Teachers are Talking Episode 9

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Lisa Parisi and Cheryl Lykowski were joined by Hall Davidson.  Together, they discussed many topics such as cell phone use in the classroom, technology today, and the Discovery Education Network.

The Chat:

2008-07-24 19:59:32 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi All!
2008-07-24 19:59:37 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Colleen Hi Alice
2008-07-24 19:59:39 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Colleen!
2008-07-24 19:59:44 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Alice!
2008-07-24 19:59:46 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl
2008-07-24 20:00:06 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Hi LisA!!!!
2008-07-24 20:00:08 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: HI Lisa!
2008-07-24 20:00:20 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hello All.
2008-07-24 20:01:14 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Alice, I hope I wasn't too harsh.
2008-07-24 20:01:18 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: I'll come back at 8:30 (haha).
2008-07-24 20:01:24 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Ha Ha
2008-07-24 20:01:53 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @Lisa... No they loved it.. All first time bloggers
2008-07-24 20:01:55 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Adina!
2008-07-24 20:02:15 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Martha!
2008-07-24 20:02:16 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Hoping they show tonight
2008-07-24 20:02:23 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: Hi!
2008-07-24 20:02:24 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @alicebarr I read through the blogs also. Commented on a few. Nicely done!
2008-07-24 20:02:43 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lisa!  Great to be here.
2008-07-24 20:02:47 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Martha!
2008-07-24 20:02:50 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @Colleenk Thank You SO MUCH!!
2008-07-24 20:03:00 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: They were blown away :0
2008-07-24 20:03:08 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: In a good way?
2008-07-24 20:03:15 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Colleen.... :)
2008-07-24 20:03:15 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: YEs!
2008-07-24 20:03:37 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Durff!\
2008-07-24 20:03:42 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @alicebarr You opened a whole new world to them.
2008-07-24 20:03:45 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Durff
2008-07-24 20:03:56 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenk Hope so! :)
2008-07-24 20:04:08 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: hey sound!
2008-07-24 20:04:42 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: yo?
2008-07-24 20:04:48 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @alicebarr Will you be ustreaming final projects?
2008-07-24 20:04:58 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: I love geocaching.  I got a class set of 8 and use them with my class.
2008-07-24 20:05:03 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, tomorrow at I think 11:00 and 1:00
2008-07-24 20:05:11 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: who is hosting
2008-07-24 20:05:13 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: Martha did you write a grant?
2008-07-24 20:05:16 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Am vwey excites about them!
2008-07-24 20:05:19 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: very
2008-07-24 20:05:30 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, it was a QWEST Grant.
2008-07-24 20:05:35 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: it's the girl upstairs
2008-07-24 20:05:43 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: Martha very cool
2008-07-24 20:05:45 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: she hogs the bandwidth
2008-07-24 20:06:00 [Message] JL -> -Webcast Academy: you can skype 'worldbridges'
2008-07-24 20:06:01 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @martha Do you do geocaching as part of a math unit?
2008-07-24 20:06:24 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: I feel I am a moodle newbie.
2008-07-24 20:06:24 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: who is the host?
2008-07-24 20:06:37 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: For many of us, it is better to add 1 thing at a time, rather than getting overwhelmed by everything
2008-07-24 20:06:41 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenK Showed my Dad who is a math teacher, your site as he is tutoring my niece. he LOVED it!
2008-07-24 20:06:42 [Message] lorna -> -Webcast Academy: I am here to make music
2008-07-24 20:06:43 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: so cool
2008-07-24 20:06:55 [Message] LoriSheldon -> -EdTechTalk: I am starting to get the hang of moodle. Not as intuitive as wikis
2008-07-24 20:06:57 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: alice do you want to come into the skype chat and talk about your class?
2008-07-24 20:07:01 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: They got stuck on the tools :)
2008-07-24 20:07:02 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenk  We used it as a part of mathtrails among other things.  Lots of math possibilities.
2008-07-24 20:07:06 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Sure
2008-07-24 20:07:07 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @alicebarr Thank you! Always glad to hear that.
2008-07-24 20:07:17 [Message] LoriSheldon -> -EdTechTalk: baby steps
2008-07-24 20:07:21 [Message] JL -> -Webcast Academy: skype 'worldbridges'
2008-07-24 20:07:23 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: turn on skype, Alice
2008-07-24 20:07:29 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @loriSheldon Absolutley!
