area TEDx Edu type of conference
21:23:37  cheryloakes~ ->  I can plug it on my next time at Tech Learning Cheri!
21:23:47  melindamiller ->  Edu TED?
21:23:48  mrsdurff ->  participation
21:23:49  cheryloakes~ ->  That is next 2nd Tuesday in August
21:23:51  carolteach4 ->  It is so important that the recorded streams be available in an accessible format (with good annotation) for folks to listen to later. I often have to listen a couple of times to online conversations just to absorb all the info. Being able to stop and take notes is also a real boon.
21:23:54  wfryer ->  we have discussed having a k12online "echo" show that might take place monthly
21:24:01  mrsdurff ->  the ability to connect
21:24:18  Drew ->  Yeah Matt find info here: http://www.ted.com/pages/view/id/264
21:24:20  Sheila ->  Sooo sllloooowwww tonight. Can't type . . . easily
21:24:28  cheryloakes~ ->  carolteach4, I agree it is a good thing to have the sessions to play back
21:24:36  mrsdurff ->  there is a learning curve with elluminate
21:24:55  Drew ->  We have archived video of TEACHMEET events ona Blip.TV stream so as to INSPIRE others who could not attend the events
21:25:04  cheryloakes~ ->  yes durff, Eluminate is good for small crowds, abigger crowd is very busy for many.
21:25:06  mrsdurff ->  hi chriss
21:25:29  chriss ->  hi
21:25:53  cheryloakes~ ->  LisaP you were the walmart greeter
21:25:59  carolteach4 ->  Hi, cheryloakes. I really tried to stay away, but curiosity got the better of me. TTT was so helpful last night - especially the Google part.
21:26:06  Drew ->  Here's yur video archive of all Teachmeet events in past year http://teachmeet.blip.tv/
21:26:08  Sheila ->  I think it's useful to have the chat broadcated. I could still follow along even though my screen wouldn't update.
21:26:20  mrsdurff ->  cheryl did she have smiley stickers?
21:26:33  cheryloakes~ ->  she should have Durff!
21:26:39  mrsdurff ->  :)
21:26:47  wfryer ->  has anyone here participated in one of the connectivism conferences?
21:27:00  minh ->  I did cck08
21:27:05  Drew ->  Wes I haven't what are those?
21:27:21  mrsdurff ->  minh are you looking at CCK09?
21:27:44  minh ->  definitely signed up as soon as I heard it was on
21:28:00  cheryloakes~ ->  you are talking about smaller fireside chats
21:28:07  mrsdurff ->  me too for the daily
21:28:23  cheryloakes~ ->  The first year, there were continued chats at 4-6 week intervals for a few sessions.
21:28:23  lisa parisi ->  Yes, Cheryl
21:28:27  matt montagne ->  web heads in action online convergence was quite successful this past May...what about using some of the things that really went well from that conference
21:28:54  matt montagne ->  don't throw the baby out with the bathwater either...K12Online has been a solid, solid conference
21:29:04  Drew ->  There are SO MANY education conferences/unconferences Tweeted nowadays that its ashame that no ONE body is aggregating/collecting/archiving ALL the output or reporting back from each
21:29:07  matt montagne ->  24 Hour webcast
21:29:30  lisa parisi ->  And you would moderate for all 24 hours. ;)
21:29:42  cheryloakes~ ->  Especially given that the conference is happening in December, it may be harder to organize small chats until January.
21:29:46  matt montagne ->  I'll take 3 hours... :-)
21:30:04  minh ->  Didn't know about TEDx until a moment ago & voila there is to be on ein my city next year! :)
21:30:08  mrsdurff ->  lost audio - may lose connection...
21:30:19  matt montagne ->  I would encourage K12ONline to take a look at a different vetting model for proposals...
21:30:20  mrsdurff ->  ah - i'm back for a while
21:30:28  mrsdurff ->  sighs - teens
21:30:31  matt montagne ->  I think you'll get more proposals if people know they'll be accepted
21:30:49  JL ->  if anyone would like to join the conversation, skype 'worldbridges'
21:30:54  Drew ->  Jose, how do I help out/volunteer? and if I do will I still be able to submit preso proposals? I submitted 4 last year but none got approved :-( will need to make next proposals stronger this time :-)
21:31:00  matt montagne ->  of course, a minimum standard would be expected...then it becomes more of a 'long-tail' type of model
21:31:14  Sheila ->  I like the idea of Sept so newbies can get their feet wet too.
