It's Elementary #30, Wikis in Education

Post-Show description: 

Have a listen as the It’s Elementary team interview Jeff Utech from The Thinking Stick. Our topic was Wikis in Education.  A great example of a webcast that almost never was or as Jeff Lebow says “Webcasting can be a very humbling endevour” or as Jennifer Maddrel said in the ETT Show Hosts chat, @jose ... trying to think of the most cheesy catch phrase (think the despair posters)and the best I can come up with ... "It takes the bitterness of the dips to appreciate the sweetness of the peaks"
2/10/09 10:36 AM... or "If webcasting is the intersection of messy and magical ... you were standing in the intersection when the light turned green" ... for some reason that one is REALLY cracking me up ...  Thanks to the Edtechtalk Community for all your support and @everyone and YES the sun will rise again for It's Elementary

JeffUtechtIt’s Elementary interviewed Jeff Utech from the Thinking Stick.  After a roller coaster ride on the Ustream train and some very interesting audio looping :-), we were able to salvage the last 20 minutes of the conversation.  Thanks to all that showed your patience and support during our live show and especially to Jeff Utech for his spirit of collaboration and a great example of an edtech superstar.  Make sure to check out all the great links in the Text Chat 

20:53:00  Scott Shelhart  : Standard stream or Ustream tonight?
 20:53:20  Durff  : ustream
 20:53:22  jutecht  : Good morning....wish I had another Starbucks.
 20:53:29  Durff  : momentle
 20:53:34  Durff  : hi she
 20:53:51  she  : hi
 20:53:58  Scott Shelhart  : Thanks Durff.  Ustream works so much better than the itunes or media player stream.
 20:54:02  Durff  : hi she?
 20:54:10  she  : sheila
 20:54:43  mdipaola  : @jutecht thanks for the tweet.
 20:55:13  jutecht  : @mdipaoia welcome!
 20:56:37  Durff  : hi!
 20:57:25  chriswherley  : trying to get access from my Asus eee with linux. should there be sound yet?
 20:58:57  AliceMercer  : Thanks for your kind comment on my blog chris!
 20:59:09  Durff  : not yet chris
 21:00:04  jutecht  : will be talking a lot about this site tonight.
 21:00:19  chriswherley  : @alicemercer you are welcome. going to share your with a teacher at school
 21:00:26  AliceMercer  : Oh oh, lol
 21:01:16  chriswherley  : :)
 21:01:20  Walter  : should I hear other voices than just a mail voice
 21:01:29  mdipaola  : @Walter stream's not up yet
 21:01:38  AliceMercer  : Can you hear me nagging lisa?
 21:01:44  Walter  : I hear Jose
 21:01:51  chriswherley  : :) :) :) :D
 21:02:04  jutecht  : ustream still working?
 21:02:14  ericjp  : off air atm
 21:02:16  Scott Shelhart  : was working, now off.
 21:02:40  Walter  : @jeff I could not figure out wetpaint  you must share tutorials
 21:02:51  Durff  : hang on folks
 21:02:58  chriswherley  : is it ok to watch 24 at same time as listening here
 21:03:03  Durff  : ustream up
 21:03:14  Scott Shelhart  : Everyone hum the jeopardy theme.....
 21:03:43  jutecht  : @Walter will do
 21:04:00  jutecht  : @chris don't give away 24...we want the box set the year two days. :)
 21:04:23  Scott Shelhart  : @Durff   no ustream yet.
 21:04:44  jutecht  : For examples of wikis in the classroom here is a good list to get you thinking
 21:04:47  chriswherley  : :)
 21:05:25  jutecht  :
 21:05:46  mdipaola  : @Durff got ustream!
 21:05:48  AliceMercer  : can you hear us now?
