Teachers Teaching Teachers #152 - 05.20.09 - Girls Rule (Part 1 of 2): Gator Radio Network

Post-Show description: 

Matt Montagne has been working this school year with his students on the Gator Radio Experience

Broadcasting live on the Castilleja Gator Radio Network! Broadcast dates: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.

This is the first of two shows we've done recently that featured young high school women. On this podcast, we feature the students who have been doing a webcast, Gator Radio Network. TTT#153 features three glib teenage feminists who have begun to make their voices be heard on a group blog, "Womens Glib."

Matt has invited a couple of his students from the Castilleja School involved with this this broadcasting project to join us on Teachers Teaching Teachers this week.

Paul Allison invited a couple of his students from the East-West School of International Studies and who publish on Youth Voices to meet Matt’s broadcasters.

Come learn with us!!

This is the first of two shows we've done recently that featured young high school women. On this podcast, we feature the students who have been doing a webcast, Gator Radio Network. TTT#153 features three glib teenage feminists who have begun to make their voices be heard on a group blog, "Womens Glib."

Occasionally I (Paul Allison) blink back a tear and remember the work we used to do with Lee Baber. Recently, I listened to these podcasts from two years ago:

Our SpaceCasts were filled with wild moments in search of meaning, but they were about connection and knowing other young people living in different places. This work supplemented our other work with blogs and wikis, images and text… with a warmth and humanness that I miss.

How can we re-start webcasting with students?

Matt Montagne has been working this school year with his students on the Gator Radio Experience

Broadcasting live on the Castilleja Gator Radio Network! Broadcast dates: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Matt has invited a couple of his students from the Castilleja School involved with this this broadcasting project to join us on Teachers Teaching Teachers this week.

Paul invited a couple of his students from the East-West School of International Studies and who publish on Youth Voices to meet Matt’s broadcasters.

Come learn with us!!

If you’ve ever did webcasting or podcasting with your students (or with Lee)… please join us. Tell us your stories of success and struggle with this medium. What makes it happen? Why does it fade? How do we get it back?

Click Read more to see a transcript of a chat that was happening during the webcast.

