21st Century Learning #117b: Holiday Show!

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21st Century Learning #117bGift Wrap
December 15, 2009
Holiday Show...

A fast paced round up of year end gadgets that the ETT21 team is looking forward to doing/gifting/receiving over the holidays. 


* Photo Credit

<Chat Transcript>

 10:51:25  s adams -> -Earthbridges: any questions?
 14:01:28  VinnieV -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Jason
 14:01:44  jramsden (raventech) -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Vinnie.
 14:01:56  jramsden (raventech) -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Arvind: I just looked under my chair and nothing. What kind of holiday gift show is this? :-)
 14:02:58  jramsden (raventech) -> -EdTechTalk: With Vinnie in the Chicago area I thought this would have been more Oprah like...
 14:03:06  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: ha ha, wait for the big announce!
 14:03:15  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: you looked to early, we can't give it to you know
 14:03:21  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: hi all, getting ready to broadcast
 14:05:33  VinnieV -> -EdTechTalk: I can't wait for the big announce too
 14:05:42  Matt L -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all
 14:05:43  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: hi Matt
 14:05:56  VinnieV -> -EdTechTalk: But Oprah is not doing a big give away show this year. I guess its the economy
 14:06:14  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: Yeah, like she really gives anything away
 14:06:20  Matt L -> -EdTechTalk: Perfect timing for an Ed Tech Talk... needed to come up for air.
 14:06:25  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: :) :) :)
 14:06:49  Matt L -> -EdTechTalk: So long IRC!
 14:06:55  alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Folks.
 14:07:03  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: conversating
 14:09:51  Matt L -> -EdTechTalk: IRC worked well witha 900 baud modem.
 14:09:56  Matt L -> -EdTechTalk: Classic.
 14:10:15  VinnieV -> -EdTechTalk: IRC = old skool!
 14:10:52  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: ho ho ho how did you know
 14:10:55  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: I had a 300 baud modem! Back with my Mac 512k
 14:12:07  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: yea verily
 14:12:12  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: my wish list too
 14:12:55  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: More bandwidth: http://www.wave2wave.com/
 14:13:42  Matt L -> -EdTechTalk: Using W2W here - very happy.
 14:13:49  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: good to know
 14:14:06  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: did you see somebody hacked the nook? 
 14:14:23  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: cool, does it run Mac OS X, now?
 14:14:32  jramsden (raventech) -> -EdTechTalk: Santa's bringing us Metro-E (20Mb) in January! BTW..it's Megabit not MegaBytes...technically speaking :-)
 14:14:38  alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: http://delicious.com/alex.ragone/lens
 14:14:50  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: good call, Jason!
 14:14:56  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: @arvind android I think
 14:15:47  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: cool!
 14:16:06  wstites -> -EdTechTalk: What's the topic today .... sorry for coming in late, was just at Dalton
 14:16:34  jramsden (raventech) -> -EdTechTalk: Oh...I have a 4TB Buffalo Station networked at the house. It's web accessible!
 14:16:40  Matt L -> -EdTechTalk: Just got this Canon 50mm lens. Amazing and under $100. http://tinyurl.com/ydmrgnc
 14:16:43  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: Looking to buy my daughter a camera.  What should be on my wishlist?
 14:17:09  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: point and shoot or SLR, tellio?
 14:17:16  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: slr
 14:17:18  jramsden (raventech) -> -EdTechTalk: And it runs RAID5!
 14:18:24  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: oooh, SLR, ready for the price?
 14:18:41  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: @arvind 350-500 is my range
 14:18:49  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: my advice is always buy the cheapest possible SLR body, and the most expensive lenses you can buy
 14:18:53  jramsden (raventech) -> -EdTechTalk: What? A Mac crashed ;-) I'm Jason and Windows 7 was MY idea
 14:19:40  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: Sigma DP2: http://sigma-dp.com/DP2/
 14:19:48  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: @arvind and the preferred body in this price range?
 14:19:52  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: Leica D-Lux 4: http://en.leica-camera.com/photography/compact_cameras/d-lux_4/
 14:20:13  alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Epson -- http://www.retrevo.com/s/Epson-720p-Projectors-review-manual/id/6893ag90... and a WII http://wii.com/
 14:20:14  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: sweet slr
 14:20:34  Matt L -> -EdTechTalk: Happy with my iomega eGo HarDrive. FW 800  http://tinyurl.com/ydkbek3
 14:20:57  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: $300-500 will get used a used body to a possible low-end body from Nikon or Canon. No lens
 14:21:24  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: thanx, arvind
 14:21:38  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: B&H photo sells used gear - talk to them
 14:22:38  jramsden (raventech) -> -EdTechTalk: Buffalo Linkstation Quad: http://www.buffalotech.com/products/network-storage/linkstation/linkstat...
 14:22:57  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: I love B&H
 14:23:23  wstites -> -EdTechTalk: Happy Holidays everyone... look forward to hearing you in the New Year!
 14:23:29  Matt L -> -EdTechTalk: I'd be glad to take those LPs off your hand when your done converting!
 14:23:51  Matt L -> -EdTechTalk: Vinyl - never say die.
 14:24:03  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: Patagonia: http://www.patagonia.com/web/us/shop/luggage-wheeled-duffel-bags?k=1G-aq
 14:24:05  jramsden (raventech) -> -EdTechTalk: Wii - must have for soccer fans --&gt; FIFA 2010 and then there's DJ Hero for the musically inclined HipHop fans out there.
 14:24:16  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: Combine the lps with the networked storage--new jukebox
 14:24:31  alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: http://disney.go.com/index
 14:27:21  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: I teach english and I want a paper copy of the Oxford English Dictionary (the one volume one with the magnifying lens)
 14:28:18  jramsden (raventech) -> -EdTechTalk: Happy Holidays Guys! See you in 2010!
 14:28:30  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for being here, everyone!
 14:28:37  arvind -> -EdTechTalk: see you next year!
 14:28:41  Matt L -> -EdTechTalk: Happy holidays all.
 14:28:56  alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Happy Holidays!
 14:28:59  tellio -> -EdTechTalk: good luck toall
 20:39:46  csen -> -EdTechTalk: hello
 20:39:57  csen -> -EdTechTalk: have any body here?
 20:40:33  csen -> -EdTechTalk: help!!!