EdTechSomething - Librarian roles, Value of Big Names, & Student Teacher Horror Stories

Post-Show description: 

 (streamed in place of EdTechWeekly)


Participants: Cathy Evanoff, Jennifer Wagner,  Peggy George, Jamie, Lisa Parisi, Gary McFarlane, & Jeff Lebow

Topics: Role of librarians, NECC reflections,  Next week's EdTechScienceSomething, the ETT newsletter, 'Big Names' in EdTech, Compentence of the latest generation of student teachers, and a few student teacher horror stories. 
July 12, 2009
(streamed in place of EdTechWeekly)

Participants: Cathy Evanoff, Jennifer Wagner,  Peggy George, Jamie, Lisa Parisi, Gary McFarlane, & Jeff Lebow

Topics: Role of librarians, NECC reflections,  Next week's EdTechScienceSomething, the ETT newsletter, 'Big Names' in EdTech, Compentence of the latest generation of student teachers, and a few student teacher horror stories.


19:02:14  JenW ->  is Google Wave more than just a video so far???
19:02:51  JenW ->  okay -- I thought so --
19:02:53  gary ->  Unfortunately appears to be cancelled because of weather - :( :( :(
19:02:58  JenW ->  what do you think of BING??
19:03:03  JL ->  skype 'worldbridges' to join in
19:03:59  PeggyG ->  Hi there :-)
19:04:01  connect2jamie ->  Last week was great! Just listened to it!
19:04:12  JenW ->  LOL
19:04:23  JenW ->  okay -- I had to harvest my farmville plants
19:04:31  connect2jamie ->  I will in a minute--cooking right now too.
19:04:34  PeggyG ->  I've been having issues getting the chat room to load in Firefox lately. Using Flock today.
19:04:55  PeggyG ->  I'm grateful that you have the tiny chat pro version now :-)
19:05:22  JenW ->  worldbridges???
19:05:36  PeggyG ->  it was hilarious when that kid showed up and said oh oh looks like a bunch of old people and logged out
19:05:38  JL ->  yep, skype 'worldbridges'
19:06:08  PeggyG ->  hearing you fine Jen
19:06:29  connect2jamie ->  I just transferred to the Mac too!
19:06:40  PeggyG ->  Jen's bilingual now :-)
19:07:00  PeggyG ->  that's really exciting Jen that you won a new Macbook!
19:07:29  PeggyG ->  wow!!! awesome prizes!
19:08:18  PeggyG ->  just went shopping at Target with Sue Waters yesterday before she headed back to Australia and she spent $500 in about 15 mins. on a Smartpen and Flipvideo camera. :-)
19:09:33  PeggyG ->  newbie
19:09:49  PeggyG ->  I've never seen noobie
19:10:10  PeggyG ->  hmmm....
19:10:38  PeggyG ->  @JL-I loved the EFLbridges show this morning!!
19:11:00  PeggyG ->  it was a fantastic conversation!
19:11:13  JenW ->  Peggy -- I won the macbook in March -- and still lingering into it
19:12:29  JenW ->  this is so nice to be chatting again with you all
19:12:37  JenW ->  and Mac is right nere -- so he might mewo
19:12:41  JenW ->  and meow
19:12:44  connect2jamie ->  es
19:13:19  JenW ->  how do you turn ustream off -- I just paused it??
19:13:30  connect2jamie ->  I just paused mine
19:13:31  JenW ->  and lowered the audio
19:15:20  Cathy E ->  @JenW  Here are my latest sunset pics.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/khs/3708026919/
19:16:49  Cathy E ->  I will have a brand new media coordinator this year
19:16:57  JenW ->  Cathy -- can you send me the link via skype -- I can't use it in this CHAT
19:17:41  JenW ->  Our librarian refuses to use technology other than checking out books
19:17:59  JenW ->  she will NOT get rid of her periodicals
19:19:34  JL ->  would you like to join in Lisa?
