Women of Web 2.0.17

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Women of Web 2.0.17
March 6, 2007

Enjoy this show, the 4 Women of Web 2.0 had a great time catching up with the techie things of the week. It still amazes me all I learn in one week.  The giggles are back as the women share all the great things happening. I promise the echos will be gone by next week! Over and out!

Chat Log Below


20:27:03 cheryl wow2 -> Getting ready for a rocking night.
20:46:56 cheryl oakes wow2 -> getting ready, welcom
20:51:44 charbeck -> vit C tonight I love orange
20:52:49 cheryl oakes wow2 -> great, how are you. we need vit c it is sooooo cold
20:52:53 Jennifer Wagner -> Hello
20:53:50 sharonp -> Hi Jen cheryl and Chris!
20:54:22 charbeck -> good evening.  feeling better?
20:54:52 charbeck -> stream?
20:56:06 cheryl oakes wow2 -> hello sharonp
20:56:51 cheryl oakes wow2 -> chris how is the stream
20:57:23 charbeck -> great
20:58:08 charbeck -> is there a trick to cut and paste a link into world bridges
20:58:50 Jennifer Wagner -> https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
20:58:56 Jennifer Wagner -> come join in the chat
20:59:07 sharonp -> still feeling blah
20:59:18 sharonp -> four of five of us been hit with it
20:59:18 charbeck -> sorry to hear sp
20:59:38 charbeck -> a whole house.  Just like Jeanne last week
21:00:11 Jennifer Wagner -> Hello -- is anyone in skypecast
21:00:15 Jennifer Wagner -> and can you hear us????
21:00:18 Vicki Davis -> Hello everyone!
21:00:22 alicebarr -> I can hear you
21:00:29 cheryl oakes wow2 -> i don't know the trick to paste the url either
21:00:31 alicebarr -> Cheryl is echoing
21:01:33 Vinnie -> I can hear, but Cheryl, it sounds like you are in an echo chamber
21:01:36 alicebarr -> Cheryl have you tried hijack?
21:01:59 Jennifer Wagner -> alice --- still a echo???
21:02:00 sharonp -> Hi Alice!
21:02:21 alicebarr -> Hi Sahron!
21:02:26 Durff -> detach doesn't work for me
21:02:28 alicebarr -> Whoops Sharon!
21:02:36 cheryl oakes wow2 -> alice i hear echos
21:02:45 alicebarr -> Yes you are echoing
21:02:46 Durff -> I have to put up a Word window and do it that way
21:02:54 alicebarr -> Have you tried your audio hijack?
21:03:09 sendkathy -> Hi all!
21:03:16 Jennifer Wagner -> good to know that there are alternatives, Lisa -- thanks for letting us know
21:03:17 CathyE -> Lisa- what do you mean a "Word Window"
21:05:07 alicebarr -> Hi deb barrows
21:05:09 Jennifer Wagner -> I think she means WORD -- right
21:05:29 mrichme -> Jennifer, how is the Google Earth/Maps tie in going with the St. Pat's Day Project?
21:05:37 Jennifer Wagner -> MAJESTICALLY
21:05:44 Jennifer Wagner -> awesome -- and THANKS
21:05:53 Durff -> echo gone!
21:05:55 mrichme -> glad to hear
21:06:03 Durff -> maybe ye all gone?
21:06:03 cheryl oakes wow2 -> thanks for my echo monitors!
21:06:12 cheryl oakes wow2 -> do you hear others speak
21:06:26 alicebarr -> Cheryl it's only you
21:06:32 mrichme -> the volume is really low
21:06:33 sendkathy -> no cho
21:06:35 Durff -> turn on each one by one
21:06:40 sendkathy -> no echo
21:06:43 mrichme -> better
21:06:48 Durff -> better
21:06:48 Vinnie -> much
21:06:48 sroseman -> too loud
21:06:51 Jennifer Wagner -> I do have a couple of ??? though Michael === for later
21:06:53 Durff -> but just you
21:06:59 sroseman -> perfect
21:07:06 Durff -> where is everyone else?
21:07:12 Simon -> Good evening all, it's -17C outside but warm inside
21:07:12 cheryl oakes wow2 -> okay, thanks, it is a new skype
21:07:13 Durff -> on the beach?
21:07:14 mrichme -> Jen, fire away anytime.
21:07:24 CathyE -> I am only hearing one person
21:07:30 Simon -> me too
21:07:32 cheryl oakes wow2 -> are you hearing all
21:07:40 mrichme -> echo is back
21:07:42 sroseman -> echo
21:07:44 Vinnie -> only getting cheryl now, the rest of the grop is gone. Echo is back
21:07:48 Durff -> echo!
