Teachers Teaching Teachers #114 - Re-thinking Youth Voices - 07.23.08

Post-Show description: 

Much work has been done on Youth Voices this summer, and we invite you to join us as we re-launch http://youthvoices.net on Wednesday, August 27, 2008. Join us, right here at EdTechTalk at 9:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Pacific USA Wednesdays / 01:00 UTC Thursdays World Times


Over the past several weeks, Paul Allison, Alice Barr, Susan Ettenheim, George Mayo, and Chris Sloan have been working with Bill Fitzgerald and other primates at Funny Monkey to move two school-based social networks, The Personal Learning Space and Youth Voices to a new Drupal site. Several teachers have been working together on these projects, and some of the curriculum that we have developed together is available here, at http://youthplans.wikispaces.com/curriculum.

On this podcast, recorded a month ago, Paul Allison and Susan Ettenheim welcome a student, a teacher, and our lead reaseacher and advisor for these projects:

  • Hannah Feldman, a junior at Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, PA, USA
  • Lynn Culp, Northridge Academy, north of Los Angels, CA, USA
  • Dave Cormier, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PE, Canada

We talk about what Youth Voices might become this coming school year.

Much work has been done on this project, and we invite you to join us as we re-launch http://youthvoices.net on Wednesday, August 27, 2008. Join us, right here at EdTechTalk at 9:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Pacific USA Wednesdays / 01:00 UTC Thursdays World Times

For the Chat Log, click Read more, below.

20:42:21 Paul Allison: http://friendfeed.com/rooms/ttt
20:43:43 SusanEttenheim: hi be back in a few
20:52:34 Paul Allison: Lonely tonight?
20:54:25 Paul Allison: opps forgot to put skype on.
20:55:23 Lynne: Hi all!
20:55:24 Paul Allison: Hy Lynne
20:55:30 Paul Allison: hi
20:55:53 Paul Allison: Do we have your skype ID? SusanEttenheim will be calling you.
20:57:27 Lynne: Hi Susan: My Skype id is lsculp
20:58:16 Paul Allison: Hi ruyoung
20:58:41 ruyoung: hello!
20:58:43 Paul Allison: http://friendfeed.com/rooms/ttt - a dozen links some of which are links to links
20:58:55 Paul Allison: about tonight's show
20:59:05 Paul Allison: We'll be starting soon.
21:00:59 ruyoung: ooh! how long has there been edtech talk merch?
21:01:10 ruyoung: it's been a while since i've joined in
21:01:40 mclawson: I'm not seeing the webcast, does anybody know what I could be doing wrong?
21:02:05 KAndria: Is this the right place for Teachers Teaching Teachers?
21:02:16 Paul Allison: Lynne do you have skype on?
21:02:32 Lynne: Yes.
21:02:48 Paul Allison: The webcast will begin in a couple of minutes.
21:03:09 mclawson: Ok, thanks!
21:03:12 Paul Allison: We will be starting as soon as we hijack everything.
21:03:39 Paul Allison: Here are over a dozen websites to entertain you.http://friendfeed.com/rooms/ttt
21:03:48 Paul Allison: http://friendfeed.com/rooms/ttt
21:05:37 Paul Allison: Lynne you are not answering your skype?
21:05:49 SusanEttenheim: hi everyone
21:06:01 tjtech: hello
21:06:06 SusanEttenheim: can you hear us?
21:06:14 tjtech: yes
21:06:15 SusanEttenheim: hi peggy!
21:06:24 PeggyG: Hi all
21:06:31 Bill O'Neal: hi
21:06:33 ruyoung: hi all!
21:06:35 mclawson: hello! am i supposed to hear something?
21:06:41 Bill O'Neal: yes
21:06:44 SusanEttenheim: hi bill
21:06:52 Bill O'Neal: hi sue
21:07:12 mclawson: uh oh. i must be doing something wrong
21:07:20 SusanEttenheim: mclawson - click on edtechtalk A please
21:07:28 SusanEttenheim: so can you hear us?
21:07:38 PeggyG: I'm hearing just fine :-)
21:07:44 Lynne: I'm trying. Something's a bit messed up.
