EdTechWeekly #70 - Diigo, Diigo, Diigo

EdTechWeekly #70
Diigo, Diigo, Diigo
March 30, 2008

   19:03:19   dave ->    http://www.diigo.com/
   19:03:38   courosa ->    auto-spamming diigo
   19:03:40   alicemercer ->    1 year!
   19:03:42   Durff ->    it was all Kristin Hokanson's fault
   19:03:55   JenWagner ->    noooooooooo not diigo  :)
   19:03:58   PeggyG ->    It's because a new version (upgrade) came out :-)
   19:04:27   courosa ->    i heard about this new webpage hosting service called Angelfire
   19:04:34   alicemercer ->    I wish I knew, I've been trying to get folks there for a year?
   19:04:47   pgoerner ->    @courosa  hee hee
   19:04:50   JohnS ->    ooooo -- Angelfire! Is that as good as Geocities?
   19:05:01   alicemercer ->    Hey, I've been there for a while
   19:05:04   courosa ->    hehe ... not sure ... they seem smiliar John.
   19:05:06   alicemercer ->    I have can I drop them?
   19:05:14   PeggyG ->    The research functions of Diigo are wonderful for students. :-)
   19:05:19   JenWagner ->    AliceMercer -- YEP -- you are the one with longevity -- we are all just newbies
   19:05:24   alicemercer ->    @Dave There are GREAT reasons to be there
   19:05:29   courosa ->    which educator's group? there are several
   19:05:49   courosa ->    i predict ... diigo to be empty in a month.
   19:05:57   courosa ->    version 3.
   19:06:03   alicemercer ->    Yes, NEW version is even better
   19:06:04   PeggyG ->    It's called "Educators"-Vicki Davis started it I think
   19:06:04   JenWagner ->    because we travel in herds -- :)
   19:06:11   alicemercer ->    Nope, no pay...
   19:06:17   JenM ->    http://groups.diigo.com/edtechtalk/forum/topic/335 ... and ... http://www.classroom20wiki.com/LIVE+Conversations
   19:06:25   dave ->    angelfire!!! ROTFL
   19:06:32   dave ->    i had one of those
   19:06:48   courosa ->    i had geocities AND angelfire, early adopter. :-)
   19:07:02   sharonp ->    it sure has been an interesting look at how things can go with the influence of certain networks
   19:07:16   PeggyG ->    I just learned how to find and join groups yesterday. :-)
   19:07:23   sharonp ->    I had geocities... for a while
   19:07:36   JL ->    http://www.emilychang.com/go/ehub/   Emily Chang - eHub
   19:07:44   courosa ->    @sharonp ... agreed, influence is strong
   19:07:50   mschumann ->    Have you had a look at http://www.edutagger.com
   19:07:52   alicemercer ->    JL: YOu are coming in low
   19:07:53   PeggyG ->    You can use both delicious and Diigo :-) Diigo allows you to send all bookmarks to delicious.
   19:08:08   JL ->    http://twitterverse.com/
   19:08:17   sharonp ->    so the question is, do things go viral FASTER with such tools as twitter and other network type phenomena as webcasts??
   19:08:18   JenM ->    @peggyG ... good point :)
   19:08:19   dave ->    @PeggyG yes... but why would we... that's my question
   19:08:25   JasonR ->    Who owns diigo? Who owns del.icio.us?
   19:08:29   JohnS ->    Photoshop Express: https://www.photoshop.com/express/landing.html
   19:08:29   Durff ->    better audio jl
   19:09:02   courosa ->    there was an interesting comparison between this and Aviary ... Aviary seemed pretty strong.
   19:09:06   PeggyG ->    Maybe as a transition because so many of us have been using delicious for so long. I think Diigo does everything delicious does and more. :-)
   19:09:08   villagegreen ->    i believe del.icio.us is owned by Yahoo
   19:09:10   JohnS ->    Adobe joins list of companies not reading own EULAs: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080329-adobe-joins-list-of-compan...
   19:09:14   pgoerner ->    Yes...good blog Alec
   19:09:15   JenWagner ->    I wonder if DIIGO would NOT have viraled so fast if it had not been EASTER/SPRING break
   19:09:33   alicemercer ->    JenW maybe?
   19:09:37   JenWagner ->    Just a thought
   19:09:45   JenWagner ->    people had time to play
19:09:53   alicemercer ->    Cause you know Cathy E has been pushing it for a long time
   19:09:59   JasonR ->    Viraled? Hasn't been around for over a year? Personally, I blame twitter.