21:31:24  mrsdurff ->  welcome back wes
21:31:34  matt montagne ->  wes, u must be on safari
21:31:56  Drew ->  I also think, to attract NEW BLOOD a MENTORING approach is good, where experienced hands can coax or support 1st time presenters
21:31:58  wfryer ->  and for northern hemisphere teachers, school is just starting... we thought about emphasizing teachers making connections with their classes for the term
21:32:09  wfryer ->  @matt yes I"m struggling in safari - should I do the chat in firefox instead?
21:32:09  cheritoledo ->  gotta run - I like the December date - the re-mix - Let me know where help is needed.
21:32:24  cheryloakes~ ->  yes Wes, try FF
21:32:33  wfryer ->  @Drew YES, I agree mentoring is the approach which has been successful and is proven
21:32:34  cheritoledo ->  @Wes - try Opera
21:32:40  cheritoledo ->  bye
21:32:42  matt montagne ->  @wes...I'm actually on Safari as well...this chat tool is less sluggish in Safari than FF
21:32:46  wfryer ->  ok, I'm out for a sec and will resurface in firefox!
21:32:47  Drew ->  erhaps in such circumstances the mentor could be a sensible choice as moderaotor chair of the mentee's sesison, as would know what to expect
21:32:49  matt montagne ->  Opera rocks!
21:32:58  matt montagne ->  welcome back minh
21:33:00  mrsdurff ->  welcome back mkn
21:33:03  mrsdurff ->  min
21:33:05  lisa parisi ->  I'm a flock person myself.
21:33:05  minh ->  :)
21:33:15  Sheila ->  In NH, it will take place during our state conference.
21:33:16  kcaise ->  same here @lisap
21:33:19  cheryloakes~ ->  Flock tanked on me lately LisaP
21:33:21  wfryer ->  call for volunteers out too!
21:33:22  Drew ->  hey there minh :-)
21:33:37  wfryer ->  http://k12onlineconference.org
21:33:38  minh ->  G'day Drew
21:33:42  lisa parisi ->  Haven't had any issues yet, Cheryl.  Fingers crossed.
21:34:14  cheryloakes~ ->  I should say LisaP that I haven't tried flock on ETT for 3 months, will try again
21:34:39  mrsdurff ->  Do we need to sign up if we were signed up by that Los Angeles guy already?
21:34:46  JoseRodriguez ->  :-)
21:35:00  Drew ->  Didn't Stephen Downes get a bit narky a couple of years ago about not being included in K-12online? I recall a REALLY narky post of his about it - an example of where not EVERYONE is happy with an event like this, mores the pity :-(
21:35:03  matt montagne ->  It would be cool to have an 'administrator' strand of some sort
21:35:08  cheryloakes~ ->  I would say that SEEDLiNGS ning will help if there are people who are putting proposals together and want feedback from a group of helpful educators! Join SEedlings ning and I will make a place for the conversations.
21:35:30  wfryer ->  @matt we have the "leading the change" strand to aim at administrative issues again
21:35:38  mrsdurff ->  subscripted - that's what we were
21:35:44  matt montagne ->  @wes...excellent
21:36:04  Drew ->  There's been a thread of discussion about Teachmeets doing more, in the UK, to atrtract new speakers, instead of the same old same old, I think mentor/mentee, or 'bring a friend' chanelleges are good for doing this
21:36:06  matt montagne ->  @Drew...I would think that the more sessions K12 has, the better
21:36:12  pwoessner ->  sounds like the PR chair will have some work to do...
21:36:13  wfryer ->  @Drew yes we had some interesting interactions with him in the past for sure
21:36:32  Drew ->  lol Wes - as I recall it was 'A listing' he didn't like
21:36:33  wfryer ->  the theme of "bridging the divide" can be extended in so many ways
21:36:53  wfryer ->  @Drew yes, he definitely doesn't like elitism
21:36:54  matt montagne ->  I've been thinking, perhaps, of trying to get the youth webcasters that I work with involved
21:37:00  matt montagne ->  we would be happy to do a live session
21:37:25  Drew ->  matt your students are fantastic ambassdors
21:37:37  carolteach4 ->  Seedlings Ning has really grown since Bob, Cheryl and Alice did their webcast on developing PLNs during the summer. You'd reach lots of educators and preeducators there.
