Seedlings 2009-06-18 with Cynthia Curry as our guest!

Post-Show description: 

We had a fabulous show discussing UDL, Universal Design for Learning. We believe it is going to be the next best practice adopted by schools around the world. Cynthia Curry, an exceptional educator from Maine, led us through the discussion of how and why this is and should be the underpinning of all classrooms. Join us in the podcast and check out the chat.

One more SEEDLINGS show for this school season, then SEEDLINGS goes on hiatus for the summer season.

Join Bob and Cheryl while we interview Cynthia Curry, from Maine, as she leads us down the path using assistive technology tools in our classrooms as well as why we should all adopt Univeral Design for Learning as our best practice.

Here are the links from our Geek of the Week:


More importantly, here is the Chat which includes many more URLS from the participants in the chat room.

2009-06-18 19:23:14 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: hi eric!
2009-06-18 19:23:18 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Ericsailers
2009-06-18 19:23:27 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone
2009-06-18 19:23:33 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: getting ready
2009-06-18 19:23:52 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: I'm happy that the topic is UDL and AT - I'm an AT Specialist
2009-06-18 19:24:31 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: :)
2009-06-18 19:24:32 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: where are you from? Eric
2009-06-18 19:24:44 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: San Diego, CA
2009-06-18 19:24:51 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: You?
2009-06-18 19:25:49 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: good evening, sound check anyone?
2009-06-18 19:26:00 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: I am from Maine, Eric as are BOb and Cynthia
2009-06-18 19:26:03 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: audio is good for me on ETT-A in iTunes
2009-06-18 19:26:26 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Greetings from Phoenix AZ
2009-06-18 19:26:37 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: hi peggy
2009-06-18 19:26:40 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: hi carol
2009-06-18 19:26:51 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Bob and all
2009-06-18 19:27:10 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'm getting very excited about NECC--add new things to my conference planner every day :-)
2009-06-18 19:27:11 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: @PeggyG, I lived in Tucson during undergrad
2009-06-18 19:27:24 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: beautiful place Eric!!
2009-06-18 19:27:38 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: I'm hoping to attend NECC virtually
2009-06-18 19:27:49 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: me2 eric!
2009-06-18 19:28:06 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I think you may have attended my rival college :-) I'm an ASU fan--faculty and alum :-)
2009-06-18 19:28:11 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Tucson wasn't bad, but I think there's more to do where you live in Phoenix
2009-06-18 19:28:22 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I think that's true Eric
2009-06-18 19:28:25 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, I went to U of A
2009-06-18 19:29:01 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'm watching ASU play the North Carolina Tarheels right now in the college world series. Very important game :-)
2009-06-18 19:29:27 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: One of my profressors (in Speech Path), Shelley Gray, moved to work at ASU. Not sure if you know her.
2009-06-18 19:29:50 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: No I haven't met her but I taught on the ASU-West campus
2009-06-18 19:30:00 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: I saw the ASU is doing pretty well in the college world series
2009-06-18 19:30:15 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I love hearing the start-up problemsolving! Learn new things every time
2009-06-18 19:30:32 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: I accidentally enabled a java applet window which pops up anytime anyone adds to the chat. It is called "notice". Then it stops me from typing everytime it gives me a notice. Anyone know how to turn it off?
2009-06-18 19:30:44 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes Eric :-) We beat the Tarheels once and now they're back again!
2009-06-18 19:30:45 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Loonyhiker, welcome
2009-06-18 19:30:53 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: hey y'all!
2009-06-18 19:30:59 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: hi loony!
2009-06-18 19:31:21 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi loonyhiker! Wish I could have seen you in NC :-) Back home now
2009-06-18 19:31:42 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: i'm in SC though. Wish I could have seen u too!