2008-07-24 20:07:38 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @lisa Turning on now
2008-07-24 20:07:41 [Message] JL -> -Webcast Academy: http://www.ourschool.ca/images/webcastcademy_10_200.gif
2008-07-24 20:07:48 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: alice.barr
2008-07-24 20:07:51 [Message] LoriSheldon -> -EdTechTalk: YES!!!!!!
2008-07-24 20:08:01 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: yes
2008-07-24 20:08:03 [Message] LoriSheldon -> -EdTechTalk: it is not about the tech it is about the learning
2008-07-24 20:08:10 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @martha Seems like it would be a very math-rich activity. I should look into it.
2008-07-24 20:08:31 [Message] LoriSheldon -> -EdTechTalk: they see it as an add on
2008-07-24 20:09:00 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: wikis are a great resource
2008-07-24 20:09:13 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: It has to be seen as an alternate way of doing something, not extra
2008-07-24 20:10:11 [Message] LoriSheldon -> -EdTechTalk: that's what some folks think 21st century skills are
2008-07-24 20:10:30 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @LisaParisi I thought your comment was very constructive.
2008-07-24 20:10:46 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Colleen
2008-07-24 20:10:58 [Message] mr_rodriguez23 -> -EdTechTalk: Does this chat correspond to the live stream?
2008-07-24 20:11:03 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: yes
2008-07-24 20:11:30 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: exactly Lori
2008-07-24 20:11:43 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: cooking while listening... fire alarm just went off.  Got to pay attention.
2008-07-24 20:11:55 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: @Martha ;-)
2008-07-24 20:12:00 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @alicebarr We don't quote him anymore (lol).
2008-07-24 20:12:13 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: @Martha hubby is firefighter want me to send him over
2008-07-24 20:12:26 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: New things in new ways is a risk that is hard to take sometimes
2008-07-24 20:12:47 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenK Ooops :)
2008-07-24 20:13:09 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: I like to ask teachers I am mentoring how can technology make their lesson better?  Sometimes, the answer is no.  But most of the time, it helps teachers see beyond doing the same lesson just w/ tech.
2008-07-24 20:13:26 [Message] LoriSheldon -> -EdTechTalk: just blogged about this
2008-07-24 20:13:32 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @mthornburgh Right, What's the purpose!
2008-07-24 20:13:43 [Message] dougsymington -> -Webcast Academy: hey JR
2008-07-24 20:13:49 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: Hi, just hanging out
2008-07-24 20:13:51 [Message] dougsymington -> -Webcast Academy: wb is host in skype
2008-07-24 20:13:54 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: I would love to see more examples on how to integrate technology
2008-07-24 20:14:05 [Message] dougsymington -> -Webcast Academy: coolio, welcome
2008-07-24 20:14:11 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Joyce
2008-07-24 20:14:14 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Joyce
2008-07-24 20:14:30 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: hi everyone!
2008-07-24 20:14:36 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: What is the appeal, then, of activities online that are nothing more than interactive worksheets?
2008-07-24 20:14:37 [Message] dougsymington -> -Webcast Academy: @jp tell us more about context--what do you teach?
2008-07-24 20:14:51 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Fun for kids to play with at snack, Colleen
2008-07-24 20:14:55 [Message] dougsymington -> -Webcast Academy: grade/sublect
2008-07-24 20:15:02 [Message] dougsymington -> -Webcast Academy: subject
2008-07-24 20:15:07 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: first grade all subjects
2008-07-24 20:15:15 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @LisaParisi Joking?
2008-07-24 20:15:26 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Joyce!
2008-07-24 20:15:35 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: @jp start with a classroom blog
2008-07-24 20:15:35 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenk sometimes it is time management or motivation.
2008-07-24 20:15:43 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: hey colleen
2008-07-24 20:15:44 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I teach third.
2008-07-24 20:15:45 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Joyce
2008-07-24 20:15:54 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: alice!
2008-07-24 20:16:00 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: No, Colleen, not kidding. 
