Seedlings 2008-09-04 with Kern Kelley

Post-Show description: 

Join Alice, Bob and Cheryl as Kern Kelley shares his experiences at Google Educators Academy. He had a blast, and you may too when you listen. Kern is such a visionary educator we promise that just by listening to him you will end up brainstorming new ideas as well.

Alice, Bob and Cheryl= SEEDLINGS 

Join us as we get an insiders look at Google Teachers' Academy with
Kern Kelley. Kern is a Google certified educator and in this edition he
speaks of his day at Google.

Here are the delicious links from the show.

“Geek of the Week” Links for 2008-04-09

Here is the all important chat:

19:24:59 cheryloakes webcaster -> -EdTechTalk: hello Doug,

19:25:08 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Hi doug.. Thanks for retweeting seedlings

19:26:17 ds -> -EdTechTalk: pleasure

19:29:10 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: Hello everyone. Hope the schoolyear is going well so far...

19:29:37 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all! Great to see you!

19:31:03 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: stream is coming through fine now on ETT-A

19:31:07 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all!

19:31:27 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Sheila

19:31:34 ds -> -EdTechTalk: hey again, sounds good on ETT A

19:33:00 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: there'll be more I'm sure :-)

19:33:04 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Nothing but the best!

19:33:12 ds -> -EdTechTalk: sounds good from all

19:33:17 ds -> -EdTechTalk: re levels

19:33:53 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: choosing teal . . .

19:34:04 ds -> -EdTechTalk: nice

19:34:09 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: hi all!

19:34:16 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Just waiting for Cheryl's kickoff to the show :-)

19:34:43 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Fans are a necessity for you! Same as AC for me in AZ! Can't live without it

19:35:48 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: welcome to seedlings

19:35:55 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: so glad to get to hear from Kern :-)

19:36:00 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Let us know how we sound, Hi Peggy.

19:36:09 Kern -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Peggy, Hi

19:36:09 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: sound good from NH

19:36:14 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: If your chat freezes tonight, just quit and sign in again.

19:36:44 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Kern, 5-8 school, now in Newport Maine

19:36:52 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: evening jstew

19:37:18 ds -> -EdTechTalk: sound is good here

19:37:19 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'm so envious of people are are getting to go to Google Academy. Waiting for one in AZ :-)

19:37:33 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: doug thanks for the sound check

19:37:40 ds -> -EdTechTalk: yw

19:37:41 jstew -> -EdTechTalk: good evening everyone

19:37:48 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: thanks doug, dave

19:37:56 ds -> -EdTechTalk: hi @jstew

19:38:04 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: how exciting Kern! it will be great to be able to focus your efforts on one school :-)

19:38:29 jstew -> -EdTechTalk: Anyone have dates for upcoming GTA. I missed out on Chicago :(

19:39:02 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: some time in sept, they will announce NYC

19:39:26 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: It was great to have Ben join us

19:39:32 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: We like Ben!

19:39:38 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @jstew November NYC

19:39:41 jstew -> -EdTechTalk: so NYC, Chicago what other cities does GTA go to?

19:39:42 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: yes peggy, he will be a webcaster soon, I think.

19:39:45 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: golden

19:40:00 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk:

19:40:07 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: evening Shelia how is school

19:40:28 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'll bet you're right! He was very comfortable on the mic

19:40:54 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Good, I'll chat with you later. Had a 1 to 1 meeting today.

19:41:08 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: oh, yes, let's chat

19:41:20 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what a great analogy for the golden ticket & Charlie! I can relate!

19:41:32 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: it is a great visual too

19:42:03 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Is GA a one-time experience or do people go back for a second time?

19:43:32 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: They're so spread out across the
country that it's not likely people would go to more than one

19:43:51 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Maine local to Chicago? very funny!

19:44:05 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Need to use Google Earth to check geography . .. .

19:44:06 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy, I feel close to you in AZ, so why not!

19:44:13 jstew -> -EdTechTalk: Would GTA come to Ann Arbor? Live in MI and that would be great!

19:44:36 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I what you do in the academy only possible f2f or could it be taken online?

19:44:36 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Shelia, GoogleSketch
up is coming to ACTEM Oct. 16th, look at

19:44:45 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: Is there a URL to the date or
application? I didn't see any on their google for educators page.

19:44:55 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Bet you have a natural support group after the experience

19:44:59 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: links will be in our show notes

19:45:28 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: thanks

19:45:35 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Dave, go sign up to
be a google educator and then you will be on their mailing list.

19:45:59 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Cheryl-that's so true about feeling close to people wherever they are :-)

19:46:23 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Hey, the staff at my school know both of you! :)

19:46:44 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: In fact, I mentioned you both today, Peggy and Cheryl!

19:46:49 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: way cool, Shelia, it makes the world so much smaller.

19:46:57 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Ears burning?

19:47:05 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Absolutely

19:47:06 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes Sheila!!

19:47:17 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Your school really rocks, Shelia.

19:47:22 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: I must be blind, I see the newsletter signup, but that's the only signup I see.

