Women of Web 2.0 Show 77

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Join the Women of Web 2.0, all back together!

We discuss what it means to webcast and why anyone with a full time job would come home and go on the air after  full day of work. You will hear from Dave Cormier, Jose Rodriquez, Maria Knee, Lorna Cos, Jeff Lebow, Susan Ettenheim, Doug Symington, Steve Hargadon and many others in the chat room.

The Delicious link: http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080527

The Chat:

20:41:32 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 getting ready!

20:45:27 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 hello getting ready

20:47:56 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 Agenda tonight, webcasters, why do you do what you do? after a full day of work? We will be bringing in folks who webcast and give you ideas on what you may do next.

20:49:38 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 evening Larry

20:51:05 Vicki Davis Hi Larry - which Larry are you?

20:51:17 Vicki Davis Are you Cheri Toledo's larry?

20:51:50 Larry yes cheri Toledo's larry

20:52:05 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 Hi Larry, welcome!!! it has been a long time.

20:52:07 Vicki Davis Hey - I'm so glad you're here.

20:52:09 Vicki Davis You're famous.

20:52:17 Vicki Davis You're larry the superintendant - you're one of my favorites!

20:52:21 guest478 sounds like a good larry to be. is it?

20:52:42 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 almost as good as guest 478

20:52:54 Larry I'm the superintendent and still pushing for more tech in my schools

20:53:05 guest478 not much good having a secret pseudonym if everyone knows who i am

20:53:32 guest478 that sounds good larry... I've just finished a pretty involved k12 edtech project here in PEI canada

20:53:55 Larry great can you tell more about your project

20:54:04 guest478 and we had some pretty astonoshing tech issues that would be solved by someone with that kind of priority

20:54:08 Vicki Davis Which one, Larry?

20:54:31 Vicki Davis http://digiteen.wikispaces.com is a cool one and http://horizonproject2008.wikispaces.com is another one.

20:54:58 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 hello

20:54:58 Vicki Davis @guest478 - Yes, I want to know more about yours.

20:55:00 guest478 We took 3 groups of 7th graders and got them to build a collaborative textbook online after spending mucho time in the local archives

20:55:02 Vicki Davis I misread the question.

20:55:09 guest478 and built it into a 3D world as well

20:55:17 guest478 http://livingarchives.ca

20:55:17 SusanEttenheim hi everyone

20:55:22 guest478 yo yo Susan!

20:55:29 JoseRodriguez Hi Folks

20:55:34 guest478 hey Jose

20:55:38 guest478 and Jdub

20:55:38 Vicki Davis @guest478 -- Cool!

20:56:12 JenWagner ahhhh someone who knows me as JDub -- hmmmm who could it be?? :)

20:56:20 guest478 :)

20:56:21 JenWagner and welcome to everyone!!!

20:56:24 guest478 i keep blowing my cover

20:56:26 JoseRodriguez brb

20:56:33 JenWagner :) no worries Guest 478

20:56:33 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 getting audio ready

20:56:54 JenWagner Choose your color please!! Far left button

20:57:10 JohnS As if no one would have guessed who is talking about the living archives project.

20:57:11 JenWagner Going Teal

20:57:17 guest478 i have a deep blue feeling

20:57:18 JenWagner LOL

20:57:36 guest478 i have a strange feeling i might know what the 'S' stands for johns

20:57:47 Vicki Davis I guess Ill be pink today.

20:57:53 JohnS Plural. We're all here.

20:57:59 guest478 lol

20:58:19 SusanEttenheim yeah.. I'm green

20:58:27 guest478 envy?

20:58:32 guest478 spring?

20:58:33 JenWagner hmmmm so still wondering who guest 478 is?? hmmmm

20:58:50 SusanEttenheim definitely should recognize that sense of humor

20:59:04 SusanEttenheim is it a surprise guest?

20:59:24 sharonp WOW! Have we got a line up for tonight!!

20:59:56 MariaK hello all

20:59:57 SusanEttenheim big crowd as always!

21:00:00 Vicki Davis We have several suprise guests - we're talking about webcasting.

21:00:03 guest478 @susan long time listener, not quite first time caller

21:00:04 sharonp What a terrific idea for a show tonight - kudos to Cheryl

21:00:18 ds hey all

21:00:22 guest478 yo ds.

21:00:30 guest478 east coast.

21:00:31 SusanEttenheim hummm wondering....

21:00:32 Laura hi everybody

21:00:33 ds 'sup OG

21:00:40 ds w/ g for guest

21:00:48 sharonp I see we have returning guest - guest478 with us tonight

21:00:54 PeggyG Hi all! Welcome back Vicki!

21:01:04 Larry hi cheri

21:01:08 sharonp Welcome guest478 - looking forward to your nuggets of wisdom and insight

21:01:09 Vicki Davis @peggyG - I'm so glad to be back!

21:01:11 guest478 @sharonp yes... i have crawled out from under my rock

21:01:11 SusanEttenheim hi alice

21:01:13 JenWagner Here is our delicious link for tonight http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080527

21:01:19 SusanEttenheim yeahhhhh I hear

21:01:20 JoseRodriguez Is this show on the road yet?

21:01:27 sharonp the show is on the road

21:01:40 SusanEttenheim clap clap clap

21:01:42 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 just started and getting folks as soon as we have our wows

21:01:44 JoseRodriguez cool

21:01:57 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 we are broadcasting at channel A ETTA

21:02:08 JoseRodriguez got it

21:02:10 guest478 got a skype today from someone who might do an edtech UK

21:02:19 JoseRodriguez awesome

21:02:20 Vicki Davis @Jose - Can you hear it?

21:02:24 JoseRodriguez yes

21:02:25 guest478 here's hoping.

