2009-04-09 Seedlings with Susan Phillips and Melanie Holtsman

Post-Show description: 

Happy Holiday Weekend, Passover and Easter! We kicked off the weekend with our Seedlings show, ON THE ROAD! Susan Phillips and Melanie Holtsman from Chets Creek Elementary School in Jacksonville, FL. Both Susan and Melanie joined us even though they were already on vacation. Talk about dedicated educators.Plus, you never would have known Susan was in a car with her family and two dogs! We enjoyed the show, hope you do to!

Alice, Bob and Cheryl are joined by Susan Phillips, lead adventurer from Chets Creek Elementary School from Jacksonville with her technology integration teacher, Melanie Holtsman. It is our first on the road show, where Susan is traveling and coming to us via cell phone. They have great service in Georgia because we only lost her one time! This show is about how a principal as the instructional/technology leader in the building, can take the whole school community on an educational journey and have her school with 96% of the students who are performing at and above standard. Congratulations to your whole school community.

Enjoy the show!

Seedlings Geek of the Week

The chat:

19:11:34 cheryloakes~seedlings Welcome this is going to be a rocking show.
19:21:47 cheryloakes~seedlings hi alice
19:22:14 alicebarr (SEEDlings) HI can you try me now?
19:24:05 Melanie Holtsman Making sure all is working :)
19:24:12 cheryloakes~seedlings all is working here!
19:24:45 bobsprankle hi all!
19:28:13 bobsprankle hi melinda!
19:28:14 cheryloakes~seedlings Hello Melinda! are the girls still sleeping?
19:28:40 Melanie Holtsman Welcome Melinda!
19:29:03 mmiller7571 oh no they are both crying right now:):) Starbucks not strong enough
19:29:16 cheryloakes~seedlings oh, too bad.
19:29:31 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoGYx35ypus
19:30:18 mmiller7571 have to go get my speakers to hook up to computer to override the crying be right back:)
19:31:02 cheryloakes~seedlings hello Karen Jan!
19:31:03 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Hey KAren Jan
19:31:04 Melanie Holtsman Welcome Karen :)
19:31:11 KarenJan Hey, everyone! right on time!
19:31:37 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Susan is on her cell phone!
19:32:06 KarenJan RT it on twitter
19:32:08 cheryloakes~seedlings how is audio
19:32:13 KarenJan great
19:32:14 cheryloakes~seedlings thanks karenjan
19:32:25 bobsprankle hi all :)
19:33:03 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Hello adina
19:33:06 bobsprankle hi karen! hi adina!
19:33:11 adinasullivan Hi all
19:33:12 KarenJan hi, bob!
19:34:17 KarenJan what is her blog's name?
19:34:36 Melanie Holtsman Susan's blog http://dreamleader.blogspot.com  
19:34:43 KarenJan thanx
19:34:56 Melanie Holtsman Our school http://www.duvalschools.org/cce  Chets Creek Elementary
19:35:02 cheryloakes~seedlings Yeah another kindergarten teacher!
19:35:03 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Hello thomas!
19:35:12 tcooper66 hello
19:35:15 Melanie Holtsman Hi Thomas :)
19:35:22 tcooper66 how do I hear the podcast/skype part?
19:35:42 alicebarr (SEEDlings) ON the PArticipate live page, click one of teh speakers
19:35:50 alicebarr (SEEDlings) That will give you the audio
19:35:52 KarenJan Hi, peggy
19:35:54 cheryloakes~seedlings on the front page go to the speaker and cliek to hear in itunes
19:35:55 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Hey Peggy G
19:35:58 PeggyG Hi everyone
19:36:00 cheryloakes~seedlings hi Peggy
19:36:11 bobsprankle hi peggy!
19:36:12 Melanie Holtsman Susan on twitter @dreamleader and I'm @Holtsman
19:36:19 cheryloakes~seedlings Melinda does this sound familiar
19:36:19 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Tonight's guest Susan Philips and Melanie Holtsman
19:36:25 tcooper66 looking don't see it.
19:36:37 PeggyG hearing you fine!! :-)
19:36:47 cheryloakes~seedlings thomas back on the start page, edtechtalk.com/live
19:36:51 cheryloakes~seedlings thanks peggy
19:36:53 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Go to edtechtalk.com/live upper right hand corner
19:37:05 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Hello jordana
19:37:07 cheryloakes~seedlings hi jordana
19:37:12 bobsprankle hi jordana :)
