Making Connections # 15

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

Rendy King and Freda Ballard share great materials they created for a workshop for teachers @ Meredith College. Learn how to set-up a math webquest for elementary students. Rendy and Freda have shared all their information below.

Directions for new learners:
Important info
WebQuest websites identified by participants during the Meredith Mathematics Institutes- Summer 2007
WinZip Directions

A Day at the Beach
Beach rubric
Beach References
A Day at the Beach Reading Resources
A Day at the Beach References
Beach Connections for NCSCOS
Clean UP and Recording Sheet A
Where do they live? Recording Sheet B
What's Missing - Recording Sheet C
How big is big? - recording Sheet D

Surf Sand and Sky (PowerPoint converted to Flash)
Surf Sand and Sky (PowerPoint file)
Lesson template 1
Lesson template 2

Mission Webquest (PowerPoint converted to Flash)
Mission Webquest (PowerPoint file)
Read First Doc
Dig It - A webQuest for 4th Grade (Links to documents have been added individually)
Gardening Chart
Gardening Recording Sheet A
Gardeneing Recording Sheet B
Five "Key Strategies" for Effective Formative Assessment - NCTM
Effective Teaching for the Development of Skill and Conceptual Understanding of Number: What is Most Effective? - NCTM
Futures Channel

Have you ever had students say to you, "I don't need math, I'm going to be a musician!" Why not introduce them to world-renowned drummer Ndugu Chancler, who explains why math is essential to music?

Watch the movie:


The Notebook
Leader Notes
Installing Netscape 7.0
Template Download
Creating Webquest

Fonts and Backgrounds

Adding Google Images
Hotlinking Addresses
Hyperlinking Words
Hyperlinking Images to a document

Website Hyperlink
Create Teacher Page

Student Page Components
Teacher Page Components


Rendy King and Freda Ballard will share the webcast they created for a workshop for teachers @ Meredith College. Don't miss this take to school tool for math!

See ya @ 7:00 EST

Here are the support materials to go with the show.

Directions for new learners:
Important info
WebQuest websites identified by participants during the Meredith Mathematics Institutes- Summer 2007
WinZip Directions

A Day at the Beach
Beach rubric
Beach References
A Day at the Beach Reading Resources
A Day at the Beach References
Beach Connections for NCSCOS
Clean UP and Recording Sheet A
Where do they live? Recording Sheet B
What's Missing - Recording Sheet C
How big is big? - recording Sheet D

Surf Sand and Sky (PowerPoint converted to Flash)
Surf Sand and Sky (PowerPoint file)
Lesson template 1
Lesson template 2

Mission Webquest (PowerPoint converted to Flash)
Mission Webquest (PowerPoint file)
Read First Doc
Dig It - A webQuest for 4th Grade (Links to documents have been added individually)
Gardening Chart
Gardening Recording Sheet A
Gardeneing Recording Sheet B
Five "Key Strategies" for Effective Formative Assessment - NCTM
Effective Teaching for the Development of Skill and Conceptual Understanding of Number: What is Most Effective? - NCTM
Futures Channel

Have you ever had students say to you, "I don't need math, I'm going to be a musician!" Why not introduce them to world-renowned drummer Ndugu Chancler, who explains why math is essential to music?

Watch the movie:


The Notebook
Leader Notes
Installing Netscape 7.0
Template Download
Creating Webquest

Fonts and Backgrounds

Adding Google Images
Hotlinking Addresses
Hyperlinking Words
Hyperlinking Images to a document