   19:10:03   JenWagner ->    as has Tom Turner
   19:10:08   PeggyG ->    Not sure about the spring break because they are at such different times for everyone
   19:10:17   JenWagner ->    just wonder WHY it hit so hard this week
   19:10:19   dave ->    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/connected/main.jhtml?xml=/connected/2008/03/3...
   19:10:32   sharonp ->    hey, has anyone looked at aviary as an adobe option?
   19:10:44   Durff ->    they should be required to read their own aggreements
   19:10:52   JohnS ->    sharonp: wait another round
   19:11:36   courosa ->    cool, thanks dave, didn't see this
   19:11:43   PeggyG ->    Anonymouse scares me--we had our first ever spam on wikispaces and it was because of the ISP address that they could be tracked down and blocked.
   19:11:51   JenM ->    Conferences Roundup: http://www.crucialthought.com/2008/03/30/reflections-on-aera ... and ... http://www.uliveandlearn.com/dsp_breezelivedetail.cfm?ProgramID=ade2c7f6...
   19:11:53   sharonp ->    @JenWagner - maybe because we just trust our network to be our filter
   19:12:48   JenWagner ->    Just Diigoed the 101 websites -- is that pathetic  :)
   19:13:04   JohnS ->    :-)
   19:13:07   PeggyG ->    Who did you share it with on Diigo? :-)
   19:13:09   Durff ->    dates?
   19:13:11   pgoerner ->    You tube in my backyard?
   19:13:27   Durff ->    thanks
   19:13:35   JenWagner ->    @PeggyG -- I am ashamed -- I don't remember to SHARE.  :) 
   19:13:57   ruyoung ->    the uliveand learn gives me a system error  :-/
   19:14:02   alicemercer ->    Hey, I'm going to be streaming a local tech meeting, lol
   19:14:04   JL ->    http://ping.fm/    Ping.fm- microblog mutliposting     Another locked down conference http://tesol.org/
   19:14:16   PeggyG ->    Tsk-Tsk :-) share it with edtechtalk group :-)
   19:14:22   JasonR ->    What does lockdown session mean?
   19:14:55   JohnS ->    Aviary, Photoshop Express and other image editors compared: http://a.viary.com/blog/posts/aviary-photoshop-express-picnik-fotoflexer...
   19:15:01   Rob ->    Right on ... we all get frustrated with conferences that don't share!
   19:15:16   sharonp ->    I agree Jeff, why are we locking down educational content? Lots of poeple just don't have opportunity or access to edu resources and prof developement
   19:15:51   PeggyG ->    Wow, those photos are amazing!
   19:15:59   sharonp ->    don't know much about a.viary.com...... just shared by a colleague today
   19:16:11   sharonp ->    but I always like options!
   19:16:44   sharonp ->    oh, btw, congrats to @courosa on his Timmy's roll up the rim....
   19:16:48   Alvin Trusty ->    when is aviary going to let the general public in?
   19:16:51   dave ->    http://mygreenelectronics.org/
19:17:07   PeggyG ->    If you have photoshop on your computer would there be any reason to use Photoshop Express?
   19:17:26   sharonp ->    you heard it here first folks.... even if it takes a year!
   19:17:44   JasonR ->    I believe Photoshop Express allows online storage, a la Flickr, yes?
   19:17:46   courosa ->    terry is great
   19:18:02   pgoerner ->    @jasonr I heard about 25mg
   19:18:13   JenWagner ->    Yes, PhotoExpress does offer storage
   19:18:14   PeggyG ->    Think so--photo storage but I wasn't sure why I would need it if I'm using Flickr
   19:18:19   JenM ->    Aggregate Your Network: http://www.tabber.org/index.php ... and ... http://zurpy.com/
   19:18:29   sharonp ->    cool, Terry is great
   19:18:43   JohnS ->    You might be able to get an Aviary invite here: http://www.sephiroth.it/weblog/archives/2008/02/get_your_aviary_invitati...
   19:19:04   pgoerner ->    er, oops - 2gig
   19:19:04   JL ->    http://ejamming.com/   eJamming AUDiiO
   19:19:05   sharonp ->    I like Athabasca's approach to education
   19:19:14   alicemercer ->    @DaveC I can't find it, but there was a lovely post that compared diigo and del.icio.us and diigo won, hands down.