21:07:52 sroseman -> twins
21:08:01 charbeck -> same echo as last week cheryl
21:08:05 cheryl oakes wow2 -> well, I am stuck
21:08:07 Jennifer Wagner -> You can't hear US????
21:08:09 Durff -> Siamese twins?
21:08:11 Jennifer Wagner -> sadness
21:08:19 mrichme -> I can hear Vicki
21:08:21 Durff -> no jen
21:08:23 charbeck -> Have vicky now
21:08:24 Jennifer Wagner -> NO JEN
21:08:25 sroseman -> freezing here  ..
21:08:27 Vinnie -> i can hear vicki and jen
21:08:27 Durff -> yes vicki
21:08:30 alicebarr -> Yes can hear all of you now. Just Cheryl is echoing
21:08:31 Jennifer Wagner -> Okay
21:08:33 Durff -> oksay
21:08:35 Jennifer Wagner -> we have a 30 second echo
21:08:38 charbeck -> cued up!!
21:08:39 Jennifer Wagner -> LOL -- sorry -
21:08:43 Jennifer Wagner -> 30 second dealy
21:08:44 cheryl oakes wow2 -> okay, all are back, I am an echo, hm
21:08:54 Jennifer Wagner -> or delay
21:08:58 alicebarr -> Hi Michael
21:09:00 charbeck -> love the delay
21:09:07 cheryl oakes wow2 -> this is a new skype I am trying
21:09:07 sroseman -> tons of snow in Montreal
21:09:09 Jeanne S -> Hello everybody!
21:09:14 sroseman -> - 40 here
21:09:14 mrichme -> Hi Alice
21:09:22 charbeck -> which version cherly
21:09:30 charbeck -> cheryl
21:09:32 Jeanne S -> Beautiful day here!
21:09:53 Vinnie -> i have heard NAIS was great
21:09:53 sharonp -> NAIS pres = http://www.dlp4success.com/presentations/nais2007/index.html
21:10:09 cheryl oakes wow2 -> slide.com
21:10:15 sharonp -> Teachers Without Borders Canada - http://www.twblive.org/site/?q=node/2812
21:10:17 charbeck -> love slide
21:10:19 Vinnie -> it is a great presentation
21:10:31 cheryl oakes wow2 -> www.bebo.com
21:10:35 mrichme -> echo Cheryl
21:10:44 sharonp -> Vinnie, are you at an independent school too?
21:10:56 charbeck -> Why can't I paste links into chat?
21:11:05 mrichme -> Cheryl try being inland with no ocean breeze keeping you warm!
21:11:07 guest478 -> depends on browser
21:11:07 Jennifer Wagner -> chris -- are you control paste --
21:11:15 Jennifer Wagner -> or are you using the mouse???
21:11:20 charbeck -> yep
21:11:28 Jennifer Wagner -> try using the paste
21:11:35 cheryl oakes wow2 -> http://cheryloakes50.bebo.com
21:11:58 Vicki Davis -> www.joost.com
21:13:13 Vinnie -> Yes, our head and upper school head attended
21:13:54 sroseman -> like iTV
21:14:30 Jennifer Wagner -> any luck ChrisH
21:14:43 charbeck -> no pastability
21:14:47 Jennifer Wagner -> sadness
21:14:53 charbeck -> indeed
21:14:55 Jennifer Wagner -> try EDIT paste???
21:15:44 Vicki Davis -> IF anyone gets on as a beta tester in joost, PLEASE invite me!
21:16:08 sroseman -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joost
21:17:11 Vinnie -> Sharon, I would love to see if we can get a collaboration going with you. You seem like a great person.
21:18:59 charbeck -> That was a great post by david
21:19:31 Jennifer Wagner -> yup
21:19:42 charbeck -> still cant paste.
21:19:46 Jeanne S -> Ellluminate is wonderful!
21:19:47 Jennifer Wagner -> sadness
21:19:48 charbeck -> will have to do it old school
21:20:24 Jennifer Wagner -> you mean type????  LOL
21:20:57 cheryl oakes wow2 -> Go Jen, with CUE, and share with us.
21:21:51 charbeck -> http://room17math.wikispaces.com  This is what wiki's can do!!
21:21:57 cheryl oakes wow2 -> I played with Google Earth today with 6th graders after school.