2008-07-24 20:16:11 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Online worksheets are good for practice
2008-07-24 20:16:14 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: First graders really stuggle with keyboarding skills
2008-07-24 20:16:19 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I use webcasting for my own professional development
2008-07-24 20:16:48 [Message] dougsymington -> -Webcast Academy: Cathy Evanoff has done, and does, lots of great stuff with keyboarding
2008-07-24 20:16:49 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: You'll be surprised how far keyboard pecking can go
2008-07-24 20:16:53 [Message] dougsymington -> -Webcast Academy: for youngsters
2008-07-24 20:16:56 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: but some pioneering is necessary to discover the worth
2008-07-24 20:17:06 [Message] dougsymington -> -Webcast Academy: she advocates starting with "unplugged" keyboards
2008-07-24 20:17:08 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: I am not familar with webcasting
2008-07-24 20:17:09 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @LisaParisi So the online version offers an improvement over paper and pencil worsheets? Instant feedback, scoring, funny animations.
2008-07-24 20:17:09 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Sometimes we have to play with the new tools first before we can seamlessly put them in our toolbox. 
2008-07-24 20:17:13 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: right, you have to experiment
2008-07-24 20:17:16 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: Can you explain?
2008-07-24 20:17:19 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I am good here.  Too much background noise
2008-07-24 20:17:22 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: But Joyce..when do we pioneer? With the kids?
2008-07-24 20:17:29 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: more motivational @colleenk
2008-07-24 20:17:46 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: i play at home first and possibly with a few maverick teachers
2008-07-24 20:18:00 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: Having a live conversation centered around different topics.  Durff and I host a Webcast for Elementary School teachers
2008-07-24 20:18:03 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: then we go mainstream if it works
2008-07-24 20:18:06 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: twiddla.com
2008-07-24 20:18:07 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @agapejen Yes, that makes sense. I see that w/ my students.
2008-07-24 20:18:09 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: @jpizzuto it is like a live radio show
2008-07-24 20:18:13 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: It's Elementary on Edtechtalk
2008-07-24 20:18:19 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: evaluating is a good activity for kids too
2008-07-24 20:18:30 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: if ican do anything, anyone can
2008-07-24 20:18:36 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: How do you use this with your students?
2008-07-24 20:18:39 [Message] mr_rodriguez23 -> -EdTechTalk: Right, when you can add other medium, it reaches students who may not like traditional pen and paper, but I agree, some online activities are a waste.
2008-07-24 20:18:51 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: remember how we felt about twitter before we got immersed?
2008-07-24 20:19:02 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: @jp.. the topics are on how to use tech in your classroom
2008-07-24 20:19:33 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: With students I use Webcasting in the form of Skpe conferences with other classrooms
2008-07-24 20:19:34 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: discovery and evaluation are cool skills
2008-07-24 20:19:39 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: I understand.  I love the idea of unplugged keyboards! This is great for a learning center
2008-07-24 20:19:54 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: Not necessarily webcasted but recorded
2008-07-24 20:20:19 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: these kids will be out there making tool decisions in real life
2008-07-24 20:21:00 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: Teachers new to tech in classroom have to understand that failures do happen and that it is o.k.
2008-07-24 20:21:03 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: So the question for DS and Jeff if we are promoting Ustream.. why are we using shoutcast
2008-07-24 20:21:07 [Message] mr_rodriguez23 -> -EdTechTalk: My student encoutered that creating his project on MySpace
2008-07-24 20:21:10 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Introducing kids to lots of tools gives them a chance to pick and choose what is best for showing their understanding
2008-07-24 20:21:24 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: @mthornburgh let's them create their own toolbox
2008-07-24 20:21:33 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: OK where did the ustream go?
2008-07-24 20:21:41 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: returned
2008-07-24 20:21:48 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: Sometime the tool fails and sometimes students don't take to the tool the way you expected.  That's o.k.
2008-07-24 20:21:50 [Message] dougsymington -> -Webcast Academy: JL showing Durff
2008-07-24 20:21:51 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: click on white speaker
2008-07-24 20:22:11 [Message] mmw3589 -> -EdTechTalk: You'll always have to have a "back up plan" for those just in case moments.
2008-07-24 20:22:14 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: I can tell you that there is one university near me that does not have a class for tech...I was approved to adjunct but they don't have a class for me to teach
2008-07-24 20:22:43 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: Fun house of ustream
2008-07-24 20:22:44 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I can see it...
2008-07-24 20:22:49 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: Oor local univs have tech classes, but they are WAY behind the times
2008-07-24 20:22:49 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: I see it1
2008-07-24 20:22:52 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: yes
2008-07-24 20:22:55 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I can
2008-07-24 20:22:55 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: @adina thats part of the learning process
2008-07-24 20:23:09 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: @Lisa look at Skype chat
2008-07-24 20:23:16 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: even on free wifi
2008-07-24 20:23:19 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: I am currently taking a computer assisted instruction class and I see it
2008-07-24 20:23:22 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: I had to hit the play button.