 21:05:55  Walter  : yes
 21:05:58  Durff  : ustream
 21:06:01  jutecht  : Ustream back up might need to refresh
 21:06:23  Scott Shelhart  : refresh fixed mine
 21:06:29  Durff  : folks durff has no mic  you are spared
 21:06:37  matt montagne  : hey y'all
 21:06:43  Durff  : hey matt
 21:06:52  Durff  : hi kim
 21:06:57  Durff  : hi she
 21:07:00  Kimberley  : Hi Durf
 21:07:07  matt montagne  : hey durff et all
 21:07:07  Scott Shelhart  : I heard Jose, then nothing. Am I having troubles?
 21:07:13  matt montagne  : is stream running??
 21:07:15  Kimberley  : nothing here
 21:07:24  Durff  : just ustream
 21:07:31  Scott Shelhart  : Just Jose here
 21:07:34  mdipaola  : I can only hear Jose
 21:07:37  Durff  : no shoutcast
 21:07:38  kcaise  : i heard it for like a second
 21:07:46  Kimberley  : me too
 21:07:47  matt montagne  : Im not gettin gany auido at all
 21:07:49  Durff  : you should hear jeff
 21:07:58  she  : :( nothing here
 21:08:00  JoseRodriguez  : Hey folks   sorry but firefox crashed...
 21:08:18  Durff  : hi maureen
 21:08:36  Maureen  : Hi Durff
 21:08:49  AliceMercer  : can you hear Jeff now?
 21:08:53  Kimberley  : no
 21:08:54  mdipaola  : nope
 21:08:55  kcaise  : no
 21:09:00  Maureen  : I have no sound
 21:09:07  Durff  : ustream
 21:09:08  kcaise  : i hear no one
 21:09:23  Scott Shelhart  : Durff is working on it....stand by please
 21:09:23  matt montagne  : no sound via ustream...only video
 21:09:24  Maureen  : Ustream is streaming video, no audio
 21:09:25  chriswherley  : can see the ustream but no sound
 21:09:33  mdipaola  : Able to hear Jose!
 21:09:34  matt montagne  : sound is good
 21:09:35  ericjp  : Good job.
 21:09:35  Scott Shelhart  : Jose.... hear you
 21:09:36  kcaise  : no i hear jose
 21:09:36  Maureen  : Yes! sound
 21:09:37  she  : yay!!
 21:09:38  chriswherley  : i can hear niw
 21:09:41  chriswherley  : now
 21:09:41  kcaise  : now***
 21:09:51  mdipaola  : OK, I hear two other people, but really really faint.
 21:09:51  AliceMercer  : try again
 21:09:53  Scott Shelhart  : everyone elses is REAL WEAK
 21:09:55  matt montagne  : but nobody else
 21:10:08  Scott Shelhart  : Way in the background
 21:10:18  kcaise  : i only hear jose
 21:10:40  matt montagne  : alice and jeff are really, really faint...they were barefly audible
 21:10:41  Durff  : hi mrgatto
 21:10:46  Scott Shelhart  : lost audio again
 21:11:01  Durff  : it was that obama guy blocking us
 21:11:14  Durff  : but we are persistent
 21:11:19  Durff  : so there
 21:11:21  Scott Shelhart  : Only hear the others when Jose breaks in
 21:11:41  matt montagne  : If anyone can make it work, it is Jose...
 21:12:03  mdipaola  : whoa, heard a audio squelch
 21:12:07  Durff  : dave?
 21:12:26  jutecht  : I love technology
 21:12:31  Durff  : third time IS the charm
 21:12:31  PeggyG  : can hear Jose loud and clearthat's all
 21:12:33  mdipaola  : Alice is still VERY faint
 21:12:34  ericjp  : shout.
 21:12:34  guest  : need a hand?
 21:12:39  Maureen  : just barely hear Alice
 21:12:43  mdipaola  : LOL
 21:12:50  mdipaola  : yes, we can hear you a little, alice
 21:12:50  matt montagne  : alice is super, super low...
 21:12:55  Durff  : i think jose should do the whole show
 21:12:57  PeggyG  : Alice sounds like she's in a big hole way underground!
 21:13:12  Durff  : well better than me peggy
 21:13:20  Durff  : my mic is zero
 21:13:21  PeggyG  : me too :)
 21:13:40  Scott Shelhart  : tried it at the page....same problem.