   19:19:25   JL ->    http://photojojo.com/content/tips/legal-rights-of-photographers/  Photojojo » Photography and The Law: Know Your Rights
   19:19:35   JohnS ->    Radio ISG: http://radio.isg.si/  AND  Musopen: http://www.musopen.com/
   19:19:40   alicemercer ->    And, it has CANADIAN rights too
   19:19:45   alicemercer ->    or a link to it.
   19:19:56   JenM ->    @sharonp and coursa ... yes ... I (heart) Athabasca and Terry A :)
   19:19:58   alicemercer ->    Thank you for the credit JL, Dave never gives me credit, lol
   19:20:42   dave ->    http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/813
   19:20:52   Durff ->    be nice dave!
   19:20:56   alicemercer ->    @Dave that was just MEAN!
   19:21:07   Durff ->    he was and to you
   19:21:13   Durff ->    down with dave
   19:21:17   sharonp ->    LOL
   19:21:22   JenWagner ->    EVIL --- wowow
   19:21:29   sharonp ->    leave it to Dave
   19:21:32   alicemercer ->    From now on, when I forget a credit, I'm gonna call it doing a "DAVE"
   19:21:43   Durff ->    paybacks are......................
   19:21:46   JenWagner ->    wow, Alice -- remember that CHECK you were going to send DAVE -- I would tear it up  :)
   19:21:47   alicemercer ->    Mess with me....
   19:21:56   alicemercer ->    Durff, did you almost use a cuss word?
   19:22:00   sharonp ->    extraordinary dislike of PLNs
   19:22:01   Durff ->    nope
   19:22:03   sharonp ->    hmmm
   19:22:09   JenM ->    Make your own comix: http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/comix.php
   19:22:16   dave ->    yup. why personal?
   19:22:27   dave ->    what does a 'personal learning environment' mean on the internet?
   19:22:30   Durff ->    spam dfave!
   19:22:46   sharonp ->    must check that out..... Stephen is always thought-provoking at least
   19:22:47   dave ->    to me it's VERY old school concept
   19:22:56   JL ->    http://www.webmorizer.com/about.html
   19:23:14   alicemercer ->    Impersonal Learning Network? That's most sit 'n gets
   19:23:39   JL ->    http://www.oldversion.com/  OldVersion.com
   19:23:54   sharonp ->    yah, but... what else is pageflakes? or netvibes or iGoogle, what else does one call that?? a personal dashboard?
   19:23:59   alicemercer ->    ROLFLOLPIMP
   19:23:59   courosa ->    i wasn't watching, and I thought jeff said oldvirgin.com
   19:24:00   JohnS ->    Gspace: http://www.getgspace.com/
   19:24:07   alicemercer ->    OMG!
   19:24:15   courosa ->    please do not go there. i don't know what it is
   19:24:20   sharonp ->    LOL
   19:24:28   sharonp ->    oldvirgin.com.... am dying here
   19:24:28   PeggyG ->    @alicemercer-was this the link you mentioned comparing Diigo & delicious?  http://christytucker.wordpress.com/2008/03/29/diigo-or-delicious-for-beg...
   19:24:31   Thespian70 ->    I was just logging in...what was that comic site again?
   19:24:31   courosa ->    i didn't think it was goign to link
   19:25:03   Alvin Trusty ->    Try GOM Player
   19:25:12   Rob ->    Make your own comix: http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/comix.php
   19:25:26   dave ->    http://durffsblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/travelling-down-yellow-brick-road...
   19:25:29   Thespian70 ->    Thank you!
   19:25:33   alicemercer ->    @peggy: nope, but that's good.
   19:25:40   alicemercer ->    What does she do all day?
   19:25:41   Durff ->    i will get him back
   19:25:52   Durff ->    spam dave
   19:25:53   sharonp ->    plug for makebeliefcomix and WOW2 - they are our guests on one of our upcoming shows
   19:25:54   alicemercer ->    Does she sleep, or live off of coffee?
   19:25:54   JenWagner ->    hmmmm -- john, I have 14 gmail accounts -- do I need more??
   19:25:58   courosa ->    yes durff!
   19:26:09   alicemercer ->    And so pleasant too
   19:26:12   JenWagner ->    ohhh, kissing up to durff
   19:26:12   sharonp ->    go durff!
   19:26:14   JohnS ->    Jdub: depends on how much space you need :-)
   19:26:29   Durff ->    alice we need to get him back big time
   19:26:31   JenWagner ->    How many twitters have you written so far, Durff
   19:26:32   sharonp ->    Dave mentions durff but not Alice, ... very curious
   19:26:33   alicemercer ->    I suggest you post Dave's email  Durff?
