The 2007 Edublog Award Ceremony

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  Saturday, December 8, 2007
Stay tuned for edited audio

Leave messages below for the 2007 Edublog Awards Celebration.  Share kudos, comments, congratulations, complaints, and/or tell us how an edublog touched your life this year. You can call the temporary code below or use your computer to leave a message here (click the mic tab).

13:33:28 derrallg ->  Hi everyone
13:34:01 derrallg ->  sound seems too hot in ustream
13:34:49 Ben Wilkoff ->  I would listen to that.
13:37:50 jeff ->  thanks Derrall
13:37:58 jeff ->  just turned it down - any better?
13:46:09 Ben Wilkoff ->  John has the echo.
13:52:44 JenM ->  oh, dear ... updating 2nd life now causing a slew of other updates / shut downs ... will be back shortly ...
13:56:02 Ben Wilkoff ->  Huge echo
13:56:34 Ben Wilkoff ->  I'm just listening to ustream
13:56:48 Ben Wilkoff ->  Everyone has huge echo... (3 or 4 echos)
13:56:59 Ben Wilkoff ->  Now only two
13:57:00 cheryloakes seedlings ->  just logged onto the chat, so far
13:57:51 Ben Wilkoff ->  Better.
13:58:18 Ben Wilkoff ->  Just a little bit of reverb... which sounds pretty cool actually
13:59:19 Ben Wilkoff ->  It hasn't updated in while
14:00:40 Ben Wilkoff ->  Echo once again.
14:00:50 Ben Wilkoff ->  No echo now.
14:00:57 Ben Wilkoff ->  Echo now
14:01:11 Ben Wilkoff ->  Very late echo
14:02:12 Ben Wilkoff ->  Interesting... nope not in world
14:02:27 Ben Wilkoff ->  I'm in studio 2 on (yep... late echo)
14:02:37 Ben Wilkoff ->  I just checked that actually... just one window
14:03:03 Ben Wilkoff ->  Well... it is perfect now
14:03:21 Ben Wilkoff ->  Whatever I just did... (or you did) it is perfect
14:03:32 JenM ->  back in a flash ... or two or three
14:03:44 Ben Wilkoff ->  Which is the way it was when Jen speaking before.
14:07:55 Ben Wilkoff ->  Is that the theme music?
14:08:58 Ben Wilkoff ->  That's what I thought you were testing out.
14:10:49 arvind ->  hey there all. how's the pregame going?
14:11:07 jeff ->  so far so good
14:11:12 arvind ->  not very into second life. pretty afraid it will end my first life
14:11:16 jeff ->  would you like to join the  convo
14:12:41 arvind ->  am going go be in and out, so can't Skype in right now
14:12:47 Ben Wilkoff ->  Has anyone figured out how to make the camtwist video more sharp?
14:14:18 Ben Wilkoff ->  I just wish it was more like a screencast...
14:14:32 Ben Wilkoff ->  That sounds wonderful.
14:15:56 arvind ->  who's screen are we watching?
14:16:22 arvind ->  decent quality
14:16:26 JosieFraser ->  Hey Jeff :)
14:18:00 jeff ->  skyping you now josie
14:18:24 jeff ->  we hear you
14:18:39 jeff ->  yes i am
14:24:32 Tom Barrett ->  Evening
14:24:38 Tom Barrett ->  Hi Josie
14:24:48 Tom Barrett ->
14:25:00 Bassman_Sean ->  hey
14:25:19 Bassman_Sean ->  yup, sure am :D
14:30:26 arvind ->  good luck folks, see you later
14:35:34 Ben Wilkoff ->  everyone sounds about the same
14:36:08 Bassman_Sean ->  everyone sounds fine to me
14:38:11 Bassman_Sean ->  that's Arthus!
14:40:30 Bassman_Sean ->  I'm talking to Arthus on Skype too
14:46:51 Bassman_Sean ->  Hey Clay
14:47:03 clay burell ->  Hi Sean
14:48:00 clay burell ->  one sec
14:48:37 clay burell ->  on my old G4 instead of macbook - weird
14:49:02 clay burell ->  what's the contact name?
14:49:17 clay burell ->  on Skype?
14:49:36 Bassman_Sean ->  yeah I need it too
14:52:54 JenM ->  OOOO! So exciting! 2nd Life crashing for me today, rats.
14:57:42 SB ->  Ustream Audio is fine.
14:57:54 JenM ->  ustream audio is awesome!!
14:57:59 JenM ->  working great!!
14:58:19 JenM ->  just waiting for everything to crash (the ETT version of "break a leg")
14:58:30 Ben Wilkoff ->  Gotta go for a while.
14:59:26 SB ->  Yes
14:59:28 JenM ->  I heard Daryl
14:59:29 Bassman_Sean ->  yup I did
14:59:52 njtechteacher ->  yes I heard
15:01:25 JosieFraser ->  Wow! Cool airship!
15:01:48 JosieFraser ->  I'm just waiting for the pizza to arrive at this end :)
15:02:11 SB ->  Siouynds good, Josie
15:02:15 SB ->  Sounds
15:04:33 ds aka cosmo commons ->  thanks Dave--back at ya
15:06:00 JosieFraser ->  Tell Jo her outfit is great!
15:06:52 JosieFraser ->  Yep - I have pizza and wine for tonight.
15:07:14 JosieFraser ->  but if I'm slurring slightly by the end of the evening it's Jeff's sound and not me ;)
15:07:35 JosieFraser ->  Hey Steve!
15:08:05 SteveHargadon ->  Hi, Josie!
15:08:16 ds aka cosmo commons ->  ustream audio is cutting in and out for me
15:08:34 ds aka cosmo commons ->  back now
15:08:41 ds aka cosmo commons ->  was off air for a bit
15:09:02 JosieFraser ->  Learning Loon is Ewan McIntosh
15:09:23 JosieFraser ->  Korea is the place to be for tech!