2008-07-24 20:23:30 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: @CLykowski exactly
2008-07-24 20:23:42 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: And Mac Converts don't
2008-07-24 20:23:46 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: My school needs more technology
2008-07-24 20:23:48 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I am sticking with FF
2008-07-24 20:23:50 [Message] mr_rodriguez23 -> -EdTechTalk: Some schools have Master's in EdTech - doing mine through SDS through an online cohort
2008-07-24 20:24:08 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: @jp as in hardware? 
2008-07-24 20:24:20 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: yes for the students
2008-07-24 20:24:32 [Message] mmw3589 -> -EdTechTalk: I am actually participating in a tech class--computer assisted instruction for my masters in reading (reading specialist)
2008-07-24 20:24:39 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: Our computer room is pathetic
2008-07-24 20:24:41 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: that's never enough
2008-07-24 20:24:47 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: Start slow.. a one computer classroom is a good place to start
2008-07-24 20:24:50 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: Dr. Who effect!
2008-07-24 20:24:51 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: My Ed Tech Masters was online and a joke. I've had to learn most all omy own.  You have to check programs really carefully
2008-07-24 20:24:53 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: i got my master's in tech for special ed
2008-07-24 20:24:55 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: Hi all!
2008-07-24 20:24:58 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I did it for over a year
2008-07-24 20:24:58 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: i loved it
2008-07-24 20:25:30 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: For 1st graders also give voicethread a try.  http://voicethread.com
2008-07-24 20:25:30 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: I have 2 tech classes coming up in the spring.  I hear that they are WAY behind.  I get my tech education at sites like this one.
2008-07-24 20:25:32 [Message] mmw3589 -> -EdTechTalk: the ideas are amazing.....i never knew there were so many ways to incorporate tech into the classroom...escpecially great with all of the learning styles of children
2008-07-24 20:25:42 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: They would love that!
2008-07-24 20:25:53 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: for classroom blogs;  http://classblogmeister.com
2008-07-24 20:25:54 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: @Scott You are right...these are the best learning grounds.
2008-07-24 20:26:25 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: @LisaParisi - have you seen Sue Tapp's comments via Twitter?
2008-07-24 20:26:26 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: This week I published writing for summer school.  I did most of the typing.
2008-07-24 20:26:44 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I have 17 students 1st - 5th right now.
2008-07-24 20:26:59 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: What do you teach?
2008-07-24 20:27:08 [Message] JL -> -Webcast Academy: http://www.webcastacademy.net/mysite/jeff
2008-07-24 20:27:39 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: It's a summer program.. for immigrant kids in Los Angeles.. They are learning English.  A lot or oral language
2008-07-24 20:27:49 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: @LParisi here is the link for the book it  fantastic has rss, delicious,voicethread etc http://secondary.cengage.com.au/title/0170136655/633
2008-07-24 20:27:58 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: Are you the host?  Or do you know who is hosting?
2008-07-24 20:28:12 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: @LParisi  i showed you a textbook called technology toolkit at Necc which does show all the best practice
2008-07-24 20:28:14 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: it says page not found
2008-07-24 20:28:15 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hold on...we will be right back with Hall Davidson
2008-07-24 20:28:24 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: If any of your are available tomorrow around 11:00 EST my "students" will be presenting final projects.
2008-07-24 20:28:32 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: I found the link is broken too.
2008-07-24 20:28:36 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Ustream link will follow
2008-07-24 20:28:45 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: Hosting what? 
2008-07-24 20:28:58 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: The teachers are talking chat
2008-07-24 20:28:58 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: sorry everyone Just remember we all love tech
2008-07-24 20:28:58 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: I remember the book Sue showed me.  It was phenomenal
2008-07-24 20:29:06 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Hey! Hall is in the house!
2008-07-24 20:29:19 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: http://www.classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=150374
2008-07-24 20:29:25 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: That's our classroom blog
2008-07-24 20:29:28 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
2008-07-24 20:29:33 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Call me back in Cheryl
2008-07-24 20:29:34 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I am not hosting call today
2008-07-24 20:29:51 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: sounds cool...can we get the link again or an author?
