
Post-Show description: 

The pre-Earthvcast09 edition in which we welcome @carolteach4 to the ETBS

The pre-Earthcast09 #EC09 edtion of the annual Earth Day event from -- yet another of the good works growing out of the Worldbridges rhizome. Welcome to @carolteach4 and apologies to her for the tardy posting of her on-air debut.



Chat Transcript:


 20:58:42  Sheila : Hi ds!
 20:59:03  ds : hey Sheila
 20:59:12  ds : how are you?
 20:59:18  ds : salut JL
 20:59:20  Sheila : Hi JL
 21:00:02  Sheila : I think I have some people considering a WCA session this summer.
 21:00:08  Sheila : NH people
 21:00:14  ds : nice
 21:00:29  Sheila : They are also doing Earthcast. 
 21:00:33  JL : Howdy all - gotta grab some dinner.  Should be back in about 20 minutes.  
 21:00:42  ds : cool JL, cya then
 21:00:43  JL : Got our first intern intro of 2009
 21:00:45  JL : ttys
 21:01:37  matt montagne : hey y'all
 21:01:43  Sheila : Practiced with one teacher and she is feeling comfortable to do an hour now for Earthcast. Was going to do 30 mins. 
 21:01:54  Sheila : Hi Matt!
 21:02:07  Sheila : Molly is going to do an hour now
 21:02:18  matt montagne : hey sheila...
 21:02:24  matt montagne : that is great
 21:03:39  ds : skype lines are open kidz, c'mon in
 21:04:33  Sheila : Hi mrsdurff!
 21:04:52  matt montagne : hey durff, james, et al
 21:05:07  James Sigler : Hi Matt
 21:05:23  matt montagne :
 21:05:40  matt montagne : please help spread the word regarding EC09
 21:06:30  Sheila : May have the local npr station interested  . . 
 21:06:44  matt montagne : @sheila...awesome!!!
 21:07:02  mrsdurff : go on matt and sheila
 21:07:10  mrsdurff : i gotta eat
 21:08:00  mrsdurff : i'm listening
 21:08:04  mrsdurff : hi lorna
 21:08:07  Sheila : Hey Lorna!
 21:08:11  lorna : Hi all
 21:09:26  mrsdurff : oh i will try
 21:09:32  Sheila : :)
 21:09:41  mrsdurff : i do gotta sleep some
 21:09:49  matt montagne :
 21:09:56  Sheila :
 21:09:57  lorna : Hi sheila
 21:10:35  mrsdurff : that beauty rest is not helping
 21:10:54  mrsdurff : hi carol
 21:11:13  matt montagne : Earthcast09 teaser courtesy of Jason Robertshaw
 21:11:26  matt montagne : hi carol teach!
 21:11:56  mrsdurff : nothing like the big sounds
 21:12:00  carolteach4 : hi mrsdurff - just participated in Seedlings - glad I'm on vacation so I have the time to do this. It's new to me and really exciting. I've learned so much this week.
 21:12:25  mrsdurff : glad to have you hear too
 21:12:27  carolteach4 : hi, matt - beautiful audio
 21:12:45  mrsdurff : there's a visual with it too, i think
 21:13:36  carolteach4 : Hi, nice to be back. I don't have Skype, yet. One step at a time. I do want to learn how to use it.
 21:14:13  carolteach4 : I think I already left a message at the voice thread.
 21:14:42  mrsdurff : a landline?
 21:14:43  carolteach4 : I think it's great. How do I call with my cell phone? It's free now it's after 9:00
 21:15:32  matt montagne : @carol...I don't think we have hidef conferencing setup right now for you to call in...
 21:15:33  Sheila : Wait till he comes up for air.
 21:15:45  mrsdurff : that's carol!!
 21:15:54  JL : DJ Doug, playin' the voicethread tunes!
 21:16:03  mrsdurff : yup
 21:16:10  mrsdurff : she is famous!!
 21:16:29  carolteach4 : Oh, my gosh! That is awesome! I can't believe you found that and broadcast it so quickly.
 21:16:57  carolteach4 : I left that last Thursday after my first time on Ed Tech Talk.
 21:17:06  mrsdurff : :)
 21:19:40  matt montagne : that is cool, isn't it Carol! Thanks again for leaving a comment
 21:19:44  mrsdurff : he's the major lurker
 21:19:51  mrsdurff : SL?
