Making Connecctions #16

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Thanks to Maggie Tsai for giving us another tour of Diigo. Diigo has lots of possibilities for the classroom, thanks for sharing!

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 18:51:40  Cathy E   Hello
 19:06:35  Cathy E
 19:07:07  Cathy E   password  diigoedu
 19:07:39  maria   hi there
 19:08:21  Cathy E   Can you hear the stream
 19:08:40  maria   I do
 19:08:53  maria   hi there = I skype you
 19:11:04  Cathy E
 19:15:37  Cathy E
 19:15:53  Cathy E   lisa can I skype you
 19:16:08  Cathy E   password for go to meeting is diigoedu
 19:17:20  Cathy E   skype cevanoff
 19:18:14  Cathy E   hi anne
 19:18:16  Cathy E
 19:18:24  Cathy E   password diigoedu
 19:18:37  Anne   Hi there
 19:20:07  Cathy E   we are having a diigo fest
 19:23:59  Cathy E   Anne- you are welcome to join us
 19:28:26  LisaParisi   sorry...have to go eat dinner
 19:28:27  LisaParisi   bye
 19:30:33  Anne   I'm having trouble getting my headset to connect, but thank you for the invitation...I would love to join you if I can!
 19:33:53  Cathy E
 19:34:03  Cathy E   password diigoedu
 19:34:08  Cathy E
 19:34:20  Cathy E   password diigo
 19:34:25  Cathy E   skype cevanoff
 19:39:11  Cathy E   Jason can you join us in go to meeting and skype
 19:39:21  Jason Hando   am trying now
 19:39:39  Cathy E
 19:39:52  Cathy E   password = diigoedu
 19:40:03  Jason Hando   cant get into gotomeeting for some reason
 19:40:18  Jason Hando   maybe I should try skype - how do I join>
 19:40:29  Cathy E   i'll call you
 19:41:34  Cathy E   @Jason I don't see you in skype
 19:41:51  Jason Hando   I am in there - jhando is username
 19:49:28  Cathy E
 19:49:49  Cathy E   password is diigoedu
 19:50:31  Cathy E   you can also skype cevanoff- so you can talk to us
 19:52:34  Cathy E   jason are you listening to this/
 19:54:09  Cathy E   hello
 19:54:29  Cathy E   we talking to Maggie from Diigo
 19:54:38  ksandridge   yeah! sorry... am late
 19:54:42  ksandridge   is she on a site?
 19:54:45  Cathy E   if you would like to see
 19:54:47  Cathy E
 19:54:54  Cathy E   pssword is diigo
 19:55:02  Cathy E   opps
 19:55:06  Cathy E   diigoedu
 19:55:14  ksandridge   thanks, cathy! :)
 19:57:22  Cathy E   Kevin are you listening to the stream or you can skype cevnoff
 19:58:50  Cathy E   Susan you too
 19:58:59  Cathy E   please join us
 19:59:35  susanvg   Thanks - I'll just listen for now
 20:00:11  Cathy E   Please tell us what you teach?
 20:01:12  susanvg   I work with teachers
 20:01:22  Cathy E   great
 20:01:53  Cathy E   are you using diigo
 20:04:37  susanvg   no - first I heard of it