19:21:05  Lisa Parisi ->  Hi Jeff
19:21:15  Cathy E ->  Does your librian teach classes
19:21:23  connect2jamie ->  @JL it is sooo hard for some librarians to let go of ANYTHING they've bought.
19:21:34  mrsdurff ->  I keep losing my connection
19:21:36  Lisa Parisi ->  How do I join in the conversation?
19:21:43  mrsdurff ->  not good for caLLING IN
19:22:13  connect2jamie ->  I see every class each week, but I only have 20-25 min w/ each class.
19:22:14  JenW ->  hi Durff
19:22:22  mrsdurff ->  hi jen
19:22:29  connect2jamie ->  We have to checkout and I do all the internet safety curricululm too
19:22:37  mrsdurff ->  we don't need A/C right now
19:22:39  connect2jamie ->  Not much time for collab with teachers
19:22:47  JenW ->  my air is on as welll
19:22:54  JenW ->  getting a bit chilly   :)
19:23:08  connect2jamie ->  It's been 100*+ for a month here. No rain in 6 wks
19:23:17  Cathy E ->  My official title is Technology Facilitator - staff dev, help desk, help kids
19:23:24  connect2jamie ->  Chilly sounds soooo good for me!
19:23:34  mrsdurff ->  clicks her heels three times?
19:23:37  JenW ->  @Cathy -- my admin named me his TechFriend this week
19:23:43  gary ->  @connnect2 ... where?
19:23:49  connect2jamie ->  Houston
19:24:03  gary ->  Understandable.
19:24:06  PeggyG ->  love it JenW!
19:24:18  connect2jamie ->  We usually have rain, but not this year--grass is dead
19:24:22  mrsdurff ->  hi kathym
19:24:42  kathymaske ->  hello!
19:25:17  gary ->  We have been getting more rain than usual - but late.  Also warm.
19:27:35  mrsdurff ->  what's going on with EFL room?
19:27:50  JL ->  leftovers from this mornings show
19:28:53  JenW ->  Does anyone else see a scroll going over the ustream -- or is just mine because it is paused??
19:28:56  gary ->  Sorry I was not listening before so I did not hear the invitation - was watching the launch on UStream
19:28:58  mrsdurff ->  hey what should our response be to people who say they never heard of ETT so we are not of any sequence?
19:29:21  JenW ->  your response would be Let me tell you about ETT
19:29:38  kathymaske ->  I see the scroll
19:29:54  JenW ->  I did Tiny Chat w/ Mark Wagner at EdubloggerCon
19:30:04  JL ->  skyping you now Gary
19:30:06  JenW ->  but not with video on my end
19:30:09  connect2jamie ->  yikes!
19:30:32  mrsdurff ->  hi keisa
19:30:40  connect2jamie ->  Hi Keisa!
19:31:01  keisawilliams ->  hi
19:31:33  connect2jamie ->  Keisa is here--we talked about her NECC session earlier.
19:31:38  mrsdurff ->  i volunteer jose
19:32:09  Cathy E ->  Maybe Maria Knee's daughter
19:32:13  Cathy E ->  Abi
19:32:42  connect2jamie ->  That's a good idea Cathy!
19:32:47  Cathy E ->  She does under water, ocean vents, science stuff
19:32:56  Cathy E ->  She is a great Skype person
19:34:30  mrsdurff ->  I love Gilligan's Island
19:34:50  mrsdurff ->  the only organised thing in ETT
19:35:37  keisawilliams ->  How many elementary librarians are here?
19:35:46  connect2jamie ->  I think just me
19:36:26  keisawilliams ->  I'm beginning to think we are a dying breed. Hardly any here in California.
19:36:43  JL ->  would you like to skype in Keisa?   Would add some librarian power to the call ;)
19:36:57  mrsdurff ->  my present preoccupation http://www.flickr.com/photos/28093697@N04/3707286406/
19:37:01  connect2jamie ->  That is true--I think Washington state and Oregon too
19:37:25  connect2jamie ->  skype in Keisa! You have so much to share!