 21:19:58  mrsdurff : where?
 21:20:05  mrsdurff : SLURL?
 21:20:12  Sheila : ohhh! It was nice!
 21:20:22  mrsdurff : ask jokaydayia?
 21:20:34  carolteach4 : I think Voice Thread is great and would like to get more of my teachers using it
 21:20:57  mrsdurff : yeah Carol!!!!!!!!!!!!
 21:21:20  Sheila : Carol you are on the air!
 21:21:26  Sheila : or internet . . 
 21:21:30  mrsdurff : Carol is making EdTech history
 21:21:37  lorna : Nice to here the excitement
 21:21:41  lorna : hear
 21:21:55  mrsdurff : awwww
 21:22:56  Sheila : @Carol, we hear you all, although people in the chat room are on a delay. Thus the convo in the chat may be slow - - not me! :)
 21:23:22  Sheila : Well, maybe I am slow - I didn't hear it.
 21:23:35  Sheila : It's a lagomorph!  Sp?
 21:23:54  mrsdurff : yup 30 secs
 21:24:21  mrsdurff : you don't notice unles your on the show
 21:24:58  mrsdurff : bob!
 21:25:06  mrsdurff : cheryl!
 21:25:22  Sheila : Carol you went right by me in the seacoast in NH
 21:25:22  mrsdurff : we might know them
 21:25:36  mrsdurff : and she didn't stop
 21:25:43  mrsdurff : some people
 21:25:47  Sheila : :)
 21:25:53  mrsdurff : Carol you star
 21:26:39  mrsdurff : roadkill?
 21:26:41  mrsdurff : yuck
 21:26:49  Sheila : deer was the biggie!
 21:26:59  Sheila : not yet! T-shirt.
 21:27:08  mrsdurff : how 'bout "I'm roadkill" ?
 21:27:32  carolteach4 : One of my son's friends gave him a book called "The RoadKill Cafe"
 21:28:14  mrsdurff : this summer? i'm in
 21:28:30  lorna : people like hand holding
 21:28:31  mrsdurff : but that doesn't work
 21:28:38  mrsdurff : the live does work
 21:28:55  mrsdurff : learning in the connections
 21:29:06  carolteach4 : Unfortunately, he found out about if first hand a couple of weeks ago. He and his girlfriend were on their went to a pet expo in Pennsylvania when a deer ran into the passenger side of their van and pretty well totalled it. Luckily, they were not hurt, but unfortunately, the deer was a goner.
 21:29:09  mrsdurff : need the live synchronous connections
 21:29:29  lorna : @mrsdurff I agree 
 21:29:41  mrsdurff : so glad they were not hurt!
 21:29:49  carolteach4 : Me, too. 
 21:30:29  mrsdurff : we sort of did labtime with those down under one year
 21:31:00  carolteach4 : By the way - I was referring to Bob Sprankle and Cheryl Oakes - Cheryl blogs for Tech & Learning, as well, and Bob's Seedlings is great. I've been listening to his podcasts.
 21:31:41  mrsdurff : a class for 6 wks to 9  wks would be good
 21:32:44  mrsdurff : Carol - I might know them
 21:33:03  mrsdurff : seems vaguely familiar
 21:34:17  carolteach4 : Bob was one of the first to podcast with his kids when he was teachng 2nd-3rd grade. Now he's the tech coordinator and doesn't get to do so as much.
 21:34:45  lorna : PC are good for some things
 21:34:54  carolteach4 : Aren't you on the Seedlings Ning?
 21:34:55  lorna : por macs
 21:34:57  lorna : poor
 21:36:20  mrsdurff : it's the ADD kicking in, ds
 21:37:06  carolteach4 : Oh, Audacity crashed. We use that in school all the time.
 21:37:09  mrsdurff : Jose the king of free wifi
 21:40:43  mrsdurff : just create edtechtalk logons
 21:42:09  mrsdurff : mj has the power
 21:42:51  mrsdurff : i'll get you!
 21:44:05  mrsdurff : s adams is the Lady to watch
 21:44:42  s Adams : So how do I bump people off? :p 
 21:44:52  mjmontagne : right click
 21:44:54  mrsdurff : you may
 21:44:57  mjmontagne : try it with durff
 21:45:05  mrsdurff : try it sheila
 21:45:09  mrsdurff : yup
 21:45:10  s Adams : no right click so control click?
