Teachers Teaching Teachers #100 - Making Space on Youth Twitter - 04.16.08

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Just before the second issue of Space was published, Susan Ettenheim and Paul Allison, from the New York City Writing Project, were joined by:

  • Kevin Hodgson, a sixth grade teacher from the Western Massachusetts Writing Project
  • George Mayo, an 8th grade teacher from Maryland, and one of his students Pablo, an editor of the second issue of Space.
  • Chris Sloan, a high school teacher from the Wasatch Range Writing Project in Salt Lake City, and one of his students, Dane
  • Hannah, a student from the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia

Join the fun!

  1. Listen to this podcast, as we bounce ideas off each other and plan future collaborations.
  2. Please share Space, Issue #2 with your students.
  3. And register your students at Youth Twitter.

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