19:37:32  mrsdurff ->  Nikolai
19:37:54  connect2jamie ->  you skype worldbridges
19:38:04  mrsdurff ->  Keisa to call in - skype worldbridges
19:38:36  keisawilliams ->  Just logged in for a min. About to head out to the market :/ bad timing. Maybe you will be on when I return. My skype name is - monarchlibrary
19:38:56  connect2jamie ->  OK! Happy marketing!
19:39:12  JL ->  Here we come Keisa
19:39:38  JL ->  need for you to accept contact from 'worldbridges'
19:40:06  kathymaske ->  What a great opportunity for teachable moments though :)
19:40:35  Cathy E ->  isn't that empty nest thing wonderful :)
19:40:40  mrsdurff ->  mine is terrible - hence i call not
19:41:20  connect2jamie ->  I love parts of empty nest and not so much other parts...took adjustment
19:41:22  PeggyG ->  so sorry Durff!! would love to have you in the conversation!! keep typing!
19:42:14  mrsdurff ->  peggy it;s the connection not I
19:42:20  mrsdurff ->  why not?
19:42:28  mrsdurff ->  it's on a page
19:42:53  mrsdurff ->  no i would not pay
19:43:01  connect2jamie ->  I don't think I'd pay either
19:43:27  Cathy E ->  I would not pay for it
19:43:41  Cathy E ->  I can't keep up with the free stuff
19:43:56  mrsdurff ->  doesn't feedreader make RSS feeds?
19:43:58  JL ->  http://savanttools.com/feedhelp.asp?feed=http://edtechtalk.com/taxonomy/...
19:44:17  JL ->  http://edtechtalk.com/taxonomy/term/128/0/feed
19:44:29  kathymaske ->  cause they know there are people that will pay!
19:44:40  JenW ->  seems silly to me
19:44:44  mrsdurff ->  yes for me too
19:45:02  mrsdurff ->  wear tights and a hat and take a photo?
19:45:17  Lisa Parisi ->  Hello Jan
19:45:19  mrsdurff ->  hi jan
19:45:31  mrsdurff ->  i hear she is famous
19:45:36  jan_smith ->  Hi all!
19:45:47  mrsdurff ->  manager who?
19:45:48  kathymaske ->  hi jan
19:46:01  jan_smith ->  famous for losing her keys
19:46:12  Cathy E ->  I have to run - daughter is on her pulling in (I have mother of the bride duties)
19:46:23  Lisa Parisi ->  Jan, can we talk after the show?
19:46:25  connect2jamie ->  Have fun Cathy!
19:46:53  mrsdurff ->  what do we say to people who say they have never heard of ETT so we are of no consequence?
19:47:08  Lisa Parisi ->  FF closed on me
19:47:12  mrsdurff ->  that's already on page
19:47:21  mrsdurff ->  why not just link
19:47:28  jan_smith ->  @Lisa, I may have to dash out as owe my son for not being able to go to the beach becsuse I lost my keys
19:47:29  mrsdurff ->  like a badge
19:47:41  mrsdurff ->  ouch
19:47:52  mrsdurff ->  losing keys not fun
19:48:07  mrsdurff ->  i think only a badge
19:48:09  jan_smith ->  a bad pattern
19:48:37  jan_smith ->  I guess I need to sign up for the feed--
19:48:47  Lisa Parisi ->  @jan...maybe tomorrow...working hard on project and would love some feedback
19:48:56  mrsdurff ->  i don't prefer to read it in my mail
19:49:12  jan_smith ->  I have been getting the after the fact summary which makes me feel like I missed out :(
19:49:13  mrsdurff ->  but want to check it went out okay
19:49:27  jan_smith ->  @Lisa, that would be great.
19:49:28  mrsdurff ->  many places block email
19:49:33  mrsdurff ->  all email
19:49:52  connect2jamie ->  I have reader on my igoogle page, but they block my gmail from my igoogle
19:49:57  connect2jamie ->  at work
19:50:04  jan_smith ->  Like me, but I understand people being busy
19:50:10  mrsdurff ->  what if they don't know
19:50:13  jan_smith ->  and things are often ad hoc
19:50:19  mrsdurff ->  yes
19:50:30  mrsdurff ->  by skin of our teeth
19:50:42  jan_smith ->  I see Lisa!