 21:45:13  mjmontagne : cntrl click
 21:45:21  mrsdurff : right click on my name
 21:45:51  Durff : :)
 21:45:52  s Adams : But with power!!!!
 21:46:01  Durff : now mj's turn
 21:46:12  Durff : try her out mj
 21:46:24  carolteach4 : What was tht experiment all about? Moderators being able to kick off people who are inappropriate in the chat?
 21:46:37  s Adams : yess
 21:46:49  Durff : yup
 21:46:57  Durff : mj
 21:47:05  s Adams : With students we will need it with my, I mean some middle schoolers.
 21:47:07  mjmontagne : Hey druff...I only see Ban IP ...I don't want to do that...I don't see kick
 21:47:17  Durff : really?
 21:47:19  carolteach4 : Can we have the link to the Earthcast09 again?
 21:47:29  mjmontagne : ohh, I see it [insert deranged laughter here]
 21:47:31  s Adams :
 21:47:41  ds :
 21:47:47  s Adams : Not again Durff!
 21:47:51  mrsdurff : well done
 21:47:55  s Adams : That matt!
 21:47:55  ds :
 21:48:02  mjmontagne : thanks furff...good to practice
 21:48:14  mrsdurff : furff?
 21:48:14  ds : 2nd a bad link
 21:48:30  mjmontagne : DS:
 21:48:34  s Adams : Hi Jason!
 21:48:43  mrsdurff : like that voicemail where the guy said mrs dorff - i hung up
 21:48:56  s Adams : :)
 21:48:58  ds :
 21:49:03  ds : thx matt
 21:49:33  s Adams : I'm graduating after Durff!
 21:49:40  mrsdurff : nope
 21:49:47  s Adams : 2018
 21:50:01  mrsdurff : i'm late to my own funeral
 21:50:03  s Adams : Yikes only 9 years from now
 21:50:06  Jason R : Greetings
 21:50:18  mrsdurff : what makes you think i'll be on time for graduation?
 21:50:30  carolteach4 : Got it. Thanks.
 21:50:53  mrsdurff : 14 years late to funeral now
 21:51:08  s Adams : Well you keep mentioning 2017 so I thought you set it in Airset!  
 21:51:21  s Adams : lol 
 21:51:38  mrsdurff : 2017+14=2031
 21:51:54  mjmontagne : you'l be on time isn't optional
 21:51:55  mrsdurff : and that's if i succumb this year
 21:52:31  mrsdurff : i second that nomination
 21:52:45  s Adams : All in favor!
 21:52:51  s Adams : ?
 21:53:24  Jason R : Too much time indoors
 21:53:31  carolteach4 : A yuah!
 21:53:31  mrsdurff : that 1:1 program
 21:53:44  Jason R : Talk away
 21:53:56  mrsdurff : it's too graphic
 21:54:02  carolteach4 : I think I spelled that wrong. Shame on me - a Mainer exiled in CT
 21:54:14  mrsdurff : :)
 21:54:53  JL :
 21:55:43  mrsdurff : graham's old site?
 21:56:16  carolteach4 : I've been around for a long time. There was a real push for recycling and renewable resources back in the 70's, and then it kind of went away. I hope we are finally smart enough to keep awareness of preserving resources alive and well.
 21:56:40  JL : Yes, MrsDurff 
 21:57:59  carolteach4 : I am going to try and get some of my kids to comment on the Voice Thread for Earthcast09. That is - when they let us turn the computers back on.
 21:58:18  mjmontagne : aesome carol...let them know their comments will be aired live
 21:59:22  carolteach4 : In the words of David Warlick - "my brain hurts."
 21:59:33  mrsdurff : so did we say where in SL earthcast will  be?
 21:59:39  mjmontagne : Jose!!!
 21:59:41  Jason R : Just kidding, pro bono
 21:59:49  carolteach4 : I just lost the audio - what's up?
 21:59:50  mrsdurff : Jose?
 22:00:00  mrsdurff : i did too
 22:00:00  carolteach4 : It's cutting in and out.
 22:00:10  Jason R : I'll be making files for the logo available soon. 