2009-06-18 19:31:56 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: that's right! I had NC on my mind
2009-06-18 19:32:15 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: I don't have anything against ASU, so I'll be rooting for them
2009-06-18 19:32:20 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: had bad storms this wk and had no power until last nite so i'm glad seedlings is tonite and not last nite
2009-06-18 19:32:29 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: evening anne!
2009-06-18 19:32:33 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what do you mean by the push-pull? web 1 vs web 2?
2009-06-18 19:32:34 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: welcome all, we have a great speaker!
2009-06-18 19:32:37 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: is there any sound yet?
2009-06-18 19:32:40 [Message] annefraser -> -EdTechTalk: hi bob
2009-06-18 19:32:44 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thanks Eric! much appreciated!!
2009-06-18 19:32:54 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: yes sound is on EdTechTalk A
2009-06-18 19:32:56 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: PEggy, it is the disruptive nature, we are always trying to figure the ways to make this fit!
2009-06-18 19:32:56 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Sorry to hear that Loony.  No storms here in San Diego.
2009-06-18 19:33:00 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: okay, got it!
2009-06-18 19:33:21 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thanks Cheryl
2009-06-18 19:33:25 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: @eric (sings) it never rains in southern CA.... :)
2009-06-18 19:33:41 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Is there sound in this chatroom? Don't hear anything
2009-06-18 19:33:53 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: i clicked on ed tech talk A
2009-06-18 19:33:59 [Message] annefraser -> -EdTechTalk: me neither
2009-06-18 19:34:03 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: no sound in chat, but EricS click on the sound icons
2009-06-18 19:34:04 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: wow that's a lot of laptops!!
2009-06-18 19:34:12 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: many laptops!
2009-06-18 19:34:13 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: You bet @loonyhiker
2009-06-18 19:34:39 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: whoops
2009-06-18 19:34:41 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: i'll be talking next wk to my class about UDL
2009-06-18 19:34:47 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Let me try again
2009-06-18 19:35:08 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Accessible Instructional Materials, Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
2009-06-18 19:35:16 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Universal Design for Learning
2009-06-18 19:35:18 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: UDL
2009-06-18 19:35:50 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Sounds aren't playing back to me. Oh well.
2009-06-18 19:35:52 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: USM, University of Souther Maine
2009-06-18 19:35:56 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: CAST
2009-06-18 19:36:01 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Barb
2009-06-18 19:36:04 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: "in a timely manner" is the key :-)
2009-06-18 19:36:11 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Eric, do you have real player?
2009-06-18 19:36:12 [Message] bgreenst -> -EdTechTalk: Hi
2009-06-18 19:36:13 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: eric, do you see the 3 options for sound?
2009-06-18 19:36:18 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: You could try that one.
2009-06-18 19:36:34 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: I clicked on the music note, and tried to test the sounds.
2009-06-18 19:36:46 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: I have a Mac - no Real Player
2009-06-18 19:36:52 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: @eric the multicolored one is windows media and works for me
2009-06-18 19:37:02 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: do you see the speaker icon?
2009-06-18 19:37:08 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: that will open itunes
2009-06-18 19:37:19 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'm using a Mac too Eric-when you click on first sound icon, iTunes should open for you
2009-06-18 19:38:12 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, I just clicked on the speaker, but iTunes didn't open.  Just a red X was removed from the speaker icon.
2009-06-18 19:38:33 [Message] annefraser -> -EdTechTalk: am getting rebuffering stream msg
2009-06-18 19:38:52 [Message] annefraser -> -EdTechTalk: sound is now back
2009-06-18 19:38:52 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: my hubby asked for years why we didn't teach ALL kids this way instead of just my sped kids
2009-06-18 19:39:10 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @annefraser-rebuffering is usually due to bandwidth lag
2009-06-18 19:39:11 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Now I have sound. yea!
2009-06-18 19:39:19 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: @eric hooray
2009-06-18 19:39:20 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: yeah Eric
2009-06-18 19:39:29 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: hooray Eric!!! good job!
2009-06-18 19:39:44 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: perseverence pays off eric!