21:37:40  lisa parisi ->  Have to head out.  Thanks for the chat.  Will listen to the rest in archive.  
21:37:44  ehelfant ->  phone dropped signal and I'm quiet anyway tonight so I'm going to hang in chat as long as I can keep connection
21:37:52  Drew ->  Perhaps k-12 needs a LEARNER starnd or at least encourages LEARNERS to put forward proposals
21:37:55  mrsdurff ->  Leading the Change? melinda!
21:38:00  matt montagne ->  the format of K12Online presos are transformationally different, but I would like to see the committee look at altering the vetting process as well...
21:38:18  matt montagne ->  the vetting process seems to be a bit "old school"
21:38:30  Drew ->  Ohhhhh there's sound! Sorry i only just erealised this
21:38:40  Drew ->  I am a moron sometimes :-(
21:38:49  JoseRodriguez ->  so...funny Drew..
21:39:16  Drew ->  I've realised I've been relying on text-based stuff til now, stupid me
21:39:23  mrsdurff ->  matt the word, "vett" is old school
21:39:36  Sheila ->  :)
21:39:42  carolteach4 ->  @Drew - I would like to see a Learner strand - a place where folks working with a new tool could get together and help each other.
21:39:59  wfryer ->  @matt you certainly could submit a proposal for a live event with students
21:40:20  kcaise ->  what is the difference between a vetting process and an approval process for presentations?
21:40:29  ehelfant ->  I'm hearing that we need to get the word out for the Sept LAN party and try to bring a buddy and teach newbies how to interact in that meeting space (elluminate)-that we should consider accepting all the proposals, and that we need more opportunity to have live interactions around specific sessions or with session presenters--and we need to extend the deadline
21:41:17  Sheila ->  @ehelfant - Good summary!
21:41:21  mireillem10 ->  yeah i'm in
21:41:25  ehelfant ->  and we have work to do getting the word out to extend the attendence to a greater audience
21:42:52  minh ->  being a buddy/mentor to likely participants is a good idea - too many people afraid to try afraid to ask for help
21:43:16  Drew ->  minh - I think mentoring has a great amount of potential for embracing others
21:43:31  cheryloakes~ ->  back
21:43:35  matt montagne ->  good point Jose
21:43:35  wfryer ->  so a good clarification to know is we have never been overwhelmed by tons and tons of proposals - in fact we've REALLY had to work and scramble in some strands to get 9 more presentations
21:43:36  Drew ->  and for persuading them to take part
21:43:53  cheryloakes~ ->  excellent point Jose
21:44:19  Sheila ->  Yeah!
21:44:22  JL ->  Maria's husband is just out of surgery
21:44:26  mrsdurff ->  Maria the cab girl and her english patient
21:44:35  carolteach4 ->  That mentoring factor is very important. I don't think I'd have become as involved in these forums without the encouragement of Durff, Sheila, Cheryl, SusanE, Matt, etc. Their welcome and encouragement (Jeff and Dave, too) is priceless.
21:44:39  cheryloakes~ ->  absolutely durff
21:44:59  mrsdurff ->  :)
21:44:59  Drew ->  Wes I appreciate you are very busy but it would have been useful to know WHY unsuccessful proposals were not approved as last yr I only found out my 4 had been not approved :-(
21:45:04  Sheila ->  Same here Carolteach4
21:45:19  Drew ->  ... so I didn't know what to avoid for submitting THIS year
21:45:43  matt montagne ->  I do want to say that I appreciate the work of K12Online...I find your work to be extraordinary
21:45:56  minh ->  mentor people to be mentors & let the network work
21:45:59  Drew ->  100% concur with your last comment Matt
21:46:00  matt montagne ->  again, don't throw baby out with the bathwater ;-)
21:46:12  cheryloakes~ ->  K12 has really grown since the beginning and I've appreciated the work and level of presentations.
21:47:19  matt montagne ->  I love the thinking Jeff
21:48:04  minh ->  support the novice presenters
21:48:09  Drew ->  What's the limiting factor for the NUMBER of presentations?