20:58:15 Odarri: Hello Everyone I am Odarri, Nice to meet you all.
20:59:04 Odarri: I am a school of East-West School of International studies in Queens, NY
20:59:24 Odarri: * I am a student of a school *:
20:59:36 Odarri: *student
21:00:12 Odarri: Anyways, My English Teacher has just arrived.
21:00:30 Paul Allison: Hi Odarri
21:00:49 Odarri: Hey,
21:00:59 Odarri: Martha is here too
21:01:48 Martha C.: Hello, everybody
21:03:10 carolteach4: What is the topic of tonight's program?
21:03:16 SusanEttenheim: hi everyone - can you hear us?
21:03:21 carolteach4: Yes
21:03:23 Martha C.: i can hear
21:03:27 SusanEttenheim: welcome!
21:03:38 SusanEttenheim: we have a lot of guests tonight!
21:03:46 Odarri: Am I suppose to hear you?
21:06:29 PeggyG: Paul and Susan are sounding very clear
21:06:45 PeggyG: Matt is very clear too
21:07:00 SusanEttenheim: sorry everyone my skype just quit
21:07:04 SusanEttenheim: hold on a sec please
21:07:08 dragonslayer852: k
21:07:16 Odarri: no problem
21:07:24 matt montagne: hold up
21:07:32 matt montagne: got quite a skype call going here!!!
21:07:32 PeggyG: I'm really excited to have you feature the Gator Radio show! It's awesome!
21:07:58 PeggyG: hearing lots of deep sighs :-)
21:08:50 Martha C.: So, what's the plan for tonight?
21:08:51 JL: everyone in Rayon's conf, please hang up
21:09:01 JL: Susan is calling folks back now
21:09:08 Martha C.: ok
21:09:08 dragonslayer852: got it
21:09:37 PeggyG: Hi loonyhiker :-)
21:09:47 loonyhiker: hi there!
21:09:54 Odarri: Cahrles do you go to ewsis?
21:10:01 Odarri: &Charles
21:10:08 loonyhiker: should i be hearing sound?
21:10:16 JL: on ETT A, not ustream
21:10:23 PeggyG: it good for us to hear this technical stuff--you always make it look so easy and now we know how hard you work to make it happen!
21:10:26 Odarri: Charles do you go to ewsis?
21:10:30 SusanEttenheim: ok you should be hearing us again now
21:10:33 SusanEttenheim: do you hear us?
21:10:40 PeggyG: just hearing Susan
21:11:19 SusanEttenheim: thanks peggy how is it now?
21:11:38 matt montagne: hey y'all
21:11:44 dragonslayer852: hi
21:11:51 Odarri: hi
21:11:54 SusanEttenheim: are you all hearing now?
21:11:56 PeggyG: yeah!! hearing everyone now!!!!
21:11:56 matt montagne: should be ready in a minute here
21:12:02 Martha C.: i hear great
21:12:10 matt montagne: Hi everyone
21:12:14 carolteach4: Refresh my memory -Kids from Gator Radio?
21:12:20 matt montagne: we're on Edtech Talk A Channel
21:12:24 PeggyG: it's that 30 second delay
21:12:49 PeggyG: yes Gator Radio broadcasters :-)
21:13:02 carolteach4: no music, but we hear Jeff and Susan
21:13:12 SusanEttenheim: ok  I think we're on now - if we crash again, we're going to turn over the broadcast to Jeff!
21:13:21 SusanEttenheim: can you hear Matt speaking now?
21:13:24 PeggyG: coming through great now!
21:13:29 loonyhiker: hehe ringleader!
21:13:31 SusanEttenheim: thanks peggy
21:13:34 PeggyG: yes can hear Matt loud and clear
21:13:46 carolteach4: Are these the kids who were talking with the kids from China a couple of weeks ago?
21:13:53 PeggyG: Sam is the music expert!!
21:13:53 JL: yep
21:14:08 dragonslayer852: can someone help me out here?
21:14:13 PeggyG: yes carolteach4-didn't they do an awesome job with that intverview?
21:14:16 Martha C.: with what?
21:14:18 dragonslayer852: do i download the file?
21:14:22 SusanEttenheim: hey dragonslayer what's going on?
21:14:22 matt montagne: audio is on Edtech talk A channel
21:14:35 loonyhiker: i clicked on the windows media player to hear what is being said
21:14:44 SusanEttenheim: dragonslayer do you see the place to click to listen?
21:14:57 dragonslayer852: there it goes
21:15:07 PeggyG: I usually listen in iTunes by clicking on the first player under EdTeachTalk A
21:15:24 SusanEttenheim: great - can you hear now?
21:15:25 PeggyG: welcome Martha!!
21:15:45 Martha C.: Hi!
21:15:49 carolteach4: @Peggy G - yes, it was really exciting. Have those students visited California yet?
21:15:49 dragonslayer852: names kevin, by the way
21:16:05 PeggyG: Gator Radio did some fantastic interviews this year and actually did 3 hours on the EarthCast which were wonderful!
21:16:53 PeggyG: Sam costs me money every show because she does such an amazing job of selecting the music and promoting it that I HAVE to buy it!
21:17:16 dragonslayer852: im listening, but can i talk?
21:17:24 Martha C.: not yet
21:17:31 JL: I hope the RIAA is listening to this - they need to pay attention to the audience of the future
21:17:32 Martha C.: you might get added in later...
21:17:36 dragonslayer852: k
21:17:44 Paul Allison: Odarri?
21:17:47 dragonslayer852: left
21:17:57 Martha C.: disappeared
21:18:01 Paul Allison: Who is dragonslayer852?
21:18:04 dragonslayer852: kevin
21:18:04 PeggyG: Sam not only finds the bands but gets personal interview with them. Very resourceful!
21:18:20 dragonslayer852: i used my skype name
21:18:32 PeggyG: that is excellent advice from Sam!
21:19:10 Paul Allison: Kevin is that your skypename too?
21:19:14 dragonslayer852: yep
21:20:28 PeggyG: http://gatorradio.blogspot.com/ This is the link to the Gator Radio blog where you can listen to all of their shows