15:09:44 ds aka cosmo commons ->  lost ustream audio again
15:09:46 JosieFraser ->  ok - sound down
15:09:55 dave ->  who's in korea?
15:10:02 ds aka cosmo commons ->  back on audio
15:10:09 JosieFraser ->  The guy chatting with Jeff inworld
15:10:26 JosieFraser ->  I know Korean related to movie titles
15:11:33 JosieFraser ->  s'fine now
15:11:42 JosieFraser ->  a little choppy
15:12:11 ds aka cosmo commons ->  lost ustream audio
15:12:18 ds aka cosmo commons ->  was good, but not there now
15:12:23 ds aka cosmo commons ->  back now
15:12:28 ds aka cosmo commons ->  on ustream
15:13:47 Ann-NJTechTeacher ->  Korea=
15:20:31 Cosmo Commons ->  Dave is a little hot in ustream
15:20:34 Cosmo Commons ->  audio wise
15:20:39 dave ->  rarr.
15:21:18 Cosmo Commons ->  true re "hot in general"
15:21:36 Cosmo Commons ->  nice
15:21:54 JosieFraser ->  is there a baby online?
15:22:11 Cosmo Commons ->  Hey Oscar!
15:22:15 JosieFraser ->  ah! Hi Oscar!
15:23:05 Cosmo Commons ->  better now on audio Dave
15:23:27 dave ->  there was a baby online
15:23:29 dave ->  :)
15:43:04 JohnS ->
15:48:50 Cosmo Commons ->  Hey Sharon and Jen, and all
15:49:02 JenM ->  Hi!
15:49:22 JenM ->  We're hearing that speaker with an echo
15:49:43 Cosmo Commons ->  not getting an echo here
15:49:54 Cosmo Commons ->  wondering if it's SL and ustream audio for you?
15:50:06 Cosmo Commons ->  i
15:50:13 JenM ->  who was that speaking, btw?
15:50:23 Cosmo Commons ->  I'm streaming ustream audio on ETT A
15:50:28 Cosmo Commons ->  not sure
15:50:37 JenM ->  now it seems better
15:50:50 Cosmo Commons ->  cool, thanks
15:51:31 JenM ->  my computer keeps crashing (some video driver issue) when I go into 2ndlife, but this is fun, too.
15:51:39 sharonp ->  think I might try checking you out in SL.... my elves are busy in the background doing the decorating and baking.... nothing like delegation!
15:53:39 JenM ->  I'm going to try rebooting with a new video driver ... brb
15:53:50 jeff ->  anybody want to do a sound checki?
15:57:04 Cosmo Commons ->  sounds good Jeff
16:02:21 jeff ->  not sure what happened to ustream - should be back shortly
16:05:22 Cosmo Commons ->  have ustream back now
16:05:29 Cosmo Commons ->  altho very choppy
16:07:18 Cosmo Commons ->  off air again--ustream that is...
16:07:28 jeff ->  hmmm
16:07:34 jeff ->  I'm finishing my reboot
16:07:38 jeff ->  will check in shortly
16:07:45 Cosmo Commons ->  standing by, will advise
16:08:26 Cosmo Commons ->  back now, but with "howl around"
16:08:39 Cosmo Commons ->  someone in skype and ustream it sounds like
16:09:11 AllanahK ->  This should be fun
16:10:28 dave ->  yo
16:10:34 Cosmo Commons ->  sup
16:10:41 dave ->  'much
16:10:43 dave ->  'sup u
16:10:48 Cosmo Commons ->  nada
16:10:48 jim_gates ->  Timothy Leary would have LOVED the sound so far
16:10:57 Cosmo Commons ->  lol
16:12:20 JimCoe ->  Hello All!
16:12:26 Cosmo Commons ->  need to step away for a couple -- brb -- continuing to stream ustream audio to Channel A
16:12:33 Cosmo Commons ->  Hi Jim
16:15:41 JenniferW ->  Hey Alice -- I am sitting next to you in SL
16:15:53 alicebarr ->  Oh Hi !
16:16:05 alicebarr ->  Have 2 computers going
16:16:07 JosieFraser ->  OK - we'll be kicking off shortly. Dave  - can you skype me back in to the prep channel?
16:16:26 JenniferW ->  ahhhh
16:16:36 sharonp ->  Jen, any idea why I was all in black
16:16:50 JenniferW ->  should I listen here or in SL??
16:16:56 JenniferW ->  Sharon -- you had not rezzed yet
16:17:02 JenniferW ->  DOUBLE ECHO
16:17:14 sharonp ->  rezzed???
16:17:26 alicebarr ->  I am in black too!
16:17:34 JenniferW ->  your SL body had not completely rezzed yet
16:17:38 JenniferW ->  hmmmm resoluted??
16:17:44 sharonp ->  is this some kind of spiritual experience?
16:17:49 JenniferW ->  I think so  :)
16:18:29 JenniferW ->  Hi Donna
16:18:35 alicebarr ->  I se names on Ustream but not in SL. Too many people?
16:18:41 sharonp ->  Jen, where are you in SL?
16:18:52 JenniferW ->  lots in SL -- not names I know
16:18:57 JenniferW ->  Sharon -- I am in the second row
16:19:04 JenniferW ->  by Lily of the Starr
16:19:07 JenniferW ->  behind KJ
16:19:11 sharonp ->  uhmmmm
16:19:13 dthaggard ->  Hello Jen
16:19:34 sharonp ->  webcastorium? or J Island?
16:19:40 JenniferW ->  so who accepts --- the Avatar or the real person??
16:20:13 dthaggard ->  I used to have SL  deleted it cause it was slowing down my computer
16:20:19 JenniferW ->  Sharon -- do you need a TELEPORT
16:20:41 sharonp ->  yes... to where?? this is my question
16:20:57 sharonp ->  was given three SLurls
16:21:11 jim_gates ->  one more time, please - the skype name?