21:07:52 SusanEttenheim: peggy hearing both sides?
21:08:01 SusanEttenheim: ok we're looking for you lynne
21:08:03 PeggyG: both sides I think
21:08:12 mclawson: it says currently not streaming audio
21:09:09 PeggyG: Community meeting-sounds special
21:09:15 ruyoung: mclawson - i'm listening to edtech talk a. try clicking on one of the icons under ett a and it should load in your media of choice.
21:09:37 mclawson: got it!
21:09:42 SusanEttenheim: trying now lynne
21:10:19 Bill O'Neal: i'm still using one hand due to shoulder sugery and no headset...5 speakers...best if I just listen...
21:10:25 justinreeve: howdy!
21:10:52 SusanEttenheim: oh dear bill - wow - how are you doing???
21:11:07 PeggyG: That's funny!
21:11:12 Bill O'Neal: feeling better than worse then better
21:11:20 SusanEttenheim: ok everyone... get ready to be called in tonight!
21:11:25 SusanEttenheim: who has skype on?
21:11:26 Bill O'Neal: oops then not than
21:11:41 SusanEttenheim: ugh bill hope your generally on the mend...
21:12:00 Bill O'Neal: i'll be great in 2 weeks time
21:12:03 SusanEttenheim: so everyone... could you please introduce yourself and say where you are and what you teach?
21:12:13 SusanEttenheim: great bill
21:12:25 SusanEttenheim: I teach at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in NYC
21:12:32 SusanEttenheim: how about everyone else?
21:12:33 justinreeve: I'm Justin Reeve. I'm not a teacher per se, but the web manager of the Weber School District in Ogden, Utah
21:12:54 PeggyG: Is Hannah the one who told us about Spaces before on the show?
21:12:56 SusanEttenheim: welcome back justin!
21:13:01 mclawson: I'm actually a grad student in elem ed at California Univ of PA. This will be my 3rd degree, others in meteorology and fitness and wellness
21:13:02 SusanEttenheim: yes peggy
21:13:09 KAndria: I'm Kelli Andria and am currently in graduate school getting my masters in education in Pennsylvania. I'm currently not a teacher...yet
21:13:11 PeggyG: She was awesome!
21:13:18 tjtech: I'm a district technology coordinator in Ks.
21:13:20 Bill O'Neal: Bill O'Neal in Trenton,NJ HS English
21:13:28 justinreeve: thanks Susan!
21:14:29 SusanEttenheim: tjtech - I think they are your tweets that I've been following this summer
21:14:32 ruyoung: i'm rachel, from toronto canada. i'm not a teacher, but my passion is the blissful combination of education and technology. and though i usually focus on adult learners, there is always some great info here, so i lurk occasionally.
21:14:43 tjtech: tjtech?
21:14:51 SusanEttenheim: yes
21:14:59 tjtech: should be me
21:15:02 SusanEttenheim: welcome rachel - glad you're here!
21:15:17 SusanEttenheim: you are a twitterer - right?
21:15:24 PeggyG: unschooly :-) like that
21:15:31 SusanEttenheim: and kelli welcome!
21:15:33 tjtech: Yes
21:15:54 SusanEttenheim: well, I think interesting twits this last few weeks - so thank you!
21:15:59 KAndria: Hello!
21:16:00 Lynne: Rachel, I'd like to hear more about what you do with adults if you'd be willing...
21:16:05 justinreeve: <---- twitter.com/justinreeve
21:16:20 ruyoung: i am! i am ruyoung pretty much everywhere online.
21:16:58 SusanEttenheim: lynne what do you do with adults?
21:17:48 Paul Allison: http://friendfeed.com/rooms/ttt
21:18:11 justinreeve: I was asking this question earlier today. How do you address the issues surrounding privacy of students with social networks?
21:18:35 justinreeve: Many districts just flat-out ban outside social networks. But then that opens a new can of worms, and makes them responsible for internal social networks that may be hosted.
21:19:07 hfeldman: wahasweden.blogspot.com
21:19:12 Lynne: I'm always working with adult teachers...and I'm always looking for things that excite them about technology. Just a hook.