21:22:11 charbeck -> 800 here we come
21:22:15 sharonp -> Vinnie, I so wanted to go to NAIS. but there seems to be this aura about it - only for administrators or somethng - I am so going to make a conf proposal for next year! Seems to be the only way to get in!
21:22:30 cheryl oakes wow2 -> Go MichaelME!!
21:22:41 guest478 -> that and you can only go to 70 conferences a year Sharon
21:22:50 Vicki Davis -> https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/launch/play.jnlp?psid=2007-02-2...
21:23:01 Vicki Davis -> this is the recorded elluminate presentation -- around 48 minutes long.
21:23:03 mrichme -> Hopefully I will be presenting more about Google Earth at MaineEd 07
21:23:06 Vicki Davis -> It has the slides and the votes.
21:23:19 Vicki Davis -> I love google earth tool.
21:23:24 cheryl oakes wow2 -> Yes, Michael, that will be great to share with Maine teachers.
21:23:31 Vinnie -> maybe you and I should create a collaboration and then share the experience!
21:23:47 Vinnie -> we have done a project with google earth and google sketchup
21:24:27 sharonp -> haha guest 478 ! only 7 conferences this year!
21:24:33 Jeanne S -> I have wanted to play with sketchup.  Vinnie, what did you do?
21:24:52 cheryl oakes wow2 -> That astounds me Jen, that people haven't used some web tools.
21:25:45 guest478 -> how many people here are bloggers?
21:25:49 sroseman -> we are on the leading edge
21:25:59 charbeck -> http://go2web20.net is a great site
21:26:02 cheryl oakes wow2 -> I have 3 blogs and 3+ wikis
21:26:07 sharonp -> not just pioneers and pied pipers , but prophets! reminded time and again how much prophets are not welcome in their ownhometown
21:26:17 Vicki Davis -> that is true, Sharon.
21:26:18 charbeck -> nice analogy Noah!!
21:26:20 cheryl oakes wow2 -> touche Sharon
21:26:26 Vicki Davis -> I go back to Cheryl's post about no longer being an island.
21:26:32 Vicki Davis -> That's me.
21:26:36 Vicki Davis -> No longer an island.
21:26:47 cheryl oakes wow2 -> that is right vicki, people need to hear this more and more
21:26:52 Vicki Davis -> Gave all of our teachers skype last week.
21:26:56 Vicki Davis -> Training them next.
21:26:59 Vinnie -> our fifth graders created mayan villages, trying to figure out what the various building looked like. We are uploading to the warehouse. I am finishing a presentation which shows these five villages. They are the real villages. We are linking them to the actual site on google earth
21:27:00 charbeck -> We might be islands but connected in more ways then ever
21:27:02 cheryl oakes wow2 -> you go!
21:27:05 Vicki Davis -> They are excited. They can't believe it!
21:27:11 sroseman -> however, there is a bit of web 2.0 fatigue setting in
21:27:15 Vicki Davis -> I'd love to see it vinnie, when you're done!
21:27:25 sharonp -> wow, sounds so great Vinnie!
21:27:41 Jeanne S -> Vinnie, that sounds amazing!
21:27:43 Simon -> I have a blog, and we have started a blog at my school for teachers to discuss ICT integration
21:27:51 Vinnie -> Lucy Gray started a google earth meme, which has instructions on how to begin to create your own .kmz file for use with google earth (http://elemenous.typepad.com/weblog/2007/01/im_starting_my_.html)
21:28:10 charbeck -> http://go2web20.net if you ever need to recharge and try new things
21:28:14 Jennifer Wagner -> Hi Vinnie -- yup I already grabbed her directions
21:28:18 Vinnie -> I will be posting it to my blog within the next two weeks.
21:28:40 Vicki Davis -> I love stumble upon for finding cool new things.
21:28:43 Vicki Davis -> It is a cool tool.
21:28:49 sroseman -> social networking fatigue
21:29:00 charbeck -> go to that site vicki.... it will amaze you
21:29:02 Vinnie -> We used the creation of a google earth project with MS students for a globalization project
21:29:04 Vicki Davis -> Sue -- how funny!
21:29:12 Jeanne S -> I spend too long "stumbling" and find I have lost so much time!
21:29:26 sroseman -> according to a tech reporter here in Ontario
21:29:26 sharonp -> one can always get peopled out - social networking or f2f
21:29:44 Vicki Davis -> I've seen that site, Chris but it has changed.
21:29:59 Jennifer Wagner -> we posted that link in our newsletter
21:30:00 Vicki Davis -> New sites and some gone.