   19:26:38   JenM ->    Silly Links: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ ... and ... http://www.passwordmeter.com/
   19:26:51   alicemercer ->    And suggest people send him links since he likes to test social networks?
   19:26:53   JenWagner ->    Dave must be much more afraid of Lisa than of Alice
   19:26:54   sharonp ->    LOL
   19:27:05   alicemercer ->    He'll Learn JW
   19:27:05   Durff ->    dave - sharon has a point
   19:27:17   Durff ->    you better say something about alice
   19:27:38   JL ->    http:/schoolfinder.globalscholar.com/blog/25/youtube-versus-teachertube/  SchoolFinder Blog » YouTube Versus TeacherTube
   19:27:38   Durff ->    dave afraid? forsake the thought
   19:27:41   alicemercer ->    That you have to write down, right?
   19:27:43   sharonp ->    downforeveryoneorjustme.com - that is HILARIOUS!
   19:28:12   JL ->    http://www.teachertube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=dd0c4e8bdbcc82c6ba23  TeacherTube - 10 Steps
   19:28:18   Alvin Trusty ->    I thought Password Meter was a phishing site
   19:28:23   JohnS ->    Quotably: http://quotably.com/  AND  Following The Pulse of Education: http://www.pulseofedu.com
   19:28:39   alicemercer ->    They are getting a statewide system here in California for schools/teachers
   19:28:46   alicemercer ->    I'm hoping to move stuff there
   19:28:51   chellouise ->    hello all!  let's see if I can follow along and cook at the same time
   19:29:04   alicemercer ->    But I have to prove I'm a teacher, and it started during Spring Break, lol
   19:29:26   Cathy E ->    Have to run- have a great week!
   19:29:45   Durff ->    i believe you are a teacher - what's not to believe?
   19:29:51   dave ->    http://photojojo.com/content/tips/legal-rights-of-photographers/
   19:29:52   Durff ->    you better
   19:30:04   alicemercer ->    Hey, he stole that from JL too
   19:30:04   Durff ->    covering up
   19:30:11   Durff ->    probably
   19:30:11   alicemercer ->    10!
   19:30:26   alicemercer ->    I think so!
   19:30:31   JenM ->    Our del.icio.us: http://del.icio.us/edtechtalk/20080330
   19:31:02   alicemercer ->    for: davecormier
   19:31:03   chellouise ->    oh you guys are on a roll tonight
   19:31:13   sharonp ->    Dave is not being Canadian enough tonight.... he forgot to apologize
   19:31:22   JL ->    http://mypage.iu.edu/%7Ecjbonk/Syllabus_R685_Fall_of_2007.htm
   19:31:23   alicemercer ->    I'm going to the My Little Pony and BRATZ site, and registering him!
   19:31:40   chellouise ->    you go Alice!
   19:31:41   JL ->    http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Web_2.0_and_Emerging_Learning_Technologies
   19:31:42   alicemercer ->    He'll be spammed with Barbie ads, that'll teach him
   19:31:46   JohnS ->    Are You Blogging This?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6Kki_WJJRA
   19:31:46   Durff ->    he did forget sharon
   19:32:04   dave ->    yay barbie!
   19:32:06   alicemercer ->    Good song, or bad song?
   19:32:14   Durff ->    barbiegirls
   19:32:14   alicemercer ->    Chocolate Rain good?
   19:32:16   alicemercer ->    Or really good
   19:32:18   courosa ->    sliderocket.com
   19:32:24   Durff ->    spam dave with invites
   19:32:31   PeggyG ->    What a fast paced fantastic show loaded with new resources! Thanks all!
   19:32:33   alicemercer ->    Can I plug It's Elementary since I now know when it will be?
   19:32:47   Durff ->    do it
   19:32:52   JL ->    http://searchme.com
   19:33:08   courosa ->    see the tour on sliderocket.com, very cool
   19:33:22   alicemercer ->    I see lots of those, but...
   19:33:28   PeggyG ->    That was my question too--I missed some links because they wouldn't upload for me. Hope you'll add them into the delicious bookmarks :-)
   19:33:29   chellouise ->    in stereo even!
   19:33:29   alicemercer ->    There is always something lacking?
   19:33:35   courosa ->    powerpoint with a social kick
   19:33:36   dave ->    http://zombo.com
   19:33:42   courosa ->    yes, zombo!!!
   19:33:56   alicemercer ->    They ALL have you upload PPTs or JPGs and they become flash?
   19:34:10   alicemercer ->    I ALMOST clicked on that.
