EdTechWeekly #159

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John, Dave, and and Jen review this week's news and resources in education and technology. Join us again on April 11th when we resume our normally scheduled show following a holiday break.

 EdTechWeekly #159
March 28, 2010

Chat Log Below 


This Week's Delicious Links


19:00:49 JL -> The site will look the same is 'good news'?
19:03:05 Sheila -> @JL - The earthbridges site looks great! Thanks so much for all the organization!
19:06:43 Sheila -> And "where can I find the information?" repeatedly.
19:10:57 cyndidannerkuhn -> what you guys do is just absolutely amazing, and we do thank you for you hard work.
19:12:40 dave -> http://edfutures.com/
19:12:48 jackiegerstein -> the intrinsic motivation for being engaged in these (Edtech talk - classroom 2.0) online communities are amazing
19:14:56 PeggyG -> it's a beautiful header on the website :-)
19:15:31 cyndidannerkuhn -> Nice looking site, looking forward to learning from you!!
19:15:41 cyndidannerkuhn -> Thanks for making it OPEN!
19:17:08 PeggyG -> can you join the course and be a lurker?
19:17:39 dave -> you can lurk if you like :)
19:17:41 mslaneeus -> Is this course for a certain ability level?  
19:19:18 cyndidannerkuhn -> glad to hear that!, starting at the beginning, will keep everyone on the right path
19:19:43 jackiegerstein -> This is exciting - It should be about the future of education - AND technology is driving that - allowing for more individualized education.
19:20:15 mslaneeus -> Will there be any live parts of the course or can you do it in your own time during the week?
19:20:32 dawn -> sounds exciting
19:20:47 jackiegerstein -> Futures thinking is "brainstorming" all possible futures - a cool methodology
19:21:59 jackiegerstein -> I am dreaming of NO textbooks in my futures thinking
19:22:20 PeggyG -> those "arguments" are very thought-provoking :-)
19:22:49 gary -> Could somone post the website again? Came in late.
19:23:19 dawn -> Is there a "chat" component? papers?
19:23:24 JohnS ->  [dave] http://edfutures.com/
19:23:28 JenM -> iPad launch in US ... http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/shop_ipad/family/ipad ... and ... http://delicious.com/edtechtalk/20100328
19:23:32 gary -> Thanks!
19:23:51 PeggyG -> there is a forum for conversations in the course
19:24:39 jackiegerstein -> I was excited about the iPad - not so much any more ;(
19:25:01 cyndidannerkuhn -> I wnat one, but wnat it to have a camera
19:25:04 PeggyG -> I'm happy with my iphone for now and will wait for another version
19:25:13 jackiegerstein -> me too Peggy
19:25:32 PeggyG -> yes my laptop, iphone and ipod are serving me well for now
19:25:44 cyndidannerkuhn -> We bought 2 in the College of Ed for faculty to try., so I will get my hands on one for a little playing at least
19:26:11 cyndidannerkuhn -> I think we are all there til we get our hands on one
19:26:43 JohnS -> Study: Teen Bloggers Show Little Risky Behavior Online: http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/teenblog.htm
19:27:23 dave -> shakes fist. changes next link to support longer rant.
19:27:47 PeggyG -> we need more research/reports like this one!
19:28:12 gary -> Dave will be interested that a Nigerian friend of mine is considering getting someone at his university to do a similar study - was interested to see the results.
19:28:19 JohnS -> Smokescreen: http://www.smokescreengame.com
19:28:41 jackiegerstein -> PsychCentral - Teen Blogging - A good thing http://psychcentral.com/news/2010/03/25/teen-blogging-a-good-thing/12387...
19:29:18 PeggyG -> some of that research is being reported through Project Tomorrow/SpeakUp surveys
19:29:29 jackiegerstein -> Link Peggy?
19:29:47 dave -> http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/21/books/21mash.html?pagewanted=1&ref=tec...
19:30:44 cyndidannerkuhn -> of course not!
19:31:11 PeggyG -> the latest report from SpeakUp is about to be released-haven't seen it yet but last year's report confirmed some of these things too
19:31:58 jackiegerstein -> I actually think there was some good points in that article - that folks are reading for soundbites instead of depth
19:32:07 PeggyG -> http://www.tomorrow.org/speakup/speakup_reports.html
19:32:12 jackiegerstein -> thanks Peggy
19:34:00 cyndidannerkuhn -> :D
