Teachers Teaching Teacher #150 - SproutBuilder Meets VoiceThread - 05.06.09

Post-Show description: 

Susan Ettenheim just started using Sproutbuilder this spring and is always happy to work with VoiceThread, an all time favorite application, so we decided to introduce them to each other with you joining us in the conversation. Trudy Marquardt from Sproutbuilder joined us with Justin Ellsworth, a Sprout using educator, and Ben Papell and Steve Muth from VoiceThread.

Susan Ettenheim just started using Sproutbuilder this spring and is always happy to work with VoiceThread, an all time favorite application, so we decided to introduce them to each other with you joining us in the conversation. Trudy Marquardt from Sproutbuilder joined us with Justin Ellsworth, a Sprout using educator, and Ben Papell and Steve Muth from VoiceThread.

From VoiceThread: With VoiceThread, group conversations are collected and shared in one place from anywhere in the world. All with no software to install. A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate pages and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Share a VoiceThread with friends, students, and colleagues for them to record comments too. Users can doodle while commenting, use multiple identities, and pick which comments are shown through moderation. VoiceThreads can even be embedded to show and receive comments on other websites and exported to MP3 players or DVDs to play as archival movies.

Steve and Ben, aside from sharing with Trudy and Justin and our listeners, introduced the amazing new VoiceThread Library. The Digital Library is a database of articles about successful VoiceThread projects. It creates a resource that offers guidance and inspiration for people undertaking new projects.

Sprout Builder is a web-hosted, visual authoring solution that allows creative professionals to quickly and easily create branded, rich-media content and widgets. So, why are we interested in it for education? Our students want to build, build, build - who wouldn't want to "make a website" and publish it?

When Harold Rheingold posted  a tweet about SproutBuilder, Susan was intrigued, having followed his work for many years since his very first books about online community.

Susan's students had been asking to build websites and since becoming a Google Apps school, students had access to Sites. Could they start a Site that could grow to be a digital portfolio over the four years of high school? Could Sites be interesting enough to them to hold their attention? They started a main page and then were frozen. What could they talk about? They were "only" in 9th grade. They needed to gain some confidence and validate the interests and passions that they did already have. Every student found a topic about which they wanted to learn more and built a Sprout to explore the topic. Along the way, they learned about fair use, developing a point of view and a hook into a story, citations and rss feeds. They started to learn about widgets and social media and saw how a giant like Pepsi, http://www.pepsithrowbackhub.com/index.html and a 9th grade student could explore using the same tool.

Trudy Marquardt at SproutBuilder started answering Susan's help questions and introduced her to Justin who has started an amazing wiki about SproutBuilder.
Here are some links that Justin shared:

Here are some links to get you started:

Here is a link to a YouTube Video that Trudy made on Sprouts and Education:

oh and... the link to the VoiceThread Moodle embed plugin - http://voicethread.com/blog/

Thank you Harold Rheingold for your Twitter posts! One of Harold's college students has even corresponded with one of Susan's students about building Sprouts.

Where are the intersection between widgets, commercialism, education and those amazing creations like Voice Thread and Sprout who seem to knit it all together? Please add your thoughts and experiences to our discussion. Keep it real!

Click Read more to see a transcript of a chat that was happening during the webcast.


