21st Century Learing #31: GTD

EdTechTalk: 21st Century Learning #31
Getting Things Done Review
February 6, 2007

arvind and I discuss the Getting Things Done system. arvind went to a David Allen seminar last week, so we thought it would be a good time to review our progress with the GTD system.

Check out the Chat Transcript for great resources


Welcome to the Worldbridges Chat Room
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Alex Ragone: IP Address
vvrotny: IP Address
vvrotny: IP Address
[arvind] hey vinnie, you made it
[vvrotny] right now I am chat only for 5 minutes, as I now have to proctor a study hall and there are two seniors making up an in-class essay.
jeff: IP Address
[jeff] Hey guys. Stream sounds good
[arvind] hey jeff
[arvind] great
[Alex Ragone] Hey Guys!
[Alex Ragone] Getting Things Done
[Alex Ragone] http://www.davidco.com
[Alex Ragone] Brain Dump
[Alex Ragone] To manage what has you attention, you have to know what has your attention.
[Alex Ragone] Write it all down.
[arvind] http://www.inboxzero.com/
[Alex Ragone] Our first Getting Things Done Show: Getting
[Alex Ragone] http://edtechtalk.com/21st_Century_Learning_8
[arvind] wiki at 43folders about getting things done: http://wiki.43folders.com/index.php/GTD
[Alex Ragone] David Allen's Podcasts: http://www.davidco.com/podcast.php
galex: IP Address
[jeff] He checked it off his list pretty quickly
[jeff] How would David's approach translate itself to group project To Do list management?
[Alex Ragone] It would probably be another container?
[Alex Ragone] .
[arvind] http://www.basecamphq.com/
[Alex Ragone] That's more pm vs. help desk tasks (http://www.webhelpdesk.com/)
[Alex Ragone] http://www.webhelpdesk.com/
[arvind] Some GTD toys: http://hiveminder.com
[arvind] Simple GTD: http://www.simplegtd.com/
[arvind] d3 http://dcubed.ca/
[arvind] Jello.Dashboard: http://jello.wordpress.com/

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