21:02:38 sharonp http://efs.tki.org.nz/

21:02:40 Vicki Davis @guest478- I'm dying to know who you are - your project is amazing!

21:02:51 SusanEttenheim why not 578?

21:02:52 PeggyG This is an amazing idea for a show! Very exciting!

21:02:56 JohnS Me too. Can't wait to hear about it, mysterious guest!

21:03:29 MariaK everyone loves a mystery!

21:03:34 JoseRodriguez I like the new map..

21:03:44 JenWagner http://screenshot-program.com/fireshot/

21:03:45 guest478 guest478 was the default name we all got on one of jeff's 'master plans' during ETT 4 or 5. we had a full chatroom full of guest478s i've been using the name since

21:03:46 PeggyG The delicious link says no items. Can you resend it?

21:03:51 JoseRodriguez It shows who's loggied onto site right?

21:03:59 cheri t Hi Larry

21:04:10 sharonp I have a pretty good idea who the mystery guest478 is.... LOL

21:04:19 JohnS @Jose just don't click on it...

21:04:26 JoseRodriguez why?

21:04:41 JohnS Opens in the same window and kicks you out of the chat.

21:04:58 JoseRodriguez got

21:04:58 guest478 i love fireshot

21:05:01 JoseRodriguez goti

21:05:12 PeggyG Thanks Jen :-)

21:05:29 JoseRodriguez link?

21:05:37 guest478 Do jeff and I really sound that much alike?

21:05:50 guest478 it was "the best link evah!"

21:05:52 JenWagner Lets try again -- http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080527

21:05:53 JoseRodriguez yep, you are clones

21:05:54 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 to the untrained ear, yes guest 478

21:05:57 JenWagner try that Peggy

21:06:02 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 HeyJL

21:06:10 PeggyG Fireshot only works on PCs?? I love Skitch anyway :-)

21:06:13 JenWagner Jeff and Dave -- I am just very audio non-figureitout

21:06:14 Vicki Davis http://www.diet.com/mobile/

21:06:15 JenWagner who is who

21:06:21 sharonp Skitch still beats out fireshot

21:06:23 sharonp imho

21:06:33 JohnS @guest you're always together, so differentiating is hard. Which voice belongs to which person again?

21:06:33 JoseRodriguez Here comes your clone guest478

21:06:37 alicebarr Now I can type! Hi Susan, sorry for the delay!

21:06:46 PeggyG If it's a Firefox extension why wouldn't it work on a Mac?

21:06:49 Vicki Davis @JohnS - I'm the southern accent.

21:06:58 JenWagner Peggy -- Not sure -- but give it a couple of weeks

21:07:00 JenWagner :)

21:07:02 JohnS Thanks, Vicki.

21:07:22 guest478 I was going to say something nice about being mistaken for jeff... but he just showed up

21:07:32 JenWagner SMiles -- okay -- here is the delicious for tonight -- http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0/wow2_20080527

21:07:39 JoseRodriguez There is a newbie in the house JohnS does not recognize / differentiate WOW 2.0 ladies.

21:07:40 PeggyG Wow, Vicki! Interesting site for tracking nutritional content of food. :-)

21:07:42 Valaina I don't hear sound

21:07:50 JL That's OK 478, I'm only listening with one ear - getting ready for class

21:07:59 guest478 good luck tonight buddy

21:08:19 JL Thanks - we're going to try ooVoo - will be shocked if it works

21:08:20 PeggyG Hi Steve! Busy day for you today!!

21:08:22 JenWagner and we are http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0 ON DELICIOUS

21:08:26 JoseRodriguez Which ear Jeff, the right one or the wrong one?

21:08:28 guest478 @JL you sir. are not normal.

21:08:28 JohnS @JL the quintessential multitasker. Anyone can webcast and chat at the same time, but he can actually teach a class while listening to a show and participating in the chat.

21:08:31 Vicki Davis @PeggyG - I love it for the cell phone thing!

21:08:47 sharonp Peggy - here's what Alec did with skitch on Sunday night - http://img.skitch.com/20080525-pt5x24jhsdynsi2rrkgn982d2.jpg

21:08:48 sroseman we need video

21:08:49 VinnieVrotny got to go. will listen to podcast. Have to edit other video/audio

21:08:51 JL If it does, I may come back toward the end of WoW looking for folks to virtually visit Hanoi

21:08:56 SusanEttenheim alice do you have video conferencing equipment?

21:09:00 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 thanks Jeff

21:09:20 JoseRodriguez cool @JL off in a few

21:09:29 Laura I recently did a webcast w/my class, and it was very successful

21:09:30 JenWagner so Guest 478 is Dave???

21:09:30 Vicki Davis @sroseman - I don't want video! ;-)

21:09:32 PeggyG I've been using Skitch today to create visual images of web page content that requires updating for our tech association.

21:09:33 JoseRodriguez otherwise would love to participate

21:09:41 guest478 @jdub lol i thought you were joking

21:09:52 JoseRodriguez A date with the wife... The best dates

21:10:05 alicebarr @Susan We have it for the State of Maine, I am thinking it might not be able to go outside of the Sate

21:10:06 JenWagner Nope -- just about 4 weeks behind all the rest :)

21:10:09 JohnS Wait-- jdub is Jen Wagner?

21:10:09 Vicki Davis Hmmm that is fascinating. "There are passive activities that we will give up in order to join in active conversations like webcasting."

21:10:23 ds @JDub--the "original" guest, hence OG and aka DC ;)

21:10:23 JenWagner LOL -- not so sure today :)

21:10:25 PeggyG Steve-you are the ultimate educator!

21:10:34 JoseRodriguez Hey DS

21:10:48 ds evening C2, how goes it?

21:10:56 JoseRodriguez @JohnS... yep you are a newbie...