09:08:03 claire123: hello
09:08:23 claire123: huh apparently i'm the only one here
20:35:46 Paul Allison: Find links for tonight's webcast here: http://friendfeed.com/ttt
20:35:56 Paul Allison: Welcome
20:45:09 Paul Allison: Welcome.
20:45:15 Paul Allison: We'll start in about 15 min.
20:45:48 Paul Allison: Links for tonight's TTT webcast: http://friendfeed.com/ttt
20:53:53 SusanEttenheim: hi trudy hi martha hi kevin!
20:54:14 Martha: hi
20:54:24 trudycarol: hi
20:54:31 kevinmace: howdy susan
20:55:03 SusanEttenheim: we're just getting setup -  no sound yet
20:57:19 SusanEttenheim: hi justin welcome
21:00:29 SusanEttenheim: hi everyone - almost ready to broadcast
21:01:57 SusanEttenheim: hi all so you should be able to hear us now
21:02:25 SusanEttenheim: http://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/
21:02:35 SusanEttenheim: just link testing
21:02:46 leewin: hello everyone!
21:03:41 Techyturner: No sound yet, working on it.
21:03:58 Odarri: hello,
21:04:04 Odarri: everyone
21:04:07 SusanEttenheim: hey all can you hear us?
21:04:15 Techyturner: Not yet.
21:04:29 SusanEttenheim: listen to edtechtalk A please
21:04:33 leewin: yes.
21:04:37 SusanEttenheim: can anyone hear us?
21:04:42 Andrew Peterson: no volume here
21:04:48 Fred Haas: You can be heard but it occasionally drops in and out
21:04:52 leewin: kinda patchy
21:05:04 carolteach4: Yes! I can hear you. God Bless You. Darn allergies
21:05:13 justinellsworth: Need rain.
21:05:16 Fred Haas: Everyone sounds pretty heavy on the reverb
21:05:25 carolteach4: Was that a sneeze or audio glitch?
21:05:31 Susan van Gelder: intermittent sound
21:05:40 Paul Allison: http://friendfeed.com/ttt
21:05:42 Susan van Gelder: now better
21:05:57 PeggyG: I'm hearing the audio great on iTunes
21:06:16 carolteach4: I thought you'd sneezed. That's what the God Bless You was.
21:06:28 Andrew Peterson: i hear you now
21:06:57 SusanEttenheim: ok everyone - we're starting!
21:07:23 SusanEttenheim: thank you for joining us tonight - can you all hear ok?
21:07:28 Andrew Peterson: yes
21:07:28 PeggyG: you should feel proud that you have done so many shows :-)
21:07:41 SusanEttenheim: thanks peggy
21:07:46 Techyturner: not yet but still working on it
21:07:59 SusanEttenheim: techyturner - are you on apple or windows?
21:08:07 PeggyG: They are my favorite all-time guests on ETT! Hooray for VoiceThread!
21:08:10 leewin: all clear on the sound front
21:08:33 Andrew Peterson: Ludingotn MI here  :-)
21:08:40 justinellsworth: Yes!
21:09:01 Techyturner: windows, but I know the issue.  Will be loggin out and moving to another computer.
21:09:03 PeggyG: where's Susan?
21:09:12 Miriam: Can't hear Susan at all
21:09:22 leewin: No Susan
21:09:24 Andrew Peterson: is she muted
21:09:42 Andrew Peterson: (red icon)???
21:09:43 Susan van Gelder: lost sound
21:09:43 Steve M: she's troubleshooting now
21:10:12 PeggyG: we need to hear about SproutBuilder :-) Missed it
21:10:19 Paul Allison: Here's some links http://friendfeed.com/ttt
21:10:22 Andrew Peterson: welcome back  :-)
21:10:27 PeggyG: hearing Susan now
21:11:27 kevinmace: how do i get sound?
21:11:45 carolteach4: Well, while all of you are getting set up, I have to tell you that I have listened to the stream of your Dec. 1997 end show (where you all shared how technology had moved you )a number of times. So I decided to listen live. I have been on EdTechBrainstorm, and am expanding. Now I'll listen about SproutBuilder. It's a new one for me.
21:11:56 PeggyG: @kevinmace-click on the icon under ETT-A
21:12:19 PeggyG: Always great to see you carolteach4!!
21:13:04 carolteach4: You, too, Peggy. Your welcoming ways have really encouraged me.
21:13:29 PeggyG: We have some wonderful guests tonight!!
21:13:31 techyturner: I can hear clearly now!
21:13:49 PeggyG: Welcome techyturner!! So glad you're here!
21:13:57 SusanEttenheim: wow I'm not used to talking and moderating together!
21:14:21 SusanEttenheim: hi ron and everyone else who I've not welcomed yet tonight- thanks for joining us!
21:14:27 PeggyG: http://sproutbuilder.com/
21:14:33 Andrew Peterson: thanks for doing this
