Discussion with Steve Kossakoski's Emergent Technology Class

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Discussion with Steve Kossakoski's Emergent Technology Class
July 25, 2007

Chat log below

09:37:33  Jeff from Ann Arbor ->  This is Jeff Flynn from Ann Arbor where I am an Assistive Technology Consultant
09:37:45  dave ->  Jeff... thanks for coming :)
09:37:54  dave ->  exeter?
09:39:01  SusanEttenheim ->  hi jeff from ann arbor!
09:39:09  SusanEttenheim ->  hi all
09:39:18  Jeff from Ann Arbor ->  Dave & all, good to being joining the crew
09:39:44  SusanEttenheim ->  jeff we're counting on your help for this summer group of interns !
09:43:15  SusanEttenheim ->  hi carlaarena
09:43:17  SusanEttenheim ->  :)
09:43:22  carlaarena ->  hi, susan
09:43:36  SusanEttenheim ->  you're joining us this summer, right?
09:43:49  SusanEttenheim ->  I tried to post to your blog and it just wouldn't go through
09:43:50  carlaarena ->  yes!
09:43:52  SusanEttenheim ->  hi lee
09:43:55  Lee Baber ->  hi
09:44:11  Lee Baber ->  I suppose I was too loud? noisy? Shall I try again?
09:44:48  carlaarena ->  susan, i don't know what happened. some could post
09:44:49  jeff ->  np Lee
09:44:52  dave ->  you were cutting out Lee
09:45:03  Durff ->  hi lee
09:45:09  SusanEttenheim ->  I know that... I saw that.. so sorry I couldn't but I'll try again!
09:45:17  SusanEttenheim ->  my thoughts were there!
09:45:40  carlaarena ->  please do it!
09:45:48  Durff ->  i'm glad dave doesn't get it all - makes me feel better (though i don't believe it)
09:46:25  carlaarena ->  me too, durff!
09:46:27  Cathy E ->  Talk about a 1-1 connection
09:46:36  Durff ->  amen
09:46:45  Cathy E ->  Like a kindergarten class from NH to NC
09:47:02  Durff ->  sorry CathE - i had to attend that training
09:47:37  Cathy E ->  It is OK Lisa- we missed you
09:47:41  Durff ->  Great comment John
09:47:42  Cathy E ->  I am working on the video now
09:48:03  Durff ->  it was boring CathyE
09:48:15  Jeff from Ann Arbor ->  The best part for me in ETT is that it has broaden my horizens beyond my physical colleagues.  We would be stuck in our echo chamber and now ETT is bringing newness to our conversations.
09:48:40  Jeff from Ann Arbor ->  I am cursing my Comcast connectivity so no skype
09:48:43  Durff ->  exactly Jeff
09:48:52  Durff ->  not the cursing
09:49:12  Durff ->  i have antietam
09:49:24  Durff ->  it seems slower than comcast
09:49:42  Jeff from Ann Arbor ->  connectivity is fast but skype is chopping
09:50:05  Lee Baber ->  i will call in with better sound mic  ok  it  should be better now
09:50:28  JohnSchinker ->  Are we monopolizing the conversation? Let's get more from the people in NH
09:51:16  Lee Baber ->  no your good
09:51:28  Durff ->  thanks John
09:51:35  Durff ->  passwords?
09:52:07  Jeff from Ann Arbor ->  Dave you are underestimating the growing base of knowledge of you and Jeff and that contribution.
09:52:40  dave ->  maybe i'm dabbling in humility
09:52:42  dave ->  :P
09:52:46  SusanEttenheim ->  wow I agree jeff
09:52:49  Jeff from Ann Arbor ->  dable, dabble
09:52:54  Lee Baber ->  As do I
09:55:35  Durff ->  humility is a good emotion practice for dave
09:55:35  Cathy E ->  one to one video with skype is great- one classroom to another classroom
09:56:40  dave ->  i'm not sure i like your attitude schinker
09:56:41  Durff ->  would entering chat through worldbridges help the class?
09:57:18  JohnSchinker ->  fast-paced roundup is my motto
09:57:33  JohnSchinker ->  they can't get in, Durff