21:19:12 hfeldman: ^is my blog
21:19:38 ruyoung: lynne - right now i'm consulting on a learning program for a small company, but i have worked with learning management systems, marketing training programs, and managed projects on curriculum development and essential skills/literacy.
21:20:21 PeggyG: Joyce Valenza has done some amazing things with databases with her HS students-have you seen it?
21:22:44 Lynne: What do I need to know about Drupal?
21:23:43 mclawson: we always used the ebsco host database when i was in undergrad school. it was usually pretty helpful
21:24:21 SusanEttenheim: hey tkidd welcome!
21:24:22 tkidd132: Hello
21:24:25 SusanEttenheim: is your skype on?
21:24:40 tkidd132: Yes but i am not able to talk i am in with my family
21:24:50 KAndria: Yes, we used to use the ebsco host too in college undergrad too...I remember it to be super helpful
21:24:55 SusanEttenheim: they can all talk too!
21:25:24 ruyoung: who was talking earlier that she used to work in libraries?
21:25:27 SusanEttenheim: so all of you who used Ebsco successfully who empowered you to be successful and how?
21:25:43 SusanEttenheim: that was me, Susan
21:25:47 ruyoung: thanks
21:25:59 SusanEttenheim: I still take care of our library!
21:26:07 SusanEttenheim: ...one of my roles
21:26:22 justinreeve3: ugh
21:26:30 SusanEttenheim: justin - what's going on tonight?
21:26:32 justinreeve3: I feel like I have welfare Internet
21:26:42 mclawson: we actually had a class as freshmen to teach us library tools, like ebsco host
21:26:47 justinreeve3: keeps disconnecting me
21:27:22 justinreeve3: mclawson, did you actually need the class, or was it something you could've just learned yourself in the library?
21:27:28 Bill O'Neal: cool about global warming?
21:27:32 KAndria: MClawson-we had a MDS Library class that taught us about library tools too
21:28:09 SusanEttenheim: cool and then you just jumped in?
21:28:12 mclawson: i definitely could have learned it on my own, but they seemed to like to make us take classes on everything as freshmen!
21:28:28 KAndria: A teacher I had in one of my college english classes also taught us about ebsco host and other search options
21:28:30 SusanEttenheim: lol we try so hard not to do that at our high school
21:28:37 PeggyG: Could you use Diigo by having students create some groups to gather people together with common research interests--then use it to share their research links?
21:29:06 SusanEttenheim: that's a great idea peggy but I find sometimes their questions are so individual
21:29:27 hfeldman: We did that in my Spanish class within ourselves
21:29:32 SusanEttenheim: one of my best projects was about reflective glass in buildings - how it worked- isn't that crazy?
21:29:37 SusanEttenheim: hi alice!
21:29:46 alicebarr: Hi Sorry I'm late
21:29:53 Lynne: reflective glass is fascinating!
21:29:56 alicebarr: Really want to get back in to this!
21:30:03 SusanEttenheim: yeah alice
21:30:24 PeggyG: Maybe the first Diigo group could be an exploration group where they throw out topics/questions ??
21:31:31 Lynne: What's Diigo?
21:32:26 ruyoung: http://www.diigo.com/ is social bookmarking, much like delicious
21:32:30 PeggyG: Diigo is a wonderful social bookmarking tool that goes far beyond bookmarking
21:33:25 alicebarr: Hear hear! Same for me Susan!
21:33:42 tkidd132: Is this susan talking that was talking abou tnot listening to things on ipod?
21:33:48 PeggyG: Kindle seems amazing
21:33:54 SusanEttenheim: I'm afraid so tkidd
21:33:59 tkidd132: lolz
21:34:15 SusanEttenheim: tnx :(
21:34:20 SusanEttenheim: :)
21:34:22 tkidd132: Its ok im like that also
21:34:25 tkidd132: I understand
21:35:04 SusanEttenheim: hi nancy welcome!
21:35:22 ruyoung: i hear you susan. i had to unsubscribe from so many feeds because i was getting so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of info that i wanted to read, but simply couldn't.