 22:00:17  mrsdurff : someone tripped over a wire
 22:00:24  mrsdurff : back
 22:00:50  mrsdurff : they could be killing their 'puters
 22:01:03  carolteach4 : Oh, I see the Second Life fly over - maybe that's what happened. That's cool.
 22:01:07  mrsdurff : opn ustream
 22:01:19  mrsdurff : that's in SL
 22:01:26  mrsdurff : with audio
 22:01:31  mrsdurff : see it carol?
 22:02:01  carolteach4 : yes, durff, very cool, but the audio keeps cutting in and out -
 22:02:10  mrsdurff : not mine
 22:02:20  mrsdurff : you're seeing SL
 22:02:34  mrsdurff : are you in SL?
 22:03:08  mjmontagne : @Jason...I haven't seen the invoice for the Earthcast promo work! :-)
 22:03:11  carolteach4 : I have a avatar in Second Life, but I have to confess that the program confounds me. I haven't taken much time to explore it.
 22:03:39  mrsdurff : ISTE is a great place to visit
 22:03:49  mrsdurff : very friendly to everyone
 22:04:05  mrsdurff : usually someone there on duty
 22:04:08  carolteach4 : My character is Katharine Densh. I found my way there through ISTE, but I would need one-on-one training.
 22:04:25  mrsdurff : ask them
 22:04:33  s Adams : I can now sit in SL! 
 22:04:36  carolteach4 : Last time I logged in, I was all alone, and I was totally lost.
 22:04:54  Jason R : Wanted to do a quick shout out 
 22:06:18  Jason R : About
 22:06:25  mrsdurff : Jason is shouting?
 22:06:54  carolteach4 : echo?
 22:07:04  mrsdurff : i don't have one
 22:07:18  JL : you might be listening to shoutcast and Ustream
 22:07:28  mrsdurff : but it is after 10pm and i may turn into a pumpkin seed
 22:07:48  mrsdurff : i bid you all adieu
 22:07:55  s Adams : I hear you Durff! Hate being on the east coast at this time
 22:10:33  James Sigler : I'm trying out rebroadcasting audio through my Ustream.  It is working? 
 22:10:52  Jason R :
 22:11:09  Jason R :
 22:11:34  Jason R : Maybe someday will have a live component
 22:12:09  Jason R : This is why we have academies...
 22:14:33  carolteach4 : Thanks, guys. I've been at my laptop for about 2.5 hours, so I'd better bid adieu, as well. This is addictive, however. Thanks again for all the support, and I'm looking forward to Earthcast09. I'm going to put a link to it on my blog.
 22:14:47  carolteach4 : Lost the audio again.
 22:14:58  s Adams : @CArol glad you joined us!
 22:15:15  carolteach4 : Me, too. Good night.
 22:15:25  s Adams : I'll be doing a quiz on Earthcast from noon to 1 pm if you are interested with kids.
 22:15:30  s Adams : missed her
 22:15:43  JL : <04/16/09@21:10:09> [source] no data (30s timeout). disconnecting.
 22:18:22  s Adams : matt - has anyone done a press release for EC09?
 22:18:42  mjmontagne : no on the press release sheila...not a bad idea. 
 22:21:14  Jason R : Re: Webcast Academy, still interested in trying out Mac apps and streaming
 22:21:39  s Adams : Heading out! Thanks so much all!
 22:22:11  mjmontagne : bye sheila
 22:23:54  James Sigler : bulldog
 22:25:29  Jason R : Me checking out too
 22:28:16  JL :






Thanks for getting the stream posted, Doug. It's a real rush to see my name as part of the show. I'll be at school this Thursday evening(May 7,2009) photographing the spring concert. Hopefully, I'll get home in time to catch some of the show. I am learning so much from EdTechBrainstorm, Teachers Teaching Teachers,Women on the Web, Seedlings, etc. I've also finally embraced Twitter, and I'm learning so much from the links provided by the educators I'm following. Thanks again for your wonderful resource. I also want to add that another teacher and a number of students from my middle school added their voices to the EarthCast09 Voice Thread. I wasn't sure it was going to work, but WE DID IT! P.S. The idea of having "lab time" on the show sounds great. I need some help with getting my kids connected with other students outside our walls.