 21:13:46  Durff  : isn't this the week of the thirteenth?
 21:13:51  jutecht  : While your waiting check out some of the wiki examples on the wikis in education page.
 21:13:55  guest  : it shouldn't really be any different regardless of where you are
 21:13:57  Durff  : as in friday the 13th
 21:14:13  jutecht  :
 21:14:17  PeggyG  : Great suggestion Jeff
 21:14:22  guest  : the server is up... and all seems well on our side
 21:15:08  Durff  : it ain't what it seems
 21:15:14  jutecht  : @Peggy it's a great place to see how others teachers are using wikis
 21:15:33  jutecht  : You can use them in so many ways...
 21:15:44  Durff  : jose is an expert too
 21:15:49  Durff  : hey james
 21:16:13  Durff  : she's singing again
 21:16:15  James Sigler  : Hi everybody
 21:16:16  Scott Shelhart  : I just started some wikis for my Scout units.  The boys in the troop are learning how to edit and design.
 21:16:29  Durff  : we have made jeff's day
 21:16:34  Durff  : i am honored
 21:16:57  PeggyG  : did that site move to Wetpaint or has it always been there?
 21:17:01  jutecht  : @scott mind sharing the link?
 21:17:09  Maureen  : I can hear you Alice
 21:17:10  matt montagne  : I can hear alice clearly now
 21:17:15  Scott Shelhart  : YAYYY
 21:17:21  matt montagne  : nobody else
 21:17:23  Maureen  : no one else
 21:17:27  PeggyG  : just heard Alice no one else
 21:17:29  Scott Shelhart  : Only a female voice
 21:17:30  kcaise  : no, just you alice
 21:17:41  Durff  : hold o n
 21:17:50  Durff  : we are working on it
 21:17:55  matt montagne  : I think it is a Mac>Skype>Ustream issue...
 21:17:59  mdipaola  : we can hear everyone now
 21:18:07  Durff  : we can always party in the chat room
 21:18:07  mdipaola  : well
 21:18:08  ericjp  : i saw he has linein and soundflower i wish i knew how to help
 21:18:09  mdipaola  : alice at least
 21:18:16  jutecht  : @peggy it's always been there....1500 educators belong to that wiki
 21:18:23  matt montagne  : I had similar problem last week...I think ustream updated their flash interface
 21:18:26  jutecht  : a great resouces of educators using wikis
 21:18:29  guest  : @matt yup. mac and skype have simply never really gotten along... not in the last three years anyway
 21:18:36  Durff  : they did matt
 21:18:40  jutecht  : can you hear us now
 21:18:56  PeggyG  : I thought I was on it before but didn't remember it as a Wetpaint wikiI've just joined :)
 21:19:05  Scott Shelhart  : My scout troop's wiki (in progress)
 21:19:16  kcaise  : we hear alice and jose
 21:19:20  guest  : i can uh... hear
 21:19:30  matt montagne  : audio looping
 21:19:32  guest  : wow... never heard that before
 21:19:34  PeggyG  : is Alice studk?
 21:19:38  matt montagne  : sounds like a rap
 21:19:39  PeggyG  : stuck?
 21:19:42  guest  : YAY it's  3 redux!!!!!
 21:19:45  James Sigler  : She has a scratch
 21:19:54  guest  : this hasn't happened in YEARS!
 21:19:57  guest  : woohoo!
 21:20:00  Scott Shelhart  : Go ask alice....
 21:20:01  jutecht  : LOL
 21:20:07  PeggyG  : too funny! some days are just like that!!
 21:20:15  guest  : (i might be dave cormier)
 21:20:20  Durff  : sigh
 21:20:38  guest  : still willing to help...
 21:20:40  jutecht  : this make me feel so much better about
 21:20:52  jutecht  : I thought we were the only podcast with these issues.
 21:21:04  guest  : @jeff these issues never stop happening
 21:21:04  Durff  : obama did it
 21:21:26  Durff  : alice we have been jinxed
 21:21:28  jutecht  : Is ustream back up?