21:14:37 SusanEttenheim: thanks peggy!
21:14:44 SusanEttenheim: have any of you seen this?
21:14:51 Andrew Peterson: nope
21:14:56 leewin: Can't wait to hear more about this app!
21:15:10 SusanEttenheim: ok - stepping back a minute - could you all please say where and what you teach?
21:15:23 PeggyG: greetings from Phoenix AZ :-)
21:15:32 SusanEttenheim: I'm in a NYC public high school and I'm responsible for the library, technology and I teach elective classes
21:15:42 PeggyG: I'm a retired elementary principal and university instructor
21:15:48 leewin: Cold Lake, Alberta Canada- Language Arts, Social Studies Gr 7/8
21:15:52 Andrew Peterson: Emerging Technology, Network Security, West Shore Community College
21:16:09 ronlink: South Bronx,  Visual Studies and English, High School
21:16:10 SusanEttenheim: welcome leewin and andrew
21:16:16 SusanEttenheim: hey ron!
21:16:20 leewin: thnks!
21:16:24 carolteach4: I am a middle school (grades 7 and 8) technology integration teacher.
21:16:25 ronlink: hi Susan
21:16:31 Miriam: New Zealand, primary school librarian
21:17:03 leewin: carolteach4 luv to hear what you are doing in your classroom.
21:17:24 PeggyG: http://socialmediaclassroom.com/digitaljournalism09/wiki/a-short-guide-h... Demo Sprout on wikis
21:17:38 SusanEttenheim: yes we first saw the tornado one!
21:17:45 justin ellsworth: http://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/
21:18:04 PeggyG: @justin-thanks for the link
21:18:06 Fred Haas: English Hopkinton High School - Hopkinton, MA
21:18:18 SusanEttenheim: hi fred welcome!
21:18:37 carolteach4: We are into all sorts of things - collaborative websites using Google apps, voice thread, moodle, PhotoStory3, the Microsoft office applications, of course. We are not there, but we're on the journey.
21:18:43 Susan van Gelder: Montreal - work with teachers via LEARN http://learnquebec.ca
21:18:56 Andrew Peterson: we just switched from BlackBoard to Moodle last year
21:19:13 PeggyG: @carolteach4-what an exciting journey you're on and you're off to such a great start!!
21:19:18 Fred Haas: It's been a few weeks but I got free for tonight's show
21:19:29 SusanEttenheim: hi susan - welcome! great to be in the same place at the same time again!
21:19:34 leewin: Ive played with some of those apps as well. Photostory 3 is great! Andrew how do u like Moodle?
21:19:39 justin ellsworth: http://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/woo/classrooms/2nd/index.php
21:19:51 Andrew Peterson: I love Moodle. 
21:20:10 PeggyG: that's a great example-thanks!
21:20:19 carolteach4: @leewin - perhaps we can get our kids collaborating. I am dying to hook some of my kids up with kids in another school. I'm cstanley on Twitter. See if you can follow me.
21:21:01 PeggyG: how do we get Sprout in a Moodle course?
21:21:13 Andrew Peterson: Woo Hoo
21:21:15 SusanEttenheim: what do you mean peggy?
21:21:15 leewin: I'm @leewin on twitter. gimme a sec and I'll add you! :)
21:21:26 Fred Haas: @Peggy You should be embed them
21:21:31 PeggyG: are the sprouts just embedded in the moodle?
21:21:41 PeggyG: that's what I thought-thanks Fred
21:21:59 SusanEttenheim: fred have you done that?
21:22:02 justin ellsworth: in Moodle, add a Label, toggle to HTML, and embed the code! :)
21:22:14 PeggyG: Ben and Steve are definitely educators!!
21:22:22 SusanEttenheim: thanks justin!
21:22:28 Andrew Peterson: sprout is 'just' (sorry couldn't think of a better word) a WYSIWYG
21:22:39 Andrew Peterson: add a question mark there....
21:22:40 justin ellsworth: It will show up in your list of topics/weeks and not as a separate page.
21:22:41 Fred Haas: @Susan No not yet. I rember you bringing them up a month or so ago and got too busy with other things to play with it.
21:22:41 carolteach4: I keep trying to click on links, and google toolbar is blocking popups, even though I said allow them. Then I get kicked out of the chat.
21:23:20 PeggyG: @carolteach4-try floating your chat window so you don't have to leave the webpage
21:23:51 PeggyG: click on the blue folders on the right side of the chat toolbar