21:30:08 cheryl oakes wow2 -> engage the wave
21:30:20 Vinnie -> there will be a google academy in chicago in late april/may from what I heard from IL-TCE
21:30:27 CathyE -> Can you make a graph in google spreadsheet now?
21:30:28 Vicki Davis -> Jen, that is awesome!
21:30:46 Vinnie -> what is the link of terry's blog?
21:30:54 Vicki Davis -> www.techlearning.com
21:31:06 Vicki Davis -> On the home page.
21:31:13 Jeanne S -> I am finding engaging the next wave to be so difficult!
21:31:18 charbeck -> once again the hair commecial.  and they found 2 friends and so on and so on and so on
21:31:37 Vicki Davis -> But they will come along when they see the excitement in your classroom.
21:31:42 cheryl oakes wow2 -> Jeanne S. just grab your floaties for when you get tired, it is okay
21:31:43 Vicki Davis -> It takes time.
21:31:57 Vicki Davis -> When your kids go to the next class and no longer have you and complain, other teachers will begin to listen.
21:32:03 sroseman -> http://www.wordspy.com/words/socialnetworkingfatigue.asp
21:32:29 Jennifer Wagner -> anyone want to chat
21:33:03 sroseman -> If you have a google account you have access to all these wonderful apps
21:33:25 Jennifer Wagner -> yes -- but it seems to be just a teeny bit better
21:33:37 Jennifer Wagner -> not sure why, I could be wrong
21:33:45 Jennifer Wagner -> but -- I saw it used POWERFULLY
21:33:58 Jennifer Wagner -> https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
21:34:11 sroseman -> I read your wonderful posts, Vicki
21:34:11 Jennifer Wagner -> come join us!!!!
21:34:18 Jennifer Wagner -> we promise -- you can talk  :)
21:34:28 sharonp -> https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
21:35:40 sroseman -> some great tutorials on SecondLife on the Academy of Second Life
21:36:09 guest478 -> we can't get stuck in second life
21:36:17 sroseman -> highly recommended for teachers
21:36:17 Vinnie -> I cannot commit to skype, as I have to leave to pick up my daughter at driver's ed in 10 minutes
21:36:21 guest478 -> it's a nice model that actually works
21:36:29 guest478 -> and we'll all leave it soon
21:36:33 Jennifer Wagner -> Vinnie -- we need to get you on our WOW2 calendar soon!!
21:36:44 Vicki Davis -> http://www.literaryworlds.org/
21:36:47 alicebarr -> Second Life has some incredible areas for teachers made by teachers
21:37:06 mrichme -> There are a lot of Web2.0 apps that would benefit greatly with SafeSearch filter for educators.
21:38:00 Vinnie -> thank you, jennifer, I would love to. after early april would be great, as I will be on spring break and then have to get ready for my sheryl n-b teaching experience
21:38:14 Jennifer Wagner -> Vinnie -- we have openings in June -- is that okay??
21:38:18 Durff -> hi vinnie
21:38:27 sroseman -> I would be glad to
21:38:36 sendkathy -> Is this anything worth looking into for the High School set? http://www.alice.org/
21:38:49 alicebarr -> I am trying to get in Skypecast but can't
21:38:57 Vicki Davis -> Look at these places for 3d worlds and literature!  - http://www.literaryworlds.wmich.edu/worldlist.htm
21:39:40 charbeck -> I have seen many different math lessons using fantasy sports
21:39:51 Vicki Davis -> Worls are live for Native Son, Mrs. Dalloway, Democracy, an Island like you, midsummer nights dream, The tempest.
21:40:15 Vicki Davis -> And things fall apart and 1984.
21:40:18 CathyE -> have to leave- wonderful as usual :)
21:40:25 Vicki Davis -> Bye, Cathy!
21:41:15 Durff -> bye CathyE
21:41:37 sroseman -> cool
21:41:39 CathyE -> Vicki, one on my high school teachers emailed me today and asked if i have ever seen the coolcatteacher blog- she loved it!
21:41:43 Durff -> Congratulations!
21:41:48 sendkathy -> So is the lit world site open for registration os can you only enter as guest?
21:41:52 Vicki Davis -> And you told her that we know each other!
21:41:53 sendkathy -> Hi Lisa!
21:42:00 Durff -> hiu!
21:42:06 CathyE -> yep
21:42:07 Durff -> oops....hi
21:42:07 Vicki Davis -> I'm sure you said, "Oh, yeah, she's my buddy!"
21:42:14 sendkathy -> Whats new Lisa?