 21:21:29  Scott Shelhart  : kids are hollering...brb
 21:21:52  JoseRodriguez  : sorry jolks
 21:22:05  AliceMercer  : Can you all hear us?
 21:22:13  kcaise  : no
 21:22:16  ericjp  : stream's off air
 21:22:17  AliceMercer  : Crud
 21:22:18  kcaise  : no sound and no ustream feed
 21:22:51  PeggyG  : who is doing the streaming?
 21:22:55  JoseRodriguez  : audio should be fine on ustream   \
 21:22:56  Durff  : i want a refund
 21:22:56  AliceMercer  : Jose
 21:23:04  guest  : @Durff me too!
 21:23:05  ericjp  : :D
 21:23:06  Durff  : no ustream up
 21:23:35  ericjp  :   skype to ustream guide
 21:23:40  AliceMercer  : check again
 21:23:55  chriswherley  : hello all
 21:23:58  jutecht  : refresh we're back up :)
 21:24:04  chriswherley  : we hear you
 21:24:04  ericjp  : good job!
 21:24:05  Durff  : ustream ok
 21:24:15  PeggyG  : hooray!!! audio and laughter!!
 21:24:21  guest  : YAY!!!
 21:24:27  Maureen  : Very funny!
 21:24:30  chriswherley  : oops there is the loops. ah yeh
 21:24:35  PeggyG  : but still looping and repeating
 21:24:35  guest  : ETT 3!!!
 21:24:44  jutecht  : It's elementary right :)
 21:24:46  matt montagne  : @ericjp...I had the same problem Jose is having last week...I think it is something with ustreams new flash interface
 21:25:02  kcaise  : it is so difficult to stream with PC's
 21:25:07  kcaise  : lots of variables
 21:25:12  chriswherley  : hello
 21:25:18  matt montagne  : @kcaise...Jose is on a mac
 21:25:19  Maureen  : This is giving me time to catch up on all the tweets from today makes my multitasking easier :)
 21:25:21  kcaise  : and that audio repeater is a doozy
 21:25:24  Scott Shelhart  : i hear Jose...
 21:25:37  kcaise  : maybe that is why he is having more success
 21:25:42  guest  : alice seems to be the start of the looping
 21:25:51  kcaise  : jose, i thought you were a pc guy
 21:25:51  Scott Shelhart  : we hear both of u
 21:25:52  ericjp  : Winner.
 21:25:52  AliceMercer  : I'm loopy
 21:26:01  guest  : ...
 21:26:03  PeggyG  : hearing Jose now
 21:26:04  jutecht  : @kcaise I have wiretap for the mac best $100 I've spent
 21:26:06  guest  : there it goes again!
 21:26:07  chriswherley  : ok ok ok
 21:26:09  chriswherley  : ahh
 21:26:11  chriswherley  : ahh
 21:26:14  Scott Shelhart  : arrg.
 21:26:20  guest  : what's up with that
 21:26:23  guest  : what's up with that
 21:26:26  Maureen  : That's really even funnier....
 21:26:33  ericjp  : i've never tried to skypecast live, i'm glad it's not me struggling with this XD
 21:26:36  Kimberley  : good grief
 21:26:37  guest  : Jose's shout was priceless
 21:26:37  Scott Shelhart  : ...missed it by that much (Max Smart)
 21:26:43  kcaise  : i know if the audio repeater isn't on the sound will continuously loop and echo
 21:26:44  Durff  : oi veh
 21:26:44  chriswherley  : somebody is looping microphone into speaker or vice versa
 21:26:50  James Sigler  : I still haven't gotten 1/2 way through the 200 tweets I just got
 21:26:53  Durff  : coffee all round
 21:27:10  Durff  : i think we should have a swim party
 21:27:13  guest  : @chris nah... it's not a mic/speaker loop it's an internal soundcard loop
 21:27:18  James Sigler  : Shout  shades of James Brown
 21:27:21  Scott Shelhart  : cross your fingers.....