19:47:52 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Once Dave C, you are
signed up, then Christine Fodera, will email you the announcement.

19:47:54 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: hey collen!

19:47:56 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Why don't they offer it online?

19:48:03 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: hello colleen!

19:48:05 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl, ok thank you.

19:48:10 colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Bob! Hi everyone

19:48:18 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Is this Elaine P????

19:49:36 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: wouldn't it be awesome if our kids entered the classroom with the same enthusiasm? love it!

19:49:51 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Elaine, is this Elaine I've met?

19:50:05 Elaine -> -EdTechTalk: Yes it is! Hello all!

19:50:19 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: def, peggy!

19:50:20 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Yeah Elaine!! Glad you are hear.

19:50:21 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I felt the same way about edubloggercon and blogger's cafe at NECC

19:50:38 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: I mean here.

19:50:41 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: couldn't wait to get there to connect and learn from people

19:51:13 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy, that is true
for all folks in the chat, it really is powerful to finally meet
someone f2face after working together online.

19:51:39 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what a fantastic peer for you! Vicki has so much to share

19:53:01 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Vicki and Kern, the dynamic duo!

19:54:00 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: I used the car ride to EduCon to my advantage! ;)

19:54:23 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: say more Sheila about the car ride :-)

19:54:37 colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @sheila Who did you drive down with?

19:54:45 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, Shelia, car
rides are good for establishing relationships with podcasters and

19:54:48 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Cheryl and I went together

19:55:01 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Shucks Shelia,:-)

19:55:18 colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Oh..edubloogercon..I was thinking of Chris Lehman's Educon.

19:55:27 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: I so appreciated the
ride, and the conversation was exceptional, geocaching rules.

19:55:27 colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: or bloggercon ;)

19:55:40 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: oh I understand :-) I took advantage
of the Ning to find a ride to airport at NECC & had a wonderful
hour with Lori Abraham (sp?) It was the first time we met f2f

19:56:05 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: And the ability to make email accounts for students! I hope to use it this year.

19:56:06 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy, that was so smart that people carpooled.

19:56:09 colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @Peggy Was that Lor from DEN?

19:56:29 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: @Peggy - That was a bonus!

19:56:49 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes :-)

19:57:19 colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @Peggy She was the first person I
ever met online and I still haven't had the f2f pleasure yet.

19:57:52 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: that's such a good point about
newbies wanting a simple access to the tools. Google is great for that.
That's why I like Pageflakes so I can combine my favorites on one page.
But I also use iGoogle for that too.

19:58:03 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Oh, Colleen, you will have to meet Peggy in DC, right Peggy

19:58:17 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: She is such a go-getter and so willing to share. It was a real treat!

19:58:34 colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @Cheryl I will definitely, finally get to NECC this year.

19:58:57 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: dogs on cue--now we need the crickets :-)

19:59:13 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Probably coming soon :)

19:59:17 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy the fans are drowning out the crickets and frogs

20:00:38 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: is there a way to embed "non-google"
videos and docs on Google websites? I know you can embed YouTube &
Google Vid but I'd like to embed Animoto.

20:00:38 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Good point - take their work with them . . .

20:01:16 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk:

20:01:32 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'd also like to embed voicethreads on my Google website

20:01:58 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for the treehouse link-I missed that

20:02:39 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: that's good to know how students under 13 can participate

20:02:42 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Can we get a copy of the sign off paper?

20:02:54 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: I like that way Kern handles it.

20:03:01 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes I'd love to see the parent permission sheet

20:03:33 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: those are such helpful tips

20:03:45 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Kern is such a visionary.

20:03:53 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: definitely

20:04:39 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: that's such a universal way to create and share a digital portfolio and it's free

20:05:00 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Never bought domain names; guess I should consider it.

20:05:08 ds -> -EdTechTalk: ePortfolios by google

20:05:10 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @sheila-how are your teachers doing with their google surveys & docs?

20:05:11 ds -> -EdTechTalk: nice concept

20:05:39 ds -> -EdTechTalk: used to kill me during grad school, to lose it all every semester

20:05:41 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: We are still working on getting the schedules working right now.

20:05:58 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: need power . . .

20:06:11 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Doug, that is right,
if we want students to own their learning then it disappears year after
year, hm.....

20:06:22 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: right

20:06:34 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: we required our university students
to create digital portfolios be we were required to use TaskStream and
that is commercial & they have to pay to continue using it after

20:06:41 ds -> -EdTechTalk: I started my own blogspot blog to catalog some of it

20:06:51 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Kern will put the
links to his forms in the chat later. So come back and see our posted
info in a day.

20:06:55 ds -> -EdTechTalk: but yes, it is a double-edged sword, as Bob says....

20:06:57 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: schedules can be such a challenge! good luck!

20:07:22 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy, yes, that is an issue, paying to continue to have access to YOUR stuff

20:07:50 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: ability to scan documents is also something that students tend not to have at home

20:08:17 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: peggy, which means working on them digitally to begin with.