21:11:10 colleenk Hi everyone

21:11:19 ds hey Colleen

21:11:26 lindanitsche Hi Colleen!

21:11:37 JoseRodriguez catching WOW2.0 before nutrition class.. Wife and I are taking cooking classes.

21:11:39 MariaK hi colleen and alice

21:11:45 SusanEttenheim wow Colleen I love your color!

21:11:50 alicebarr Hi MAriaK

21:11:50 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 hi cpriest! welcome

21:11:54 alicebarr And colleen

21:11:55 sharonp Webcasting has to move past edtech - I agree absolutely!! Let's lose the "tech" word - we need to have discourse in many areas - tech should be visible and ubiquitous

21:12:02 sroseman cool Jose

21:12:02 Vicki Davis @Jose - little did you know that you have something to share at nutrition class. How many of you texted the number? ;-)

21:12:07 JoseRodriguez Maria is in the house

21:12:26 MariaK how was dinner, jose?

21:12:37 JoseRodriguez great.. now off to cooking class

21:12:48 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 bye jose! thanks for stopping

21:12:49 Vicki Davis Yes -- we should be webcasting about education -- we need webcasts for science teachers, english teachers, etc.

21:12:59 Vicki Davis history teachers... more than this.

21:13:03 JoseRodriguez I am still here I have 20min left

21:13:15 JoseRodriguez unless y'all kicking me out :-)

21:13:19 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 okay

21:13:30 Vicki Davis lol Jose -- we don't work that way.

21:13:38 PeggyG That's an incredible gesture of support from Elluminate!

21:13:40 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 no, JOse, we want to hear your voice

21:13:51 guest478 it's good marketing from elluminate :)

21:14:02 sharonp how bandwidth heavy is elluminate??

21:14:10 guest478 @sharon it's not bad

21:14:18 Vicki Davis @sharonp - We run it w/out a hitch so it couldn't be too much.

21:14:27 sharonp Was trying to get a teacher in Kenya on wiziq today bec neither mebeams nor skype would work for her

21:14:37 JoseRodriguez Elluminate is pretty heavy... way beyond my freewifi hijack deal.

21:14:48 sharonp am wondering about java requirements

21:14:49 Vicki Davis @sharonp - hmmm - no not on wifi, definitely wired.

21:14:51 jeffmason watched mars lander ustreamed by spacevidcast. hours of nasa webcasting. 1500 viewers

21:14:59 PeggyG The point about helping non-technology people find value in connecting is so important. However, people need to feel comfortable using the tech tools to do that.

21:14:59 sharonp dial-up??

21:15:03 Vicki Davis @sharonp - I'd be happy to let you test a room with her -- we can work something out.

21:15:06 sharonp remember high speed is nonexistent

21:15:09 ds anyone ever restreamed audio from Elluminate on a mac?

21:15:11 sharonp in AFrica

21:15:23 JoseRodriguez nope @ds.

21:15:28 guest478 @sharon restreaming at 24k is the solution that i've used

21:15:33 Vicki Davis yes, sharon - don't think elluminate would work - now Julie and I elluminated with an educator in western africa but he had a wire.

21:15:38 ds couldn't hijack Elluminate when tried earlier today....

21:15:39 PeggyG I created a Ning community for my HS alum group (all over 60 years old) and many are struggling with using the technolgoy to get involved with the conversation.

21:15:42 guest478 and a light textchat

21:15:44 JohnS Does a lack of broadband push us toward aysnch or text-based techs?

21:15:44 JoseRodriguez but not afraid to fail... ....oops that's JL line

21:15:54 MariaK Hurray for last summer's WCA class

21:15:55 sharonp what about dim-dim??

21:15:59 guest478 lol out of my brain Johns

21:16:00 Vicki Davis @peggyG - What a great story -- are they struggling w/ Ning?

21:16:05 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 this is a show about why webcasters webcast after a day of work!

21:16:05 sharonp wiziq eventually worked, but it took some time

21:16:08 JoseRodriguez class of 2.2 Rocks

21:16:17 guest478 @sharon advantage of dimdim is that you can set your bandwidth

21:16:18 sharonp am thinking audio might be better solution for now

21:16:19 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 You got that right Jose!

21:16:22 MariaK some of us need to graduate!

21:16:27 MariaK maybe this summer

21:16:32 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 graduation is over rated

21:16:38 guest478 @cheryl i agree

21:16:39 Vicki Davis @sharonp - Skype used to work for Julie and I when she was in Bangladesh w/ spotty service.

21:16:41 JenWagner LOL -- some of us need to finish :)

21:16:43 MariaK most things are

21:16:45 ds @MariaK graduating is highly overrated

21:16:45 PeggyG @ds What do you mean by restreaming audio from Elluminate?

21:16:59 alicebarr @maria @cheryl Agree

21:17:01 JoseRodriguez just staring class of 1.1 Webcasting in Espanol.... spread the word we are starting on June 7th at 9pm Eastern

21:17:02 guest478 @peggy grab the audio and stream it using shoutcast @24k

21:17:04 MariaK i love eing the intern - graduating is so final!

21:17:05 JohnS @sharonp audio is an order of magnitude more complex than text, though.

21:17:09 guest478 nice and light

21:17:14 guest478 VLC to receive

21:17:15 sharonp @dave , I mean, er.... @guest478 .... thanks for that about dimdim - hey really liked the UPEI website - passed on some stuff there to the Teacher Without Borders web design peeps

21:17:16 ds taking the audio and putting it over the stream -- like is being done w/ Skype now

21:17:16 guest478 open source

21:17:19 PeggyG Yes struggling with Ning. :-(

21:17:44 Vicki Davis @peggyG - Talk to Steve and see what he can dig up for you for tutorial kind of things.