09:57:40  dave ->  nope.
09:57:44  dave ->  it wouldn't
09:57:50  Durff ->  pooh
09:57:57  dave ->  paul does talk alot LOL
09:58:10  dave ->  not more than me though :P
09:58:17  Durff ->  so true
09:59:43  Durff ->  should i be able to sign into webcastacademy, worldbridges, & edtechtalk with the same username and password? do i need the openid to do that?
10:00:09  Durff ->  i like the transparent!
10:02:21  Durff ->  a pregnant silence
10:02:33  lee baber ->  OK..time to get on the road again
10:02:46  Durff ->  lee - we love you!
10:02:55  Durff ->  be careful out there
10:02:56  carlaarena ->  bye, Lee
10:03:10  lee baber ->  cant wait to win a grant to buy an iphone so i can be online anytime
10:03:16  lee baber ->  bye thankis durff
10:03:20  lee baber ->  bye Carla
10:03:56  lee baber ->  "as she drifts off watching my signal fadeeee......"
10:04:00  jeff ->  thanks lee
10:05:30  SusanEttenheim ->  lee i hear the online is really slow still
10:05:38  SusanEttenheim ->  if you're not in a wifi zone
10:07:15  dave ->  this has been fantastic... wish i could stay
10:07:27  dave ->  great job folks
10:07:29  jeff ->  thanks dave
10:07:32  dave ->  ttyall soon
10:07:35  SusanEttenheim ->  bye dave
10:07:37  Durff ->  good qt !
10:07:38  carlaarena ->  bye dave
10:09:30  Durff ->  sigh - twitter offline again...
10:09:44  carlaarena ->  tweet addict Durff!
10:09:51  Durff ->  i am
10:09:57  carlaarena ->  i know!
10:10:04  Durff ->  the power of Twitter!
10:10:09  carlaarena ->  I always learn so much from people there
10:10:17  Durff ->  yes
10:10:36  Durff ->  the larger one's network - the vaster the resources
10:11:04  Durff ->  if i get an 'A' it will be because of the twitterverse
10:11:30  carlaarena ->  true, durff
10:11:44  Durff ->  and you helped!
10:13:09  SusanEttenheim ->  go cathy!!!!!!
10:13:32  Durff ->  go carla!
10:13:42  SusanEttenheim ->  brazil!!
10:14:13  Durff ->  i have a sponsored child in Brazil
10:14:37  Durff ->  she is getting so tall! 12 now!
10:15:22  carlaarena ->  really, Durff1
10:15:31  Durff ->  yea
10:16:22  Durff ->  susan is so enthusiastic!
10:16:42  Durff ->  i wish i had her energy
10:18:27  Durff ->  are you handing out energy?
10:18:33  SusanEttenheim ->  :)
10:18:39  JohnSchinker ->  If we're posting contact info, we should probably also post what we do, so if they're looking for, say, a middle school teacher, they'll know who to contact.
10:18:51  Durff ->  ah
10:18:52  carlaarena ->  true, John
10:18:57  Cathy E ->  John- you are so smart
10:19:30  Cathy E ->  Cathy Evanoff- Nags Head Elementary School- Nags Head, NC  K-5
10:19:36  carlaarena ->  I'm Carla Arena a Brazilian EFL educator, but now on a leave and involved in many edtech ventures!
10:20:05  Cathy E ->  Can they see the Skype chat?
10:20:13  Durff ->  should we post somewhere in a wiki for them to access?
10:20:28  jeff ->  I think so - I've been texting them some links
10:20:31  Durff ->  i don't think cathy
10:20:39  SusanEttenheim ->  I like the idea of telling them to go to edtechtalk.com
10:20:42  Durff ->  oh my bad
10:20:54  SusanEttenheim ->  I think it's really important to consolidate
10:21:01  SusanEttenheim ->  at edtechtalk
10:22:42  jeff ->  http://www.webkinz.com/index.html
10:23:08  carlaarena ->  yes, webkinz for elementary classes. great potential!
10:23:09  Durff ->  did we answer their ats?
10:23:15  Durff ->  qts?
10:23:32  Durff ->  the borg!
10:25:45  Cathy E ->  You guys are wonderful- I have to get to work
10:26:01  Durff ->  bye!