 21:27:23  sheila  : And it's not even Friday the 13th yet!
 21:27:24  guest  : dont. call. alice.
 21:27:31  guest  : loop
 21:27:33  guest  : i'ts not alice
 21:27:35  Scott Shelhart  : looped again
 21:27:36  guest  : it's jose
 21:27:40  mdipaola  : JOSE LOOPED!
 21:27:40  Maureen  : @James I left it running this morning when I left 1632 tweets later I'm home and getting to catch up.
 21:27:50  jutecht  : Any wiki questions while we wait?
 21:27:53  guest  : looping stopped
 21:27:57  guest  : @jeff what's a wiki?
 21:28:01  guest  : :P
 21:28:08  chriswherley  :  rap. too bad not recording this with audacity
 21:28:09  James Sigler  : @Maureen Yikes!
 21:28:11  guest  : My biggest problem with wikis @jeff
 21:28:27  guest  : @jeff how do you keep them from getting out of control?
 21:28:33  guest  : after, say, 5 months.
 21:28:52  guest  : no prob with people who are dedicated
 21:28:56  jutecht  : @guest managing the wiki can be difficult. Especially with students
 21:29:06  guest  : @jeff (@guest is dave cormier)
 21:29:22  guest  : loop!
 21:29:28  Scott Shelhart  : looped as soon as you answer the call
 21:29:31  jutecht  : clear guidlelines and lots of time to explore the wiki
 21:29:34  James Sigler  : Skype rap
 21:29:39  jutecht  : @david howdy!
 21:29:58  Scott Shelhart  : didnt skype just have an upgrade?
 21:30:08  James Sigler  : What was the topic tonight?
 21:30:19  Kimberley  : wikis in education
 21:30:19  jutecht  : Skype upgrade for PC a week or so ago.
 21:30:22  guest  : @jeff yeah... have you ever tried to use categories in something like mediawiki and have the kids understand the higher level org... or just links?
 21:30:27  Durff  : chat party
 21:30:47  guest  : like, say, replicating what you would do with a CMS
 21:30:48  Kimberley  : everyone post their site of the day here
 21:30:54  Scott Shelhart  : can we ditch ustream and try shoutcast?
 21:31:05  guest  : @scott we certainly can
 21:31:07  Durff  : i think we should all have one big beach party
 21:31:17  James Sigler  : Is the wikicode for Wikipedia the same as all other wikicode?
 21:31:21  AliceMercer  : Check it out folks
 21:31:21  jutecht  : @dave no mediawiki with kids is difficult I think do to the wiki markup
 21:31:27  guest  : @scott you and I could start a competing show RIGHT NOW and make snarky commentary
 21:31:32  matt montagne  : looks like moodle 2 will incorporate some type of media wiki integrations...
 21:31:59  AliceMercer  : You getting both of us?
 21:32:03  guest  : @matt but why would we... that's my question. the wiki made SUPER sense before hte simplified CMS... but why would we choose it now
 21:32:11  Scott Shelhart  : I just got a new headset...that would be a great way to break it in!:D
 21:32:37  Scott Shelhart  : i hear background noise....not sure who>
 21:32:39  James Sigler  : @jutecht I did wikibooks with my third graders last year.  Couldn't do more than text because of the markup lang
 21:32:42  derrallg  : hi everyone, no audio right now?
 21:32:46  mdipaola  : hearing Alice
 21:32:50  Maureen  : Hear ALice
 21:32:50  Scott Shelhart  : I hear alice only
 21:32:53  ericjp  : no jeff :(
 21:32:55  chriswherley  : hear aline
 21:32:58  chriswherley  : alice
 21:33:02  chriswherley  : no jeff
 21:33:03  matt montagne  : @guest...I'm just thinking that more robust, integrated wiki functionality in moodle will be nice...
 21:33:13  Kimberley  : just Alice;)
 21:33:13  Scott Shelhart  : ctlaltdel
 21:33:27  mdipaola  : @Alice what kind of sound card do you have? you can probably stream jeff through that
 21:33:40  JoseRodriguez  : Hey folks...