21:21:19 PeggyG: I think the teen recommendations are fantastic endorsements for the musicians. They are missing the boat if they don't accept interviews with Gator Radio :-)
21:21:55 loonyhiker: wow i'm so impressed that i'm speechless :)
21:22:01 dragonslayer852: ?
21:22:01 dragonslayer852: does the song have to have meaning
21:22:15 PeggyG: Isn't she incredible??!!
21:22:41 loonyhiker: i'm so glad u reminded me about this, this morning peggy!
21:22:57 dragonslayer852: i got some questions, mind adding me in?
21:23:12 JL: Become a big Cloud Cult fan after listening to GRE two weeks ago
21:23:16 matt montagne: this is fantastic talk! I'm sppecless too loongy
21:23:17 paulbogush: To the student who was talking about Disturbed--contact me and I could get some names for [email protected]
21:23:20 PeggyG: One of the songs on the show last night was called Celebration which was a perfect choice for the senior graduation show!
21:23:49 carolteach4: I'm really impressed with how copyright conscious these kids are. There is a lot of discussion now about the broadening of the definition of "fair use" and how copyrighted music might be used if it is transformative. I really think Sam's way is the better way. It also gives these new bands exposure.
21:24:15 PeggyG: I agree carolteach4
21:24:55 PeggyG: the music Sam chooses are always good--even for those of us who aren't teenagers
21:25:15 matt montagne: Sam's music selections appeal to a wide range of age groups...
21:25:27 matt montagne: @PeggyG agreed
21:26:01 PeggyG: I often go to iTunes after the shows to purchase their music and also movie recommendations
21:26:02 loonyhiker: i think they would be such a good role model for other teens!
21:26:55 PeggyG: We are going to feature Gator Radio on Classroom 2.0 LIVE on Saturday May 30, noon Eastern time--come back to hear more from them
21:27:16 PeggyG: http://live.classroom20.com
21:27:39 JL: What are Sam's career goals?
21:27:58 PeggyG: that is so exciting!!
21:28:24 carolteach4: It would be great if these kids could write up a little tutorial piece to share with other kids who might like to start their own radio show. The script piece is essential, of course, but I find that many of the kids I work with just want to jump in without doing much planning. Sometimes the product is great - extemporaneous -but usually, scripting is essential.
21:28:41 matt montagne: @carol...we'll get into that
21:29:16 PeggyG: that is such a great idea carolteach4! it is so obvious that they do a LOT of planning and preparation for their shows
21:29:48 loonyhiker: thank you sam
21:29:57 PeggyG: thank you Sam!
21:29:58 carolteach4: Thanks so much, Sam. You are an articulate young lady. I learned a lot from you.
21:31:30 JL: fire, ready, aim - never heard that before but sounds very on target around here
21:33:31 carolteach4: Great reflection.
21:34:14 carolteach4: We need to build the reflection piece into our students' projects if not already there.
21:35:18 PeggyG: I'm always so impressed with both the technical skills of the GR students via Skype and streaming and the content of the shows. They are always well prepared and their interviews and handled with such skill!
21:35:51 PeggyG: yes talk about how you do the show
21:36:56 malaika: thanks!
21:37:18 PeggyG: there are also a lot of listeners via podcast recordings after the show
21:37:35 carolteach4: I picked up a great link from Twitter today - a skype call from an elementary school to a soldier (specialist) in Iraq who has children in that school. http://www.etsreflectingpool.blogspot.com/
21:37:45 Martha C.: if we do end up doing our own show, an issue I'm curious about is how to promote it and how to let people know about it
21:37:49 PeggyG: every other week
21:38:29 PeggyG: @Marth C-they started a blog for their show and promote it via the blog and also Twitter
21:38:44 Martha C.: ah.
21:38:58 PeggyG: we can follow them on Twitter :-)
21:39:07 Martha C.: i barely go on twitter...
21:39:41 carolteach4: Our principal sends out a note to the listserve every Friday. It might be nice if the administration at your school would promote listening (if not participating) to parents.
21:40:54 PeggyG: their shows are so interesting that once you hear one you want to come back for the next onw
21:41:30 PeggyG: Welcome Natalie!
21:43:07 PeggyG: their interview with the people building the totally Green home was just fantastic!!
21:43:15 loonyhiker: just subscribed to gator radio on itunes so i can catch up on past episodes
21:43:20 carolteach4: What a great learning experience this is!
21:44:14 Martha C.: i wish i had a credit card or something... My parents won't let me get an account on itunes or anything...
21:44:24 PeggyG: they also interviewed people from Australia during their huge fire disaster and we learned so much
21:44:25 dragonslayer852: id rather not
21:44:41 dragonslayer852: or use my dads cc
21:45:01 JL: Are the guests usually adults?  Have there been many connections with students from other schools? 
21:45:02 Martha C.: my parents wont let me use theirs. they're paranoid
21:45:19 loonyhiker: my hubby barely lets me use ours LOL