21:24:04 carolteach4: @Peggy. I'm not sure how to do that. Is it in the tools below?
21:24:10 PeggyG: yes
21:24:36 kevinmace: voice thread?
21:24:37 PeggyG: that's where Voicethread comes in--interactive :-)
21:24:49 carolteach4: got it -Thanks
21:24:54 PeggyG: great!
21:24:58 leewin: @carolteach4 if you are using Chrome then you can pull the tab out of the browser to make anew window.
21:25:33 PeggyG: the power of VoiceThread is the conversation it invites!
21:26:22 Fred Haas: A lot of small companies have been successful keeping it simple and doing one thing really, really well.
21:26:40 PeggyG: can you upload a Sprout into VT?
21:26:49 carolteach4: Voice Thread is such a wondeful tool. I got one of my science teachers to come in with her kids on earth day, and they added to the EarthCast09 thread. It was a rush.
21:26:51 Andrew Peterson: im currently enrolled at University of Phoenix and taking a class on "technology in the classroom"  We've spent 6 weeks talking about spreadsheets and databases
21:27:17 Fred Haas: @Andrew - I'm sorry
21:27:26 carolteach4: Can you send us the link again?
21:27:31 Andrew Peterson: lol, it's a masters level class :-\
21:28:06 Fred Haas: http://socialmediaclassroom.com/digitaljournalism09/wiki/widgets-lab
21:28:20 justin ellsworth: If you can embed code (try a You Tube vid code) into VT, you should be able to embed a Sprout.
21:28:34 Andrew Peterson: the medium matches their method of interaction
21:28:45 justin ellsworth: Sprouts embed anywhere like embedding a You Tube video.
21:29:09 leewin: I really like using Posterous. Super easy.
21:31:13 Fred Haas: The Rheingold Social Media Class has directions on embedding the Sprout in Posterous.
21:32:05 justin ellsworth: http://singtokids.wikispaces.com/Fifth+Grade
21:32:11 Fred Haas: Is there a specific way to search specifically for Sprouts or VoiceThreads?
21:32:21 PeggyG: they have to go through the stage of creating them first, then reflect and write :-) makes sense!
21:33:08 PeggyG: @justin--what a great example!
21:33:17 leewin: my students really like to tweak their projects. I am so encouraged by the amount of time they put into their work.
21:33:22 justin ellsworth: one of our music teachers <3 sprouts!
21:33:46 Andrew Peterson: what type of security is in place to keep someones sprout from being hacked.
21:34:04 justin ellsworth: http://singtokids.wikispaces.com/Fifth+Grade
21:34:22 leewin: Our school site needs an update. This would certainly be a great way to build some interactive content.
21:34:35 PeggyG: yes "Spotacular Six" :-) very creative!
21:34:51 justin ellsworth: they were the fab five but one really wanted to be the 6th
21:35:23 carolteach4: I just looked at the singtokids wiki - can't wait to look at the sprout
21:35:47 justin ellsworth: I spent an intial 3 hour training and a subsequent 3 hour "drop in" help session with the elementary teachers at our school and they have Sprouts!
21:35:59 carolteach4: I take pictures a my school all the time - photographer and archive them - this might be a good tool for me
21:36:02 SusanEttenheim: hi zp welcome where and what do you teach?
21:36:13 PeggyG: that is really going to be helpful--detailed articles that help you to understand the value of the VTs that have been created! Very exciting!
21:36:17 SusanEttenheim: yes carolteach4 there's a slideshow
21:36:32 Miriam: One thing I can't figure out from the sprout website is about pricing for schools...
21:36:32 justin ellsworth: On average, they prob. spet about 3.5 hours learnign Sprout.  Compared to other apps., I'd say it's average.
21:37:01 SusanEttenheim: miriam as far as I understand anyone can have a free account for 3 sprouts
21:37:13 justin ellsworth: Yes, 3 free, I believe.
21:37:25 trudycarol: yes
21:37:26 SusanEttenheim: then if you want to keep a lot, there's a 50% discount for educators is that right justin?
21:37:28 Miriam: Thanks Susan. I'm imagining a class doing, say, a sprout for an inquiry research topic...
21:37:30 zp: Hello, I am from Hamilton ON - teacher and tech integration