21:18:06 JenWagner I need to figure out who to contact to get ADS off my NING :)

21:18:17 PeggyG The first person to join the group wanted to read my message & clicked on the Google ad saying mail waiting and joined a weird group for $9.99/month--thought he had to do that to read my message :-(

21:18:20 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 Jen it is just an email

21:18:23 Vicki Davis It is such a great model to show students how we learn from connections!!

21:18:23 JoseRodriguez Awesom Facilitators Shout out the CherylOakes and SusanE

21:18:25 guest478 @jdub have you tried the eraser button?

21:18:39 sharonp @guest478 also went on and on about necessity for building community.... etc as per our previous conversation

21:18:40 ds have "restreamed" Elluminate audio via windows, but we weren't successful on mac today

21:18:47 JenWagner LOL -- @guest478 --- Yes, but alas. :)

21:18:50 guest478 @sharon... cool.

21:19:13 guest478 ha no one has ever called me a gentle mentor before :P

21:19:13 LangLabCindy Okay, I'm lurking and wondering how to get started...

21:19:19 colettec Steve - will you continue Classroom webcasts during summer - can't participate during school day

21:19:24 guest478 she must have meant jeff

21:19:27 JoseRodriguez @ds I can do it During Earthcast I was streaming all audio playing on my MacPro.

21:19:31 Vicki Davis @LangLabCindy - Webcast academ is a great place to start.

21:19:33 JoseRodriguez oops MacBook

21:19:34 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 Langlabcindy, check out the webcastacademy.net page

21:19:36 Vicki Davis Cheryl is one of the people there.

21:19:42 JoseRodriguez I wish I had a pro

21:19:50 JohnS @478 the voices are so similar

21:20:07 LangLabCindy Thanks! Will check it out.

21:20:22 Vicki Davis @colettec - Julie Lindsay and I are on tomorrow but it is in the morning -- 11 am EDT tomorrow - talking abt projects.

21:20:28 Vicki Davis that was Sharon asking the question.

21:20:32 ds @Jose thanks--Cris was having difficulties earlier today on her mac

21:20:45 sharonp I am the one with the Canadian accent.... LOL

21:20:57 ds Elluminate wasn't showing in her list of apps in hijack

21:21:05 JoseRodriguez in honor of our good friend Durff; that'll be $5

21:21:12 PeggyG We still have issues with blocked sites such as Elluminate. One person couldn't join our CR20 LIVE convo today because the ADE facility (State Dept. of Ed) had Elluminate blocked :-(

21:21:21 guest478 @jose any news?

21:21:28 JoseRodriguez nope.

21:21:44 MariaK not yet

21:21:51 guest478 fingers crossed

21:21:56 Vicki Davis @PeggyG - bummer.

21:22:03 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 I knew Durff would make the show tonight!

21:22:04 lindanitsche Elluminate works well for me in Pennsylvania. I cant get my district to allow me to use anything else.

21:22:07 JoseRodriguez @DS the only thing I hijack is Free Wifi...

21:22:12 ds @PeggyG 'xactly an instance where a 2nd stream (i.e., audio) might be valuable

21:22:18 ds lol

21:22:24 MariaK @guest478 - chattted with her last night

21:22:45 PeggyG @speters-I'm sure you will experience some of those bandwidth issues with your Africa trip and project. Be sure to let us know.

21:22:45 Vicki Davis @Jose I had a neighbor "hijacking" my wifi - I didn't appreciate it - I think they were streaming live TV over the computer. Closed my node.

21:22:59 ds speaking of grad being overrated--here's to @Durff!

21:23:04 ds class of 2017

21:23:05 lindanitsche Does anyone have bandwidth issues in using Skype?

21:23:14 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 absolutely DS, honorary!

21:23:16 guest478 @linkdanitsche everyone does

21:23:20 Vicki Davis @PeggyG some of those in Africa that Julie and I've tried to work with have to connect to the Internet via cell phone and pay by the minute (like $2 a minute!) -- wow!

21:23:20 JenWagner Not at all -- at my school

21:23:27 MariaK she'll love the chat log, doug

21:23:39 JenWagner At least - -nothing that has really upset out network guys (LOL, meaning me)

21:23:39 Cathy E I have a bandwidth issue using skype

21:23:43 PeggyG @Vicki Davis-wow! that's commitment!

21:23:51 Vicki Davis Wow! - "You miss 100% of the shots you never take."

21:23:51 JenWagner CATHYE -- we were just talking about you -- :)

21:23:52 Cathy E I can text chat but not voice

21:23:54 JenWagner How is your home!!!

21:24:04 JenWagner CathyE -- we do NOT video skype

21:24:15 Vicki Davis @PeggyG - Having trouble getting classrooms b/c of that issue.

21:24:28 SusanEttenheim wow Cheryl has a full dance card tonight!

21:24:31 Cathy E I can't voice skype much less video

21:24:35 SusanEttenheim yeahhhh jose

21:24:37 Vicki Davis @Susan - she's got a really busy schedule.

21:24:39 sharonp @Vicki - yes, the cost of bandwidth can be quite high in Africa - we need to find sponsors who could help pay for access for students at schools!! I have some worthy schools in mind!

21:24:41 Steve Hargadon Clay Shirky's book has a great whole chapter on why free failure isimportant.

21:24:41 PeggyG Great quote! miss 100% of shots you don't take.

21:24:42 ds @CathyE great to see you--too bad re connection

21:24:49 Vicki Davis Hi @ehelfant -- Got an e-mail 4 u.

21:25:02 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 thanks for your participation Steve H, and the book title!!

21:25:03 PeggyG Thanks Susan and Steve!

21:25:05 JenWagner Steve -- enjoy your wife's birthday -- Hope it is VERY special

21:25:22 Vicki Davis @Jen - its Steve's BD! He had a bd yesterday.