16:21:37 steve madsenau ->  ustream currently off air?
16:21:44 dave ->  seems that way doesn't it
16:21:53 Cosmo Commons ->  been having some troubles with it
16:21:57 JosieFraser ->  Yep - off stream message
16:22:02 Cosmo Commons ->  should be back soon
16:22:17 dave ->  umm... i'm having a drink now
16:22:20 JimCoe ->  Hey, I'm still a novice with SL, I'm trying to teleport to the island for the award, but and geting a message that it is full.  Is there any way around this?
16:22:32 Cosmo Commons ->  back now on ustream
16:25:46 Cosmo Commons ->  Hi Konrad, Sarah, Joyce and kattan -- welcome
16:25:57 Sarah S ->  Hello!
16:26:01 joycevalenza ->  hi all!
16:26:36 Cosmo Commons ->  Hi to Geekie too
16:26:52 joycevalenza ->  welcome, steve!
16:26:55 Cosmo Commons ->  ustream sounding good
16:27:02 SteveHargadon ->  Howdy!
16:27:20 JenniferWagner ->  where should I listen -- here -- second life -- both?? 
16:27:26 JenniferWagner ->  is it simultaneous
16:27:35 jeff ->  yes - one or the other
16:27:35 JenniferWagner ->  I can hear you fine
16:27:40 Cosmo Commons ->  more or less
16:27:42 JenniferWagner ->  but there is distractions behind you
16:27:42 Geekie Kidd ->  Howdy
16:27:47 kattan ->  yep, i
16:27:53 Cosmo Commons ->  some lag in world
16:27:53 JenniferWagner ->  and echos
16:28:05 kattan ->  ve got the audio on a gner train, and it sounds fine!
16:28:07 JenniferWagner ->  and in SL I have muted -- so I am only listening ETT
16:28:12 JohnS ->  Jdub: I think ustream has better audio
16:28:17 JenniferWagner ->  Hey COSTMO
16:28:20 JenniferWagner ->  COSMO
16:28:27 JenniferWagner ->  let me go to the ustream
16:28:32 Cosmo Commons ->  JDub -- been too long!
16:28:39 kattan ->  ustream isnt connecting for me, just keeps trying to refresh itself
16:28:53 Cosmo Commons ->  ETT CHannel A is a restream of ustream
16:29:11 JenniferWagner ->  ustream is okay
16:29:17 kattan ->  gotcha - etta is what i've got.
16:29:19 alicebarr ->  Can hear you in world
16:29:28 steve madsenau ->
16:29:30 JenniferWagner ->  Cosmo -- yes we need a catchup
16:29:33 JenniferWagner ->  we can hear you
16:29:40 Cosmo Commons ->  indeed
16:29:45 jeff ->
16:30:30 Cosmo Commons ->  video remotes, from "in world" next year
16:30:39 JenniferWagner ->  Menlo Rich is talking in SL -- should we hear that too??
16:30:52 Cosmo Commons ->  it's the same audio
16:30:55 Cosmo Commons ->  more or less
16:30:59 JenniferWagner ->  I am sooooo confused
16:31:20 steve madsenau ->  keep it simple (kiss)
16:31:22 jim_gates ->  what's the skype name for audio?
16:31:45 JenniferWagner ->  is James Menlo Rich in SL??
16:31:48 AllanahK ->  I spend my life being confused
16:32:06 Cosmo Commons ->  JL is MR
16:32:08 JenniferWagner ->  BLIMPP just showed up in SL
16:32:15 JohnS ->  Dave -- you're giving me a haircut with that blimp!
16:32:29 JenniferWagner ->  and blimp is gone
16:32:59 dave ->  yeah... sometimes you gotta have a little blimp
16:33:17 Cosmo Commons ->  more blimp
16:33:34 JenniferWagner ->  I liked the blimp -- though I thought it was a submarine for a bit
16:35:16 JenniferWagner ->  Doug -- I see your name -- where are you in SL??
16:35:27 JenniferWagner ->  right in front of me??
16:36:13 Cosmo Commons ->  sitting in the front row -- I'm a keener ;)
16:36:35 JenniferWagner ->  I am right behind you
16:36:42 JohnS ->  he's on the other side of the aisle from you
16:36:47 JohnS ->  on your right
16:36:53 jim_gates ->  *applause*
16:37:03 JenniferWagner ->  clapping
16:37:22 jim_gates ->  \o/ *yeah*
16:37:28 Alice Mercer ->  *applause* :)
16:37:41 Sarah S ->  applause
16:38:20 JenniferWagner ->  Kevein Jarrett is calling her
16:38:26 JenniferWagner ->  on his cell phone
16:38:56 Alice Mercer ->  Jeff, not that I'm counting on needing it, for non-SL, should we call worldbridges if we win
16:39:27 JenniferWagner ->  can you give all the nominees first
16:39:33 JenniferWagner ->  or will that take too long
16:40:00 steve madsenau ->  josie audio is fine via ustream
16:40:07 jim_gates ->  *applause to all*
16:40:16 jim_gates ->  *YEAH!!!*
16:40:20 JenniferWagner ->  clapping
16:40:22 SteveHargadon ->  I am here.
16:40:22 dave ->  great. thanks for the info
16:40:22 Cosmo Commons ->  wooohooooo
16:40:30 Alice Mercer ->  *applause* :)
16:40:32 jim_gates ->  congrats, Steve!!!
16:40:35 dthaggard ->  :)
16:40:49 SteveHargadon ->  Hurrah to all finalists and users of social networking in education.
16:41:02 Lee_au ->  cheers!!!!
16:41:13 jim_gates ->  *applause to all*
16:41:23 JenniferWagner ->  clappping
16:41:24 jim_gates ->  *congratulations!!!*
16:41:33 sharonp ->  congrats!
