EdTechWeekly133 - June 21, 2009

Post-Show description: 

We wish John all the best in his upcoming travels and we will miss him as he visits Africa with the good folks from Teachers without Borders - see http://www.teacherswithoutborders.org/. Catch the recording of our last full crew episode for the next several weeks here - http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechWeekly133, but join us next Sunday night at 7:00 ET for our next live show covering all the latest news and resources in education and technology.

EdTechWeekly #133
June 21, 2009

This week's Delicious Links

Chat Log Below



18:47:05 PeggyG -> Hi everyone-I've discovered the way to get to the show on time. Leave it open from Conversations on Sunday morning and it starts talking to you when the stream begins. :-)
18:50:33 gary -> But we like video
18:50:36 PeggyG -> can you remind me of the way we share links with ETWeekly on Delicious?
18:51:02 gary -> You could try
18:51:49 PeggyG -> dedication Jen!!
18:52:40 PeggyG -> I love TweetDeck!! Couldn't fundtion without it!! Also use TweetStack on iPhone. Very good.
18:54:45 PeggyG -> audio is great for me--also some heavy breathing :-)
18:56:39 PeggyG -> what a nice touch :-) birds chirping in the background
18:58:06 PeggyG -> no way! you can't fit all this great stuff in 30 minutes!
18:58:15 gary -> 20 minutes - as long as nothing disturbs Dave
18:58:21 PeggyG -> that was an incredible show--100 links in 1 hour!
18:58:43 sheila -> But we are awfully good!
18:58:45 PeggyG -> it's Father's Day :-) still early in AZ--4:00pm
18:58:52 PeggyG -> definitely Sheila :-)
18:59:21 gary -> Father's Day - my son phoned me at 8:00 am - because he was up.
19:00:47 gary -> It was 7:00 am his time
19:01:04 gary -> He was an hour west of me.
19:03:41 Lorna -> Happy Father's Day all
19:03:41 dave -> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31432770/ns/technology_and_science-tech_and_...
19:03:57 PeggyG -> that is sad--last show for the team for awhile :-(
19:04:22 JohnS -> It's gonna be so much better next week. Just wait & see who they got to replace me.
19:04:56 gary -> But maybe one-sided/misunderstood: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/06/19-11
19:05:24 gary -> Referring to the "green" movement on Twitter
19:05:58 jackiegerstein -> Good - our students should have global awareness - tired of the walls/ignorance shurrounding our students about global events
19:06:07 dave -> http://bit.ly/A8Pyh
19:07:25 jackiegerstein -> That's why I "appreciate" the youtube vids being put out
19:09:09 JenM -> steve jobs update: http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/06/19/not-only-was-steve-jobs-sick-he-had...
19:09:32 PeggyG -> that's why you can't do a show in 30 mins--the commentary is really valuable!
19:09:53 gary -> Liver transplant for pancreatic cancer?
19:10:06 dave -> does seem odd
19:10:28 JL -> http://www.webcastacademy.net/
19:10:36 PeggyG -> time for a human body crash course :-)
19:11:07 PeggyG -> I was able to listen to part of the webcast academy open house today-was it recorded and archived?
19:11:19 JL -> http://www.masternewmedia.org/mobile-live-video-streaming-best-tools-to-...
19:11:21 sheila -> I want to see a list of graduates!
19:11:39 JL -> http://www.masternewmedia.org/best-tools-to-upload-your-video-to-multipl...
19:11:47 JenM -> "... a side effect of that cancer is likely the thing that lead to this liver transplant, many doctors familiar with such things have stated."
19:11:53 JohnS -> The Nine Tribes of the Internet: http://www.slideshare.net/lrainie/the-nine-tribes-of-the-internet-155562...
19:11:59 PeggyG -> yes Sheila!! my goal is to get my name on that list this year!!
19:12:10 dave -> imperialist
19:13:24 dave -> http://mashable.com/2009/06/17/iphone-30-guide/
19:14:46 gary -> Dave is praising Apple/Mac!
19:14:56 PeggyG -> Spotlight is fantastic on a Mac :-)
19:15:07 gary -> Yes it does
19:15:24 Lorna -> ah praise for Mac's
19:15:46 JenM -> Opera Unite: http://www.opera.com/press/releases/2009/06/16/