 21:34:01  JoseRodriguez  : with so many webcasters in the house....
 21:34:04  matt montagne  : @guest...and the authentication to one environment (moodle)...
 21:34:36  AliceMercer  : You all hear Jeff now?
 21:34:42  jutecht  : moodle wiki is not good tried to use it with 5th grade...disaster
 21:34:42  Scott Shelhart  : we need one of these.
 21:34:57  mdipaola  : can't hear Jeff
 21:35:13  AliceMercer  : Can you hear him now?
 21:35:23  James Sigler  : wiki easier than Moodle so far for me
 21:35:29  Maureen  : @jutecht moodle wiki is hard to use even for adults
 21:35:31  mdipaola  : still can't hear him
 21:35:33  mdipaola  : wait
 21:35:34  mdipaola  : off air
 21:35:35  guest  : night night all... good lucky with your webcasty
 21:35:46  James Sigler  : Night Dave
 21:35:47  Scott Shelhart  : What is better for a beginner?  PBwiki, wikispaces, or something else?
 21:36:04  AliceMercer  : Try again
 21:36:05  sheila  : sound!
 21:36:15  AliceMercer  : Can you hear Jeff??? PLEASE?
 21:36:19  sheila  : I hear you both!
 21:36:20  mdipaola  : not I
 21:36:25  Maureen  : @Scott I like wikispaces but haven't given all the others a fair shot.
 21:36:26  mdipaola  : will refresh
 21:36:26  chriswherley  : yes
 21:36:29  derrallg  : @scott I think wikispaces is the easiest to use of the thre
 21:36:32  JoseRodriguez  : who is streaming? 
 21:36:33  James Sigler  : I use Wikispaces with mine.  Although Pbwiki still pretty easy
 21:36:44  Durff  : i hear jeff
 21:36:51  matt montagne  : @jeffu...yeah, I had the same experience...moodle 's wiki is very old..moodle 2 will have some type of media wiki integrations which should give moodle users some more options
 21:36:54  Durff  : and he sounds great
 21:36:56  Maureen  : who is talking?
 21:37:01  Durff  : and unflustered
 21:37:02  AliceMercer  : Jeff Utecht
 21:37:06  JoseRodriguez  : I can hear ustream now
 21:37:15  Scott Shelhart  : wetpaint....I'll check that out.  Have only used PBwiki so far
 21:37:16  Durff  : love this guy
 21:37:23  mdipaola  : theeere we go.
 21:37:27  matt montagne  : wikis are definitlely easy, but when u start talking about students using wikis in multiple classes and with multiple teachers, then you'll want some coordination
 21:37:38  Scott Shelhart  : How did you fix the streaming problem?
 21:37:40  Durff  : but only one of three cohosts present
 21:37:45  JoseRodriguez  : no chances getting ustream super crasher?
 21:38:04  Durff  : be nice
 21:38:10  AliceMercer  : I am not using VAC, just pickign up jeff from my speakers, lol
 21:38:19  James Sigler  : @Scott Wetpaint front page is a little busy, but it has a template for class web pages
 21:38:26  matt montagne  : does wetpaint allow file storage like wikispaces?? The last time I checked it did not
 21:38:27  Durff  : we did a dance scott
 21:38:46  Scott Shelhart  : Aww... and no video tonightlol
 21:38:57  Scott Shelhart  : lol
 21:39:21  JoseRodriguez  : just glad Obama's speech is over... looks like he jinxed us tonight
 21:39:35  matt montagne  : wikispaces allows 2GB of file storage with free educator account which is cool...
 21:39:42  mdipaola  : lol. phone.
 21:39:51  Durff  : i think you are right jose
 21:39:57  Scott Shelhart  : Can I get a educator accout as a preservice teacher?
 21:40:02  James Sigler  : How do you handle students adding to wiki at the same time?
 21:40:21  matt montagne  : @James...that is the downside...
