Teachers Teaching Teachers

Teachers Teaching Teachers #96 - Has digital storytelling changed writing? - 03.19.08

This spring Susan Ettenheim and Paul Allison are experimenting again. This time with Hypertextopia. We have just begun to explore with our students how writing changes in this online environment. The image “http://www.fiercefrontiers.com/images/hypertextopia.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. To learn more, we invited Mark Bernstein and Jeremy Ashkenas to have a conversation with us.

  • Mark Bernstein has been Eastgate's chief scientist since 1987. He has developed Storyspace and other hypertext software, and he is the publisher of wonderful hypertexts.
  • Jeremy Ashkenas is working on Hypertextopia as a part of his final project for his undergraduate degree at Brown University.

We were inspired to invite the spunky programmer/publisher to talk with the upstart literature/computer undergrad after reading through this recent thread on if:Book. Listen to learn more about hypertext writing online, and join us at Hypertextopia!


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Teachers Teaching Teachers #95 - Locating the Tyranny of Filtering - 03.12.08

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

It's happening in small, geographically dispersed schools in rural Alaska. Three people are responsible for doing it for over a million public school students in New York City. An independent school in Milwaukee uses the same software that is being used in NYC to do it. In Colorado, an outspoken opponent of it was recently hired for a district level job, and now he is on a small committee that gives the thumbs up or down. In North Dakota, a secret password is emailed each week to a group of thirty teachers who can then undo it in their schools, when needed. In rural Virginia, a teacher carefully measures her arguments for the educational benefit against the possible risks each time she requests for it to be undone. Because so many schools do it in so many different ways, the developers of VoiceThread have to work overtime to keep their Web 2.0 tool available in public schools.

In September, Wesley Fryer "observed from China that the level of content filtering / censorship enforced by the central, totalitarian government was actually LESS severe than the content filtering enforced in many U.S. public schools" (Content filtering in Communist China versus an Oklahoma school » Moving at the Speed of Creativity).

Really? Do the descriptions in the first paragraph accurately represent the tyranny of filtering in U.S. schools today? Or do teachers have more power than we often exercise? It's become too easy for educators to represent filtering as if it's something that oppresses us. What if we find that the enemy is us?

From the discussion captured on this podcast, we can sketch a much more complicated picture of how filtering really seems to work in U.S. schools. See what we mean by clicking Read more, below.


Teachers Teaching Teachers #94 - Music in the Classroom - 03.05.08

Recently, Lee Baber and Elderbob Brannan facilitated a 6-week session for the Electronic Village Online. I Got Rhythm: Music in the Classroom.

In today's multi-literate world, music plays an important role. It is one that is often over-looked or neglected in the classroom. With the advent of Web 2.0, Music has taken an even more significant position. Whereas it was once only the subject matter of those who were music majors, it now expands into many relavant areas of expertise. The ability to either select the proper music for a piece or to create music to stand alone, has become a common driver for most students. We beleive that the instructor, though not a music theorist, can offer a variety of resources and information to help students pursue this drive. It is our intent to explore ways that music can be made available in a classroom situation.

EVO 2008 Call for Participation wiki / Music

One of the prizes they found during their class was Joseph M. Pisano, a music professor whose enthusasiam and knowledge bubbles out in this podcast!

Listen to Dr. Pisano, then pass this one on to the music educator in your school. Also check out his blog: MusTech.net

That's not all! Hook your favorite music educator up with Dr. Pisano's campaign, Me Blogger. His goal is to inspire 100 Music Education Bloggers (ME Too!) before 2009. He would like to invite any music educator to become a ME Blogger today. "Join Our “Global Conversation” about music, education, and technology!"


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(Click Read more to see more about Lee Baber and Elderbob Brannan)


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