20:08:33 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Taskstream gives you a URL you can
use indefinitely, but if you don't have a subscription you can't go
back in and edit/update it after graduation

20:08:54 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes that is the key. create them digitally from the beginning

20:10:33 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: I wish! My laptop is an old wind-up model.

20:10:35 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what an exciting day for the students to receive their laptops!

20:10:58 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: wind-up models are new :-) XOs :-)

20:11:01 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Can you imagine, a whole high school, like all getting presents.

20:11:16 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy, yes XO's are just like that.

20:11:19 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: I do like the look of the new XOs with the virtual keyboard.

20:11:32 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: I will have to go look at that

20:11:42 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Interesting point about cleaning out your accounts!

20:11:55 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: that is such an interesting
thought--that students would think they throw out the past and start
over every year

20:12:13 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: RE: XOs - Totally flips open so there
is a screen on the top and bottom. When you need to type, you have it
be a keyboard.

20:12:21 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: yes, shelia, we
talked about that with your teachers, it does require planning, what
and how to save, where.

20:12:21 ds -> -EdTechTalk: what about the notion of offline backups of work? how is that handled?

20:12:36 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: my statement is coming from a person
who saves everything and needs to keep buying more storage space :-)

20:12:48 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: We just changed over so the students
will keep their uname throughout the district from school to school.

20:13:05 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: (including any of their saved documents to help build their eportfolio)

20:13:17 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: Dave that will be huge.

20:13:21 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I think if they are just saving
"assignments" they aren't as important to the students as things they
create on their own

20:13:54 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: that's great dave

20:14:21 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: love the test example-great teaching moment :-)

20:14:23 ds -> -EdTechTalk: you mean I need to change the test?

20:14:34 ds -> -EdTechTalk: lol

20:14:44 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: yup-you need to write questions that don't have a single right answer

20:14:48 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: doug, imagine!

20:14:48 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: Brasilia :-)

20:15:00 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: thanks DaveC

20:15:14 ds -> -EdTechTalk: my syllabus has date fields, so it's always current :)

20:15:28 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: clever Dave

20:15:34 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I mean ds

20:15:46 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: yes, clever

20:16:26 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Kern you're really establishing some
important concepts about collaboration and learning right from the

20:16:51 ds -> -EdTechTalk: have to run away for a bit -- great show all -- thanks and ttys

20:17:17 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: that naming process makes so much sense

20:17:41 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: can anyone answer my question about embedding non-google things on google website?

20:18:01 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: lol

20:18:10 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk:

20:19:04 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: it says pc only but Mac & Linux coming soon

20:19:20 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: yea!! Cool for students

20:19:34 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Oh, audio book converter sounds good!

20:19:47 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: a 3 hour show? that's when the pause comes in handy :-)

20:20:14 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: enhanced as well so you have chapters!

20:20:22 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what a wonderful tool

20:21:06 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: can't you just combine audio in Garageband on Macs?

20:21:21 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: yes, peggy... you could!

20:21:28 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: good idea

20:21:45 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: just trying to save money :-) it's already built in

20:21:48 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk:

20:24:49 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk:

20:24:58 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Have you seen Snackr? I have that on
my Mac and all of my rss feeds stream across the bottom of my
screen-sounds similar to spectra

20:25:31 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Peggy!

20:25:35 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: WoW!

20:25:41 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk:

20:25:56 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: So much to learn!

20:26:09 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I love it! it can be blogs, wikis, lots of things

20:26:34 thanporter -> -EdTechTalk: Did I miss the show?

20:26:52 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: cheryl's link

20:26:58 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: thanporter

20:27:07 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Towards the end now

20:27:58 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: Dave Warwick had a posting today about the pros/cons RE blogging.

20:28:31 thanporter -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks I got the audio going now.

20:28:35 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk:

20:29:23 DaveC -> -EdTechTalk: Sigh, I so cannot type and talk on
the phone at the same time as listening to a podcast. Dave Warlick's

20:29:25 alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk:

20:30:20 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: the NWP is conducting an amazing project Letters to the Next President

20:30:34 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: so glad you shared that Alice!

20:30:42 thanporter -> -EdTechTalk: There were a number of comments to davew's post. Looks interesting.

20:31:31 bobsprankle -> -EdTechTalk: thanks all!

20:31:35 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: @Peggy - How many tabs do you have open now?

20:31:40 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: we are referring to
our October Maine Technology conference Oct. 16, 17.

20:31:44 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: just discovered today that google
has a specific government search site-will be great for the elections

20:32:07 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @sheila--you don't want to know--several windows and over 25 tabs

20:32:16 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: :)

20:32:22 Elaine -> -EdTechTalk: THANKS

20:32:41 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: thank you all! I love your show and I learned a lot from Kern!

20:32:44 colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks all!

20:32:53 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for coming all, we so enjoyed having you.

20:32:54 thanporter -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks all.

20:32:59 sheila -> -EdTechTalk: This has been helpful. Thanks Kern and the Seedling crew!

20:33:11 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: yes edtech brainstorming :-)

20:33:12 cheryloakes seedlings -> -EdTechTalk: this will be a podc ast and the show notes by Sat.

20:33:21 PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: see you next week