21:46:53 dragonslayer852: i dont blame them
21:47:17 dragonslayer852: i dont cause i would raise the bill
21:47:23 dragonslayer852: and i cant afford it
21:47:24 PeggyG: their guests are usually students from around the world
21:48:48 dragonslayer852: getting guests from around the world allows them to express not only their opinions, but the opinions of their country as well
21:49:22 PeggyG: I heard that discussion and it was very thought-provoking! I learn something new in every show! (besides being entertained :-)
21:50:35 PeggyG: they are really GOOD interviewers--they really listen to the answers of the guests and build on them spontaneously, right on the spot.
21:50:55 Martha C.: that's a good skill to have
21:51:19 PeggyG: the election show was a very emotional experience!
21:51:54 loonyhiker: hate to be a party pooper, but i have to go now. thank you for a wonderful conversation and introducing me to something new and wonderful!
21:52:12 PeggyG: so glad you could join us loonyhiker!
21:52:49 PeggyG: well said Matt!
21:54:00 PeggyG: wow! I love that statement! "our job is to learn" :-)
21:54:17 PeggyG: what amazing role models!
21:54:27 dragonslayer852: thats good, but we are also supposed to teach as well
21:54:33 SusanEttenheim: how true!
21:54:48 PeggyG: "To teach is to learn twice."
21:54:49 SusanEttenheim: how true to the role modles
21:55:00 Martha C.: we've go to spread the knowledge!  ^_^
21:55:02 SusanEttenheim: sorry models
21:55:20 carolteach4: We are teaching as we model learning and how important it is to be a life-long learner.
21:57:00 carolteach4: Good teachers learn from students as they learn from us. These conversations are such a wonderful tool for spreading that learning. It would never have happened before these new collaborative tools facilitated it.
21:57:20 SusanEttenheim: that's just how it is for us too!
21:58:16 PeggyG: they talked about that very point on the show last night--complicated schedules during the school day makes it more difficult for them to participate and they chose to do it like a "club" after school
21:58:51 carolteach4: We need to get more kids and teacher involved in the conversation. Thanks so much to World Bridges for making all this possible.
21:59:43 SusanEttenheim: lol I refuse to do video while broadcasting ;)
22:00:03 dragonslayer852: i actually would like to do a webcast
22:00:13 PeggyG: love it!! pajamas work for me :-)
22:00:16 Martha C.: i think i would much rather prefer audio than visual
22:00:29 matt montagne: we're talking about doing video, but video has its pros/cons
22:00:30 dragonslayer852: i prefer both
22:00:44 SusanEttenheim: i prefer audio
22:00:49 dragonslayer852: video has some major lag moments
22:01:47 PeggyG: excellent resonse!
22:02:12 PeggyG: response--can't type!
22:02:27 dragonslayer852: it happens every now and then
22:03:26 PeggyG: "regular people can have great stories to tell" what a powerful statement!
22:03:33 carolteach4: Everyone has a story to tell. Sometimes they don't know it, an you guys bring it out.
22:03:44 SusanEttenheim: look at story corp on public radio
22:04:04 SusanEttenheim: that's terrific
22:05:57 PeggyG: What a fantastic conversation!! All I can say is YES! YES! YES! You are all such an inspiration to me!
22:06:36 PeggyG: I love that Jeff! Let the farewell tour last all summer!
22:07:06 carolteach4: I hope you get this stream and the chat mounted soon. I need to relisten to absorb all the great conversation this evening.
22:07:10 PeggyG: even their post-show conversations are fantastic!
22:07:12 matt montagne: thanks for joining everyone! that was a fun opportunity for our students...thanks to Paul and Susan
22:07:42 PeggyG: Thank you Gator Radio students and thanks to Paul's students too for your great questions!
22:07:50 Martha C.: That was fun. ^_^
22:07:56 dragonslayer852: yes it was
22:08:01 PeggyG: Great show
22:08:02 SusanEttenheim: thank you all!
22:08:07 SusanEttenheim: good night
22:08:09 PeggyG: Good night all
22:08:18 Martha C.: I just want to say thanks for all the great advice
22:08:19 dragonslayer852: good night
22:08:25 carolteach4: @matt - you are everywhere -how can I contact you by email?
22:08:50 matt montagne: TTalk to you later Martha and Kevin! We look forward to watching you develop your own show
22:09:01 Martha C.: thanks!
22:09:05 matt montagne: @carol
22:09:08 dragonslayer852: i look forward to the next chat
22:09:17 matt montagne: mjmontagne at gmail
22:09:57 carolteach4: @matt - thanks, I have some questions I hope I can bother you with
22:11:56 carolteach4: @ Susan - I'd also like to be able to ask you some questions about your project at Youth Voices -my email is [email protected]
22:13:06 carolteach4: @Matt - I am so inspired by what you've accomplished with kids at your school and with helping teachers and kids connect
22:17:36 matt montagne: @ carol...thank you...its all the students...I'm just the cat herder
22:17:41 matt montagne: ;-)
22:19:30 carolteach4: Goog night all. Thanks for another wonderful learning experience. I'm starting to get it.
22:19:52 carolteach4: oops! [b]Good[/b] night all.