16:41:46 Sarah S ->  Applause* congratulations!
16:41:54 AllanahK ->  well done Steve
16:42:22 Clayb Burell ->  Congrats Steve!
16:42:36 kattan ->  well done steve :)
16:42:37 JenniferWagner ->  sound is better now that I left SL
16:42:57 Alice Mercer ->  *applause* :)  WOOHOOO
16:43:17 Alice Mercer ->  JW: Bandwidth is a jealous you know what
16:43:23 lolb ->  yay
16:43:27 Cosmo Commons ->  checking
16:43:33 Cosmo Commons ->  but sounds good here
16:43:36 sharonp ->  am happy to have two monitors - one for this Ustream and one for SL
16:43:40 JenniferWagner ->  well I am not a good multitasker anyway -- so I will just enjoy it here
16:43:46 sharonp ->  USTream sounds great
16:43:54 steve madsenau ->  audio is fine via ustream, no other applications running
16:44:03 alicebarr ->  I did not hear wiki winner who was that?
16:44:11 JenniferWagner ->  Wikinomics
16:44:16 JenniferWagner ->  or close to that
16:44:28 alicebarr ->  Oh sorry Jen! Bit great to be a finalist!
16:44:28 JenniferWagner ->  I will go get the right name
16:44:49 JenniferWagner ->  Alice -- we already won -- just by being noticed!!
16:45:00 alicebarr ->  Absolutely Jen!
16:45:12 clark ->  Hello - is there a list of winners online somewhere yet?
16:45:17 JenniferWagner ->  Welker’s Wikinomics
16:45:28 JenniferWagner ->  I will drop in the winners
16:45:31 JenniferWagner ->  as they are announced
16:45:34 Alice Mercer ->  JW: I'm not thinking of ETT (I would NEVER take credit for that), I'm up with a group blog
16:45:47 JenniferWagner ->  Classroom 2.0
16:46:03 JenniferWagner ->  Suffern middle school in Second Life
16:46:10 JenniferWagner ->  now we are caught up
16:46:23 clark ->  where's the page?
16:46:38 Alice Mercer ->  JW: Oh, well I wouldn't take credit for that either
16:46:49 JenniferWagner ->  ohhh that is right ETT is still up
16:46:58 JenniferWagner ->  doing the happy dance
16:47:08 JenniferWagner ->  let me grab the links too
16:47:18 JenniferWagner ->
16:47:22 JenniferWagner ->  that is Suffren
16:47:31 Alice Mercer ->  finalist list:
16:47:47 Alice Mercer ->  It was JL,
16:47:47 JenniferWagner ->
16:47:50 JenniferWagner ->  classroom 2.0
16:48:02 Cosmo Commons ->  go dave, go dave
16:48:14 JenniferWagner ->
16:48:18 JenniferWagner ->  WIKINOMICS
16:48:20 JohnS ->  dungeons of physical existence?
16:48:24 sharonp ->  Dave is just cracking me up
16:48:24 Alice Mercer ->  And they weren't selling viagra
16:48:33 JohnS ->  shesh.
16:48:35 jeff ->  is the ustream video moving at all?
16:48:39 sharonp ->  he is so right on!
16:48:40 jim_gates ->  the echo is REALLY nasty, isn't it?
16:48:49 Cosmo Commons ->  he ALWAYS cracks me up
16:48:51 sharonp ->  no, the video is not moving
16:48:53 JohnS ->  last year he had eleven, right?
16:48:54 JenniferWagner ->  do you want the links??
16:49:00 JohnS ->  Must be the exchange rate.
16:49:05 kattan ->  nope, haven't had a ustream video connect at all
16:49:05 Cosmo Commons ->  not getting echo here
16:49:20 steve madsenau ->  audio has little / no echo via ustream
16:49:21 sharonp ->  oh man, Dave is describing my life of legal entanglements
16:49:39 Cosmo Commons ->  cutting out a bit, but no echo
16:49:46 Cosmo Commons ->  on ustream
16:49:50 Alice Mercer ->  Jason TV anyone?
16:49:51 sharonp ->  good point, Dave about UStream
16:50:30 clark ->  I'm on welker's wikinomics, don't see the list
16:50:32 sharonp ->  the jury is still out on how much people want to be videostreamed and if peeps really want to watch
16:50:41 Alice Mercer ->  Sorry to the rest of the world!
16:50:54 sharonp ->  great stuff, Dave.... am looking forward to the rest
16:51:01 Alice Mercer ->  Have hope, Maybe Ted will get indicted for bribrary?
16:51:01 jim_gates ->  i'm on the site watching the ustream feed. no other audio but a terrible echo
16:51:30 sharonp ->  Ted STevens clearly just does not get it.... but many still don't
16:51:48 JohnS ->  Jim -- are you also listening somewhere else? The audio stream or in world?
16:51:59 Cosmo Commons ->  Jim you'll get echo with ustream and ett audio both
16:52:26 Cosmo Commons ->  try muting ustream by clicking speaker icon
16:52:40 JenniferWagner ->  will it restart automatically??
16:52:49 Cosmo Commons ->  lost  ustream stanby
16:52:56 joycevalenza ->  lost audio
16:53:00 JohnS ->  I think you have to click the refresh button on the ustream to get it back
16:53:02 jim_gates ->  lost ustream
16:53:03 clark ->  Finally got in on Second Life. sweet
16:53:07 Alice Mercer ->  Sharon, and his ignorance is not limited to eduction and technology
16:53:10 Cosmo Commons ->  off aiur
16:53:11 JohnS ->  Joyce Valenza! Welcome back
16:53:19 JenniferWagner ->  back
16:53:29 Cosmo Commons ->  will stream on ETT Channel A once back...
16:53:45 JenniferWagner ->  Education use of video is next??