21:37:38 PeggyG: that detailed description of the process will help to ensure that the VT example is really a quality example
21:37:39 justin ellsworth: Yes, 50% I believe.
21:37:51 Miriam: but they'll have several each year... so to stay within the 3 free, they'll need to delete some earlier ones...
21:37:57 Andrew Peterson: is there a charge for VoiceThread?
21:38:07 Miriam: and then any embedded sprouts (e.g. on school website) would be broken.
21:38:42 carolteach4: What is half price?
21:38:44 justin ellsworth: We priced out VoiceThread for 14000 teachers and students - it gets really cheap anually.
21:38:48 techyturner: Phoenix, Az 5th gr SS,Sci, Math (this year)
21:39:00 justin ellsworth: Sprout 50% off the published prices.
21:40:05 carolteach4: That is really too bad. I think that Voice Thread is downloadable now. Thanks so much.
21:40:16 PeggyG: that download features it so valuable with VT!
21:40:47 Andrew Peterson: any integration between VoiceThread and Moodle?
21:40:50 carolteach4: I haven't downloaded that EarthCast09 Voice Thread that my students participated in, but I will tomorrow.
21:40:54 PeggyG: tell us more about the portfolio work
21:42:23 leewin: someone sounds frustrated. rant away! ;)
21:42:26 Andrew Peterson: well said Justin  :-)
21:42:30 PeggyG: if they are embedded in a Moodle site are they still blocked?
21:43:02 carolteach4: Our superintendant just sent a district wide email encouraging teachers to get a moodle account started. He is interested in being able to keep kids in touch with teachers in the event of schools closing in a pandemic.
21:43:32 Andrew Peterson: moodle can be a great way to allow parents check up on their students grades too
21:43:46 PeggyG: that's a great plan carolteach4!
21:43:55 justin ellsworth: With our experience, nothing gets blocked in Moodle.  However, our Moodle is on a county ISD server and I'm not sure how their web filtering differs.
21:44:06 Steve M: recently created a VT Moodle embed plugin http://voicethread.com/blog/
21:44:14 leewin: That's pretty progressive. Sometimes no rhyme or reason to our network filtering.
21:44:16 carolteach4: Couldn't building a webpage with Google sites do the same thing as a portfolio?
21:44:21 PeggyG: the portfolio would be more valuable if it could be downloaded and saved!
21:44:35 justin ellsworth: Sprout is way spohisticated!
21:44:58 PeggyG: that's exciting Steve--VT Moodle plugin!
21:45:22 Steve M: more Moodle integration to come, we're pretty excited by the possibilities
21:45:27 leewin: Could also be done in a wiki as well.
21:45:45 Andrew Peterson: that's what I wanted to see Steve, thanks
21:46:10 carolteach4: Right now, Google sites cannot be downloaded. I hope they change that.
21:47:19 SusanEttenheim: I'd love to hear more about Google Sites - I'm feeling a little frustrated at the Sites limitations
21:47:33 leewin: Is there a screencast of Sprout tutorials?
21:47:48 SusanEttenheim: http://techfarm.wikispaces.com/Sprout
21:48:00 SusanEttenheim: try this it has been helpful to me
21:48:04 justin ellsworth: :)
21:48:09 Miriam: One key thing on a sprout as eportfolio would be for the students network (peers, teachers, parents) to be able to leave comments (formative assessment).
21:48:24 justin ellsworth: It's a work in progress so bear with me on the techfarm wiki!
21:48:38 justin ellsworth: bare
21:48:52 Andrew Peterson: I think my technology budget just went up a couple hundred bucks
21:49:00 leewin: thanks!
21:49:12 Susan van Gelder: saw amazing photography portfolio in VoiceThread
21:49:24 Susan van Gelder: with student reflections on her work
21:49:42 trudycarol: we have all our tutorials on YouTube
21:50:12 trudycarol: and within S B
21:50:26 carolteach4: I introduced that pottery gallery on Voice Thread to our art teacher. I hope she and I and her students can follow that example with our students' work.
21:51:09 SusanEttenheim: carolteach4 in youth voices, we created a whole series of suggestions of how to talk about those images
21:51:41 Fred Haas: SHould the focus be on projects or consistent building of habits?
21:51:51 SusanEttenheim: wow fred
21:52:13 Andrew Peterson: sandbox education  :-)