21:25:24 guest478 have fun birthday meetings!

21:25:30 sharonp ETT has such an incredible thriving community

21:25:32 Steve Hargadon :)

21:25:37 Steve Hargadon Take care everyone.

21:25:39 JenWagner Ahhhh -- I thought he said it was his wifes

21:25:45 PeggyG Happy birthday Steve!

21:25:46 sharonp Bonne F?™te Steve!

21:25:47 JenWagner HAPPY DAY STEVE

21:25:48 sendkathy @sharonp I have heard that using wifi (phone based is the only cost effective solution for internet in developing countries, some cable.dsl can cost $2k a month

21:25:50 sharonp oops, missed him

21:26:03 Vicki Davis @sendkathy - $2K a month! Whew!

21:26:11 sendkathy yeah I know

21:26:14 sharonp wonder what the cost of satellite would be

21:26:20 sendkathy not sure

21:26:55 sharonp And I think webcasting is lower bandwidth than other forms of communication

21:27:12 PeggyG I'm curious-how do they use OLPCs with internet connection?

21:27:49 Vicki Davis @PeggyG Well with Mesh, only one computer has to be on the Internet and the others have to be like within 2 miles.

21:27:55 Vicki Davis But that is a good question.

21:27:57 SusanEttenheim jose will the Spanish webcast include students too?

21:28:11 sendkathy @vickidavis I learned this from Jay Vincent Plaza of hotcitywireless. I told him about your horizon project, his is similar.

21:28:24 Vicki Davis @sendkathy - Do you have a link?

21:28:30 sendkathy sure

21:28:46 SusanEttenheim yeahhhhh it's dave!

21:28:49 PeggyG The worldwide support group via social networking is so fantastic! You never feel alone in your challenges.

21:28:56 sendkathy http://hotcitywireless.org/

21:29:02 Vicki Davis Dave just does a great job - -this really puts this in perspective.

21:29:27 JohnS How is a webcast different from a podcast, Dave?

21:29:28 sendkathy I also just forwarded you elluminate announcement to him.

21:29:41 SusanEttenheim jumping in... webcasting is live

21:30:15 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 I am so busy, I am missing this whole great chat! will catch it later.

21:30:17 SusanEttenheim I did always love call in radio!

21:30:24 JenWagner Hey Naomi -- GOod to see you!!

21:30:35 Paula @nharm Hi Naomi

21:30:45 JohnS At least with a headset on, people assume he's not talking to himself... again.

21:30:47 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 susan this is tough bringing people in and out

21:30:54 Vicki Davis I love that we hearken back to the great days of radio -- cool cool idea.

21:30:58 PeggyG I've gotten so engaged with webcasting that if I'm viewing an archived presentation I start typing in the chat. Hard not to want to be involved.

21:31:01 SusanEttenheim I bet! and you can't really test the sound

21:31:10 Vicki Davis Edtechtalk is a great community.

21:31:14 SusanEttenheim and you don't have a screener!

21:31:32 sharonp I like the fact that we can just be real with each other and not have any pretenses about being just plain folks

21:31:44 SusanEttenheim oh peggy - you've been around enough to get it - you should start broadcasting!

21:31:50 nharm Greetings everyone- just a little slow here this evening- Just got back from a nice relaxing riverroad car ride.

21:31:51 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 susan,, no sounds levels it is what it is!

21:31:59 Vicki Davis If this were a government sponsored organization, they would spend all of their money figuring out how to delay the stream so it could be censored. Isn't it amazing that we do this totally UNFILTERED. I mean who heard of such a thing.

21:32:02 PeggyG The interviews on all of the ETT shows are so interesting and you hate to miss them!

21:32:10 JohnS Wow. He's really good at articulating this stuff. Kudos, Dave.

21:32:16 nharm Silent tonight- or am I missing something?

21:32:23 Vicki Davis @JohnS - Dave is a great visioncaster.

21:32:28 sharonp we selfmonitor the filtering, not that much needs to be done!!

21:32:30 Vicki Davis @nharm - We are on a stream A

21:32:31 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 we are broadcastin

21:32:33 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 ETTA

21:32:41 Paula @nharm you are missing something

21:32:42 colettec Participating in a webcasts gives you a place for voicing opinions - much more immediate than blogging or twitter

21:32:42 ds Stream is running on ETT A @nharm

21:32:46 SusanEttenheim nharm - listening on edtechtalk a

21:32:55 ds click on the speaker icon to listen

21:33:02 Vicki Davis @sharonp - We do selfmonitor but I think it is amazing that over the time this has been running that there have been no issues w/ such things that I know of anyway.

21:33:14 ds http://worldbridges.net:8000/listen.pls

21:33:28 ds http://worldbridges.net:8000/listen.pls for stream

21:33:36 sharonp This is a very well-behaved community.... so little flame-throwing

21:33:43 sendkathy Wish i had more time tonight! Nice to know I will be able to listen to the archive. Nite. k

21:33:44 nharm Thanks for the headsup on A!

21:33:46 Paula @vicki Davis - that is why I have grown to respect this community

21:33:48 SusanEttenheim vicki doesn't it work that way at school too?- If you're engaged and there because you want to be... there's no problem

21:33:51 sharonp not many subcultures have this kind of mutual respect

21:33:52 guest478 @sharon poop on you

21:33:58 ds and no, that's not a challenge--right @sharon

21:34:00 ds too late

21:34:08 sharonp guest478 eats worms in the garden

21:34:14 guest478 lol

21:34:32 KimT Hi - Any sites for the webcasts?

21:34:37 guest478 @sharon your mother went to college

21:34:39 SusanEttenheim guest478 what were you saying about communities building their own rules and ideas of what is right and wrong...?