2009-06-18 19:39:45 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Is this Bob and Cynthia Curry speaking?
2009-06-18 19:39:57 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Not sure what I did, but it worked
2009-06-18 19:40:01 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: yes, those too
2009-06-18 19:40:06 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: glad it worked eric
2009-06-18 19:40:09 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: perseverance :-)
2009-06-18 19:40:31 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: My AT is GPS
2009-06-18 19:40:41 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: evening Kim
2009-06-18 19:40:50 [Message] kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: hi cheryl
2009-06-18 19:40:52 [Message] kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: hi everyone
2009-06-18 19:41:02 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Kim
2009-06-18 19:41:06 [Message] kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: hi peggy!
2009-06-18 19:41:12 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: evening Hemes
2009-06-18 19:41:16 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Yea for iPhone!
2009-06-18 19:41:26 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: there are so many wonderful tools now that can be considered assistive technology :-)
2009-06-18 19:41:32 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: iphoneiphoneiphone!!
2009-06-18 19:42:04 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'm with you Bob!! I love my iphone!
2009-06-18 19:42:10 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: CART
2009-06-18 19:42:32 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: 3gs, peggy?
2009-06-18 19:42:38 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Any of you guys upgrading to 3gs?
2009-06-18 19:42:46 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: <raises hand>
2009-06-18 19:42:49 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: just 3g--just got it for Christmas
2009-06-18 19:43:01 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: I'm seriously considering the new iphone coming out tomorrow.
2009-06-18 19:43:07 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'd love to upgrade though :-)
2009-06-18 19:43:07 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: I bought mine 3G around Christmas, so I don't think I'm gonna upgrade just yet.
2009-06-18 19:43:52 [Message] kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: how much is it to upgrade the iphone from 3g to 3g s
2009-06-18 19:43:53 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: that's such a good point Cheryl--the technology helps us do all of this so transparently
2009-06-18 19:44:05 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: depends on your contract, kcaise
2009-06-18 19:44:18 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: and 60's
2009-06-18 19:44:20 [Message] kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: oh ok. i know to upgrade the itouch it is $9.95
2009-06-18 19:44:29 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: thanks Carolteach4
2009-06-18 19:44:59 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: I shou ld have said any age!
2009-06-18 19:45:01 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: oh the software... for iphone is free
2009-06-18 19:45:20 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: That is what I love. The ability to listen to the conference again and again until it sinks in.
2009-06-18 19:45:50 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: I have OS 3.0 on my iTunes now. I upgraded my phone for free, but now I'm not sure what's gonna happen when I sync my iPod touches...
2009-06-18 19:46:12 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: evening hurumble, glad to have you here
2009-06-18 19:46:24 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: i have my grad students take turns doing that and posting notes on our wiki
2009-06-18 19:46:31 [Message] hurumble -> -EdTechTalk: yes! where have i been??
2009-06-18 19:46:46 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Anybody use a Wiki for notetaking in workshops or classes?
2009-06-18 19:46:51 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Loonyhiker, how did your students respond? were they all over it?
2009-06-18 19:46:52 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: having a scribe of the day sounds like a fantastic idea!
2009-06-18 19:47:01 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Scribe of the day - or scribes who collaborate and fix notes before uploading. I like that.
2009-06-18 19:47:02 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, hurumble, we missed you!
2009-06-18 19:47:05 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Now I see @loonyhiker.  Cool to hear.
2009-06-18 19:48:36 [Message] bgreenst -> -EdTechTalk: We need to give kids opportunities to think and talk about how they learn.
2009-06-18 19:48:39 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: even just photo on iPhone helps me to remember student names. Helped me a lot when I met several new 8th graders on a east coast trip.
2009-06-18 19:48:46 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: I've just learned most of my 200 8th graders' names, and now they are leaving to go up to the big house.:(
2009-06-18 19:48:50 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: There are several great UDL groups on Diigo and this one has a lot of excellent bookmarks
2009-06-18 19:49:01 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: very nervous at first, they had never used a wiki before, now they are getting more comfortable.