   19:34:13   alicemercer ->    THanks JL!
   19:34:29   sharonp ->    I love folks who do their research
   19:34:33   alicemercer ->    Hey, can I plug my show?
   19:34:42   alicemercer ->    I want to skype in
   19:34:42   Durff ->    go alice
   19:34:44   JL ->    skype jschinker
   19:35:20   courosa ->    you should all read this - http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/2008/pulpit_20080321_004574.html
   19:35:26   courosa ->    great article
   19:35:38   PeggyG ->    How sad :-( Making Connections--hope someone else will step up for it.
   19:35:41   chellouise ->    where'd everybody go?  I lost audio!
   19:36:02   Durff ->    audio still good
   19:36:07   JasonR ->    What would happen if Will Richardson and Dave Warlick got in a fight? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2b1D5w82yU
   19:36:10   Durff ->    check ustream
   19:36:34   sharonp ->    @courosa - would love to chat with you about that article sometime
   19:36:37   chellouise ->    got it back!
   19:36:54   sharonp ->    seems very American, and I do wonder where developing nations fit in
   19:37:31   cindy p ->    satellite connections still have a long way to go
   19:37:42   courosa ->    sure sharon, let's try this week if you are around
   19:38:14   Durff ->    he is not
   19:38:15   courosa ->    watch shareski and I rap-off in the comments. http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/827
   19:38:25   Durff ->    he outnumbered - we say so
   19:39:37   alicemercer ->    http://itselementary.edublogs.org/2008/03/30/preview-of-show-16-at-a-spe...
   19:40:16   chellouise ->    talk to you all later!  gotta go devil some eggs
   19:40:27   sharonp ->    @courosa - I will chip in for Shareski's baseball cap, if you chip in the sunglasses! That is hilarious!
   19:40:57   pgoerner ->    night all
   19:41:16   JohnS ->    http://www.edtechtalk.com/node/3080
   19:41:20   sharonp ->    I should send this to a colleague who just did a god-awful web design with ORANGE and bold!!
   19:41:52   courosa ->    btw, did you all notice that ustream does cohosting now? pretty cool.
   19:42:17   PeggyG ->    @courosa-what do you mean by co-hosting?
   19:42:55   dave ->    alec eats worms
   19:42:55   alicemercer ->    Yeah, Parents as Parnters is 7-8
   19:43:04   PeggyG ->    Will these claendar changes be on the edtechtalk calendar?
   19:43:07   Durff ->    It's Elementary at 7om and Parents at 8om
   19:43:10   courosa ->    there is a cohosting tab, you can switch hosting to your participants
   19:43:24   alicemercer ->    It's elementary is NOT at 7
   19:43:46   courosa ->    ouch dave
   19:43:50   Durff ->    lorna chnaged hers so ours is at 7
   19:43:54   PeggyG ->    So two people can be on the mic at the same time or take turns?
   19:44:00   Durff ->    it's in the skype chat
   19:44:09   alicemercer ->    Oh crud
   19:44:17   dave ->    i managed to talk alot about your course in my article alec... i don't think i made too many things up
   19:44:18   Durff ->    no crud allowed
   19:44:20   alicemercer ->    She told me that we were supposed to be at 9 pm.
   19:44:22   Durff ->    too dirty
   19:44:35   Durff ->    oh ask jose
   19:44:38   courosa ->    did you include the alec eats bugs?
   19:45:17   Durff ->    invite dave 703 times
   19:45:50   alicemercer ->    Oh darn! Okay I can't figure out what Lorna said...
   19:45:57   alicemercer ->    And Jose and Lorna are not around.
   19:46:05   courosa ->    yea, can't get to your channel
   19:46:08   Durff ->    we hear you
   19:46:11   courosa ->    i can hear, but through the other thing
   19:46:12   Durff ->    yes
   19:46:15   cindy p ->    I can hear you...
   19:46:17   Chet ->    I can hear
   19:46:25   alicemercer ->    Guys, I don't know WHAT time It's Elementary will be...
   19:46:26   dave ->    i can hear
   19:46:28   Durff ->    i hear ustream
   19:46:33   sjt ->    yeah, we hear you.
   19:46:34   alicemercer ->    But it will be on Monday the 7th
   19:46:48   alicemercer ->    I hear USTREAM
   19:47:05   JL ->    http://www.ustream.tv/edtechtalk
   19:47:16   Durff ->    what is that poll thingy?