2008-07-24 20:30:30 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: Think of Webcasting as a virtual PD or meeting... And as a Webcaster you are the presenter bringing others in.
2008-07-24 20:30:36 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: Hello. My name is Melissa.  I'm a new user and a new teacher.  I joined to learn more about technology because I, while preservice, felt i was not getting enough education or awareness with technology in classrooms during my school years.  If I may ask, What is twitter?
2008-07-24 20:30:36 [Message] JL -> -Webcast Academy: Jose, JP, Sheila - skype 'worldbridges' to join in
2008-07-24 20:30:54 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: We use Skype for the conference
2008-07-24 20:31:04 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Twitter is a site that allows people to communicate through instant messages
2008-07-24 20:31:04 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @MissHArtman! Fantastic. It's great you are here!
2008-07-24 20:31:06 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Twitter is a COOL way to network with like minded people
2008-07-24 20:31:08 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: twitter is a microblogging site...http://twitter.com
2008-07-24 20:31:13 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Great networking site
2008-07-24 20:31:19 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: that link won't work
2008-07-24 20:31:22 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: I am lparisi in twitter...follow me
2008-07-24 20:31:23 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Twitter is a micro-blogging network.  We use it to connect with other teachers.  It is great.
2008-07-24 20:31:27 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: http://edtechtalk.com  is where most of the action is going on.
2008-07-24 20:31:27 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: http://twitter.com
2008-07-24 20:31:45 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: join us jose
2008-07-24 20:31:59 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: sheila join us
2008-07-24 20:32:00 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I kind of like using  ETT Ustream
2008-07-24 20:32:20 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: is the keynote recorded?    Link?
2008-07-24 20:32:24 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Just enjoyed watching Hall's preso on Cellphones in the class. 
2008-07-24 20:32:27 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: thank you.  im checking it out now.
2008-07-24 20:32:40 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: It's a central place... I doesn't take any server resources as far as I know
2008-07-24 20:32:50 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: @MissHartman many of us use http://plurk.com as well
2008-07-24 20:32:56 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: We still have to publish our audio....
2008-07-24 20:33:25 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: http://www.chatzy.com/
2008-07-24 20:33:40 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: My cell phone is wimpy.  But I love the ideas.
2008-07-24 20:33:40 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: Hall Davidson > http://blog.discoveryeducation.com/media_matters
2008-07-24 20:33:52 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: my watch is jewelry
2008-07-24 20:33:58 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I am more inclined to promote a collective thing going
2008-07-24 20:34:01 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: hey paris
2008-07-24 20:34:06 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @joyce Me too!
2008-07-24 20:34:22 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: as in content still needs to be in a central place.. as it is now.
2008-07-24 20:34:22 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: I'll check that out as well.  In school my technology classes involved just learning in microsoft programs and that was it.  I was very disappointed so I have been just trying to go out and find other ways to learn more.  I'm in a class right now that referred me to this site.  It's been a nice learning experience to come here.
2008-07-24 20:34:27 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: another bracelet, Alice?
2008-07-24 20:34:36 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: get in here jose
2008-07-24 20:34:42 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: NOW!
2008-07-24 20:34:45 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @joyce... Could be soon!
2008-07-24 20:34:46 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: @MissHartman  Where did you go to school?
2008-07-24 20:34:49 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: If it's a matter of chipping in with blue host server etc.. I am game.
2008-07-24 20:35:00 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @joyce new store nearby to check out ! :0
2008-07-24 20:35:03 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: @Scott   California University of Pennsylvania
2008-07-24 20:35:12 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Showed my nephew how to google using sms.  He was amazed. Just sat there and texted questions to google for hours.  Luckily he has unlimited text
2008-07-24 20:35:14 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: oops.. sorry it's a webcastacademy meeting...
2008-07-24 20:35:19 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: really?
2008-07-24 20:35:25 [Message] JL -> -Webcast Academy: http://www.webcastacademy.net/mysite/2/view/3
2008-07-24 20:35:28 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: OK..I'm Going to St. Mary of the Woods.
2008-07-24 20:35:31 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: melissa, can I interview you for my blog?
2008-07-24 20:35:33 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Indiana
2008-07-24 20:35:40 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @MissHArtman This is a GREAT place to learn about what's going on in classrooms and using tech
2008-07-24 20:35:53 [Message] mr_rodriguez23 -> -EdTechTalk: I have been wanting  to design a lesson using pic-phone to create a slideshow of their daily lives to share with students from other countries
2008-07-24 20:35:53 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I'll get my headset..