2009-06-18 19:49:04 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: nice job Carol, it is hard to watch them go.
2009-06-18 19:49:11 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, @bgreenst. We need to teach students to think and learn.
2009-06-18 19:49:18 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: loonyhiker thanks for sharing!
2009-06-18 19:49:34 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: remember that my "students" are really teachers
2009-06-18 19:49:54 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: loonyhiker, the most difficult of student then :-)
2009-06-18 19:50:17 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Uggh - My popup blocker is blocking the hyperlinks
2009-06-18 19:50:48 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Eric the chat and audio are available tomorrow at or
2009-06-18 19:50:51 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Love the idea of allowing students to submit a project in the format they choose.
2009-06-18 19:50:56 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: that happens to me sometimes too Eric--can you open a second browser--maybe Safari?
2009-06-18 19:51:12 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: my "students" have learned how to twitter and plurk, use a wiki, use youtube, and are blogging (just in 2 weeks)
2009-06-18 19:51:20 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Let me try @PeggyG
2009-06-18 19:51:41 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: excellent model for those new students of web 2.0
2009-06-18 19:51:50 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Again, please, how do I turn off Java notice applet. Everytime someone makes a comment, it pops up, and stops me from typing.
2009-06-18 19:51:54 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: one of my tchr is a K4 teacher and we are seeing how we can incorporate tech in her young class
2009-06-18 19:52:15 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: send to Maria Knee's blog
2009-06-18 19:53:30 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: I don't think that we can assume students know any web 2.0 tool.  The tools are changing so fast that we're all learning together.
2009-06-18 19:53:37 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: didn't respond carolteach4 because I'm not sure--seems like a browser preference
2009-06-18 19:53:49 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl thx will share that with her
2009-06-18 19:53:51 [Message] hurumble -> -EdTechTalk: very good point cheryl
2009-06-18 19:54:08 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: We have a literacy initiative - model everything -sometimes to the point of overkill, but most kids do need direct instrction in writing - at least the kind of writing they want on the Connecticut Mastery Tests
2009-06-18 19:54:14 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: just talked to my class about multiple intelligences
2009-06-18 19:54:25 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: @loonyhiker, another is Kathy Cassidy, Moosejaw
2009-06-18 19:54:39 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: any great links for multiple intelligences @loonyhiker?
2009-06-18 19:55:25 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: The web site -All Kinds of Minds - has wonderful resources for helping kids to understand their strengths and the things they need to work on.
2009-06-18 19:55:48 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: thanks Caroltech4 do you have the link?
2009-06-18 19:55:54 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Man, I've been hearing a lot about the book Disrupting Class - gotta hunt it down.
2009-06-18 19:55:56 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: great suggestion carolteach4! I have used that site with student teachers
2009-06-18 19:56:13 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: yes Eric! that's a must read book :-)
2009-06-18 19:56:25 [Message] hurumble -> -EdTechTalk: who is the guest?
2009-06-18 19:56:27 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Is it on Google Books?
2009-06-18 19:56:28 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: EricSailers, i t is a great book, there is a podcast with MIchael Horn at our sites.
2009-06-18 19:56:51 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks @cheryloakes. I'll check it out.
2009-06-18 19:57:03 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 19:57:12 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: thanks PeggyG
2009-06-18 19:57:41 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 19:57:42 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Mel Levine podcast on Teaching All Kinds of Minds
2009-06-18 19:57:50 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy liked this mult. intell. assessment that anyone could take but i can't copy/paste the link here
2009-06-18 19:58:08 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: loonyhiker, try dragging the URL to this chat space
2009-06-18 19:58:09 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: just click and drag the icon from the website into the chat window
2009-06-18 19:58:38 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 19:58:43 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: thx
2009-06-18 19:58:50 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: nice job
2009-06-18 19:59:24 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: great job! quick learner!! :-)
2009-06-18 19:59:30 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Found Disrupting Class on Google Book.  I would copy and paste the link, but I'm not being allowed to.