21:48:37  Drew ->  Wes of course now you have Twitter as a publicity drive
21:49:08  carolteach4 ->  How about having something like the smackdown - small pieces of a larger session - get newcomers involved even for three or four minute; they'd experience the rush of being online and presenting-maybe for the first time-but without the onus of having to speak for a long time. Of course, there would have to be a moderator to keep it moving from one short presentation to another.
21:49:27  wfryer ->  @drew one limiting factor is volunteer convener time. No one is compensated for this, and doing 10 presos in a strand takes a lot of time to put together with high quality
21:49:34  matt montagne ->  @carol...I love that idea
21:49:43  wfryer ->  the time to just format 10 posts per strand as we've done them in the past takes a LOT time
21:49:46  Drew ->  Carol - Tecahmeet in the UK has the format of 7 minute presentations or 2 minute micropresentations
21:49:53  Drew ->  oops TEACHMEET
21:49:58  minh ->  I too like carols idea
21:50:21  minh ->  But Wes is right - moderator time
21:50:26  matt montagne ->  I like the idea of 3-4 vetted presos for each of the 4 sessions, and then open it up to anyone...but the other sessions could be posted to YouTube, Voicethread, etc...or they could be even live
21:50:28  Drew ->  wes - thanks for that information re. limiting factors
21:50:34  kcaise ->  ed tech talk koolkaid?
21:51:06  cheryloakes~ ->  Kim, flavor of the evening?
21:51:14  JL ->  edtech edublogger web2.0 Kool-aid
21:51:17  kcaise ->  sounds yummmy
21:51:21  Sheila ->  Last year was my first experience with an unconference, k12 online. Did as night falls and listened to archives later. Synchronous was more important to me.
21:51:44  ehelfant ->  synchronous makes it deeper learning
21:51:51  cheryloakes~ ->  yes shelia, the synchronous really is the icing on the cake
21:51:59  minh ->  Post the presos on youtube & do a people's choice selection process for realtime conf participation?
21:52:00  ehelfant ->  better reflection and synthesis of thought
21:52:06  cheryloakes~ ->  yes ehelfant, the conversations and reflections are rich
21:52:08  matt montagne ->  1 Keynote for each of the four sessions, 3 sub-keynotes, and then long tail
21:52:10  wfryer ->  @elefant: yes, one of our big goals is to find ways to deepen synchronous learning opportunities
21:52:22  JoseRodriguez ->  sure.. but synchronous with content.. to consume. is the idea with the Virtual LAN parties...
21:52:26  wfryer ->  @matt so how would you decide how to name "sub-keynotes?"
21:52:27  mrsdurff ->  How many people can you personally invite to present? I invited two already - catch up!
21:52:44  kcaise ->  the 30 minute neccunplugged sessions were great too
21:52:46  Sheila ->  especially for a newbie . .
21:52:57  Drew ->  <CLAPS> @ Durff well done you :-)
21:53:05  minh ->  nurture the newbies
21:53:34  wfryer ->  idea of live events with plenary sessions
21:53:46  carolteach4 ->  @minh- you need the newbies in order to grow and for the newbies to grow
21:54:07  JoseRodriguez ->  ...... ok....... plenary sessions.. what ever that means... sure
21:54:24  mrsdurff ->  what high speed?
21:54:28  mrsdurff ->  not here
21:54:30  ehelfant ->  should we ask each presenter as part of the process if they would be willing to host their own synchronous discussion session and what tool they would use
21:54:34  Drew ->  Carol and 'Bring a Friend' challenge would be cool for encouraging newbies
21:54:48  JL ->  plenaries are when everyone at the conference gathers at the same time, right?  Hence the live component
21:54:56  mrsdurff ->  did you know Japan's broadband is both faster and cheaper than ours?
21:55:05  JoseRodriguez ->  got it plenary .. my fiend google friend clarified it for me.
21:55:36  Sheila ->  Good ideas Drew!
21:55:46  minh ->  @mrsdurf & Koreas is faster again
21:55:47  Drew ->  JL - pleanry is usually after the confernece has separated for different threads are brought back together for a formal ending to the day/event
21:55:47  carolteach4 ->  I have at least three folks at my school that have never participated in these sessions but that I could convince to joing me.
21:56:10  minh ->  @carol & then get them to bring a friend
21:56:15  kcaise ->  jeff!