2008-07-24 20:36:13 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: thank you
2008-07-24 20:36:13 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: @mr_rodriguez that's a cool idea
2008-07-24 20:36:21 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: I've only been on this site for a couple days and already I've been just blown away with everything i've been hearing.  I feel so uneducated in technology
2008-07-24 20:36:35 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: @misshartman  So do we all.
2008-07-24 20:36:36 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: @joyce  yes
2008-07-24 20:36:42 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: @MissHartman, try http://www.classroom20.com/ as well.
2008-07-24 20:36:56 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: @mr Rodriguez.  Check out 12 of 12 on Flickr (search 12of12)
2008-07-24 20:37:01 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: thank you I'll take all the sites I can get to learn
2008-07-24 20:37:13 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: hi kim
2008-07-24 20:37:17 [Message] mr_rodriguez23 -> -EdTechTalk: ty scott
2008-07-24 20:37:28 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: @MissHartman>Discovery Education
2008-07-24 20:37:31 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: @Scott  how do you like you school St Mary Of the Wood    Do you have a good technology education there  
2008-07-24 20:38:01 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: http://www.chatzy.com/603560474488
2008-07-24 20:38:27 [Message] kcaise -> -Webcast Academy: hi all
2008-07-24 20:38:31 [Message] kcaise -> -Webcast Academy: woohoo
2008-07-24 20:38:34 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: doesn't seem to be an embed function for chatzy
2008-07-24 20:38:39 [Message] JL -> -Webcast Academy: Hello Kim - skype 'worldbridges' to join in
2008-07-24 20:38:41 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: wooohooo indeed!!!
2008-07-24 20:38:56 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: That was really cool.  Especially when Hall posted the live feed of Steve on Google Earth.
2008-07-24 20:39:02 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: I'm doing my degree under the distance education program.  Education courses are great, but the edtech seems a bit behind the times.
2008-07-24 20:39:25 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: http://blog.discoveryeducation.com/media_matters
2008-07-24 20:40:23 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: My students loved it when I would give them "open phone" quizzes.
2008-07-24 20:40:26 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Cell phones are cool tools, but not every kid can afford one.  How do you adress that?
2008-07-24 20:40:47 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: Good point Scott Hall is addressing
2008-07-24 20:41:01 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: I just saw his resources on the WCA.
2008-07-24 20:41:12 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: Cell phones are expensive.  when they get stolen or go "missing", will the school be held responsible?
2008-07-24 20:41:17 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you for bringing it up Lisa
2008-07-24 20:42:02 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: I got a $75 dollar surcharge when Leo Laporte sent out 800+ texts in error last month.
2008-07-24 20:42:16 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: @Scott oh Ouch!
2008-07-24 20:42:31 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @Scott Wow! Did you send him a bill :)
2008-07-24 20:42:38 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: I called my provider and talked my way out of it. 
2008-07-24 20:42:41 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: I don't have texting either. 
2008-07-24 20:42:53 [Message] mr_rodriguez23 -> -EdTechTalk: got a 700 dollar charge from phone accidently accesing internet (did not lock touch screen)
2008-07-24 20:43:31 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @mr_rodriguez Did you talk your way out of that one?
2008-07-24 20:43:37 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: I did cancel my mobile updates from Leo for a while.  I was keeping up with Roz Savage.  (rowing across the Pacific ocean this summer)
2008-07-24 20:43:39 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: I think that we teach kids to respect each other's plans.
2008-07-24 20:43:47 [Message] mr_rodriguez23 -> -EdTechTalk: only half of it
2008-07-24 20:43:59 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: Idea = great, regular implementation still a ways off
2008-07-24 20:44:14 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: Most of my students still don't have computer access
2008-07-24 20:44:14 [Message] JL -> -Webcast Academy: http://www.webcastacademy.net/files/user1/usb-headset-plug.jpg
2008-07-24 20:44:21 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @adina Totally agree.
2008-07-24 20:44:29 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: REally Adina?  Where are you?
2008-07-24 20:44:39 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: More of my students have phone/texting access than internet access.
2008-07-24 20:44:50 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: San Marcos (N or San Diego) -my kids are low income
2008-07-24 20:45:02 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Mohammed Yunis
2008-07-24 20:45:06 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: Picture helps Jeff!