21:35:59 PeggyG: Big grin :-)
21:36:42 PeggyG: no software--use Diigo on browser
21:37:58 PeggyG: You could even "limit" them to 140 characters :-) to encourage throwing out some ideas :-)
21:38:01 Paul Allison: http://friendfeed.com/rooms/ttt
21:38:12 SusanEttenheim: good thoughts peggy...
21:38:32 SusanEttenheim: nancy what are you up to this fall?
21:39:11 nancykeane: Hi Susan -- I'm teaching and starting doctoral studies
21:39:32 SusanEttenheim: what are you teaching nancy?
21:40:22 nancykeane: course at PSU for library media specialists
21:40:30 PeggyG: http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/blog/1340000334/post/560014056.html Joyce's link-5 good reasons to blog the research process
21:40:31 ruyoung: paul, would you include and encourage hashtags in twitter?
21:40:44 SusanEttenheim: what are hashtags?
21:40:54 SusanEttenheim: hi dbragg welcome!
21:41:02 ruyoung: hashtags are simple tags for twitter posts
21:41:08 SusanEttenheim: ahhh
21:41:17 PeggyG: hashtags are a way to tag twitter posts-- #ETT
21:41:22 SusanEttenheim: tkidd you still there?
21:41:30 nancykeane: blogs are a great way to monitor student thinking
21:41:33 Lynne: Hi Donna! How's summer treating you?
21:41:54 tkidd132: :)
21:41:54 DBragg: Hi all, I've been listening for a bit while I downloaded the java plugin
21:41:55 ruyoung: if i put in #ett, hashtags.com would index it
21:42:04 DBragg: Hi Lynne, summer is very busy
21:42:14 SusanEttenheim: [justinreeve] I'm Justin Reeve. I'm not a teacher per se, but the web manager of the Weber School District in Ogden, Utah [mclawson] I'm actually a grad student in elem ed at California Univ of PA. This will be my 3rd degree, others in meteorology and fitness and wellness [KAndria] I'm Kelli Andria and am currently in graduate school getting my masters in education in Pennsylvania. I'm currently not a teacher...yet [tjtech] I'm a district technology coordinator in Ks. [Bill O'Neal] Bill O'Neal in Trenton,NJ HS English [ruyoung] i'm rachel, from toronto canada. i'm not a teacher, but my passion is the blissful combination of education and technology. and though i usually focus on adult learners, there is always some great info here, so i lurk occasionally.
21:42:21 SusanEttenheim: some of our guests tonight
21:42:31 guest478: hey guys...
21:42:32 SusanEttenheim: if you're not here, could you please introduce yourself?
21:42:40 guest478: sounds like multiple membership to me :)
21:42:50 PeggyG: http://twitter.pbwiki.com/Hashtags
21:42:56 guest478: it's pretty key to the whole process
21:43:16 Paul Allison: http://friendfeed.com/rooms/ttt
21:43:19 guest478: Bill... what does he know?
21:43:29 DBragg: I'm an FCS high school teacher in Allentown, PA
21:43:32 tkidd132: Who s Guest478?
21:43:38 tkidd132: *is
21:43:48 PeggyG: That struck me as funny Susan--like the teacher saying "if you're absent please raise your hand" :-)
21:43:49 justinreeve: what site did she mention?
21:43:53 tkidd132: Thats that site? Niggle?
21:43:58 guest478: @tkidd132 dave c.
21:43:58 justinreeve: haha Peggy
21:44:03 tkidd132: Oh...ok
21:44:05 nancykeane: ning?
21:44:06 SusanEttenheim: ning
21:44:09 guest478: ning
21:44:10 justinreeve: oh haha
21:44:13 tkidd132: ahh...ok..
21:44:23 guest478: that's key
21:44:24 tkidd132: Where on ning?
21:44:27 justinreeve: I got a little concerned too, tkidd
21:44:28 guest478: control mechanisms
21:44:29 PeggyG: I'm Peggy-retired elementary principal and university teacher education instructor from Phoenix AZ--but tonight I'm in North Carolina
21:44:51 tkidd132: Yes i thought i was the only one?
21:45:42 Lynne: I'm Lynne Culp, teach high school in So. California at a public "small learning community
21:46:14 SusanEttenheim: hi helenotway welcome!