16:53:45 Cosmo Commons ->  back now
16:54:02 jim_gates ->  excellent audio right now
16:54:06 steve madsenau ->  refresh ustream connection to get it going again
16:54:14 JohnS ->  CC: Don't think there's audio on ETT A -- just getting an odd whine
16:54:31 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  I'm listenting to the audio ustream.
16:54:44 Cosmo Commons ->  THanks John
16:54:46 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  oi.  Wrong jim
16:54:47 jim_gates ->  *applause*
16:54:52 JenniferWagner ->  RBG Street Scholars Think Tank Multi-Media E-Zine
16:54:57 Cosmo Commons ->  just restarted
16:55:01 jim_gates ->  \o/  Yeah!!
16:55:01 AllanahK ->  yay
16:55:07 JenniferWagner ->
16:55:10 Alice Mercer ->  :D *Yeah* :D
16:55:22 Alice Mercer ->  Would ETT be on this list?
16:55:34 JohnS ->  audio is back on ETTA, Doug. Good work
16:55:58 jim_gates ->  *applause*
16:55:58 JenniferWagner ->  SMARTBoard Lessons Podcast
16:56:00 Jen ->  yeah!
16:56:05 AllanahK ->  Congrats smartboard
16:56:09 JenniferWagner ->
16:56:41 JohnS ->  *gasp*
16:57:22 JohnS ->  blogger was early -- maybe it takes more time to build up to the critical mass?
16:57:25 Alice Mercer ->  Hmm, I would have thought FaceBook or LinkedIN, lol
16:57:30 JenniferWagner ->  eLearning Technology
16:57:41 JenniferWagner ->
16:58:13 bhazzard ->  what a honour to be nominated with such great finalists for the smartboard lesson podcast
16:58:32 bhazzard ->  thanks for the honour of this award
16:58:37 jim_gates ->  *applause*
16:58:53 JenniferWagner ->  El tinglado
16:58:57 jim_gates ->  \o/  yeah!
16:59:04 JenniferWagner ->
16:59:06 Alice Mercer ->  :D *Yeah* :D
16:59:12 Jen ->  audio sounding great ... btw!
16:59:30 steve madsenau ->  confirmed, audio is fantastic
16:59:37 Alice Mercer ->  How is it that audio improves as the skype call goes on?
16:59:55 Sarah S ->  *applause*
17:00:31 Jen ->  Yeah!
17:00:49 Jen ->  Congrats!!!!
17:00:51 Alice Mercer ->  What is that on Second Life?
17:00:55 jim_gates ->  congratulations!!
17:01:35 Alice Mercer ->  Hey Larry, click on the play button on USTREAM to the left
17:01:56 alexanderhayes ->  yay
17:02:21 bhazzard ->  i emailed an audio file from Joan and myself for an acceptance speech
17:02:42 bhazzard ->  from the smartboard lesson podcast
17:02:49 Jen ->  Capetown Declaration!! Oh, my!
17:03:00 JohnS ->
17:03:21 Alice Mercer ->  We're not unreasonable, just teachers used to control?
17:03:28 sharonp ->  the evils of sharing and bad timing??
17:03:47 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  Not if you use a Mac...
17:04:17 sharonp ->  OLPC.... not a bad consequence
17:04:19 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  :p
17:04:28 JenniferWagner ->  what??  cut out
17:04:37 JohnS ->  Dave, stop being so diplomatic.
17:04:43 dave ->  :)
17:04:43 sharonp ->  yay!! Dave sees the value in OLPC
17:04:45 Alice Mercer ->  Bionic Teaching/Jim: I didn't see a description on
17:04:53 sharonp ->  I find the whole issue very fascinating
17:05:00 dave ->  law of unintended consequences
17:05:01 Cosmo Commons ->  I think "wallflower" when I think o' Dave ;)
17:05:16 alexanderhayes ->  a billion new awards waiting
17:05:24 sharonp ->  OLPC has made the big guys sit up and take notice (and make a show of conscience)
17:05:25 Jen ->  me, too, cosmo  ... me, too ...
17:05:31 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  Yeah, it's been a busy fall in our county.  Sorry!  Figured those who were interested would swing over and check us out.
17:06:06 Alice Mercer ->  Had seen your blog before, and it's great
17:06:14 JenniferWagner ->  BEST LIBRARIAN/LIBRARY BLOG:  A Library By Any Other Name
17:06:16 Jen ->  *clap*
17:06:17 sharonp ->  applause, applause
17:06:20 Alice Mercer ->  I liked "Spineless" just for the title
17:06:21 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  Thanks, Alice. 
17:06:21 jim_gates ->  *applause*
17:06:26 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  We aim to please!
17:06:27 JenniferWagner ->
17:06:28 Alice Mercer ->  :D *Yeah* :D
17:06:37 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  *clap*
17:07:02 Bud ->  How's everyone?
17:07:16 sharonp ->  hey Bud!
17:07:18 Jen ->  hi, bud ...
17:07:29 steve madsenau ->  vision via ustream seems to be working reasonably well
17:07:35 Cosmo Commons ->  Hey Bud, doing well thanks, good to see you
17:07:47 JenniferWagner ->  BEST TEACHER BLOG:  The tempered radical
17:07:47 jim_gates ->  *applause*
17:07:49 sharonp ->  woohooo!
17:07:52 Jen ->  yippie!
17:07:58 JenniferWagner ->
17:08:00 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  *clap*
17:08:09 Clayb Burell ->  *applause*
17:08:13 Alice Mercer ->  :D *Yeah!* :D
17:08:17 lindsea ->  *cheer*
17:09:17 JenniferWagner ->  One vote per IP does not allow schools then to vote -- if they share the IP
17:09:39 alexanderhayes ->  yes Jennifer
17:09:43 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  Yup.  We had to watch who we shared our nomination with for that reason.
17:09:46 alexanderhayes ->  perhaps email votes only ?