2009-06-18 19:59:30 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Listening to Mel Levine bring tears to my eyes; he is so inspirational
2009-06-18 19:59:41 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Google Books
2009-06-18 19:59:49 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: @eric just finished that book and it was great
2009-06-18 20:00:02 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 20:00:15 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: the class i'm teaching is Nature of LD
2009-06-18 20:00:26 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: NIMAC
2009-06-18 20:01:27 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: now she's talking my language with IDEIA
2009-06-18 20:01:34 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: NIMAC is really going to have an impact and we need to share this information
2009-06-18 20:01:38 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Right Eric!
2009-06-18 20:02:47 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: One of the special ed teachers at our sister middle school in Orange had a fund-raiser to buy ipods for her students so they could listen and read the stories being read in class without having to have their aide pull them to the side and read with them. It's the cool factor, and they love it.
2009-06-18 20:03:06 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: that is amazing, good for her
2009-06-18 20:03:30 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Bookshare!
2009-06-18 20:03:38 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: She wrote the request on
2009-06-18 20:03:50 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 20:03:58 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: we had a xmas bazaar and sold decorations, beaded bracelets, and bake sale to raise money to buy things for class
2009-06-18 20:04:07 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 20:04:07 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Frustrated b/c I can't copy and paste links.  I was gonna post a link regarding CA Governor Schwatz who is allowing free digital textbooks to students.
2009-06-18 20:04:24 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Eric, just drag the URL to this space, do not copy and paste
2009-06-18 20:04:43 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: That is exciting about bokshare. I will share that with our special ed teachers in our district.
2009-06-18 20:05:12 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: that's amazing
2009-06-18 20:05:56 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: can't wait to share these links with my class!
2009-06-18 20:06:06 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 20:06:20 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: DAISY
2009-06-18 20:06:48 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 20:07:20 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: these are fantastic resources!! Thanks!
2009-06-18 20:08:50 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Done trying to drag/copy/paste URLs.  I'm not able to listen well to the audio.
2009-06-18 20:08:57 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: @eric is this the article?
2009-06-18 20:09:38 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: will all these links be on the seedlings blog?
2009-06-18 20:09:55 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: probably but my pop-up blocker won't allow me to select hyperlinks.  I've never ever had such issues with URLs.
2009-06-18 20:10:04 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: these links will be available tomorrow at bobsprankle and edtechtalk, just enjoy and listen
2009-06-18 20:10:14 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, I'll just listen
2009-06-18 20:10:45 [Message] annefraser -> -EdTechTalk: most difficult trying to listen tonight
2009-06-18 20:10:47 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: sorry I need to leave you--fantastic show!! will catch the rest in the recording. Thanks!!
2009-06-18 20:10:57 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: bye peggy!
2009-06-18 20:11:02 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: Bye peggy
2009-06-18 20:11:10 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: SC is a state adoption state
2009-06-18 20:11:10 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: bye everyone
2009-06-18 20:13:28 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: i don't let my kids use "i don't have a computer" as an excuse - instead we discuss what they can do to find access to it (relative, or the library etc.)
2009-06-18 20:13:49 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: access is important loonyhiker and good for you.
2009-06-18 20:14:02 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: How many have access to wii or xbox or playstation?
2009-06-18 20:14:15 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: in class, cheryl?
2009-06-18 20:14:31 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: no as priority purchases for college students
2009-06-18 20:15:13 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: no, i think i'm the only one pushing technology to these teachers
2009-06-18 20:15:50 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Accessible Instructional Materials and Univeral Design for Learning, two important resources
2009-06-18 20:16:28 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: i can see the recording of this whole conversation being replayed in my class!