21:42:34 Durff -> I'm making a podcast Thursday
21:42:39 Durff -> in Spanish
21:42:44 sendkathy -> really? of yes
21:42:47 CathyE -> I gave her the time of tonight's show- I was hoping she was going to show up tonight
21:42:47 sendkathy -> cool
21:42:50 Durff -> and I won't even be in the room
21:43:00 sendkathy -> you are magic
21:43:04 Durff -> what's new with you?
21:43:06 Simon -> my school board limits teachers bandwidth to half of what administrators have and students have half of what teachers have
21:43:12 sendkathy -> I'm on spring break
21:43:20 sendkathy -> My grad school that is
21:43:28 sendkathy -> It's nice, no haomework
21:43:28 Durff -> we have break next week
21:43:34 Durff -> :)
21:43:41 sroseman -> have you heard of the Summit of Canada Expedition
21:43:43 sendkathy -> Are you doing anything special
21:43:52 charbeck -> oops
21:44:00 Jennifer Wagner -> does anyone wish to join our skype???
21:44:07 Jennifer Wagner -> please provide your skype name and we will call you in
21:44:14 Durff -> for break? yeah, sleeping
21:44:23 sendkathy -> good idea
21:44:39 charbeck -> they are working so hard!!!
21:44:39 Simon -> me either
21:44:43 sendkathy -> I can see storage being bigger
21:44:46 mrichme -> control
21:44:50 Durff -> mean IT people?
21:44:50 guest478 -> administrators need to stream espn
21:44:53 sendkathy -> but not bandwidth
21:44:58 Vicki Davis -> Next week -- amazing educators Chris Harbeck and Jeanne Simpson!
21:45:02 charbeck -> touche
21:45:09 Vicki Davis -> I thought you'd like that one!
21:45:13 sharonp -> http://gvc06temp06.virtualclassroom.org/
21:45:30 Durff -> my IT "borrowed" or projector and ruined lesson plans for two faculty members
21:46:27 Durff -> I don't either
21:46:37 Durff -> g
21:46:48 charbeck -> glasses vicki glasses
21:47:00 Jennifer Wagner -> chris -- come join us!!!
21:47:10 Durff -> we love him
21:47:15 Vicki Davis -> It looks like a q in mine - but I'll do a screen shot so you'll believe me.
21:47:17 charbeck -> If I jouin i might use my thunder next week
21:47:22 Vicki Davis -> Perhaps my room is truncated.
21:47:28 sharonp -> http://www.virtualclassroom.org/
21:47:33 charbeck -> Jeanne has a tablet
21:47:35 Jennifer Wagner -> ahhh -- then don't join us YET -- we shall wait for next week
21:47:42 Karen Janowski -> jennifer, can you call me on skype - KarenJanowski
21:47:50 Vicki Davis -> I think my brain is truncated.
21:47:57 Vicki Davis -> Karen, I got your e-mail back.
21:47:59 Durff -> SMARTboards?
21:48:00 sendkathy -> You know I like Promethean
21:48:08 Durff -> we need training!
21:48:16 sendkathy -> I think that it really matters how many resources they have for you
21:48:17 sharonp -> I do find the SB to be teacher-centred
21:48:22 charbeck -> I love the notebook
21:48:24 Durff -> same difference
21:48:24 sroseman -> Smartboards are being used successfully here..with good training
21:48:31 sharonp -> but use  mine just about every day
21:48:31 Durff -> what i don't have
21:48:53 Durff -> can we get training online?
21:48:54 charbeck -> my room is too large for a smartboard
21:48:54 sendkathy -> It's central in y class for students
21:49:09 sharonp -> and we took a survey - something like close to 90% of our students said it helped them with the learning process
21:49:15 Jennifer Wagner -> LOL -- chris -- too large????  or you mean visability??
21:49:16 Simon -> My school got 11 SMARTBoards in Sept to run a pilot program for our board, still waiting for PD on it.
21:49:19 Durff -> you have a room? I want a room
21:49:42 Karen Janowski -> what are some of the more innovative ways you are using electronic whiteboards?
21:49:48 charbeck -> I have a double classroom shaped like a hotdog.  Long and skinny and hard to configure
21:49:49 Durff -> why do you have to be at the board?
21:49:55 sharonp -> I like the way PowerPoint integrates with it
21:50:01 sendkathy -> The voting is great
21:50:08 sendkathy -> auto assess
21:50:09 Vicki Davis -> What do you use kathy?