17:10:04 JohnS ->  Vote online, with email confirmation?
17:10:06 dave ->  who would count them?
17:10:08 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  That seems like a reasonable alternative
17:10:17 Alice Mercer ->  Alexander, people could fake that too
17:10:19 JohnS ->  one vote per email address. Click this link to activate style?
17:10:22 sharonp ->  10,000 hand-counted votes?
17:10:24 alexanderhayes ->  a human could count them *heaven forbid*
17:10:26 Cosmo Commons ->  use a wiki for voting
17:10:28 sharonp ->  yikes
17:10:31 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  there must be a way to script it
17:10:43 dave ->  was that a volunteer i just heard :)
17:10:45 alexanderhayes ->  how do they count votes in any democratic community ?
17:10:46 bhazzard ->  Our acceptance speech:
17:10:53 Bud ->  Go, Colorado!
17:10:54 jim_gates ->  *applause*
17:10:56 sharonp ->  who won??
17:10:58 jim_gates ->  \o/
17:11:01 sharonp ->  garbled!!
17:11:04 Bud ->  Who won?
17:11:05 JenniferWagner ->  MOST INFLUENTIAL BLOG POST -  WHO??
17:11:06 alexanderhayes ->  *lol* Dave :)
17:11:07 alicebarr ->  Didn't hear
17:11:19 Jen ->  we didn't hear the winner!
17:11:22 [Action] arthus ->  votes for Leaonardo
17:11:27 alicebarr ->  AHHHHHH!
17:11:30 sharonp ->  who? who won??
17:11:31 Jen ->  please repeat!
17:11:31 JenniferWagner ->  MOST INFLUENTIAL BLOG POST:  please repeat
17:11:39 arthus ->  please repeat!
17:11:41 Jen ->  JEFF!!!!!!!
17:11:42 arthus ->  we didn't hear
17:11:42 JenniferWagner ->  MOST INFLUENTIAL BLOG POST:
17:11:46 Cosmo Commons ->  missed that Jeff
17:11:49 alexanderhayes ->  who won the last one ?
17:11:51 Cosmo Commons ->  you're cutting out
17:11:57 alexanderhayes ->  lagging ....cutting out
17:12:00 bhazzard ->  Most influential blog post 2007: Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher? The Fischbowl Karl Fisch
17:12:13 alexanderhayes ->  ah ha
17:12:17 alexanderhayes ->  congrats
17:12:18 Bud ->  excellent.  Woot, Karl!
17:12:23 sharonp ->  yikes
17:12:24 JenniferWagner ->  sorry guys -- I can't do it
17:12:26 Cosmo Commons ->  audio very spotty now
17:12:27 dave ->  woot indeed
17:12:29 JenniferWagner ->  I am losing sound
17:12:29 sharonp ->  they are off air
17:12:30 arthus ->  woot, wood
17:12:31 alexanderhayes ->  ustreams out here in Sydney
17:12:32 sharonp ->  who won??
17:12:40 sharonp ->  was it indeed Karl??
17:12:42 JenniferWagner ->  Can't tell anymore
17:12:50 JohnS ->  stream audio is okay
17:12:55 Jen ->  We are losing the audio ... :(
17:12:56 JohnS ->  Switch over to ETT A
17:12:58 Cosmo Commons ->  anyone in world can let them know
17:13:03 Cosmo Commons ->  nothing there now
17:13:09 Cosmo Commons ->  back now
17:13:23 jim_gates ->  who won??? audio cut out
17:13:24 alicebarr ->  Who was 4?
17:13:37 jeff ->  still no audio?
17:13:41 Cosmo Commons ->  not sure--depending on ustream here
17:13:44 Cosmo Commons ->  back now
17:13:46 alicebarr ->  VERY choppy
17:13:48 jim_gates ->  who won resource sharing blog?
17:13:50 jeff ->  #4 was Tipline
17:13:55 JenniferWagner ->  No idea
17:14:01 Cosmo Commons ->  but we missed some
17:14:10 Alice Mercer ->  we can't stream, be in SL and on Skype at the same time either it looks like?
17:14:12 JenniferWagner ->  we mised Resource and Influential
17:14:13 Cosmo Commons ->  Dave is a bit choppy, but we can hear again re ustream
17:14:30 jim_gates ->  Woohooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
17:14:35 alexanderhayes ->  tweet
17:14:40 sharonp ->  twitter - holy connectivity, Batman!
17:14:58 Jen ->  twitter is only #3 ... what on earth could be 1 and 2!!?!!???
17:15:07 Jen ->  I can hardly wait to find out!
17:15:10 Cosmo Commons ->  still trying to "get it" re Twitter, but remain hopeful
17:15:17 JohnS ->  I must be a "not so much"
17:15:21 cmduke ->  anyone know how they are Ustreaming the desktop screen?
17:15:23 JenniferWagner ->  my sound is horrid -- any ideas??
17:15:26 JohnS ->  Right, Doug.
17:15:31 Alice Mercer ->  Cosmo, I was bitter on twitter, but it has it's moments for me now
17:15:34 Jen ->  my sound is bad, too.
17:15:36 Cosmo Commons ->  need to get in touch with my "inner twit" I guess
17:15:38 sharonp ->  no real meaningful audio guys
17:15:39 Cosmo Commons ->  here too
17:15:45 JohnS ->  cmduke: Jeff has proprietary software for that
17:15:52 sharonp ->  I lurk in twitter mostly
17:15:54 jeff ->  how is audio now?
17:15:55 alexanderhayes ->  audio like a choppy memory
17:15:55 Alice Mercer ->  cmduke: WebCam pro?
17:15:56 jeff ->  not using prop software
17:15:57 JenniferWagner ->  Doug -- grins, read my poston twitter -- LOL
17:16:02 joycevalenza ->  audio is bad
17:16:03 sharonp ->  choppy and low
17:16:03 jeff ->  derral is using camtwist
17:16:03 cmduke ->  JOhnS are you on twitter?