Website Hyperlink
Create Teacher Page

Student Page Components
Teacher Page Components


 08:35:58  tiger_fire -> --Worldbridges: >SD<sdfs>f
 18:54:16  CathyE -> EdTechTalk: hey jason
 18:54:24  CathyE -> EdTechTalk: skype cevanoff
 18:56:19  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: I tried you CathyE?
 18:59:14  CathyE -> EdTechTalk:
 19:01:29  Durff -> EdTechTalk: hey
 19:01:37  Durff -> EdTechTalk: music on ETTA
 19:01:40  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: Hi
 19:01:53  Durff -> EdTechTalk: is that you cath?
 19:02:00  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: I don't get a yugma link in the right hand side for some reason
 19:02:12  Durff -> EdTechTalk: hi mr webcaste wonder
 19:02:48  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: lol
 19:02:55  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: dont get too carried away there Lisa
 19:03:41  CathyE -> EdTechTalk:
 19:04:15  Durff -> EdTechTalk: i can't, i'm eating
 19:04:40  Durff -> EdTechTalk: doesn;t carry well
 19:04:45  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: what's on the menu tonight Lisa?
 19:05:27  Durff -> EdTechTalk: ww couscous with vegie bouillon and maderin vegied
 19:05:53  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: ooh - nice, except need some beef medallions on the side ;-)
 19:05:54  Durff -> EdTechTalk: vegies
 19:06:06  Durff -> EdTechTalk: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
 19:06:36  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: nicely seared on both sides so it's still pink on inside :D
 19:06:55  CathyE -> EdTechTalk:
 19:07:08  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: you must realise Lisa that Aussies are BIG meativores!!
 19:08:31  Durff -> EdTechTalk: carnivore!
 19:09:17  Durff -> EdTechTalk: i'm listening on the stream, cathy
 19:09:26  Durff -> EdTechTalk: skype not being nice
 19:09:38  CathyE -> EdTechTalk: thanks for the info
 19:09:55  Durff -> EdTechTalk: personality conflict
 19:10:18  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: Yeah, I like trainings where I get the software. I think in most my district does they do give it to you.
 19:10:35  Durff -> EdTechTalk: why?
 19:10:43  Durff -> EdTechTalk: software is opensource
 19:10:59  Durff -> EdTechTalk: now if they give you hardsware....
 19:11:11  Durff -> EdTechTalk: that would be soooo nice
 19:11:39  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: true - hardware is more valuable than software these days
 19:11:43  Durff -> EdTechTalk: i have to do faculty training this year
 19:11:48  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: Not the stuff I get trained on, but even if it was, like when I do a podcast training, I'm going to give them either flash drives or CD with Audacity/LAME so they don't have to d/l it.
 19:12:09  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: The stuff I get trained on is not always open source. I got Inspiration that way
 19:12:11  Durff -> EdTechTalk: Mojopac
 19:12:29  Durff -> EdTechTalk: will put it on a flashdrive
 19:12:42  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: Mojopac will put what on?
 19:12:51  Durff -> EdTechTalk: any app
 19:12:53  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: Cathy, I'm not seeing anything in Yugma?
 19:13:03  Durff -> EdTechTalk: like audacity
 19:13:10  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: Alice, whats software are we talking about?
 19:13:12  Durff -> EdTechTalk: i heard SL too
 19:13:21  Durff -> EdTechTalk: though that seems large
 19:13:30  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: Yeah, but it's easier if I add it rather than telling them to go to Mojopac
 19:13:39  Durff -> EdTechTalk: yes
 19:13:41  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: Inspiration - can use, freemind (free download),
 19:13:56  Durff -> EdTechTalk: i like that one too
 19:14:02  Durff -> EdTechTalk: and bubblus
 19:14:16  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: Jason, can you add video, and how much graphic control do those have?
 19:14:28  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: Becuase NOTHING i've seen online is as good as Inspiration.
 19:14:42  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: Mindmeister only has limited free time.
 19:15:07  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: no, I agree, not as good as inspration - wasn't aware inspiration did video insert though, I know you can put audio attached to symbols which is fantastic feature
 19:15:15  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: And it's only advantage is the ability to share, but since it requires emails (which is difficult to manage with elementary) that's not always doable.
 19:16:07  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: I can't see dig it.
 19:16:20  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: Yugma session is not up anymore for any of us I think?
 19:16:39  Jason Hando -> EdTechTalk: I can't get Yugma working but no surprise - never works for me
 19:17:33  Durff -> EdTechTalk: hi again
 19:17:49  Terry -> EdTechTalk: greetings
 19:18:11  CathyE -> EdTechTalk: hello Terry
 19:18:33  Terry -> EdTechTalk: Hi, Cathye
 19:21:12  Durff -> EdTechTalk: hi alice
 19:21:24  CathyE -> EdTechTalk:
 19:21:55  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk:
 19:22:12  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: great resource for music math connection, especially fractions.
 19:24:44  Durff -> EdTechTalk: yeah!
 19:25:10  Durff -> EdTechTalk: hi barbara
 19:25:52  Durff -> EdTechTalk: dripping with humility...
 19:26:18  CathyE -> EdTechTalk: hello barbara
 19:26:23  BarbaraS -> EdTechTalk: Hello
 19:26:32  CathyE -> EdTechTalk: welcome back
 19:26:45  BarbaraS -> EdTechTalk: I've been in wilmington
 19:27:02  Durff -> EdTechTalk: delaware?
 19:27:12  BarbaraS -> EdTechTalk: NC
 19:27:18  Durff -> EdTechTalk: oh
 19:28:55  Durff -> EdTechTalk: how did you do that?
 19:28:59  Durff -> EdTechTalk: sooo smooth
 19:30:08  Terry -> EdTechTalk: bye all
 19:32:40  AliceMercer -> EdTechTalk: Sorry for abrupt leave taking. Son walked in door
 19:32:46  BarbaraS -> EdTechTalk: bye
 19:32:50  Durff -> EdTechTalk: hi son
 19:33:07  Durff -> EdTechTalk: me too
 19:37:19  Durff using streams w/ interns at 8:00pm -> EdTechTalk: hey Cathy - waiting for interns to practice streaming at 8:00pm
 19:37:29  Durff using streams w/ interns at 8:00pm -> EdTechTalk: brb