21:34:40 vinhha255_neu -> -Webhead Room: Hello

21:35:04 SusanEttenheim well, all shows are on edtechtalk.com

21:35:09 guest478 rules are defined by being transgressed

21:35:18 sharonp @guest478 GASP!!! That was lowwwww

21:35:19 SusanEttenheim ;)

21:35:37 SusanEttenheim or simply tested

21:35:42 PeggyG That is a wonderful model for parent involvement!

21:35:44 guest478 :P

21:36:12 colettec are there any teachers doing webcasts with their HS students on a regular basis

21:36:12 nharm What do you think about 7th graders being fully immersed into virtual learning and promoting a parent connection as well in the midwest?

21:36:31 SusanEttenheim one of my seniors tried to shock me and I said they had me so mellowed out there was nothing that could be a problem! - they just need to get off to college!

21:36:36 sharonp 05

21:36:47 ds @colettc more and more youth voices

21:36:55 ds on the network

21:37:04 SusanEttenheim some of my students have tried and paul has done it with middle schoolers

21:37:06 alicebarr @colettec The students I had on earlier in the eyar are thinking about webcasting in the fall

21:37:08 PeggyG The next Parent involvement show souds really good! Monday at 9:00pm EDT :-) I'll be there.

21:37:16 nharm Go Jen!!!!!

21:37:17 sharonp I think I discovered ETT in late July, early Aug of 05... thought you had been there forever too... thought I had really been missing out on you folks

21:37:31 KimT I wish we could.. but the district is strict.. any ideas to get around this?

21:37:40 colettec i'm just starting a girls tech club and I can imagine they would LOVE to host a webcast

21:37:45 SusanEttenheim the hard part is that it is live - so when do they broadcast andd who is listening?

21:37:46 Vicki Davis @sharonp - Me too - I thought I was just "out of it" but the truth was, I was out of it!

21:37:52 JohnS Everyone gets that idea that they've always been here.

21:37:53 vinhha255_neu Hello everyone

21:38:04 Vicki Davis There is a network where students webcast.

21:38:09 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 hello and welcome vinhha255

21:38:09 vinhha255_neu I am from Vietnam

21:38:19 JL Hello Vinha (a very hard working student of mine in Hanoi)

21:38:26 colettec @vicki where? is it school approved?

21:38:26 vinhha255_neu Nice to talk to you all

21:38:27 Paula @vinhha welcome

21:38:32 PeggyG ETT has grown a lot! Extremely successful model.

21:38:33 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 YEAH Vinhha25!

21:38:38 Vicki Davis @colettec - Just looking for the link.

21:38:39 SusanEttenheim I remember Brad from Australia and my students were thrilled to talk to thim

21:38:49 JohnS @Susan so you put the archived audio out there and build an audience on the tail. Eventually, you'll get some real-time listeners if you keep inviting them.

21:39:19 JL Hey, we've got an ETT anniversary coming up

21:39:21 MariaK @vinhha255 glad to have you here

21:39:23 SusanEttenheim yes john but it is good to plant a little audience for students

21:39:35 vinhha255_neu Paula, where are you from?

21:39:53 vinhha255_neu What are you studying?

21:39:55 PeggyG @JohnS That is how I started--listening to the archived podcasts and then getting hooked and now scheduling my week around the live shows as much as possible.

21:40:02 JL good job not laughing out loud about 'how polished we seemed' Dave

21:40:08 Vicki Davis You go through the webcast academy - http://www.webcastacademy.net/ and then you learn how to set it up for yourself and your students.

21:40:10 SusanEttenheim this week is 106 for us... join us tomorrow nght!

21:40:10 nharm Hi Paula- need to talk virtual ed with you soon with middle schoolers- my son is going into 8th grade and we are looking at alternative options.

21:40:22 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 wow, susan, that is impressive!

21:40:24 JenWagner Susan -- 106????

21:40:28 JenWagner 106??? WOWOWOW

21:40:40 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 we are at show 77, WOW 2.0

21:40:40 colettec @vicki thanks - I'll check it out - maybe we'll first start with skype conference calls

21:40:52 SusanEttenheim nharm - that's so interesting - are you thinking of doing home school?

21:41:11 PeggyG The commitment and time involved with a weekly show is mind-boggling and so much appreciated!

21:41:14 SusanEttenheim the school of homegrown webcasting - I always thing of that

21:41:28 nharm Minnesota virtual academy offers full-time virtual ed now.

21:41:32 SusanEttenheim what jeff alwayss says...

21:41:54 SusanEttenheim nharm I used to live in st.paul

21:42:07 nharm wow- close connection with mn

21:42:09 Paula Naomi - I look forward to it -

21:42:31 Vicki Davis @colettec - I do not recommend skypecasting - I've done it -- you get strangers in there looking for dates.

21:42:32 JohnS The RIAA just called....

21:42:38 nharm I will you posted...

21:42:43 lizbdavis Hi everyone!

21:42:49 Paula @nharm - do you have open enrollment?

21:42:56 PeggyG Hi Liz-glad you came back :-)

21:43:05 JenWagner so Naomi -- did you get your sound to work

21:43:11 lizbdavis Had to switch to my Mac to get the audio to work.

21:43:14 nharm yes open enrollment:)

21:43:16 lizbdavis Sorry I'm so late

21:43:17 colettec i love the chat conversation in a webcast - i get just as much out of the interaction here besides just listening to a podcast or speaker

21:43:45 JL http://asianbridges.com/pac2/index.html http://www.koreabridge.com/kotesol/index.htm

21:43:46 JenWagner Any questions for any of our guests!!!

21:43:47 SusanEttenheim we can't quit now or our weekly spot will be snatched up!'