17:16:12 JenniferWagner ->  53 people decided to share their twitter thoughts --   :)
17:16:12 cmduke ->  would like to track that down if at all possible....
17:16:13 Jen ->  audio is very low and choppy!
17:16:13 Cosmo Commons ->  very sketchy audio now
17:16:14 JohnS ->  Yes, cmduke
17:16:14 alexanderhayes ->  losing it totally
17:16:23 alexanderhayes ->  sounds like an argument happening
17:16:27 JenniferWagner ->  are they arguing??
17:16:31 Bud ->  oh, well - 'twas fun while it lasted
17:16:33 dave ->  :)
17:16:33 Alice Mercer ->  It's Doug
17:16:36 sharonp ->  am missing cool arg - I just know it!
17:16:40 Alice Mercer ->  It's Dave, sorry
17:16:42 jim_gates ->  sounds like they're arguing under water
17:16:46 JenniferWagner ->  VERY AUDIO ISSUES
17:16:46 cmduke ->  JohnS - tweet me at cmduke?
17:16:48 alexanderhayes ->  yup - ciao for now folks
17:16:56 Jen ->  :) aurguing under water ... very funny!
17:17:00 JenniferWagner ->  wemissed categories of Influential and Resource
17:17:01 alexanderhayes ->  back to the open web
17:17:06 sharonp ->  so cool, for Karl!
17:17:09 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  can you fix the audio before listing the winners, please!
17:17:22 Cosmo Commons ->  ustream down again
17:17:22 JenniferWagner ->  LOL -- no worries -- we can't hear you
17:17:33 sharonp ->  is Dave blogging the top ten elearning thingies of 2007??
17:17:34 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  choppy like my only experience "deep sea fishing"
17:17:41 Cosmo Commons ->  hoping it'll be better when they get back
17:17:47 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  four hours of uncomfortable bounching.
17:17:50 Cosmo Commons ->  please do not adjust your set(s)
17:17:53 Simon Brown ->  I guess winners will be anounced at
17:17:54 JenniferWagner ->  okay
17:17:55 JenniferWagner ->  sound is okay
17:17:57 sharonp ->  everybody is a smartass tonight?
17:18:01 jim_gates ->  MUCH better
17:18:02 Cosmo Commons ->  back now
17:18:05 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  That's better.
17:18:06 Cosmo Commons ->  and mo better
17:18:07 JenniferWagner ->  you are strong
17:18:09 Simon Brown ->  ok now thanks
17:18:11 Jen ->  better!
17:18:12 cmduke ->  audio very strong.
17:18:13 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  audio Ok
17:18:16 Simon Brown ->  audio is good
17:18:16 seanfitz ->  audio is back
17:18:18 sharonp ->  slightly better
17:18:20 Cosmo Commons ->  Josie still choppy
17:18:21 joycevalenza ->  back now
17:18:23 sharonp ->  gone again
17:18:25 JenniferWagner ->  but we missed Influential and Resource and the arguement
17:18:27 Jen ->  still cuts out ... gone again ...
17:18:27 Alice Mercer ->  Resource blog, what won?
17:18:31 seanfitz ->  but choppy
17:18:38 Simon Brown ->  can you start the argument again
17:18:40 Bud ->  much better
17:18:49 Cosmo Commons ->  gone again
17:18:52 sharonp ->  yeah, I want to thear that argument!
17:18:59 Simon Brown ->  five minute version
17:19:02 Jen ->  gone ... no audio
17:19:06 JenniferWagner ->  when tech goes bad???
17:19:10 SteveHargadon ->  I lost both ustream and channel A
17:19:11 sharonp ->  everything is frozen
17:19:15 Cosmo Commons ->  maybe we can twitter ;)
17:19:20 joycevalenza ->  silencce
17:19:22 JenniferWagner ->  twitter was down too
17:19:24 JenniferWagner ->  :)
17:19:25 arthus ->  this audio is making me really mad
17:19:26 Simon Brown ->  going to shoot my computer now
17:19:32 sharonp ->  maybe we are just not quitte there yet....??
17:19:34 arthus ->  dy/dan won best new blog
17:19:36 arthus ->  woot
17:19:37 Cosmo Commons ->  ustream off air
17:19:44 seanfitz ->  ustream is off air again :-(
17:19:45 JenniferWagner ->  Arthus -- are you sure??
17:19:47 Cosmo Commons ->  please stand by
17:19:50 alicebarr ->   Who says we don't need more bandwidth???
17:19:56 arthus ->  yes, he announced
17:20:00 Bud ->  Good for Dan.
17:20:01 arthus ->  I'm in SL
17:20:03 JenniferWagner ->  through??  Second Life??
17:20:05 JenniferWagner ->  ahhhh okay
17:20:23 JenniferWagner ->  who WON??
17:20:33 jeff ->  DY DAN
17:20:35 Cosmo Commons ->  stream is back
17:20:36 JenniferWagner ->  please repeat WINNER --
17:20:38 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  good
17:20:38 seanfitz ->  audio back
17:20:53 Jen ->  audio is great!
17:20:55 JenniferWagner ->  greek blog??
17:21:04 alicebarr ->  2 streams?
17:21:11 JenniferWagner ->  did he say Greek Blog??
17:21:25 JenniferWagner ->  ahhh Group Blog  LOL
17:21:27 sharonp ->  techlearning blog won
17:21:32 jim_gates ->  i'm going to celebrate - Thank you!!!
17:21:36 alicebarr ->  Who won #3???
17:21:49 JenniferWagner ->  TechLearning did win???
17:21:50 seanfitz ->  I'm pretty sure he said Greek too! :-D
17:21:57 JenniferWagner ->  I am sure he said GREEK
17:22:06 JohnS ->  Yes, Jdub.