21:50:17 sendkathy -> they love it and can graph
21:50:26 cheryl oakes wow2 -> the new smartboard 600i with the projector built in
21:50:26 Vicki Davis -> I think real time group assessment is really a great way to go.
21:50:27 sendkathy -> kindergarteners understand the graph
21:50:28 alicebarr -> I have a hard time with it as it seems to encourage teachers to stay up front in the room
21:50:34 Karen Janowski -> do any of you record your instruction for kids that need the review at home?
21:50:50 Durff -> I never stay up front
21:50:56 Vicki Davis -> I've seen the prometheans used with younger classrooms and the smart board with the younger classrooms.
21:51:03 sharonp -> exactly alice, which is my complaint - and I am in a laptop environment - only use a fraction of the time<
21:51:04 sendkathy -> record it via audio?
21:51:07 Jennifer Wagner -> thanks Karen ---  I shall skype you
21:51:09 Durff -> I want to record
21:51:17 sendkathy -> So does Promethean
21:51:27 charbeck -> That would be helpful
21:51:38 alicebarr -> We have 1 smartboard and it hasn't changed the way teacher reaches. Back to the students all the time
21:52:01 alicebarr -> teacher teaches
21:52:12 Karen Janowski -> do you know that you can download the software on your home computer if your district has Smartboards
21:52:30 sendkathy -> I can too, I have a portable pad
21:52:33 Durff -> prepare lessons at home?
21:52:39 Karen Janowski -> Durff, yes
21:52:40 sendkathy -> Yes, at home
21:52:46 Durff -> cool!
21:52:47 Karen Janowski -> have you checked out the tutorials online?
21:52:55 sendkathy -> You need to have the activStudio software on your laptop
21:53:04 Durff -> Our principal says I will get one for next year
21:53:07 sendkathy -> yes, they are excellent for Promethean
21:53:14 Vicki Davis -> How exciting, Lisa.
21:53:20 sendkathy -> The best resources are from the UK
21:53:22 sendkathy -> By far
21:53:23 Durff -> it is what he says....he is a man after all
21:53:47 sendkathy -> http://fultonschools.org/SCHOOL/CREEKVIEW/promethean_users.htm
21:53:49 sroseman -> Do any of you use Smart Ideas as well with SmartBoard
21:53:52 Durff -> better than a window blind
21:53:52 charbeck -> Graham wegner has a site about promethian active boards
21:53:55 Jennifer Wagner -> thanks KATHY
21:54:10 Vinnie -> got to go. Another great show all
21:54:16 Jennifer Wagner -> thanks Vinnie
21:54:18 Vicki Davis -> Bye, Vinnie. 
21:54:23 Durff -> vinnie...bye:)
21:54:23 Vicki Davis -> Hope to talk to you soon!
21:54:30 cheryl oakes wow2 -> Vinnie I need to chat with you next week about our parent thing
21:54:38 charbeck -> Darren is posting all of his notes using slideshare
21:54:39 Vicki Davis -> Me too! I have a PTO on MOnday.
21:54:46 Karen Janowski -> here's the site for two minute tutorials http://smarttech.com/trainingcenter/tutorials.asp
21:54:54 Jennifer Wagner -> thanks KAREN
21:55:56 Karen Janowski -> but some kids learn better taking the notes later
21:56:05 Jennifer Wagner -> Karen -- can we bring you into skype???
21:56:20 Karen Janowski -> they can really attend and not have to worry about taking notes at the same time as they are listening and attending
21:56:22 Vicki Davis -> Sharing best practices collapses the information float.
21:56:31 alicebarr -> Lifelong Learners!
21:56:34 Vicki Davis -> We can go directly to one another.
21:56:39 Durff -> I am jealous
21:56:41 Vicki Davis -> Bypass the intermediaries.
21:56:43 Karen Janowski -> Jennifer, I just downloaded skype on this laptop
21:56:44 Jennifer Wagner -> http://am40sw07.blogspot.com/2007/03/todays-slides-march-6.html
21:56:46 Vicki Davis -> I am jealous too, Lisa.
21:56:52 Jennifer Wagner -> this is DarrenK's link
21:56:52 sroseman -> Do your students use FirstClass for email, Sharon
21:56:53 Karen Janowski -> do I need to do somehting else?
21:57:06 charbeck -> Thanks jen
21:57:15 Durff -> but that is what you are supposed to do
21:57:39 Jennifer Wagner -> Anytime Chris
21:57:40 sroseman -> you guys are a power house of knowledge
21:57:42 sharonp -> yes, sue, we use FC
21:57:46 Jennifer Wagner -> I think we are collaborating -- right???