 21:40:23  JoseRodriguez  : I am undecided between wikispaces and wetpaint.
 21:40:30  mdipaola  : so here's my question: why the focus on wikis? why not use forums
 21:40:35  Maureen  : They have to be working on separate pages...
 21:40:36  derrallg  : @scott for wikispaces you just have to say it is used for some aspect of k12
 21:40:41  Durff  : they can edit different pages james
 21:40:45  Maureen  : yes
 21:40:50  mdipaola  : we can hear jose!
 21:40:53  Durff  : hear him
 21:40:54  ericjp  : everything is excellent now
 21:40:58  Scott Shelhart  : Thanks....I do have an .edu email address I can use.
 21:41:03  chriswherley  : all is good with audio
 21:41:13  derrallg  : @james my students are in groups that usually work together at the same time
 21:41:14  AliceMercer  : well, it's a duct tape solution, lol
 21:41:18  matt montagne  : @Jose...for me it is the file storage of  wikispaces that I like...
 21:41:22  Durff  : for now chris
 21:41:42  chriswherley  : :)
 21:42:01  derrallg  : Wetpaint is aesthetically the nicest but for simplicity it is difficult for elementary students compared to wikispaces or PBwiki
 21:42:40  Scott Shelhart  : @derrallg  What age students do you work with?
 21:43:05  derrallg  : @scott for 4 years 4th/5th and for one year 6th
 21:43:52  derrallg  : I tried PBwiki my first year and shared wetpaint with my high students and settled on wikispaces because of tracking student work which the others have now
 21:44:14  Scott Shelhart  : OK.  I wonder what age is appropriate to start using wikis in the classroom.
 21:44:24  derrallg  : @alice you can create your own accounts on wikispaces now uploading an excel
 21:44:33  PeggyG  : that's a great question Scott
 21:44:43  kcaise  : i agree @alice. difficult to embed documents in a wetpaint.
 21:45:08  matt montagne  : what happens when a student has 23 classes where the different teachers are using wikis...there is a good chance, if there isn't coordination, that they could end up with 23 different logins...
 21:45:14  PeggyG  : I agree Kim! I had a really hard time embedding documents on Wetpaint
 21:45:22  James Sigler  : I bulk uploaded my students directly to my wikispace this year to create student accounts
 21:45:30  JoseRodriguez  : I control access and yes.... 13 is the "rule"
 21:45:53  Durff  : exactly
 21:46:01  Maureen  : @matt I have several wikis my kids use one login and they request permission to join wiki.
 21:46:01  Scott Shelhart  : I read something last week about COPA expiring.  Any truth to that?
 21:46:12  mdipaola  : totally hate COPA.
 21:46:14  Kimberley  : I like jottit for ease of use
 21:46:15  matt montagne  : google's wiki is another option, especially if your school has a google apps for education network
 21:46:23  derrallg  : @scott that's what I thought had happened too
 21:46:38  Scott Shelhart  :
 21:47:22  JoseRodriguez  : I created wetpaint... accounts.. going with gmail + student name go around
 21:47:30  Maureen  : @matt I like google sites but have trouble embedding
 21:47:31  James Sigler  : @Matt Good point.  Multiple logins is going to be a bigger problem as we use more and more online tools
 21:48:30  JoseRodriguez  : we shouldn't get hung up on the tool.... but on the use.
 21:48:41  mdipaola  : @Jose agreed.
 21:48:55  James Sigler  : Oh, like that widget
 21:49:06  mdipaola  : @Jsigler would really really really love to see OpenID take off
 21:49:09  JoseRodriguez  : I do like the video feature
 21:49:10  mdipaola  : OH WOW!
 21:49:16  mdipaola  : that sounded like a 24 phone
 21:49:19  jutecht  : [email protected]
 21:49:26  derrallg  : mostly text
 21:49:27  Durff  : a who phone?
 21:49:30  matt montagne  : @Jose...I completely agree, but as a school, especially  when multiple teachers use this stuff, there has to be some coordinated use...