21:52:36 carolteach4: Susan - I went out and looked at Youth Voices, but I need to have more time to investigate. I really want to get our kids participating outside the walls of our school, but I'm still working out how to do that.
21:52:41 Susan van Gelder: learn by doing
21:52:44 Fred Haas: I tend to be more on the consistent habit building, but I have to confess that i see the students grow fatigued at times.
21:52:47 PeggyG: I really agree with that perspective--just start using the tool rather than spending hours "teachin" about it!!
21:53:02 Andrew Peterson: i like the learn by failure method
21:53:11 justin ellsworth: Kids figure this stuff out in no time.
21:53:25 SusanEttenheim: I agree with you all but I completely exasperate my students sometimes
21:53:30 justin ellsworth: teachers take a little more time but they are the real innovators. 
21:53:41 leewin: I would tend to agree with Fred.
21:53:49 techyturner: Learning by doing is the method i used in my former training position.
21:53:50 trudycarol: agree - just drag and drop SB
21:54:12 carolteach4: That project based idea for professional development is soooo great. Otherwise, PD gets so bogged down in the details. That's what I loved about Google sites; it was so intuitive.
21:54:29 carolteach4: 42 minute periods and 45 day quarters
21:54:40 Andrew Peterson: 3 hour block night classes  :-)
21:54:54 Andrew Peterson: only 15 classes though
21:54:56 Fred Haas: If it is only about projects, they don't always get a chance to really get a deep handle on things, because they don't get enough reps.
21:55:03 justin ellsworth: Yes, building a reliance upon one another after PD helps them to figures out the little details/functions.
21:55:14 Andrew Peterson: learning teams
21:55:42 leewin: Fred, sry what do you mean by reps?
21:55:51 SusanEttenheim: carolteach4 I wanted my students to share samples of their best work and it seems very hard to do in Sites - do you have any suggestions?
21:56:40 PeggyG: I think Google Sites has some definite limitations in that regard
21:56:40 justin ellsworth: wikis are really popular for building versatile web pages.
21:56:50 carolteach4: Teachers get hung up on feeling that every student should know how to do every part of the project, but that is not how it works in the real world of work.People do the part of the project they are best at. I still have a problem with this, too.
21:56:51 techyturner: Another issue though is that those teacher teams do not have the option to get back together and continue working on "the project."
21:56:52 Fred Haas: @leewin - If you are trying to build habits they need repetitions of exercising the same skills, perhaps with new twists but they need to do things more than once to really get it and gain some kind of mastery.
21:57:15 Andrew Peterson: http://www.google.com/educators/gta.html
21:57:18 Susan van Gelder: It depends on how you define a project - so many are make-work
21:57:48 Miriam: Our classrooms use an inquiry model for 'projects', a la Big6 style... so that iterative process goes on over the inquiry period (sometimes days, sometimes longer)
21:57:57 Fred Haas: In some ways that is teaching via the design method.
21:58:16 leewin: @ Fred OK. Its what I thought you meant. However, is that not built into the process of completing a project.?
21:58:58 Miriam: So any tool that fits in with that questioning, gathering info, analysing etc... the important thing to me is understanding "why" you're using the tool, rather than how, as kids esp seem to figure that out easily enough (mostly)
21:59:49 carolteach4: Susan- what kinds of projects? Photos of physical projects can be uploaded. If you build a page in the File Cabinet mode, you can upload Word docs, Excel docs, flash animations, movies , ect. I believe you can even upload .mp3 files there as well. It's not pretty, but they can all be opened and viewed. I'd actually convert Word docs and Excel docs to .pdf
22:00:36 SusanEttenheim: yes we converted to a pdf and then used the attachment feature at the bottom of the page - is there a better way?