21:46:21 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:46:55 SusanEttenheim: alice how might this connect with you this fall?
21:46:56 helenotway: Hi there. Ultranet Coach. Melb, Australia.
21:46:59 guest478: Multiple interfaces are easy enough
21:47:05 SusanEttenheim: and everyone else of course!
21:47:11 helenotway: Topic?
21:47:13 guest478: and the site needs to understand who you are and direct you to where you need to be
21:47:13 tkidd132: Susan am i suppose to introduce my self to the chat?
21:47:24 tkidd132: *surpose
21:47:26 guest478: people need models...
21:47:30 guest478: and they need guidance
21:47:36 guest478: and then comes the freedom to work at will
21:47:57 alicebarr: @susan Not sure but hoping some classes want to do writing work.. maybe creative writing again or freshman English
21:48:51 PeggyG: The Ning used at NECC this year is a great example of bringing in lots of different interests and topics in the various forums and discussions.
21:49:08 tkidd132: Peggy is there a link?
21:49:41 SusanEttenheim: tkidd yes please! everyone should introduce himself or herself (:)) to the chat!
21:50:01 SusanEttenheim: but peggy for me that was a problem - I couldn't keep up with that ning
21:50:02 PeggyG: http://necc2008.org
21:50:33 SusanEttenheim: guest478 - where are you and what do you teach?
21:50:39 tkidd132: Im Tyrone Kidd, Student in Phildadelphia. Attending SLA next year.
21:50:39 SusanEttenheim: and welcome of course!
21:50:43 PeggyG: I just chose to follow those topics I was interested in and received email notification whenever new things were added to them. Worked really well for me.
21:50:48 tkidd132: Thanks Peggy
21:51:30 Paul Allison: http://friendfeed.com/rooms/ttt
21:51:38 SusanEttenheim: great alice! and I'm also teaching digital photography this fall - will your school be teaching digital photography?
21:51:43 alicebarr: @tkidd132 Are your classes part of this project or are you involved individually?
21:51:49 Paul Allison: Some examples of Drupal sites are in this link: http://friendfeed.com/rooms/ttt
21:51:51 PeggyG: Durff says she uses her reader to track her student work/blog posts.
21:52:08 justinreeve: what are the best modules you've found for Drupal?
21:52:36 alicebarr: @Susan, Yes Melissa doing photo again. I would love to have her involved again. We never got going this past year :(
21:53:08 Lynne: Can we see any of Dave's Drupal examples, do you suppose?
21:53:39 Paul Allison: http://friendfeed.com/rooms/ttt
21:53:40 tkidd132: @Alice, I won't know until next year. I'd reccomend u ask Hanah.
21:53:50 SusanEttenheim: now it will be my own class this fall - could I be in touch with her before school starts? Could you pass my email on to her? -Anyone else out there interestedin high school students sharing digital photography?
21:54:01 tkidd132: Since she's already there
21:54:24 Lynne: Definitely interested in sharing Digital photo!
21:54:30 PeggyG: Sounds like you're committed to using Drupal and exploring modules within that
21:54:33 SusanEttenheim: great!
21:54:35 alicebarr: @tkidd132 Thanks
21:54:42 SusanEttenheim: yes peggy
21:54:47 tkidd132: No Problem
21:55:07 alicebarr: @Susan I will DM you on Twitter
21:55:22 SusanEttenheim: great
21:55:23 PeggyG: I have loved the 366photo project on Flickr-can your students use Flickr?
21:55:35 SusanEttenheim: yes we have
21:55:42 SusanEttenheim: do you have a url for that?
21:55:52 Lynne: Our district blocks Flickr.
21:56:02 tjtech: @Susan Leo Laporte does a really neat thing with sharing photos that represent a certain theme each month. Might work for your high school students sharing with each other.
21:56:08 Paul Allison: http://friendfeed.com/rooms/ttt
21:56:23 SusanEttenheim: tjtech - how could I see that?
21:56:30 PeggyG: You wouldn't need Flickr if you have a common place where they can upload/share their photos.