21:56:20  Drew ->  BUT in UK schools plenary just means the final part of the lesson in whatever shape/form it may take
21:56:59  kcaise ->  mashable versions of former sessions
21:57:30  minh ->  meanwhile back at synchronous - tricky in a global sense
21:57:43  Drew ->  Also what about awarding a 'certificate' to those who present to recognise what they've done albeit 'unofficially' would be nice
21:58:23  minh ->  yes Drew all that & some publishing of the content will encourage
21:58:33  Drew ->  minh yes :-)
21:58:35  Sheila ->  For global cohesion - LAN unslumber party all over
21:58:49  mireillem10 ->  and i have issues
21:58:54  Drew ->  I've enjoyed this and will ensure I've a mike set up mext time
21:59:22  cheryloakes~ ->  Drew if you want to get feed back , come and join Seedlings for proposal feedback.
21:59:37  JL ->  just realized we lost you Elizabeth - would you like to come back in for a closing comment
21:59:40  cheryloakes~ ->  bitbybitseedlings.ning.com
22:00:00  carolteach4 ->  I am going to see if I can get some teachers involved in the K-12 online and see if I can get the powers that be at our school give them CEU's for participating.
22:00:02  matt montagne ->  Great work K12Online Team...
22:00:11  ehelfant ->  I'm good- I'm feeling shy and without connection power tonight:)
22:00:13  cheryloakes~ ->  great idea carolteach4
22:00:13  Drew ->  cheryl :-) I'll do that, but just didn't know what was wrong with my presos last yr so as to avoid same deficiencies this  year :-)
22:00:16  JoseRodriguez ->  cool.. Thanks
22:00:31  ehelfant ->  I'm enjoying the chat and taking notes on sentiments expressed
22:00:46  DaveC ->  Hi everyone!
22:00:49  cheryloakes~ ->  there may not have been anything wrong Drew, just a tweak
22:00:56  matt montagne ->  hello DaveC!
22:01:08  DaveC ->  Hi Matt
22:01:12  matt montagne ->  also, I would try to get all presenters to submit their presos with CC licenses
22:01:17  matt montagne ->  hello Jen!
22:01:23  Drew ->  cheryl, bless you :-)
22:01:37  Drew ->  good point Matt re CC
22:01:50  Jen ->  love it -- he said CLOSING THOUGHTS??   :)
22:01:59  Jen ->  sorry, I wandered in late
22:02:05  chriss ->  Nice to see what's up with k12online again this year. You all put on a fantastic show.
22:02:36  Drew ->  cheers Cheryl :-)
22:02:40  DaveC ->  Could people submit requests for presentations?  ie, Beginners saying what they are looking for?
22:02:51  kcaise ->  hi dave
22:02:56  mrsdurff ->  ok, just invited 52 people - and you?
22:03:10  Jen ->  will there be NOT K12 again???
22:03:15  cheryloakes~ ->  Durff doesn't it count that I invited all the seedlings ning today?
22:03:32  mrsdurff ->  yes it counts
22:03:38  wfryer ->  sept 26th then as an initial LAN party, for k12online echo?
22:04:03  mrsdurff ->  clap clap clap
22:04:09  kcaise ->  all right!
22:04:14  mireillem10 ->  me
22:04:23  mireillem10 ->  me-ray
22:04:27  JoseRodriguez ->  hi..
22:04:31  kcaise ->  congrats @mireille
22:04:35  cheryloakes~ ->  Hi Me-ray!! Cheryl here
22:04:40  mireillem10 ->  i am
22:04:43  amckiel ->  thanks for the chat :-)
22:04:43  matt montagne ->  Hello Mireille!
22:04:47  kcaise ->  @jose, check your DM on twitter
22:04:54  Drew ->  G'night all from Rickmansworth where its 3am
22:04:54  Sheila ->  So  stay here fore WCA?
22:04:54  minh ->  thanx all :)
22:04:59  matt montagne ->  Thanks, everyone, for contributing to the Brainstorm 2nite
22:05:06  matt montagne ->  bye Maria!
22:05:15  matt montagne ->  :-) Don't get vacuumed!
22:05:46  kcaise ->  night jose
22:05:57  mrsdurff ->  bye jose
22:06:09  mrsdurff ->  hit record mireille
22:06:11  kcaise ->  jeff is the expert!