19:37:15 KarenJan Susan and Melanie - are you using technology in any specific ways with your students with special needs?
19:37:34 alicebarr (SEEDlings) LOVE THAT! Lead adventurer!
19:37:42 cheryloakes~seedlings don't you love it
19:37:50 bobsprankle awesome!
19:38:03 KarenJan a true learning community on a journey!
19:38:06 Melanie Holtsman We are a full inclusion school, so all kids get the same access :)
19:38:11 tcooper66 got it.
19:38:18 PeggyG that's excellent Melanie!
19:38:20 alicebarr (SEEDlings) @thomas Great!
19:38:42 alicebarr (SEEDlings) welcome msmithpds
19:38:44 cheryloakes~seedlings hi msmithpds welcome
19:38:47 bobsprankle hi msmithpds!
19:38:56 msmithpds thanks - new to this - looking around
19:38:58 Melanie Holtsman How lucky am I to work for a principal with vision?
19:39:09 cheryloakes~seedlings you are so lucky to have each other!!
19:39:18 bobsprankle very lucky!!!
19:39:18 alicebarr (SEEDlings) LOve her modeling risk!
19:39:38 KarenJan sounds like you are both fortunate to work with each other
19:40:05 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Welcome annefraser
19:40:12 adinasullivan Love an admin willing to take a risk
19:40:13 bobsprankle hi anne!
19:40:18 PeggyG great question Cheryl
19:40:28 Melanie Holtsman If you look on our webpage you will see a list of all our class blogs and professional blogs http://www.duvalschools.org/cce
19:40:34 cheryloakes~seedlings peggy you are my hero
19:41:15 KarenJan @melanie - who maintains your website?
19:41:23 alicebarr (SEEDlings) WOw! What a vision!
19:41:27 Melanie Holtsman I do - not my strong suit
19:41:45 PeggyG what an exciting story they are telling! :-) gives us all encouragement and motivation!
19:42:08 cheryloakes~seedlings hi shelia
19:42:20 alicebarr (SEEDlings) HI Sheila
19:42:27 Melanie Holtsman HI Sheila
19:42:28 sheila Hi All!  :)
19:42:36 PeggyG Hi Sheila
19:42:39 bobsprankle hi sheila!
19:42:54 mmiller7571 I am pretty sure that if I haven't broken anything yet it can't be broken probably jinxed myself
19:42:58 KarenJan Hi, sheila!
19:43:06 cheryloakes~seedlings melinda, too funny
19:43:28 sheila I feel like I jus walked into Cheers!  :)
19:43:32 sheila just
19:43:38 cheryloakes~seedlings   didn't you?
19:43:40 bobsprankle :)
19:43:45 cheryloakes~seedlings we are family
19:44:01 mmiller7571 Norm!!!
19:44:08 sheila Absolutely!
19:45:40 Melanie Holtsman We also have a large ESOL population
19:45:53 msmithpds what is ESOL
19:46:12 cheryloakes~seedlings english as second language
19:46:40 cheryloakes~seedlings hi adina! just saw you.
19:46:58 msmithpds LOL - i guess we call that ESL in Memphis- what does the O standing for -
19:47:13 msmithpds sorry for all the questions
19:47:42 cheryloakes~seedlings questions are great, thanks , keep them coming
19:49:15 adinasullivan Hey Cheryl :-D
19:49:17 sheila English for Speakers of Other Languages = ESOL
19:49:29 cheryloakes~seedlings thanks shelia, changes:-)
19:49:36 cheryloakes~seedlings hello benm!
19:49:41 bobsprankle hi ben!
19:49:46 bmcnaboe hi everyone
19:49:47 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Hi Ben!
19:50:18 alicebarr (SEEDlings) @Bob Ben got to meet Cheryl the other day:)
19:50:30 bobsprankle   i heard
19:50:39 cheryloakes~seedlings I got to meet both Ben's!
19:50:42 cheryloakes~seedlings hi JohnS
19:50:44 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Welcome John S
19:50:57 JohnS Hi, everyone.
19:51:50 annefraser hi all
19:52:13 cheryloakes~seedlings annefraser, welcome is this a first or second time for you here?
19:52:17 alicebarr (SEEDlings) For those of you  just joining us, Susan is on her cell phone traveling in her car! Such dedication!
19:52:42 annefraser a have tried to be on the chat for a couple of times
19:52:44 cheryloakes~seedlings Melanie is on a family vacation, yet with us
19:52:54 cheryloakes~seedlings annefraser, you are doing fine!
19:53:31 annefraser This is my most special podcast - you all are #1
19:53:44 cheryloakes~seedlings thanks Anne, we love this!
19:54:00 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Did you all read Speed Geeking on Kim Cofino's blog?
19:54:08 alicebarr (SEEDlings) As opposed to Speed Dating....
19:54:16 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Sounds fun!
19:54:27 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Share something in 4 minutes