 21:49:35  derrallg  : not taking with many subpages
 21:49:48  JoseRodriguez  : @matt true
 21:49:51  mdipaola  : @Durff popular TV show.
 21:50:01  Durff  : i have no tv
 21:50:11  Durff  : thank goodness
 21:50:23  James Sigler  : @mdipaola True.  Like OpenID, but may still be a problem for under 13.
 21:50:25  Durff  : imagine all that i could break then
 21:50:44  Durff  : jeff is so good!
 21:50:55  Durff  : i appreciate him so much
 21:51:08  matt montagne  : quick quest for jeff...does wetpaint allow file storage??
 21:51:18  jutecht  : Thanks Durff
 21:51:30  James Sigler  : Would CMS like Moodle help solve some of multiplelogins problem
 21:51:32  jutecht  : @matt [email protected]
 21:51:32  PeggyG  : so glad Jose has been recordingreally want to hear the whole thing again!
 21:51:54  matt montagne  : thanks Jeff...appreciated...
 21:52:52  Durff  : remember if you ain't trying to break it, you aren't trying hard enough
 21:52:59  James Sigler  : Glad you finally got sound :)
 21:53:02  Durff  : i tried hard enough tonight
 21:53:06  chriswherley  : @jutecht can you  drop wetpaint education sites again
 21:53:19  jutecht  :
 21:53:23  Durff  : lol
 21:53:25  chriswherley  : thanks
 21:53:48  AliceMercer  : Your glad James!
 21:53:53  Durff  : wow 1400 !
 21:53:54  AliceMercer  : You're glad James!
 21:54:01  Durff  : that's a crowd
 21:54:02  James Sigler  : lol
 21:54:08  Durff  : mob rule?
 21:54:15  Durff  : wiki rule?
 21:54:40  Durff  : alice is echoing in chat now too
 21:54:49  JoseRodriguez  : signapore... really?
 21:54:55  chriswherley  : thanks jeff
 21:54:57  Kimberley  : wow
 21:55:08  JoseRodriguez  : I am geographically challenged
 21:55:10  jutecht  : Thanks everyone!
 21:55:16  JoseRodriguez  : thanks jeff
 21:55:20  Kimberley  : a great city
 21:55:21  chriswherley  : thanks Durff and AliceMercer
 21:55:29  Durff  : i did nothing
 21:55:29  chriswherley  : Thanks Jose
 21:55:34  Durff  : literally
 21:55:38  James Sigler  : I showed teachers in class web page workshop wetpaint wikis for making their simple, easytoedit, static class web site.
 21:55:39  derrallg  : thanks for a great topic and having Jeff on
 21:55:46  chriswherley  : good job of doing nothing
 21:55:47  Durff  : but cause a rucus
 21:55:59  Scott Shelhart  : Thanks folks.  Nice job trouble shooting and solving the problem.
 21:56:02  jutecht  : Back to meetings for me a PD day here in Thailand.
 21:56:24  chriswherley  : thanks all. good night
 21:56:42  Kimberley  : what is the weather like in Thailand at the moment
 21:56:56  jutecht  : @kimberley 90F and beautiful :)
 21:57:17  Durff  : 50 here
 21:57:24  Kimberley  : spent three days there on our trip to Asia
 21:57:39  Durff  : lol
 21:57:42  mdipaola  : good show, thanks guys
 21:57:42  Kimberley  : hard time dealing with the pollution
 21:57:48  jutecht  : Later everyone!
 21:57:51  Durff  : we had such fun
 21:57:58  JoseRodriguez  : thanks
 21:57:59  derrallg  : night
 21:58:06  jutecht  : Let mek now if I can helpwith anyting [email protected]
 21:58:08  James Sigler  : Good job Jeff
 21:58:45  Durff  : thank you all for sticking around
 21:59:20  AliceMercer  : Thanks everyone!
 21:59:44  Durff  : we already are a community
 21:59:53  Durff  : night
 22:00:04  Scott Shelhart  : When is the next webcat acadamy?