21:57:56 sharonp -> sometimes it drives me crazy, but it nice to have a solid communication server
21:57:57 Karen Janowski -> this sharing is awesome!
21:58:03 cheryl oakes wow2 -> thanks susan, you all make our show!
21:58:04 charbeck -> YOu are magically delicious
21:58:06 Jennifer Wagner -> Karen -- what time szone are you????
21:58:13 Karen Janowski -> eastern
21:58:25 Jennifer Wagner -> very appropriate Chris for this time of the year in my life
21:58:26 sroseman -> Our online communication system for teachers is FirstClass, SharonP
21:58:26 sharonp -> wow thx for the praise - but I learn so MUCH from all of you!
21:58:36 Jennifer Wagner -> Okay -- Karen -- well I am PST -- so I have 3 more hours
21:58:49 Simon -> Sharon, Vicki, have you had a chance to look at the Flat Planet Project wiki?
21:58:51 sroseman -> Check out www.summitsofcanada.ca
21:59:00 mrichme -> potential topic down the road...Moodle
21:59:00 sroseman -> as a project
21:59:03 Vicki Davis -> Need to e-mail you.  When is the judging date?
21:59:09 Vicki Davis -> We need to talk offline about it.
21:59:12 sharonp -> yes,
21:59:18 Simon -> ok
21:59:20 sharonp -> Simon, was sooooo impressed
21:59:26 Simon -> wow, thanks
21:59:41 sroseman -> JenW ..tappedin ..next week
21:59:48 Simon -> hey WOW, that's you ladies!
22:00:00 sharonp -> showed it off to my IT director as an example of  a project that could change the world
22:00:02 Durff -> trite
22:00:36 Karen Janowski -> you guys rock getting those guests!
22:01:09 Vicki Davis -> We are so blessed!
22:01:10 charbeck -> that is a big show!!
22:01:11 Karen Janowski -> That will be excellent
22:01:20 Jennifer Wagner -> we have been blessed to get these people
22:01:22 mrichme -> that should be a great chat
22:01:24 Durff -> all in one show?
22:01:26 Karen Janowski -> did u read his blue skunk blog post today?
22:01:32 Karen Janowski -> a little off color for me
22:01:32 Jennifer Wagner -> Sharon P-- we need to get TappedIn org
22:01:37 Vicki Davis -> No, I posted the schedule on my blog today soyou can write down the dates.
22:01:39 Durff -> too much goodness in one place
22:01:56 Vicki Davis -> Divine intervention/ appointments.
22:02:15 Durff -> :D
22:02:23 Karen Janowski -> we appreciate it!
22:02:33 Jennifer Wagner -> SueR -- we need Tapped In to come in here
22:03:02 sharonp -> great show!
22:03:08 cheryl oakes wow2 ->  yahoo
22:03:26 alicebarr -> Couldn't get in
22:03:40 alicebarr -> alice.barr
22:03:47 sroseman -> I can arrange a gang to come in ..
22:03:53 sroseman -> for tappedin
22:03:56 charbeck -> see you in a weeek ladies
22:04:08 Durff -> explain tappedin
22:04:08 Vicki Davis -> Bye, Chris, take a look at the agenda.
22:04:13 Vicki Davis -> For next week.
22:04:16 Jennifer Wagner -> we will be right BACK
22:04:17 Vicki Davis -> We'll be right back.
22:04:20 charbeck -> I will be prepared thatnks
22:04:20 Jennifer Wagner -> and alice -- we are calling you
22:04:26 Jennifer Wagner -> anyone else???
22:04:32 Jennifer Wagner -> Karen???
22:04:38 sroseman -> why don't you attend a virtual tour of tappedin
22:04:39 Jennifer Wagner -> Chris -- I can't wait
22:04:41 Durff -> we shy away from the echo :)
22:04:45 mrichme -> I tried to get in but the link you gave was a deadend
22:04:45 Karen Janowski -> Jennifer, what do I need to do to get in?
22:04:56 alicebarr -> Me too
22:04:57 Jennifer Wagner -> Karen -- what is your skype again????
22:05:04 Karen Janowski -> KarenJanowski
22:05:05 Jennifer Wagner -> Michael -- do you have a skype
22:05:14 mrichme -> mrichme
22:05:50 cheryl oakes wow2 -> karen your skype name? do you want to skype
22:05:55 cheryl oakes wow2 -> anyone else
22:06:07 sroseman -> take a look at the real time PD events on the Tappedin calendar
22:06:09 sroseman -> http://tappedin.org/tappedin/do/CalendarAction?