21:56:38 Paul Allison: Examples here: http://friendfeed.com/rooms/ttt
21:56:58 tjtech: I will try to find one of his podcasts and send the link to you.
21:57:36 SusanEttenheim: great
21:57:42 helenotway: That's a great point.
21:57:59 helenotway: Your students are thinking about choices.
21:59:15 PeggyG: Your friendfeed site is really growing and becoming an incredible resource!
21:59:59 SusanEttenheim: hi whenry welcome! where are you and what do you teach?
22:00:35 Paul Allison: http://alivingarchive.ca
22:00:37 WHenry: Grad Student at Cal U focus is Sec Ed Physics
22:01:31 SusanEttenheim: welcome!
22:01:38 PeggyG: that link didn't work-is something missing?
22:01:48 Paul Allison: I'll look it up..
22:02:33 WHenry: thank you - will a copy of this chat be saved somewhere - I have been in the Ed Tech Talk room as I have been listening to the Ed Tech Talk-A
22:03:07 SusanEttenheim: yes - at edtechtalk.com and teachersteachingteachers.org
22:03:56 ruyoung: gotta run, folks. thanks for a great session! i'll catch up on friendfeed.
22:04:06 SusanEttenheim: who out there is working in a drupal site? or has your students working with students at other schools?
22:04:12 SusanEttenheim: and how are you doing it?
22:04:43 SusanEttenheim: ahhh value added... that's it, isn't it?
22:05:10 tjtech: @Susan the show notes are at this url http://techguylabs.com/radio/ShowNotes/Show47 Scroll down to Chris Marquardt - Tips from the Top Floor
22:05:20 SusanEttenheim: thank you!
22:05:34 PeggyG: definitely has to be easy to use but they also have to be motivated to use it :-)
22:05:38 alicebarr: Thanks guys.. Must go! See you in the fall!
22:06:40 guest478: @justinreeve that's a long story (re: drupal modules)
22:06:47 justinreeve: is anyone recording this?
22:06:53 PeggyG: I agree with Hannah!
22:07:23 PeggyG: did you find the historyarchives link?
22:07:42 DBragg: sorry Susan, I have my own work to get done tonight
22:07:48 tkidd132: HANNAH!!! WOOT!
22:07:49 tkidd132: lol
22:08:01 hfeldman: HEY TYRONE!!!!
22:08:03 hfeldman: :D
22:08:19 PeggyG: Yes! That's the key, Susan!
22:08:20 tkidd132: You made it through lol
22:08:21 justinreeve: justin WOOT
22:08:28 SusanEttenheim: can we get some more Philly voices in here too?- the Youth Voices site this fall?
22:08:35 tkidd132: JUSTIN WOOT! lol
22:08:38 justinreeve: http://youthvoices.net
22:08:40 guest478: http://livingarchives.ca
22:08:43 justinreeve: tkidd W00T!!!!!!1
22:08:50 tkidd132: hahah thanks
22:08:52 hfeldman: I'll try! Hopefully my school will join in
22:08:53 justinreeve: W00Tz 2 aLL!
22:08:53 SusanEttenheim: thanks for being here lynne!
22:08:57 hfeldman: hmmm, tyrone???
22:09:23 tkidd132: Confused
22:09:37 SusanEttenheim: by what tkidd?
22:09:40 hfeldman: SLA's gonna get in on this, yes?
22:09:46 KAndria: This site sounds like a wonderful idea! I'm hoping that my future students will be able to use it
22:09:49 tkidd132: YES!
22:09:53 tkidd132: Hannah!
22:09:57 PeggyG: Thanks everyone! Great conversation!
22:10:08 tjtech: thank you
22:10:09 SusanEttenheim: I hope you'll all join us this fall!
22:10:10 Lynne: Can you publish the "show notes" one more time?
22:10:13 SusanEttenheim: goodnight
22:10:20 helenotway: Thanks
22:10:54 tkidd132: Adios
22:10:59 hfeldman: Hasta luego
22:11:01 PeggyG: I'll be back. I love hearing about Youthvoices and the student guests you have had
22:11:03 mclawson: night
22:11:09 PeggyG: Night all
22:14:28 DBragg: night all