19:15:56 JL -> http://unite.opera.com/
19:16:07 JL -> http://factoryjoe.com/blog/2009/06/16/thoughts-on-opera-unite/
19:18:11 JL -> http://dotnetperls.com/chrome-memory
19:19:01 PeggyG -> Chrome is fast because it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of Firefox.
19:19:15 sroseman -> speedy too
19:19:24 sroseman -> works well on the MAC
19:19:29 JL -> http://www.wordnik.com/
19:19:43 gary -> Safari 4 is fast even on a older machine.
19:19:58 sroseman -> biodiversity
19:20:07 sroseman -> nice for students
19:20:10 JohnS -> Students' summer reading reports go online in real time: http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2009/jun/15/students-summer-reading... and High school journalism going online: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/education/bal-md.co.online12jun12,0,685...
19:22:30 gary -> Yet some students like the paper copy
19:22:59 dave -> http://sites.google.com/site/coarsesalt/system/app/pages/recentChanges
19:24:47 gary -> Thanks - not everyone has.
19:25:08 JenM -> Bing Update: http://comscore.com/Press_Events/Press_Releases/2009/6/Bing_Continues_to... ... and ... http://searchengineland.com/google-fires-back-at-bing-launches-explore-g...
19:27:11 JL -> http://wiffiti.com/
19:27:51 JL -> http://virl.com/
19:28:12 JohnS -> http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2009/
19:28:51 PeggyG -> lots of great ETT representation at NECC! presentations and awards :-)
19:29:12 JohnS -> http://www.necc2008.org/group/neccunplugged
19:29:20 PeggyG -> WOW2 will do a live show on Tuesday at 4:00 at NECC-please join us :-)
19:29:37 jackiegerstein -> Peggy are you going to be at NECC?
19:29:55 PeggyG -> yes definitely! are you Jackie?
19:29:59 dave -> http://aace.org/conf/edmedia/default.htm
19:30:11 jackiegerstein -> Of course!
19:30:17 Cathy E -> I want to meet John :)
19:30:33 JohnS -> I'll be signing autographs.
19:30:36 dave -> http://aace.org/university/seminars/socialmedia/
19:30:40 PeggyG -> we need to meet up at NECC!!!!
19:30:58 JohnS -> @Peggy. Pick a time & place and let everyone know.
19:31:11 jackiegerstein -> Of course - I want to see you.  Where are you doing WOW on Tuesday?
19:31:26 JenM -> Acrobat.com out of beta (read ... now you pay for stuff that was free): http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10264241-2.html
19:31:50 PeggyG -> Let's all meet at the WOW2 live show :-) We're having a reunion with Vicki and Cheryl during that show. Tuesday at 4:00--on the NECC Unplugged schedule
19:32:11 jackiegerstein -> ok - I will go join
19:32:15 PeggyG -> location not determined yet but probably in the NECC Unplugged area
19:32:34 JL -> http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/42819
19:32:51 sheila -> :)
19:33:02 PeggyG -> I'm trying to mention it on all of the ETT webcasts this week :-)
19:33:24 JL -> http://gawker.com/5297345/ap-tells-reporters-to-muzzle-facebook-friends
19:33:29 gary -> Well there are those fake, not used accounts
19:34:33 jackiegerstein -> Actually good ehtnographers document their biases - I love this model
19:34:41 PeggyG -> the local news has been talking about people being required to give up their passwords to MySpace and Facebook when applying for jobs. Scary!
19:35:14 jackiegerstein -> Me 2.0 is part of all our lives - it is about self-censorship
19:35:54 jackiegerstein -> Everyone is biased - no way around it
19:35:59 JohnS -> Weather Balloons to Serve Up Web Access in Africa: http://www.internetevolution.com/author.asp?section_id=694&doc_id=178131&
19:37:23 dave -> http://twitter.com/shareski/status/2271080197
19:37:45 dave -> http://twitter.com/willrich45/status/2270515580
19:37:53 Cathy E -> Maybe I can use weather balloons here in eastern NC
19:38:03 JL -> http://networksummercamp.wikispaces.com/
19:39:05 jackiegerstein -> I blocke!
19:39:07 JenM -> Hunch: http://www.hunch.com/ ... and ... http://uk.techcrunch.com/2009/06/15/hunchcoms-decision-making-engine-lau...
19:39:18 PeggyG -> I block too
19:40:14 gary -> Block - especially if you have to give your employer your on-line presence.  Some that follow are not who you may want to be associated with.