2008-07-24 20:45:08 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @martha That's typical in Boston, too.
2008-07-24 20:45:16 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Is the founeder of micro lending
2008-07-24 20:45:52 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Also check out Kiva.org
2008-07-24 20:46:18 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: Places like China - cell phones are more reliable than landlines
2008-07-24 20:46:35 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Becasue they never had land lines
2008-07-24 20:46:49 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: WE never had a house phone in bagladesh, only cells
2008-07-24 20:47:12 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: http://gcast.com
2008-07-24 20:47:24 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: @alicebarr Kiva is a great org
2008-07-24 20:48:17 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: Ubercaster
2008-07-24 20:48:18 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @adinasullivan Loved hearing about it at BLC this year!
2008-07-24 20:48:27 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: yes
2008-07-24 20:48:57 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: I've given to them.  It's great to be able to do so much w/ relatively little $
2008-07-24 20:49:06 [Message] mr_rodriguez23 -> -EdTechTalk: jott allows you to post to blogs or email via phone
2008-07-24 20:49:38 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: I see Ustream replacing Yugma
2008-07-24 20:50:03 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Answer = They are not allowed to use twitter?
2008-07-24 20:50:11 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: or plurk
2008-07-24 20:50:41 [Message] jpizzuto -> -Webcast Academy: I wish I knew more about Ustream
2008-07-24 20:50:54 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: can we differentiate for folks with clumsy fingers?
2008-07-24 20:51:03 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: bigger keys
2008-07-24 20:51:07 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: We used Yugma for WebheadsinAction with Steven Downes.. Full screen PPT out of my computer.
2008-07-24 20:51:10 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: i need them!
2008-07-24 20:51:11 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: It looked great
2008-07-24 20:51:12 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: @jpizzuto - that's why I have to intern again!
2008-07-24 20:51:16 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: me too
2008-07-24 20:51:28 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: ustream is essentially a publishing house for anyone with a webcam
2008-07-24 20:51:29 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: The buttons are fine, I need longer arms
2008-07-24 20:51:29 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: i am text-impaired
2008-07-24 20:51:35 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: resulution on ustream isn't too good
2008-07-24 20:51:35 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: lets you do your own TV show
2008-07-24 20:51:43 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: me too
2008-07-24 20:51:46 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: joyce, it's why i don't text
2008-07-24 20:51:54 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: My mom just learned to text when I was flying to NECC...she still doesn't know howo to use the space.
2008-07-24 20:52:08 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: i was so jealous of lisa at NECC, she's a speed demon
2008-07-24 20:52:10 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: Spanish interns have already opened up their ustream channels for interncasts
2008-07-24 20:52:16 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: i mean at blc
2008-07-24 20:52:22 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: I've seen some students who are very fluent texters but not very well with typing on a key board
2008-07-24 20:52:24 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I have two active participants...
2008-07-24 20:52:30 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: are you showing off jose?
2008-07-24 20:52:44 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: Happy Birthday Jing!
2008-07-24 20:52:45 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: Hall Davidson>http://blog.discoveryeducation.com/media_matters
2008-07-24 20:52:51 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: 1 year!
2008-07-24 20:52:54 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: yes
2008-07-24 20:52:58 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: no.. just stating the facts ;)
2008-07-24 20:53:24 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Hall is great at showing us to be open to the new ideas.  Be creative.  Model discovery.
2008-07-24 20:53:27 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I like how the Jing embeds on webcastacademy.net
2008-07-24 20:53:46 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: we still have to work on embeds on webcastacademy moodle.
2008-07-24 20:54:00 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: @Martha I definitely agree
2008-07-24 20:54:02 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Wouldn't it have been wild to have Hall for a teacher??
2008-07-24 20:54:03 [Message] mr_rodriguez23 -> -EdTechTalk: I agree
2008-07-24 20:54:22 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: @Martha I would've been much more engaged
2008-07-24 20:54:22 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: I guess I do have Hall for a teacher.  Aren't I lucky?
2008-07-24 20:54:42 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: but luckily I can have him now
2008-07-24 20:55:29 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I going off skype and listen on ustream.. way too much background noise here.. dryer... and kids running around
2008-07-24 20:56:13 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: back on ustream
2008-07-24 20:56:22 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: audio is great
2008-07-24 20:56:46 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: so where are interns uploading Jings to?
