It's Elementary #27, 21st Century Literacies

Post-Show description: 
Have a listen as the It's Elementary team discusses 21st Century Literacies with our guest Angela Maiers.  We talked about literacy from it's foundation in brain research to it's application in the 21st Century Classroom.  Angela shared her work with her book Habitudes.   

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Angela Maiers
It’s Elementary show # 27 was a discussion with Angela Maiers about
21st century literacies. Angela is located in Clive, Iowa and currently
works as an independent consultant with both schools and employers. She
explained the brain research that is the foundation for these literacy
strategies was first discussed in the literature five decades ago. 
Angela divides these literacies into several important categories
(quoting from her website):



•    Listening - the start of collaboration and connecting starts here, don't you think
•    Questioning - there is no good search, without a good question. It
is our questions that allow us to make meaning, you discern what is
important and what is not, to analyze, validate, and seek out what is
most critical
•    Self Awareness - am I confident in this opinion and I willing to
take a stance, do I realize whem I need others help, and I am aware of
who I should seek to strengthen my weakness
•    Adaptability - the relaxation that the only constant is change, It
is literacy my ability to Read complex, multi-genre, multi-modal work
that supports me in that change, My ability to investigate the
variables that help me manage that change, and my open-minded attitudes
that allows one to handle the ambiguity that comes along with not
knowing the future
•    Connecting - in this complex world, engagement is enhanced with
connection. Our brain needs connection to make sense of the work. It's
a big plus to have a personal learning network (PLN) to help me. Strength comes in numbers - teaching students to find, connect, and
collaborate with others is vital to their future -- and ours.
[Maiers, Angela (2008, December 8). Angela Maiers. Retrieved December 9, 2008, from Maiers Educational Services, Inc. Web site:]

The record number of participants in our chat room listened to Angela
for one hour and fifteen minutes! We had to cut the webcast off at this
point, but I feel sure Angela could provide more useful information. 
Our next show will be on January 12th, 2008 at 9 p.m. Eastern. We are
back the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month.  Leave us your feedback at  

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