19:54:27 cheryloakes~seedlings melanie's blog http://oneuponateacher.blogspot.com
19:54:55 cheryloakes~seedlings and another http://ccegeeks.blogspot.com   and http://livefromthecreek.blogspot.com
19:55:13 cheryloakes~seedlings   and the principal http://dreamleader.blogspot.com    Just great stuff
19:55:34 cheryloakes~seedlings This show will be a podcast later, with all links and the chat!
19:55:50 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://mscofino.edublogs.org/2009/04/05/take-your-faculty-speedgeeking/
19:57:50 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Hello kim
19:58:05 KarenJan thank you all - have to get home to spend some time with the fam
19:58:06 kcaise hi everyone
19:58:08 cheryloakes~seedlings Thanks, Melanie, great explanation.
19:58:17 cheryloakes~seedlings bye KarenJan!
19:58:26 Melanie Holtsman We are a Standards Based School so we started a ning for teachers to connect at http://settingthestandard.ning.com all educators welcome !
19:58:27 bobsprankle yes, integrated :)
19:58:28 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Bye Karen
19:58:37 Melanie Holtsman Hi KIM
19:58:48 msmithpds Okay - this idea on SpeedGeeking inservice set up is a work of Genius!
19:59:40 alicebarr (SEEDlings) @msmithpds Really a great idea. I'm going to try it.
19:59:48 Melanie Holtsman @msmith  Are you talking about the Geeks blog?
20:00:09 alicebarr (SEEDlings) @Melanie it's Kim Cofino's blog
20:00:28 cheryloakes~seedlings hello Terry! welcome.
20:00:42 bobsprankle hi terry!
20:00:43 Melanie Holtsman Ok, got behind... :)
20:00:47 tkaminski Glad I was able to make it, even though late
20:00:53 cheryloakes~seedlings melanie that is easy to do.
20:01:10 alicebarr (SEEDlings) HI Terry
20:01:16 tkaminski Hello ALice
20:01:17 cheryloakes~seedlings easy to get behind
20:01:43 tkaminski Hello Bob and Cheryl
20:02:03 Melanie Holtsman So important for them to understand it IS the curriculum, not an "add on"
20:02:05 sheila Because it is transparent, do you have parent concerns that the tech. is not taught as a separate class.
20:02:18 alicebarr (SEEDlings) @Sheila we do not
20:02:22 msmithpds it was the take you faculty speedgeeking blog
20:02:25 cheryloakes~seedlings yes, melanie, it is the way to create
20:02:46 Melanie Holtsman @sheila Not when they see that their kids are using tech in class
20:03:17 tkaminski If technology is truly integrated into all classes there is not need for a separate class to teach technology
20:03:18 msmithpds off to play pick up sticks
20:03:40 bobsprankle so agree terry
20:04:14 sheila I agree. But still have a learning curve with parents.
20:04:32 alicebarr (SEEDlings) @Sheila Maybe parents need to be educated as well
20:04:40 Melanie Holtsman @sheila That is true.
20:04:50 tkaminski We need the kids to show their parents what they are doing with tech at school.  Then the concerns go away
20:05:01 bobsprankle right on!
20:05:03 bobsprankle honest
20:05:14 cheryloakes~seedlings Go Melanie! coffee and technology, gotta love it.
20:05:27 bobsprankle coffee group. great idea!
20:05:46 cheryloakes~seedlings evening Durff, welcome
20:05:49 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Hey durff! Great to see you!
20:05:58 mrsdurff hey all
20:05:59 sheila We were talking about this today!
20:06:12 cheryloakes~seedlings interesting how this all connects, right Shelia
20:06:27 tkaminski Technology coffee talk sounds great.  I think of a coffee shop where the parents come in, have a coffee and dable in the same technology their children use.
20:06:34 Holtsman Kim Cofino is the coffee Talk inspiration
20:06:39 mrsdurff coffee?
20:06:47 cheryloakes~seedlings just in time Durff!
20:06:49 mrsdurff i'll talk some
20:07:02 cheryloakes~seedlings with cream or sugar
20:07:10 mrsdurff my friend is out of decaf verona
20:07:19 cheryloakes~seedlings oh, that sounds yummy
20:07:20 mrsdurff just black
20:08:19 cheryloakes~seedlings @mmiller, are the girls still sleeping?
20:08:27 mrsdurff that cofino woman is simply amazing
20:08:41 tkaminski Kim Cofino rocks!!!!
20:08:47 alicebarr (SEEDlings) @durff she sure is
20:09:00 cheryloakes~seedlings it is all about the conversation'
20:10:30 sheila This is so helpful and timely for me! :)
20:10:38 cheryloakes~seedlings isn't it great!!!
20:11:03 mrsdurff parents only think they keep kids from that stuff