19:40:27 JL -> http://www.cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp/~trobb/terms2.html
19:40:53 JL -> http://pleaseenjoy.com/project.php?cat=4&subcat=&pid=131&navpoint=0
19:41:03 PeggyG -> amazing! school calendars from around the world :-)
19:41:57 JohnS -> Ekahau HeatMapper : http://www.ekahau.com/
19:42:09 PeggyG -> interesting--browsers are for browsing :-) we still have a loong ways to go!
19:43:42 JohnS -> Kingston ships first 128GB USB flash drive: http://www.crunchgear.com/2009/06/15/kingston-ships-first-128gb-usb-flas...
19:44:37 dave -> http://iantruelove.blogspot.com/2009/06/techno-lust.html
19:44:48 dave -> http://chrislott.org/story/i-heart-the-postdigital/
19:45:10 JohnS -> oops ... forgot this one: http://www.labnol.org/internet/wikipedia-printed-book/9136/
19:45:22 JenM -> Google Voice (update): http://www.networkworld.com/news/2009/061809-google-voice.html
19:47:42 JL -> http://davecormier.com/edblog/2009/06/20/postdigital-putting-language-to...
19:53:44 jackiegerstein -> I like this dicussions!
19:53:53 gary -> for:edtechtalk
19:54:00 JenM -> gary :)
19:54:03 sheila -> Have a great trip John!
19:54:05 PeggyG -> a farewell song? let's hear it!!
19:54:27 sroseman -> au revoir and good luck
19:54:34 gary -> Don't get malaria John
19:55:04 gary -> Do the drugs - had it twice
19:55:05 PeggyG -> thanks for the delicious link info :-)
19:55:21 gary -> The nightmares are great!
19:55:33 sroseman -> get Dukarol -
19:55:36 gary -> Nigeria
19:55:54 gary -> Dave's favourite place
19:56:14 PeggyG -> have a safe wonderful trip John!
19:57:02 JohnS -> Thanks for the well wishes, everyone.
19:57:34 carolteach4 -> Hi, all. First time on EdTechWeekly - guess I missed it.
19:57:54 JohnS -> Hi, carol. Thanks for stopping by. We just wrapped up.
19:58:03 JohnS -> Doing a little post-show informal discussion now.
19:58:09 JenM -> @carol ... the good news ... there is always next week!
19:58:11 carolteach4 -> I'll listen for a while to the post-show.
19:58:14 gary -> @carol - 1 hour earlier
19:58:16 JohnS -> The audio and chat will be posted tomorrow at http://www.edtechtalk.com
19:58:26 JenM -> nite all!
19:59:14 sheila -> Thanks all!  Good night!
20:03:50 carolteach4 -> Investing in training is key and providing an incentive for teachers to find their own personal learning networks is necessary. Teachers are so busy with day to day teaching and correcting that it's often difficult to find the time to access all the wonderful resources already available.
20:03:58 gary -> Maybe we should be worrying about this Dave: http://thetyee.ca/Mediacheck/2009/06/02/OhSoSlowCanada/
20:04:40 carolteach4 -> Also, we need more tools for the school. For example, in our school of 400 middle schoolers we barely have 4 school cameras.
20:05:08 carolteach4 -> Did you guys see my comment above?
20:05:32 gary -> @ Carol - common problem
20:05:54 gary -> Not all schools are equal - unfortunately
20:10:34 gary -> The Current has podcasts
20:11:01 PeggyG -> link for the Current?
20:11:24 gary -> The CBC is being restrained by budget of a conservative governement
20:11:47 carolteach4 -> One of Will Richardson's posts about the use of Twitter to get info out from Iran sparked a huge controversy in the comment to the blog.
20:11:54 gary -> http://www.cbc.ca/thecurrent/
20:12:22 PeggyG -> thanks Gary!
20:13:49 JL -> http://bloggingheads.tv/diavlogs/20520
20:14:32 gary -> Thanks again
20:14:36 dave -> tah tah
20:15:27 carolteach4 -> Here's the link to Richardson's blog:
20:15:32 carolteach4 -> http://weblogg-ed.com/2009/iranelections-why-we-all-need-to-be-editors-n...
20:16:10 carolteach4 -> Take a look. It's quite a raging controversy.
20:16:38 carolteach4 -> Here is something he posted today from the New York Times:
20:16:49 carolteach4 -> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/21/weekinreview/21cohenweb.html?_r=1
20:17:18 carolteach4 -> Hope someone picks these up. Night.

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