19:35:37 jackiegerstein -> I am reading more but quickly move form webpage to webpage rather than "hanging" out with a magazine or book like I used to do.
19:35:42 jackiegerstein -> from
19:36:55 cyndidannerkuhn -> I absolutley read more!
19:37:24 gary -> Reading has also become audiobooks for many
19:37:37 jackiegerstein -> Two different issues - reading for depth and information overload (as Clay Shirky says it is not information overload, its is lack of filtering)
19:40:10 PeggyG -> I've heard it said that information overload suggests an old paradigm that thinks we truly can be on top of all of the information and since that isn't possible any longer we need to change our paradigm
19:40:12 cyndidannerkuhn -> good point
19:40:23 JenM -> Resume builder: http://ceevee.com/ ... and ... http://ceevee.com/jmaddrell
19:40:48 jackiegerstein -> No I read more - but not depth of reading like books and full magazine articles
19:41:25 JohnS -> Google testing super-fast broadband network: http://money.cnn.com/2010/02/10/technology/google_broadband/index.htm?po...
19:41:25 PeggyG -> I saw a video this past week where almost all of the students were saying they didn't read books but rather rely on Cliff Notes
19:41:55 PeggyG -> love boss of me at me :-)
19:41:59 dave -> @PeggyG things haven't changed much :)
19:42:13 PeggyG -> :-) right!
19:42:23 JohnS -> Cisco unveils ultra-fast Internet technology: http://money.cnn.com/2010/03/09/technology/cisco_internet/
19:43:10 cyndidannerkuhn -> Topeka, about an hour from me is competing for that Google thing
19:43:19 JohnS -> How 1Gbps fiber came to Cleveland's poorest, free of charge: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/03/how-1gbps-fiber-came-to-...
19:44:18 jackiegerstein -> The Digital Divide will insure a broadband Ghetto http://gigaom.com/2010/03/27/the-digital-divide-will-ensure-a-broadband-...
19:45:21 dave -> http://www.differencebetween.net/
19:46:15 dave -> http://www.bbcwildlifemagazine.com/masterclasses.asp
19:46:40 PeggyG -> difference between human and computer :-)
19:46:40 gary -> Could spend hours just finding differences.
19:47:25 PeggyG -> what are the copyrights on those resources on bbcwildlife?
19:47:39 dawn -> Well said, Dave. It's part of critical literacy
19:47:49 JohnS -> My photos: http://john.schinker.org
19:47:56 JenM -> Whiteboard ... FlockDraw ... http://flockdraw.com/7906kn
19:48:15 cyndidannerkuhn -> I did it for about a month , and gave up too!!
19:48:29 JenM -> http://www.dopdf.com/
19:48:52 JenM -> http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file/fid,83419-order,4/description.html
19:49:01 jackiegerstein -> Too busy reading soundbites ;)
19:49:13 dave -> @jackie lol
19:49:53 JohnS -> The Periodic Table of Periodic Tables: http://www.keaggy.com/periodictable/
19:50:18 JohnS -> Periodic Table of Beer Styles: http://www.flickr.com/photos/45642115@N07/4192616403/sizes/l/
19:50:19 PeggyG -> is that pdf converter a download or browser based-curious if it works on a Mac
19:50:22 JohnS -> Periodic Table of Cupcakes: http://www.womansday.com/Articles/Food/Recipes/Periodic-Table-of-Cupcake...
19:50:27 JohnS -> Periodic Table of Canadian: http://shirt.woot.com/Derby/Entry.aspx?id=11487
19:51:40 PeggyG -> no WOW3 or Conversations next Sunday either--Easter holiday
19:52:09 gary -> Gordon Lightfoot!  Jealous but isn't he a bit old for Dave?
19:52:19 PeggyG -> a well-deserved break :-)
19:52:31 cyndidannerkuhn -> enjoy your break!
19:52:35 dawn -> Hoppy Easter everyone
19:52:36 PeggyG -> thank you all!!
19:52:40 Sheila -> Thanks Peggy!
19:52:42 jackiegerstein -> Thanks!
19:52:51 PeggyG -> good night all!
19:52:56 cyndidannerkuhn -> very interesting, thank you
19:53:04 jackiegerstein -> Yes - exciting Dave - have fun
19:53:07 Sheila -> Thanks again all!
19:53:28 gary -> Thanks again.
19:54:01 PeggyG -> did you all turn your lights out last night for Earth Hour??
19:54:43 PeggyG -> have fun coloring Easter eggs :-)
19:54:56 PeggyG -> I turned off my lights--very hard to work in the dark
19:55:12 PeggyG -> the rules are lights out only--not everything powered by electricity
19:55:30 PeggyG -> it's an awareness raising kind of experience not an energy saving purpose
19:55:37 Sheila -> Turning the switch was casting your vote to support.
19:56:14 PeggyG -> is OLDaily Stephen Downes?
19:56:40 PeggyG -> good night all!