2009-06-18 20:16:49 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: assistive technology is about tools and supporting those with disabilities and access
2009-06-18 20:17:00 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: my "students" are gen ed tchrs getting a master's degree in sped - this applies to them!
2009-06-18 20:17:14 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Special Ed teacher supports student and general ed teacher works the content
2009-06-18 20:17:25 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: UDL is led, should be led by general education
2009-06-18 20:17:40 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: i'd love for my tchrs to spread the word to other gen ed tchers
2009-06-18 20:17:47 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: @Loonyhiker, I think it is great you are pushing them.
2009-06-18 20:18:25 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl but it is really hard because I'm trying not to be overzealous and overwhelming them
2009-06-18 20:19:05 [Message] hurumble -> -EdTechTalk: hahaha
2009-06-18 20:19:13 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: you go girl!
2009-06-18 20:21:08 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: center for implementing education
2009-06-18 20:21:14 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, finally, I figured it out. I had to right-click in the chat room dialogue to get the menu to turn off the pop-up notifier that was sooooooo annoying. It pays to go to help. It pays to read directions!
2009-06-18 20:21:24 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Cynthia's favorite resource
2009-06-18 20:21:46 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: wrong link, cheryl
2009-06-18 20:21:56 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: got a foreign language
2009-06-18 20:22:03 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 20:22:06 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: here it is
2009-06-18 20:22:23 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Oh my goodness this is great
2009-06-18 20:22:57 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 20:23:08 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks, what great resources. Teachers who do not participate in the open web dialogues are really missing out!
2009-06-18 20:23:18 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: Thank goodness I found you guys.
2009-06-18 20:23:25 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: :)
2009-06-18 20:24:30 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: i'm so glad cheryl reminded me of this tonite! thx @cheryl! :)
2009-06-18 20:25:08 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk:   and
2009-06-18 20:26:07 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Karen is great!
2009-06-18 20:26:35 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 20:26:44 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: karen talked to my council for exceptional children local chapter this past yr
2009-06-18 20:27:38 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 20:28:02 [Message] EricSailers -> -EdTechTalk: Gotta go! Glad I could listen! Thanks everyone!
2009-06-18 20:28:05 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-06-18 20:28:21 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: bye eric
2009-06-18 20:29:00 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: What a fabulous show! The chat made this show along with Cynthia!
2009-06-18 20:29:26 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks to all of you in the chat!
2009-06-18 20:29:29 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: time really flies by during this show!
2009-06-18 20:29:40 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Loonyhiker, glad you made it!
2009-06-18 20:30:02 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: This was a great chat. It will take lots of time to go through all the links.
2009-06-18 20:30:15 [Message] hurumble -> -EdTechTalk: i didnt know that
2009-06-18 20:30:18 [Message] hurumble -> -EdTechTalk: interesting
2009-06-18 20:30:36 [Message] hurumble -> -EdTechTalk: woo maine
2009-06-18 20:30:49 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: thank u to y'all
2009-06-18 20:30:54 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: yes,  or   join us!
2009-06-18 20:31:02 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: I am so happy. Not only did I figure out how to turn off that java applet, but I was able to reenable my Google Notebook link, so I could easily grab the links.
2009-06-18 20:31:13 [Message] kcaise -> -EdTechTalk: nite all - thanks!
2009-06-18 20:31:20 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: good nite all.
2009-06-18 20:31:42 [Message] cheryloakes50~seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: bye y 'all
2009-06-18 20:31:43 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: bye y'all!
2009-06-18 20:31:50 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: thanks all!
2009-06-18 20:31:54 [Message] annefraser -> -EdTechTalk: CIAO
2009-06-18 20:31:55 [Message] bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: g'night
2009-06-18 20:32:00 [Message] carolteach4 -> -EdTechTalk: I think it is so exciting that we can visit NEEC virtually! Any suggestions
2009-06-18 20:32:05 [Message] hurumble -> -EdTechTalk: goodbye!