22:01:43 PeggyG: what a powerful example Paul!
22:02:15 leewin: That's a great project. Any project that has real world application is really motivating to students? Real learning by doing.
22:02:34 carolteach4: Wow! that is a really great project. I can see our Leo club kids doing something like that.
22:02:55 PeggyG: transformative goes far beyond presentation aka PPT!
22:02:56 trudycarol: there is a Sprout on http://rchs.schoolengine.com on ed
22:02:58 SusanEttenheim: yes carolteach4 that sounds great
22:03:28 Fred Haas: I have been obsessing over this idea that you have to find the proper media to suit what is to be expressed. It s all about communication.
22:03:41 leewin: I'm going to go and try it out now! Thanks to everyone!
22:03:53 leewin: Thanks trudy!
22:04:03 carolteach4: As long as there is such an emphasis on mastery tests and schools are evaluated according to test scores, it will be hard to spend enough time on these real-world collaborative projects. We are moving in the right direction.
22:04:05 Andrew Peterson: thank you all
22:04:28 justin ellsworth: Sprout is an awesome option for kids when they are creating projects.  VT is too.  And all the other cool stuff out there!
22:04:43 trudycarol: [email protected]
22:04:44 leewin: BTW check out teachers connecting .com a great site for linking teachers together for collab projects.
22:05:17 SusanEttenheim: thanks leewin - sounds interesting!
22:05:27 justin ellsworth: Sprout saves trees.
22:05:34 leewin: lol
22:05:38 SusanEttenheim: :)
22:05:42 trudycarol: YEA
22:05:48 justin ellsworth: no more posterboards.
22:06:00 justin ellsworth: at a minimum.
22:06:08 PeggyG: that's exciting that you're bringing Matt's Gator Radio students on your show! They are doing and incredible job!!
22:06:18 carolteach4: Thanks for Teachers Teaching Teaching; I have started to listen to some of the older shows. So much to learn. I burned the Dec 07 show to a CD and played it in my car as I traveled to school and back.
22:06:25 Andrew Peterson: any chance of getting a session on games in education?
22:06:37 leewin: Great idea!
22:06:41 carolteach4: Maybe Matt Montagne will help me to get some of my kids in CT involved.
22:06:44 Fred Haas: Thanks all
22:06:53 PeggyG: what an exciting lineup for future shows :-) Thanks for a great conversation tonight!!
22:06:59 SusanEttenheim: what a great idea andrew
22:07:10 techyturner: Thank you
22:07:17 SusanEttenheim: there's a new gaming school starting here - I'd love to meet them!
22:07:18 Andrew Peterson: im very biased, that's what my master project is focusing on
22:07:25 leewin: Check edutopia. Had a good artiucle about games in education.
22:07:34 Andrew Peterson: yup, love George Lucas  :-)
22:07:43 justin ellsworth: Thanks for being a part of my first online talk!
22:07:49 leewin: Happy May 4th the former anyways!
22:07:50 SusanEttenheim: andrew the school is called quest and it's a nyc public school - check it out!
22:07:56 Paul Allison: Thanks Susan.
22:08:07 SusanEttenheim: thanks everyone! goodnight!
22:08:15 Andrew Peterson: thanks susan
22:08:16 SusanEttenheim: thanks Paul :)
22:08:20 PeggyG: good night all!
22:08:26 leewin: gotta run nice mtg everyone.
22:08:34 carolteach4: Thanks for moderating, Susan. Are you on Twitter?
22:08:41 SusanEttenheim: yes - susanettenheim
22:08:44 SusanEttenheim: and you?
22:08:51 carolteach4: cstanley
22:08:58 SusanEttenheim: got it!
22:09:18 carolteach4: I am only following about 15 educators, but I'd like to follow you.
22:10:17 leewin: carolteach4 check out follow Friday sometimes its a good place to see others on twitter for following other educators as well
22:10:30 carolteach4: I am learnig so much by following the links on twitter. I can't imagine following hundreds of people, however.
22:10:42 SusanEttenheim: night all!
22:10:47 Andrew Peterson: g'night
22:11:07 carolteach4: Good night!
22:11:16 leewin: I wouldn't have found out about sprout  except through twitter. Great tool if used properly. ;)
22:11:54 carolteach4: I got into Twitter via Bob Sprankle and Seedlings. He is one of my heroes.