17:22:13 sharonp ->  and they are down again
17:22:17 sharonp ->  sigh
17:22:20 JenniferWagner ->  this is the DYDAN -- so how did Arthus know
17:22:30 JenniferWagner ->  or were they up for 2??
17:22:38 JenniferWagner ->  SCIENCE ROLL
17:22:41 Sarah S ->  Congrats Tech Learning!
17:22:43 Ann-NJTechTeacher ->  Dy/Dan was up for two
17:22:43 JenniferWagner ->  clapping
17:22:48 JenniferWagner ->  thanks Ann
17:22:49 Jen ->  I'll need to listen to the recording :)
17:22:52 jeff ->  how's audio now?
17:22:56 sharonp ->  so who won individual blog?
17:22:58 JenniferWagner ->  could you please REVIEW all the winners
17:23:03 JenniferWagner ->  since sound went bad
17:23:08 steve madsenau ->  bye.. tech difficulties not condusive to remaining
17:23:09 Jen ->  it seems to cut out just as the names are announced :)
17:23:14 sharonp ->  rumours are rampant, Jeff
17:23:15 JenniferWagner ->  Science Roll Sharon
17:23:21 arthus ->  boo :P
17:23:36 seanfitz ->  it's a conspiracy, Jen
17:23:47 Alice Mercer ->  So Tech learning won; congrats Jim
17:23:51 alicebarr ->  there are 2 streams so it isvery difficult to understand
17:23:55 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  Now, lets dance!
17:23:59 Simon Brown ->  who won wot?
17:24:02 JenniferWagner ->  congrats to ALL
17:24:08 alicebarr ->  Could some write winners fro 1 - 3
17:24:26 JenniferWagner ->  #1 is
17:24:35 JenniferWagner ->  Internet Warrior?? 
17:24:38 Jen ->  who could it be???
17:24:42 arthus ->  wtf?
17:24:48 sikidim52 ->  hello
17:24:50 arthus ->  never heard of it
17:24:54 JenniferWagner ->  Tom Wood  ??
17:25:03 Jen ->  never heard of him, either ...
17:25:03 sharonp ->  Tom Wood... ? the wisdom of Wood?
17:25:09 JenniferWagner ->  well now we DO
17:25:14 sikidim52 ->  hello
17:25:18 Jen ->  but ... if dave says so .... :)
17:25:22 sharonp ->  very cool
17:25:22 Cosmo Commons ->  too true -- education is the key
17:25:24 Cosmo Commons ->  woo hooo
17:25:26 JenniferWagner ->  we will all know his name now
17:25:27 sikidim52 ->  aranızda türk varmı
17:25:32 seanfitz ->  you can follow winners here -
17:25:33 Jim Coe (Bionic Teaching) ->  ok, back to work
17:25:34 Cosmo Commons ->  filters are lame, and a waste of time
17:25:35 sharonp ->  want to read that blog entry, Dave
17:25:37 Alice Mercer ->  I had that argument in my online class.
17:25:51 Jen ->  Jeff, "I did not see that one coming!" Most classic line from the 2007 Eddies!
17:25:58 arthus ->  lol
17:26:06 Alice Mercer ->  All about avoiding adult predators; little on cyber bullying
17:26:43 Jen ->  Now the audio is perfect ... is that not always the way!
17:26:50 Simon Brown ->
17:26:57 seanfitz ->
17:27:43 sikidim52 -> Room 10: hello
17:29:04 alicebarr ->  Whew! I am hearing three streams! My head hurts!
17:29:59 sikidim52 ->  hello
17:30:10 achivetta ->  Arthus, nice echo...
17:30:15 sikidim52 ->  hey
17:30:27 Clayb Burell ->  watch out, world!
17:30:31 Bassman_Sean ->  Wooooo
17:30:33 sikidim52 ->  speak turkısh
17:30:38 Bassman_Sean ->  students 2..0!!!!!
17:30:47 Bassman_Sean ->  can someone add me to skype???
17:30:59 Jen ->  Thank you all! Dinner on fire ... must address that "burning" issue
17:32:01 Clayb Burell ->  that's our arthus!
17:32:05 Jen ->  Congratuations to all the winners and those nominated - oh, heck ... congratulations to all of us cyber geeks!
17:32:07 Bassman_Sean ->  WOOOOOO
17:32:14 Bassman_Sean ->  Students 2.0!!!
17:32:21 lindsea ->  YEAH!!!
17:32:22 lindsea ->  haha
17:32:28 Jen ->  night all
17:32:31 seanfitz ->  oops
17:32:33 Cosmo Commons ->  cya Jen
17:32:43 Cosmo Commons ->  Lost Josie
17:32:49 Cosmo Commons ->  was back and gone again
17:32:53 Cosmo Commons ->  back now
17:33:00 jeff ->  now ok?
17:33:03 Cosmo Commons ->  yes
17:34:06 Cosmo Commons ->  didn't hear the link for the cyber bullying competition
17:34:06 sikidim52 ->  hello
17:37:27 dave ->
17:37:35 dave ->  someone asked for this... just finished posting
17:37:44 arthus ->  OUCH
17:37:46 Cosmo Commons ->  ow
17:37:51 arthus ->  my ears hurt
17:37:54 arthus ->  it's a demon...
17:38:15 arthus ->  echo
17:38:27 arthus ->  please, low as possible
17:38:35 arthus ->  OW OW OW
17:38:43 seanfitz ->  can you get her in on Skype?
17:40:03 Cosmo Commons ->  lost ustream again
17:40:47 Cosmo Commons ->  back now
17:40:59 arthus ->  congrats
17:42:18 Cosmo Commons ->  thanks everyone--great show and congrats to all nominees and winners
17:42:31 seanfitz ->  thanks to everyone involved... great work
17:43:02 seanfitz ->  see you on th dance floor at the beach on jokaydia! :D