21:43:48 JohnS @colettec it's a different show, though. When you listen to the audio later, you pick up different threads.

21:43:49 Paula @colettec and I feel it keeps my brain active - multi tasking

21:44:42 JohnS Cool Jeff. Thanks for sharing those.

21:44:46 SusanEttenheim yes - desperation...

21:44:56 alicebarr Yea Susan!!

21:45:13 PeggyG I always learn more the second time I hear it! That's why I had to get a bigger iPod :-)

21:45:17 SusanEttenheim guess I have to think of my demanding students in that light!

21:45:45 nharm Jen you rock!

21:46:07 PeggyG That is such a great point, Jen.

21:46:08 nharm New toy in safe enviro- I love it!

21:46:17 JenWagner Thanks -- Yep -- it has been great fun

21:46:29 JohnS That's all Jeff, Jdub. He pushes us to try new things.

21:46:29 Vicki Davis Yes, testing in spaces such as this are so important before we can take it into the classroom.

21:46:39 guest478 he certainly does

21:46:44 SusanEttenheim when the Sunday night show started.. I was always... ahh I know that.... and now I listen every week to knkow what's going on and regret that I can't ever be around Sundays!

21:47:14 Vicki Davis @Susan _ I like to listen to all of the shows afterwards but I LOVE pulling in the delicious links.

21:47:21 JohnS @Susan it picked up the pace. :-)

21:47:33 nharm Where is ijohn tonight?

21:47:59 guest478 This is great folks... but i have to cut out soon. must go and visit my couch troll

21:48:11 SusanEttenheim lol I'm thinking that we need to broadcast and share BECAUSE of what we do during the day! ;)

21:48:13 PeggyG Maria's voice is coming through great for us. :-)

21:48:15 Paula @nahrm doing the fishstick

21:48:31 nharm fishstick???

21:48:35 JenWagner LOL -- I know what that means @Paula

21:48:41 sheila Maria a newbie? I don't think so!

21:48:43 JenWagner @nharm -- you need to check @ijohnpederson

21:48:44 sheila :)

21:48:50 nharm Oh yes- the Laporte

21:48:54 sharonp Maria is SUCH an inspiration herself!!

21:48:57 KimT link to Maria's webcast?

21:49:04 Vicki Davis I like that -- going to MY edge -- not someone else's edge.

21:49:32 Vicki Davis I love edtechbrainstorm -- cool show. Lots of coolshows.

21:49:34 guest478 i frickin' love that dude

21:49:37 MariaK @kimT I'm on It's elementary

21:49:45 alicebarr My chat room window is going backwards!

21:49:51 sharonp Doug is a Canuck....

21:49:52 Vicki Davis Doug has a great voice for webcasting.

21:50:02 KimT @Maria ..oh..Thank you!

21:50:10 SusanEttenheim lol the drupal academy threw me over the edge!

21:50:15 JohnS Doug rocks. Great to have you back.

21:50:26 Cathy E I want to do Drupal Academy again

21:50:28 SusanEttenheim yeahhhhh for doug who is always there to help all of us!!!!!!

21:50:40 ds @John and Vicki thanks <blushing>

21:50:47 SusanEttenheim Doug rescued me more times thatn cats have lives!

21:50:49 PeggyG Doug-describe your show

21:51:03 ds weekly "unconference"

21:51:06 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 absolutely, Doug is the one who got me over the bit about don't worry.

21:51:21 sheila Award winning Maria!

21:51:23 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 I would always wear my goggles when I listened to his show, along with my seatbelt

21:51:30 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 evening shelia!

21:51:32 sheila Kay Bitter Award

21:51:35 SusanEttenheim every time I was really stuck I would skype or look for doug!

21:51:37 sheila Hi

21:51:43 SusanEttenheim congrats!

21:51:45 ds EdTechBrainstorm: also known as the "virtual staff lounge" for edtechtalk

21:52:00 JenWagner Thursday night is VERY cool too!!!

21:52:01 PeggyG You are all so humble and unassuming when you talk about the incredible things you are doing!

21:52:07 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 that is a great way to describe your show! the hangout!

21:52:08 Vicki Davis @ds - I just love the show.

21:52:10 JenWagner YOu really need to just visit EDTECHTALK every night :)

21:52:16 sheila Maria will be on the big screen at NECC!

21:52:40 JohnS @DS did your show evolve out of the edtech hangout, or was that a different effort?

21:52:49 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 You in the chat room so ROCK!!!

21:52:53 nharm Yes I am going to NECC for the first time- hope to meet many of you for the first time this year!

21:52:55 lindanitsche I am so excited for you Maria!:D

21:52:58 KimT @Maria - Are you from NH? I was at the conference to see you win your award... Congrats! :)

21:53:03 MariaK yes

21:53:06 PeggyG Maria, what a great honor! We'll be there to help you celebrate!

21:53:09 ds when I started it was a Thurs and Sat night gig

21:53:10 JenWagner ahhh sighs Naomi -- I won't get to see you again. No NECC for me this year.

21:53:12 ds started on Sat

21:53:18 ds and then inherited Thurs

21:53:20 JenWagner But will be appluading VIRTUALLY for Maria!!! and all the rest

21:53:26 MariaK @kimT - yes - that was my state technology award

21:53:26 ds very much the hangout model throughout

21:53:38 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 I agree Dave, guest 478!, this show is a podcast tomorrow and the chat is available too. But not until evening. My Mom is visiting and sleeping in the computer office.

21:53:39 JohnS Thanks for making that point, Guest478

21:53:43 nharm WOW 2 need you at WEMTA in WI this next year- interested?

21:53:46 Paula No NECC here - but going to Model School Conference in Orlando

21:53:55 sharonp Dave is making an excellent point about particiaption in this community - many ways of being here...