   19:47:37   Durff ->    i see cohost
   19:47:39   courosa ->    i don't see anything on the stream page yet
   19:47:42   Durff ->    yes
   19:47:47   Durff ->    i am not
   19:48:01   Durff ->    hey jose
   19:48:09   Durff ->    just who we need
   19:48:12   jrodriguez ->    off air for me too
   19:48:16   alicemercer ->    Okay, well we need Lorna too
   19:48:23   alicemercer ->    Jose...
   19:48:25   Durff ->    what time is it's ele?
   19:48:29   courosa ->    i am going to try it tomororow night for my course
   19:48:37   alicemercer ->    What time are we supposed to do our next show?
   19:48:38   jrodriguez ->    only have a few minutes, going out in a bit
   19:48:43   courosa ->    or camtwist
   19:48:57   Durff ->    i see that
   19:48:59   alicemercer ->    JOSE! What time is our next show!
   19:49:06   jrodriguez ->    next show at 4:00pm pacific. I messed up originally but fixed it
  19:49:12   alicemercer ->    TELL ME BEFORE YOU LEAVE OR VIOLENCE WILL BE DONE!
   19:49:16   jrodriguez ->    sorry
   19:49:17   alicemercer ->    THANK YOU!
   19:49:22   alicemercer ->    Does Lorna know?
   19:49:23   Durff ->    to dave?
   19:49:32   jrodriguez ->    It's on ETT calendar
   19:49:42   alicemercer ->    Did you fix what I messed up?
   19:49:47   Durff ->    are we now mentioning everyone?
   19:49:48   jrodriguez ->    Her show would be right after
   19:50:06   Durff ->    so we are 7 and she is 8?
   19:50:08   alicemercer ->    Well, she had some issue about it?
   19:50:17   jrodriguez ->    Devils Advocate in the making
   19:50:20   courosa ->    issues with the ustream feed, cna't hear anymore
   19:50:25   courosa ->    anywho, gnite all, thanks again
   19:50:26   PeggyG ->    peer mediators :-)
   19:50:32   Durff ->    in 6th grade i was a safety guard
   19:50:39   PeggyG ->    We had those at my school too :-)
   19:50:39   jrodriguez ->    Lorna and I are now good friends
   19:50:46   Durff ->    nor do we now
   19:50:53   PeggyG ->    Bye all
   19:50:55   Durff ->    nite
   19:50:57   alicemercer ->    So same time, same day of the week, but on the first Monday
   19:51:05   JenM ->    Nite all!! This was fun!
   19:51:08   jrodriguez ->    yes @alice.
   19:51:12   Durff ->    i think so alice
   19:51:24   jrodriguez ->    Earthday show will be at 6:00pm pacific
   19:52:19   jrodriguez ->    to accomodate GMT of course.  Glad to be of service....
   19:52:42   jrodriguez ->    cool music.
   19:52:48   jrodriguez ->    Brazilian???
   19:53:03   jrodriguez ->    no it's spanish but South American?
   19:53:26   alicemercer ->    Okay, Jose
   19:53:34   jrodriguez ->    Venezuelan?
   19:53:38   alicemercer ->    I've put up a new post
   19:53:42   alicemercer ->    previewing the show: http://itselementary.edublogs.org/2008/03/30/preview-of-show-16-at-a-spe...
   19:53:49   jrodriguez ->    cool thanks Alice.
   19:55:23   jrodriguez ->    So where is the music from. Need to have mp3...please.
   19:55:28   alicemercer ->    More visitors coming in now that show is over?
   19:55:36   jrodriguez ->    guess, so
   19:55:56   jeffmason ->    what's streaming now? was listening to webcast out of chat
   19:56:06   JohnS ->    wow. we're more popular when we stop talking?
   19:56:39   jrodriguez ->    Edtechweekly just finished
   19:56:50   jrodriguez ->    It's on 7pm Eastern on Sundays
   19:57:39   alicemercer ->    JS: Well, Dave is more popular with me
   19:58:10   jeffmason ->    I was listenening to webcast but wasn't able to enter chatroom.
   19:58:40   jrodriguez ->    I see  
   19:58:51   jeffmason ->    until now when I heard the music
  19:59:29   jrodriguez ->    Podcast will be available probably tomorrow morning.Jeff is really good about posting audio
   19:59:51   jrodriguez ->    Check at at home page http://edtechtalk.com for updates
   20:00:03   jeffmason ->    will do
   20:00:34   jrodriguez ->    and all the other great shows during the week... :-)
   20:01:35   jrodriguez ->    well good night.. all


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