2008-07-24 20:56:57 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: can they embed on blog post?
2008-07-24 20:57:18 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: sounds like part of webcaster portfolio
2008-07-24 20:58:05 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: embed on blogpost but from screencast.com  is that possible
2008-07-24 20:58:18 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: :D before this ends, thank you to everyone for you influence and ideas...I greatly appreciate them.
2008-07-24 20:58:33 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you, MissHartman for coming.
2008-07-24 20:58:34 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: @MissHartman Good Luck
2008-07-24 20:58:39 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: hopefully new jing
2008-07-24 20:58:47 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: @misshartman so glad that you joined.  Check out Twitter and Plurk.
2008-07-24 20:58:54 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: So true Mrs.Durff
2008-07-24 20:59:04 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: yw @misshartman Enjoye
2008-07-24 20:59:08 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you for joining us @MissHartman you are always welcome
2008-07-24 20:59:11 [Message] mmw3589 -> -EdTechTalk: What are the hosts first and last names?
2008-07-24 20:59:12 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: @MissHartman.  Be sure to try Twitter and Plurk.  They are by far the best networking tools I have found. 
2008-07-24 20:59:24 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you.  I will be checking all the websites I have been given.  Hope to talk to every one again
2008-07-24 20:59:24 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: Cheryl Lykowski Lisa Parisi
2008-07-24 20:59:36 [Message] mmw3589 -> -EdTechTalk: thanks!
2008-07-24 20:59:37 [Message] mrsdurff -> -Webcast Academy: so glad someone agrees with me
2008-07-24 20:59:41 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: new jing hosting on screencast.com should be better now.. it was pretty slow last summer and difficult to upload flash.
2008-07-24 20:59:53 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: All of the links will be posted on delicious later. 
2008-07-24 20:59:59 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: http://teachersaretalking.blogspot.com/
2008-07-24 21:00:02 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Our link
2008-07-24 21:00:08 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: ;-)
2008-07-24 21:00:10 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: whats delicious
2008-07-24 21:00:19 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: social bookmarking
2008-07-24 21:00:35 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: a way to keep bookmarks and share them with others
2008-07-24 21:00:45 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: oh interesting thanks
2008-07-24 21:01:12 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: diigo is another one
2008-07-24 21:01:17 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: So are there two skype chats now? Mega-chat and class 3.1?
2008-07-24 21:01:20 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: What show is next?
2008-07-24 21:01:30 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: yes
2008-07-24 21:01:31 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Google phones could really solve those questions
2008-07-24 21:01:38 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Hall!
2008-07-24 21:01:49 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: was a way to keep the other one, and add a new one for the class of 3.1
2008-07-24 21:02:01 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: mega is for continued conversation with lurkers and 3.1 is current interns and facilitators.
2008-07-24 21:02:07 [Message] JoseRodriguez -> -Webcast Academy: I think???
2008-07-24 21:02:07 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Every school I sub at bans cell phones.
2008-07-24 21:02:12 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: May I be added to the 3.1?
2008-07-24 21:02:21 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Lisa and Cheryll! Great show!!
2008-07-24 21:02:25 [Message] ds -> -Webcast Academy: of course, will do that now
2008-07-24 21:02:27 [Message] mthornburgh -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Lisa and Cheryl!
2008-07-24 21:02:29 [Message] CLykowski -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Alice
2008-07-24 21:02:30 [Message] adinasullivan -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks all
2008-07-24 21:02:32 [Message] Sheila A -> -Webcast Academy: Thanks!
2008-07-24 21:02:35 [Message] mmw3589 -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks everyone!
2008-07-24 21:02:36 [Message] joycevalenza -> -EdTechTalk: thank you!!
2008-07-24 21:02:39 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Good show folks.
2008-07-24 21:02:45 [Message] MissHartman -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you Lisa and Cheryl....Great show...thanks eveyrone for all the help and ideas
2008-07-24 21:03:11 [Message] Lisa Parisi -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you all for coming.
2008-07-24 21:03:14 [Message] agapejen -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you!
2008-07-24 21:03:18 [Message] jpizzuto -> -EdTechTalk: This was great!
2008-07-24 21:03:21 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you!


Lisa, thanks for raising the issue of the potential cost of cell phones to parents. This was a good discussion that explored the topic and offered alternatives. Well done. Camilla Elliott - www.edubeacon.com