19:50:55  mrsdurff ->  yes movie from NECC
19:51:27  jan_smith ->  I recognize faces--Sue Waters
19:51:51  mrsdurff ->  did you go to NECC, Jan?
19:51:52  jan_smith ->  Cathy Cassidy.
19:51:56  gary ->  igoogle sometimes allows you to get by blocked sites such as Twitter
19:52:11  mrsdurff ->  what is a 'big name"?
19:52:19  jan_smith ->  No, wasn't there. I here it is BIG BIG BIG
19:52:44  connect2jamie ->  yes--of & on at work I can get to sites thru igoogle--sometimes it doesn't work though. And gmail is alwys blocked. :(
19:52:47  mrsdurff ->  i like to know many people
19:52:49  jan_smith ->  I am better at smaller things--I would like to go to Philly.
19:53:03  mrsdurff ->  EduCon ?
19:53:15  jan_smith ->  Yes, did you like it Durff
19:53:27  mrsdurff ->  i liked both years
19:53:36  jan_smith ->  A big name--an influencer, a helper?
19:54:01  mrsdurff ->  someone who is google-able?
19:54:28  jan_smith ->  Maybe google able, but by now we all are.
19:55:00  jan_smith ->  I like connecting with people who are working at the chalk-face: in the classroom
19:55:09  jan_smith ->  Yes, in the classroom
19:55:40  kathymaske ->  Someone who is not afraid to share and makes connections
19:55:46  mrsdurff ->  ah the love of ISP's
19:56:00  jan_smith ->  And I like the idea of following people in several ways, because they reveal who they are and what they really believe
19:57:34  jan_smith ->  We are in an age when we get to ponder these influences
19:57:37  mrsdurff ->  my friend now claims this is my computer
19:57:46  mrsdurff ->  yeah right
19:58:00  mrsdurff ->  on other servers no problem
19:58:32  jan_smith ->  I think that having those who are working with student teachers would be a neat too.
19:58:34  JenW ->  I don't know if I should say BIG name -- but known name
19:58:39  mrsdurff ->  she isn;t doing audio so she doesn't notice
19:58:50  mrsdurff ->  Jen is a big name
19:59:02  JenW ->  nooo -- not at all
19:59:08  mrsdurff ->  Jan is a big name
19:59:40  jan_smith ->  JenW, I think you also do a great job (ETT) of giving people a chance to have an audience and get encouragement and feedback
19:59:55  jan_smith ->  @durff three letters.
19:59:59  JenW ->  smiles, I thank you
20:00:49  mrsdurff ->  three letters - j-a-n = b-i-g
20:01:06  jan_smith ->  I am 5'0"
20:01:12  mrsdurff ->  and j-e-n- = b-i-g
20:01:29  JL ->  would you like to join the call Jan or Kathy?
20:01:30  mrsdurff ->  and you have humor too
20:01:34  kathymaske ->  Are they teaching new grads more on technology than before?
20:01:35  jan_smith ->  j-a-n = s-m-a-l-l
20:02:08  jan_smith ->  @kathy not in my experience. They can do web quests
20:02:20  JenW ->  I am 5'3" and am dieting   :)   so big is not a compliment right now   :)
20:02:28  kathymaske ->  that is frustrating!
20:02:33  mrsdurff ->  okay jen
20:02:35  kathymaske ->  @Jen LOL
20:02:37  mrsdurff ->  well known
20:03:20  jan_smith ->  Well, it's part of my mission with student teachers--I model it, and give them opportunities to risk with my coaching
20:03:32  JenW ->  do you think there are born teachers --- who just get it -- and then some that train to be teachers??
20:03:58  JenW ->  I mean -- for me to be flexible is really not hard, ideas just come -- but others I see go -- what can I do??