21:53:58 JenWagner Smiles -- Well NHarm -- you know I will be there

21:54:11 guest478 yay echo!

21:54:12 SusanEttenheim that's so true dave- otherwise broadcasting would be no fun at all!

21:54:18 sharonp @nharm - hey, would love to come to WI

21:54:25 SusanEttenheim like cooking for people who like to eat - much more fun!

21:54:28 nharm great Jen- in the planning stages- will contact you in July!

21:54:41 KimT @MariaK What is your district? I would love to find out how you got through any red tape..

21:54:43 guest478 i've still not graduated from webcastacademy

21:54:47 nharm Sharonp would love to have you too!

21:54:53 lindanitsche I love being in the chat room.

21:55:01 PeggyG You never know how far-reaching an impact you have as we go out and share what we've learned on the webcasts!

21:55:13 SusanEttenheim speaking of which... please join us tomorrow night at edtechtalk!

21:55:22 guest478 must go. cheers to you all!

21:55:23 sharonp @guest478 loves webcasting 101 so much, he just keeps taking it over and over :p

21:55:34 Paula @nharm - You go girl - keep em coming and we take over WEMTA :D

21:55:38 JenWagner and last but not least ---

21:55:45 nharm Thanks for a great show tonight!

21:55:46 JenWagner Jeff Lebow!!! -- perhaps????

21:55:53 guest478 he's teaching isn't he?

21:56:06 nharm WEMTA rules- we rock in Wisconsin!

21:56:07 JohnS Is he there? He may be in class.

21:56:16 JenWagner we went through MANY MANY Guests tonight

21:56:20 nharm Cheesecurds hmmmm......

21:56:28 Lorna try and break it

21:56:30 PeggyG Thanks Maria.

21:56:33 JenWagner Yes, I can introduce WOW 2 to my FAN club!! :)

21:56:50 Lorna see how many people you can get into the skype call

21:57:31 Vicki Davis This reminds me of Step #1 for flattening your classroom "connect yourself"

21:57:43 Vicki Davis Connecting yourself is the first step to transforming your classroom.

21:57:53 sheila What's step 2?

21:57:56 Paula I am speechless

21:58:03 Vicki Davis lol sheila -

21:58:09 Paula and humbled

21:58:12 Vicki Davis I'll have to share the presentation - Julie and I have 7 steps.

21:58:15 SusanEttenheim a little add... Many of us are planning to use Reinventing Project-Based Learning in our Writing Project Summer Institutes and elsewhere in our work with teachers. The researchers, teachers, and authors, Susie Boss and Jane Krauss will be joining us on Teachers Teaching Teachers tomorrow.

21:58:31 nharm Oovoo is cool- but ekko.tv is also cool!

21:58:33 sheila life long learners

21:58:34 Vicki Davis @Susan - Cool - love Suzie and Jane - they are great.

21:58:35 JenWagner That is TRUE -- I appreciated all the people who jumped in to help us learn how to Webcast

21:58:50 JenWagner and never got mad == upset -- but supportive -- very supportive

21:58:56 Vicki Davis Boy, it can be lonely in the classroom.

21:58:58 SusanEttenheim thanks everyone.. have to go now!

21:59:13 lizbdavis This is the place where everyone knows your name.

21:59:26 SusanEttenheim ohhhh break things! I'm very good at that!

21:59:28 JenWagner Ooohhhhh -- Cheers to you Liz

21:59:33 alicebarr AWESOME cheryl!

21:59:36 colettec people here understand me - they speak my language - teachers in my school say web 2.what?

21:59:39 lizbdavis I'm more and more convinced that it really is all about the network!

21:59:45 Lorna Gr8 show

21:59:55 Lorna big hugs to all

21:59:58 lizbdavis Yes - the F2F network is not always as supportive as you all are.

21:59:59 PeggyG I wish the weekly calendar could post the guest of the week when that is applicable. It helps us to do a bit of background exploring before the show.

22:00:00 Vicki Davis Goodnight everyone.

22:00:08 alicebarr Hear hear Liz!

22:00:10 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 thanks to you all this was a great show!!

22:00:14 Paula Fabulous content - Thanks everyone

22:00:15 cheri t good night network

22:00:19 LangLabCindy Thanks, all!

22:00:32 sheila Good point PeggyG

22:00:34 alicebarr THANK YOU!

22:00:35 PeggyG What a fun intersting show--looking forward to hearing from Sylvia Martinez next week!

22:00:36 Cathy E I love ya'll

22:00:38 JohnS Thanks, everyone. Have a good night.

22:00:39 Lesley Thanks to all from a 'lurker' who hopes one day to try someof these great ideas.

22:00:42 lizbdavis Good night. Sorry I missed the first half. Will have to go listen to the podcast.

22:00:43 PeggyG Thanks everyone!

22:00:46 lindanitsche Night All!

22:00:47 ds thanks all, great to be on, thanks--take care

22:00:51 nharm Night everyone!

22:01:05 JohnS @Lesley it's not hard to get involved when you're ready.

22:01:15 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 the show will be posted tomorrow late in the day

22:01:16 Lesley Thanks!

22:01:41 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 thanks thanks thanks

22:01:57 mariak sorry i left in such a rush - phone call

22:02:12 mariak with news of cousins death

22:02:28 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 oh, maria so sorry

22:02:31 mariak thanks for having me on the show

22:02:37 kcaise ss maria

22:02:37 ds @mariak --that's terrible, my condolences

22:02:47 mariak older cousin - really mother's cousin - sad but okay

22:03:12 mariak thanks - harder for my mom - not very many relatives left

22:03:22 mariak bye to all - time to do school work!

22:03:30 cheryl oakes wow 2.0 oh, well, take care, thanks for helping out with the show.