20:11:06 Holtsman http://tech4families.blogspot.com  Parent blog
20:11:11 mrsdurff they don't
20:11:23 cheryloakes~seedlings yes, durff, we need to get that word out
20:11:50 tkaminski Thanks for the tch family blog
20:13:36 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Welcome jtroutner
20:14:27 Holtsman Is speechless good?  :)
20:14:34 alicebarr (SEEDlings) YES!!!
20:14:45 mrsdurff she threatened them!
20:14:50 cheryloakes~seedlings speechless is I don't know what to ask next!!
20:14:56 cheryloakes~seedlings Oh, yes, Facebook
20:15:01 alicebarr (SEEDlings) blown away
20:15:02 Holtsman LOL!
20:15:13 cheryloakes~seedlings Web 2.0 new tools new schools!
20:15:36 Holtsman New ISTE book for administrators coming out soon.  Susan wrote a little for it!
20:15:44 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Great advice!
20:15:51 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Title?
20:15:56 cheryloakes~seedlings oh, great advice, relationship, then risk
20:16:02 Holtsman I'm not sure, we'll have to ask her.
20:16:14 cheryloakes~seedlings Oh, great Melanie, we will look for that new book.
20:16:28 mrsdurff there are kids on this server too.....sigh
20:16:43 tcooper66 it is important to have administrators on board, but how much clout to teachers have with the community to push principals toward engagement.
20:17:45 cheryloakes~seedlings Oh, and Bob and I are in the book, Web 2.0 new tools new schools, I haven't seen it yet.
20:17:57 alicebarr (SEEDlings) When does that come out?
20:18:05 Holtsman July I think.
20:19:16 cheryloakes~seedlings relationships, risks and results! love this.
20:19:38 cheryloakes~seedlings good question is Facebook essential to your PLN?
20:21:50 tcooper66 have to go to dinner.  thanks for allowing me to participate.  you are doing great work.  i'm going to share your sites with our Elementary teachers.  keep it up.
20:22:03 Holtsman Thanks Tom
20:22:07 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Bye Thomas!
20:22:16 cheryloakes~seedlings thanks Thomas
20:23:09 mmiller7571 I am loving this but carrying around a 10 month old and crygin 3 year old I can't really participate sorry but this is so great and I have so many new ideas
20:23:25 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Bye Melinda Thanks for coming!
20:23:50 mmiller7571 Oh am still going to try to listen until the end
20:24:28 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Oh good!
20:24:43 Holtsman http://ccegeeks.blogspot.com
20:24:52 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://www.kidthing.com/nea/
20:24:57 cheryloakes~seedlings we have susan   back, they have a teacher of the week, geek of the week.thanks,
20:25:03 Holtsman http://www.glogster.com/edu
20:25:50 cheryloakes~seedlings susan's geek of week ccegeeks.blogspot.com
20:26:38 alicebarr (SEEDlings) And from the Ning: http://academicearth.org/lectures/the-world-is-flatThe power of the individual in a flat world. Great lecture series from Academic Earth.
20:26:57 alicebarr (SEEDlings) www.playauditorium.com An interesting site that incorporates music into highly interactive and challenging puzzles. You can play up to Act 4.1 for free. I have used this in my 6th grade computer literacy class to explore the concept of "thinking outside of the box".
20:27:17 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Bobs: http://lab.arc90.com/2009/03/readability.php
20:27:57 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Cheryls http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/games/questionaut/
20:29:07 mrsdurff kids never need directions on how to play games
20:29:26 mrsdurff i have yet to explain how to any kid
20:29:38 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Hooray chatroom!
20:29:39 Holtsman Thanks for having us!
20:29:58 mrsdurff hooray the dogs
20:30:00 tkaminski Happy Easter to all!!!!
20:30:21 mrsdurff happy four day weekend
20:30:31 Holtsman Have a great long weekend!  Ooooh Google! Yeah!
20:30:46 mrsdurff the dogs, the dogs
20:30:54 sheila Will send the Lorax link to the Earthcast crew unless mrsdurff has already done it! She's always quick on the draw
20:31:06 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Sorry about the quiet dogs :(
20:31:09 mrsdurff i didn't
20:31:13 tkaminski Google next week!!!!!  I can't wait!!!!
20:31:22 cheryloakes~seedlings thanks all of you!!