20:04:03  mrsdurff ->  i write unit plans
20:04:10  jan_smith ->  @JenW I think they need to be born learners. Have to start there
20:04:45  kathymaske ->  @Jen I think some really have to try harder than other to it!
20:05:10  mrsdurff ->  i thought on my feet from Day One
20:05:14  mrsdurff ->  I had to
20:05:28  mrsdurff ->  student taught for the Head Teacher
20:05:33  jan_smith ->  Student teachers need to have a growth mindset and be ok with failure
20:05:51  mrsdurff ->  she had me teaching the class the first day
20:06:34  gary ->  Failure is not a negative result - it often teaches something.
20:06:38  mrsdurff ->  the worst part of student teaching was the frog that got lose
20:06:49  kathymaske ->  I think I learned more about discipline than teaching, teaching was the easier part
20:06:50  PeggyG ->  that's funny durff!
20:06:51  jan_smith ->  Failure should always teach.
20:06:51  Lisa Parisi ->  I had a dog durff
20:07:11  kathymaske ->  LOL
20:07:20  mrsdurff ->  Peggy it is funny now
20:07:32  mrsdurff ->  but at the time I screamed
20:07:33  kathymaske ->  Have you read 32 3rd graders and one class bunny?
20:07:36  PeggyG ->  time helps huh? :-)
20:07:43  jan_smith ->  Some day I will tell the story of the chicks that died. Brutal.
20:07:58  mrsdurff ->  oh dear
20:08:07  jan_smith ->  No more incubators for me.
20:08:20  gary ->  :D
20:08:40  JenW ->  I accidentlally made a pipe bomb once -- but that is for another show   :)
20:08:57  mrsdurff ->  ah - good thinking peggy
20:08:58  jan_smith ->  Ohhh Jen--looking forward to that!
20:09:11  JenW ->  no kathy -- do you have a link???
20:09:48  kathymaske ->  It's a book, and I can't think of the author right now!
20:09:56  kathymaske ->  Very funny and good!
20:09:58  gary ->  There is the hibernating ground squirrel that woke up and attached itself to the student's hand.
20:10:05  mrsdurff ->  so let kim do it and we will copy her
20:10:32  mrsdurff ->  and on that note
20:10:53  PeggyG ->  thanks for a fun conversation everyone!!
20:11:10  mrsdurff ->  2 men and the ETT Women = great show
20:11:10  kathymaske ->  @mrsdurff thanks for the reminders each week on Twitter!
20:11:11  jan_smith ->  Leaving now to make up for my failure @Lisa we will talk tomorrow.
20:11:16  mrsdurff ->  hi bob
20:11:30  JenW ->  laughing out loud about the squirrel -- but sorry for the child
20:11:37  mrsdurff ->  bye jan
20:11:38  Bob Caro ->  Hi - just had an embarassing tech moment...
20:11:48  JenW ->  no longer an ETT woman here -- just a friend
20:12:07  JenW ->  yes good to chat agaon
20:12:15  Bob Caro ->  Jumped into an Elluminate session all about Vitiligo - it's not a new tech tool, it's a skin pigmentation disorder.
20:12:17  Lisa Parisi ->  Bye all
20:12:29  gary ->  Bye - thanks all
20:12:36  Bob Caro ->  I'll wait for the movie to come out - it sounds like it was great!
20:12:38  connect2jamie ->  Thanks all--it was fun!
20:12:38  PeggyG ->  I'll bet that was interesting Bob!
20:12:39  - mrsdurff ->  again.
20:12:46  - mrsdurff ->  now kicked off
20:12:57  - mrsdurff ->  the connection is very bad
20:13:23  Bob Caro ->  Well, the temp in southTX is now below 95 - time to mow - have a great week all
20:13:39  PeggyG ->  it's still 109 degrees here in Phoenix!
20:13:59  kathymaske ->  @JenW http://www.phillipdone.org  32 3rd graders and one class bunny
20:14:40  mrsdurff ->  aarrgg!
20:14:50  mrsdurff ->  nite all
20:14:55  PeggyG ->  night all! have a great week!
20:14:59  kathymaske ->  thanks all!