22:06:17 cheryl oakes wow2 -> are we still streaming yet?
22:07:30 Durff -> I think so
22:07:41 Durff -> must be
22:08:15 cheryl oakes wow2 -> karen you need to accept me  do you have headphones
22:08:22 Karen Janowski -> yes
22:08:36 sendkathy -> I'm interested in knowing how you interact in Tapped in.  I don't get it.  I've been a member, exchanged some posts but what else am I missing?
22:09:12 Durff -> some one educate me - what is Tapped In?
22:09:27 Jennifer Wagner -> Lisa -- its an online environment for teachers
22:09:30 cheryl oakes wow2 -> tappedin.org is a teacher online collaborative site
22:09:33 Jennifer Wagner -> tappedin.org
22:09:38 sroseman -> It's important to hang out in tappedin and attend the sessions to get a real feel for the community of tappedin
22:09:39 Durff -> like SL?
22:09:39 sendkathy -> lots of special interest groups
22:09:43 Jennifer Wagner -> it has hourly chats several tmes a week
22:09:46 Jennifer Wagner -> NO -- all typed chat
22:09:49 cheryl oakes wow2 -> there are teacher groups and a whole calendar of events
22:09:50 sendkathy -> Is it all chat
22:09:52 Jennifer Wagner -> old school  :)
22:09:56 cheryl oakes wow2 -> all chat at tappedin
22:10:00 sendkathy -> oh
22:10:04 Durff -> URL?
22:10:09 sroseman -> I have been a member of 7 years and do the K to 3+ Great Resources sessions
22:10:09 sendkathy -> do they skype
22:10:12 Karen Janowski -> have to go pick up my son from his job
22:10:14 cheryl oakes wow2 -> http://www.tappedin.org
22:10:17 Jennifer Wagner -> http://www.tappedin.lorg
22:10:18 Karen Janowski -> talk to you all again!
22:10:22 Jennifer Wagner -> Thanks for stopping in Karen
22:10:23 cheryl oakes wow2 -> bye then Karen, come again
22:10:26 Jennifer Wagner -> nice to meet you
22:10:30 Jennifer Wagner -> we shall talk again
22:10:40 Karen Janowski -> see you next week!
22:10:43 Durff -> Thank Cheryl
22:10:44 sendkathy -> I should attend one of your sessions
22:11:06 sroseman -> some wonderful sessions on Wikis and web 2.0
22:11:23 Vicki Davis -> Bye, Karen.
22:11:27 cheryl oakes wow2 -> absolutely great stuff susan
22:12:08 sroseman -> webheads is an informal collaborative group that also meets in SecondLife
22:12:53 cheryl oakes wow2 -> susan, i ahven't been in SL with webheads in a couple months, i miss it
22:13:51 sroseman -> check in on Sunday, Cheryl
22:13:57 Durff -> they're just happy to have Vickie
22:14:09 cheryl oakes wow2 -> Okay, I've been skiing so, it may be after a month or so
22:14:25 cheryl oakes wow2 -> Maine is lucky to have Vicki Davis coming to our state conference
22:14:40 Vicki Davis -> Maine is lucky to have cheryl oakes!
22:14:46 cheryl oakes wow2 -> sweet
22:14:53 Vicki Davis -> But often the incredible people aren't recognized in their own back yard.
22:14:56 mrichme -> Well I've got to run as 5AM Eastern is coming up fast and I still have some important school work that must be done before I can go to bed.  Thanks for a great session.
22:14:57 Durff -> you are so lucky , Vickie
22:15:18 Durff -> snow tomorrow!
22:15:40 sroseman -> I am off to Snowmass to ski..I am a ski bum and won't be teaching until after the ski season
22:15:41 sendkathy -> goodnight all, hasta luego
22:15:51 cheryl oakes wow2 -> lucky you Lisa, snow, we need a little more in the mtn.
22:16:03 cheryl oakes wow2 -> goodnight kathy
22:16:07 Durff -> it's on its way here
22:16:12 Durff -> maybe to you too
22:16:14 cheryl oakes wow2 -> lucky you susan, i am working on that schedule
22:16:35 Durff -> $$$$$$$$$$$$$
22:16:44 sroseman -> I will be broke
22:16:54 cheryl oakes wow2 -> but a happy skier
22:18:26 Durff -> it's Sat
22:18:33 Durff -> 6/23
22:18:35 cheryl oakes wow2 -> thanks lisa
22:19:25 Durff -> Sat